Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 18


Shen Juan was fined to copy Ohm's law a thousand times.

Lin Yujing has done all her homework correctly this week. She listens carefully in class, does not miss the quizzes in class, loves to study, is usually quiet and polite, and does not speak loudly. When she speaks out, Wang Dinosaur basically believes It's half done.

There is no reason for such a good boy to skip class!


There is only one possibility, she was dragged out by her deskmate.

Instead, it was Shen Juan, either sleeping or not coming to class, Wang Dinosaur didn't even have to think about it, and didn't run away.

Lin Yu blinked in surprise, lowered his head, his voice was low and pitiful, and he was even willing to admit his mistake: "But I did violate the classroom discipline and was late, Teacher Wang, don't be angry after I finish copying. "

Liu Fujiang happened to come out of the office and took a look at the door. Hearing this, he was so moved that he almost cried.

what a boy! Who said that the children in Class 10 are not easy to manage? With such role model students around, Liu Fujiang believed that one day sooner or later, the average score of Class 10 would no longer be the bottom one in the grade.

Wang Dinosaur: "Okay, then you don't have to copy it, Shen Juan, you copy it a thousand times."


Shen Juan raised his head: "?"

The indifferent gaze of school bullies is harmless to people's teachers of Wang Dinosaur's level and courage. Wang Dinosaur has taught so many students and has seen countless school bullies. Quite a few, Shen Juan is currently considered to be a relatively low-key school bully, and he will copy a multiple-choice question for his homework.

"Thousand times, what are you looking at?" Wang Dinosaur supported the triangular ruler and tapped on the edge of the podium: "You are studying at the same table with you, and you got full marks in the quiz in the last class. Take a look at you again. I didn’t even see your figure in the last class. It’s been a week since school started. How many times did you say I’ve seen you? Do you know what the formula of Ohm’s law is? No! I won’t ask you at the same table! I don’t believe it anymore, I think you can copy him a thousand times and still forget it for me?”


Shen Juan was really convinced.

In the afternoon, Liu Fujiang found Lin Yujing and told her about the dormitory.

No. 8 Middle School is rich and powerful, and other high school dormitories can be crammed no matter what. No. No. 8 Middle School is different. There are several buildings for male and female dormitories. In addition, there are many students in this city, and the number of students living on campus is limited, so they all sleep for two. There are still many rooms left.

Lin Yujing came late. The number of girls living in the class happened to be even. She shared a room by herself. She took a look at it between classes. The room was small but very clean. There were two beds and one desk. A small independent bathroom of a few square meters.

When he came back to class, Shen Juan was copying Ohm's law, a piece of paper was full of i=u/r, u=ir, r=u/i, saw her come in, glanced at her, his hands moved Didn't stop.

Shen Juan's English writing is also very good-looking, elegant and uninhibited, and tattoos, usually many people want to get tattoos in English. Thinking about it, I know that the words can't be ugly.

Lin Yujing was actually ashamed of him, and she also felt quite embarrassed, but if she copied this stuff five hundred times, she would rather be ashamed.

She sat down, cleared her throat, took out a lollipop from the belly of the table, and carefully placed it on Shen Juan's notebook.

Lin Yujing is now very grateful that she bought a lot of these lollipops when she coaxed Xu Ruyi.

Shen Juan paused and glanced down. Orange cellophane wrapped in sugar balls, which smelled like oranges.

He turned his head, and the little girl put her hands on her lap, looking at him eagerly, with a flattering expression.

Shen Juan put down the pen, slowly peeled off the candy wrapper, stuffed it into his mouth, and continued writing.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man sat there lazily, scribbling formulas under his hands, with a thin white stick in his mouth.

His movement of holding the pen is not standard, the thumb is clasped with the tip of the index finger, the knuckles are slightly protruding, and it is a little bluish white, and every time a line is written, there will be a small movement of lifting the finger and tilting the pen.

On a sunny afternoon, in a noisy recess classroom, a boy lazily writing with a lollipop in his mouth.

Lin Yu blinked in surprise, seeing something called youthfulness in Shen Juan for the first time.

She came back to her senses, cleared her throat and moved closer: "Student Shen, if you eat my candy, it means you forgive me. Let's get back together?"

Shen Juan glanced at her: "This shit." He bit the candy, and his voice was a little muffled: "I copied it for you five hundred times, and you just have a lollipop that has been stored for a week, and send the beggar? "

Lin Yujing was very polite, and quickly raised his hand: "Breakfast for three days."

Shen Juan didn't speak, and continued to write, the hard orange candy in his mouth was crushed, crunching.

Lin Yu was startled: "Five days!"

Shen Juan pulled out the bare lollipop stick, raised his hand and threw it casually, the small white stick flew over Wang Yiyang's head, and fell into the trash can next to the podium with a "click": "Okay."

Lin Yujing actually thought it didn't matter, because Shen Juan wouldn't come to class in the morning no matter how many days the breakfast was served.

As a result, this person not only came, but also came for a week.

For this breakfast, Boss Shen showed up at the door of the class on time at 7:30 in the morning, regardless of the weather, and Li Lin often copied half of his homework. He had already walked over, and the shadow was shrouded. expressive face.

So it came to Friday, Li Lin was almost frightened and lost his mind, but every day he saw the boss sitting there leaning against the wall, with a sweet soy milk in his mouth, and two hot yolks on the table When packing, he felt amazing again.

One week later, on Friday, Wang Dinosaur finally remembered that he punished Shen Juan for copying Ohm's law a thousand times. The reason was that classmate Shen fell asleep in his class.

Shen Juan is usually very absorbed when he sleeps, lying on the table with his face facing the wall, quietly and silently, no matter how loud the teacher's speech on the podium is, he can't pull him out of the sleepy embrace, and generally no one calls He can sleep all morning.

Eat a meal at noon, listen to lectures like sleepwalking in the afternoon, and after school, I live a very comfortable life.

From the beginning of school to now, the teachers of all subjects have gotten used to it. It's good to be quiet and not disturb the classroom order. The teachers usually don't care about his sleeping, but Liu Fujiang is still persistent.

Mr. Liu has been teaching for decades, and he was the class teacher for the first time. He firmly believed that he could bring out a class of Tsinghua University students and never give up on any student. As soon as Shen Juan fell asleep, he would stand in front of his desk with his hands behind his back, his voice Kind, unhurried, even very light, as if afraid to scare him: "Shen tired."

"Student Shen Juan."

"Shen tired."

"Shen Juana, get up, don't sleep."

"Shen tired?"

- When to call out and when to finish counting.

Besides him, there is only one King Dinosaur left.

Wang Dinosaur and Liu Fujiang are simply positive and negative. The two complement each other very well. Wang Dinosaur speaks fast and has a hot temper. You never know when he will suddenly lose his temper.

"By the way, I read all your homework yesterday." Wang Dinosaur was halfway through his lecture, and suddenly turned around while holding the chalk, "I won't say much about the circuit diagrams that look like shit. The monthly exam is coming soon, you guys?" If you draw like this during the exam, I will deduct all points for you. Do you have a ruler? Do you have any? If you have any, you will draw for me tomorrow. If you don’t have a ruler, you can ask me and I will buy it for you. Parallel circuit—is such that there is more than one, mutually independent path for current flow between circuit elements constituting a parallel connection—”

Wang Dinosaur paused, his eyes fell on the black head in the corner by the wall in the first row, and he casually took a piece of chalk from the blackboard slot and threw it over.

The tip of the chalk hit the sleeve of the boy's school uniform, and there was a soft "snap". For five seconds, Shen Juan remained motionless.

There was silence in the classroom, and everyone's eyes followed.

Wang Dinosaur held the piece of chalk in his hand, rattled, snapped off four or five sections, narrowed one eye, Dapeng swung his arm like spreading his wings, he was small, he seemed to be less than 1.7 meters tall, It fluttered like an old hen with wings. The old hen flicked her arm, and threw four pieces of chalk towards Shen Juan one after another.

His exaggerated preparations were not in vain, and he threw it quite accurately. After being hit four times, Shen Juan finally raised his head slowly: "Huh?"

"Huh? What are you huh?" Wang Dinosaur stood by the podium and stared, "Shen Juan, I found that you have a personality. Your deskmate sang you a lullaby next to you, and you slept like you were on your own bed. Ohm's law copied a thousand times and lost memory? Tell me, what is i equal to?!"

Lin Yujing quietly pulled out the few sheets of paper that he had copied a thousand times from a pile of textbooks, and silently put them on his desk.

But Brother Society was too confident, he didn't even look at it, he frowned, squinted, the corners of his eyes were red, and he looked obviously not awake, Lin Yujing even felt that he was not listening to Wang Dinosaur's question at all. something happened.

Shen Juan straightened up slowly, leaned back and slumped in the chair, his voice was hoarse and low, full of sleepiness: "3.1415926?"

King Dinosaur: "..."

The whole class: "..."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Lin Yujing put down her pen, sincerely wanting to applaud her excellent tablemate.

People also know the ratio of pi! ! !

What more bike do you need? ! ! ! !

How good my deskmate is!

As a result of the release, Shen Juan was fined a thousand times of Ohm's law. Before the get out of class ended, Wang Dinosaur reminded them seriously that the monthly exam was coming soon. With their current learning status, they couldn't even score 30 points in the exam.

When he said this, he took a special look at Shen Juan, with a sad expression on his face.

Shen Juan didn't know anything about it, and lazily hunched over and copied Ohm's law.

Lin Yu was startled and worried. When the get out of class bell rang, she leaned over, sincerely curious: "You copied Ohm's Law a thousand times and still haven't memorized it?"

Shen Juan yawned: "I didn't hear what he asked clearly."

Lin Yu startled and said, brother, you are too good at bragging, you can still tell pi if you haven't heard clearly? Does physics have 3.1415926

"Okay," she said dryly, "Then are you okay, there is another week for the monthly exam."

Shen Juan didn't stop writing, with a calm expression, and a calm and indifferent self-confidence exuded in every gesture: "I can do physics."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

That's what you said in English too.

Lin Yujing still owed him a return receipt. After thinking about it, she knocked on the table and suddenly said, "Can you give me a mobile phone number, or add a QQ WeChat or something?"

Shen Juan stopped writing, looked up at her, didn't say anything, just took out the phone and handed it to her.

His phone was unlocked, and he didn't need a password. When he opened it, he saw a clean desktop. Lin Yujing added his friend and returned the phone to him, but Shen Juan didn't look at it.

The afternoon classes were all over, and there was only one self-study period left. Lin Yujing used the self-study period to write out the math and physics homework. After finishing the last problem, school just ended.

The last bell for get out of class dismissal on Friday was so exciting. By the time she finished sorting out the papers, almost everyone in the classroom had already left. Shen Juan didn't even attend the self-study class, and everyone had already left.

Lin Yu glanced at the physics book he had spread out on the table in surprise, took it over and flipped through it casually, it was clean, except for the signature on the first page, there was nothing there.

Favor is a thing that has long since passed away, and the more it accumulates, the more troublesome it becomes.

Shen Juan took a self-study class and went back to the studio, finalized the final drawing with the client who made the full back, and made appointments one by one. It was already after 7 o'clock in the evening when everything was over, and I didn't even bother to eat dinner. Started to continue to sleep.

During this period of time, he only slept for an average of three hours a day. Luo Qinghe's tattoo studio has been open for many years, and he is actually quite well-known in the industry. Can't let it fall.

It has changed from Luo Qinghe's belief in the past to Shen Juan's responsibility now.

After a comfortable sleep, I opened my eyes again and the night fell, the phone vibrated twice on the coffee table, and then returned to silence.

Shen Juan slowed down for a while, raised his hand to touch the phone, his eyes soaked in the dark night for a long time suddenly looked at the screen of the phone a bit blurry, he squinted his eyes, and saw the words on the screen clearly after adapting to the light.

A message sent a minute ago at 2:30 in the morning.

Shen Juan looked over at the first glance and almost thought that someone sent him a small pornographic advertisement——

Weekends and weekends

A person's midnight loneliness is unbearable

more passion

Kobayashi teaches you physics

Followed by two attachments, a text document, a ppt format.


——From, a warm-hearted Xiaolin who did not want to be named.

Shen Juan: "..."

The author has something to say:

Lin Yujing: I am a low-key person. I never leave my name when I do good deeds.