Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 33


When Lin Yujing said this, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Can outsiders enter the sports meeting

Yes, school uniform is required.

Can I borrow your school uniform

Logically, there's nothing wrong with that.

But when Shen Juan asked this question, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

For some reason, Lin Yu thought of a scumbag in a panic, and his girlfriend accused him tearfully: "You love liar! Am I treating you badly? I work hard every day to make money, and you actually earn money from me. Spend the money on other women! Break up!"

Lin Yujing was frightened by the picture he had imagined in his mind. He opened his mouth and remained silent for a long time.

Shen Juan didn't seem to intend to let her go. He moved a little closer, put his elbows on his legs, and looked at her from the bottom up: "Huh? Is that what you mean?"

He also came very early today, and the self-study time had not yet started. Only half of the people in the classroom came, and most of them were at their desks scrambling to make up their homework.

Shen Juan has a very clean smell. When the two of them talked close together, Lin Yujing could smell it. Lin Yujing once guessed whether it was his shower gel or laundry detergent, but now she knew it was shampoo. .

Because she took a shower at his house yesterday and used his shampoo and body wash, and now her hair smells like that too.

The forest-flavored shampoo was mixed with some indescribable smell that belonged to him.

He smokes, and there is a little bit of tobacco smell on his body, but it is very light, and he should not be addicted.

Shen Juan still kept within a safe distance, at least compared to last night when the tip of their noses almost collided with each other, and their breaths intertwined, this distance can be said to be too safe now, the two of them usually whisper in class The distance is closer than this.

But for the first time, when Lin Yujing watched him approaching a little bit, and stared straight at her with raised eyes, he felt a sense of oppression for no reason.

There was also a slight illusion of being seduced.

Lin Yu cleared her throat in surprise, "If you don't give it, then don't give it, don't be so stingy." She looked away as she spoke, feeling like Liu Xiahui, who was sitting still.

She turned her head and looked at Li Lin, who was struggling bravely with writing and math homework, "Li Lin—"

Li Lin didn't have time to look up, so he responded casually: "Ah? What are you doing?"

Before Lin Yujing could speak, Shen Juan let out an uneasy "tsk", and he raised his hand to press on top of her head, turning her head to make her look at him: "I didn't say no, you find What are others doing?"

Lin Yu was startled by him shaking his head, and blinked: "I thought you didn't want to."

There are many problems with handsome guys, but Lin Yujing can understand it better.

"I don't really want to," Shen Juan said lazily, "but if you beg me, call me twice, and I'll give it to you?"

The tone of his ending was raised slightly, with a little bit of sloppiness, and his voice was low and entangled, making people's ears numb and starting to heat up.


Lin Yu swallowed in shock, and subconsciously dodged back for a while, feeling that his heart rate seemed to be a little too fast, and he jumped up and down with "bang bang bang bang" as if he was much happier than usual.

She and Shen Juan are quite familiar now, and they have been together for two months. After all, they are at the same table, get along day and night, and sometimes have some physical contact, but this is the first time that they have such a clear sense of abnormality.

What is the reason

Is it because she started last night and discovered that Shen Juan's hue is actually very attractive

Subconsciously, she raised her hand and touched her ear, which seemed to be a little hot, and found that it was not an illusion.

No, where did your handsome shielding system go

She was a little annoyed, she silently scolded herself for being worthless, and hastily covered her ears, hiding any clues before Shen Juan found out.

Lin Yu was startled and felt that her reaction was like an ignorant fool who had been molested by a veteran in love.

Shen Juan finally lent her a school uniform jacket.

Eighth Middle School usually issued two sets of school uniforms, which are convenient for changing and washing. Shen Juan took a year off from school. He originally wore the school uniforms of the third year of high school, but later went to get two sets of school uniforms of the second year of high school, so there were two extra school uniforms.

On the day he brought the school uniform to Lin Yujing, Cheng Yicai sent her another message: [Baby girl, father and son Lu Jiaheng are going together.]

The relationship between Lin Yujing and Lu Jiaheng cannot be said to be bad, but there is no room for two tigers. Lin Yujing has a character that will never give in no matter what gender the other party is. Lu Jiaheng doesn't care if you are a man or a woman, or Lin Yujing Not a woman at all, he has always been very gentle with girls.

The two have been fighting for the throne of the child king for several years, and no one knows why the relationship between these two people has become stronger and stronger in the end after beating each other.

Cheng Yi is the weed in the wall between the two of them, making up for what can't be done, forming an unshakable iron triangle.

Lin Yujing replied ruthlessly with three words: [Let him go.]

After answering, she turned her head to look at Shen Juan again, staring at him for a long time without moving.

Shen Juan was standing the chemistry book on the table. He was lying on his stomach, so lazy that he looked like he was going to fall asleep in the next second. People wondered if he was reading the book. He noticed Lin Yujing's gaze and turned his head. .

"What's wrong?" Shen Juan asked.

Lin Yujing still looked at him, his fox eyes blinked, his long eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes were soft.

Shen Juan also found out his experience. Normally, she showed this kind of expression because she was flattering him, so there was something wrong.

It's still the kind of thing that she thinks will make him uncomfortable, so she has to give in first and coax him.

Sure enough, the next second—

"Your other high school uniform, can you lend me it too?" Lin Yujing said, "I still have a friend..."


With a "pop", the chemistry book on Shen Juan's desk fell down.

He straightened up without any expression, and asked, "How many friends do you have?"

"No more," Lin Yujing swore, "I'm just two friends."

Shen Juan still nodded calmly, his dark eyes could not distinguish between emotions and anger.

When he didn't speak, Lin Yu leaned over in surprise, and said, "Now you're still here."

Shen Juan finally reacted, his eyelashes moved slightly, and he raised his eyes.

For some reason, Lin Yu was startled to feel that he didn't seem very happy at this glance.

She was even touched.

I take you as a brother! !

I! Lin Yujing, who had been with Cheng Yi and Lu Jiaheng for two years before making friends! I've only known you for two months and I'm already so close!

How rapid is this progress

If things go on like this, will all the houses in the school district for high school graduates be booked

Stop, okay, it's okay, stop, are you starting to covet your classmate's beauty again

Lin Yu was startled and felt that his thoughts had strayed a little far, so he spurned himself a bit, and leaned forward: "Student Shen? Okay?"

He looked at her for a long while.

"Okay." Shen Juan said.

Cheng Yi said they were coming, Lin Yujing was looking forward to it.

Although she has been in city A for two months, she still has no sense of belonging. In this strange environment, old acquaintances will bring a great sense of security and comfort.

Unknowingly, on Thursday, Liu Fujiang found Lin Yujing a few days in advance and asked her to raise the placard.

In every class sports meeting, there will be a girl to hold the class badge. There are fewer girls in class 10 than boys.

She didn't have much enthusiasm for standing at the front of the line and enjoying the attention of the whole school.

The sports meeting usually starts in the morning, and the opening ceremony is in the early morning, which is earlier than the usual class time.

But the campus life is boring, and the sports meeting, which lasts for two days without going to class or reading, just plays a few games makes everyone very excited, enough to resist the reluctance brought about by getting up early, even the few who are late for class every day. The little overlords standing in the corridor were all enthusiastic.

The sports committee said that at 6:30, everyone assembled on the playground, except for a few who were crying and unable to get up, everyone basically had no objection.

Cheng Yi pulled Lu Jiaheng to the student union to find an acquaintance to write two leave notes, and after confirming the exact time with Lin Yujing again and again, he went to book a plane ticket.

Cheng Yi said that they took the plane that morning and should arrive here at noon, and said that they would call her then and ask her to pick them up at the school gate.

Surprised by him, Lin Yu went to the sports field on Thursday morning and found the seat of their class.

She lives on campus, so she thought she was already early, but when she arrived, half of the class was already there. Song Zhiming got a big red drum from somewhere, and put it in front of their class. on the table.

A large banner with yellow letters on a red background was hung on the railing, and the slogan was the queue slogan of their class.

—Tiger in the mountains! Flood dragon in the water! Class 20! Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Two wins one.

This slogan was also thought up by Li Lin. It gave full play to his talent when he published a newspaper and wrote "Drink chrysanthemum tea, clear away heat and detoxify and reduce fire". Lin Yujing didn't accept it at first, but then he saw Song Zhiming raised hand, read aloud and with satisfaction what he had written.

—The years of burning passion! No one in class ten can surpass it!

After Song Zhiming read it aloud, he asked confidently, "How is it? Isn't it very youthful?"


Lin Yujing went to find Liu Fujiang without saying a word, and took the initiative to take on the task of holding the class sign.

Because those who hold the cards can just walk in front of them with a blank face while holding the class cards, and there is no need to read these mentally retarded slogans.

Song Zhiming stood in front of the drum with two sticks, and started beating thud-thump-thump. It was very exciting, and overwhelmed the other classes' ideas of clapping boards and mineral water bottles filled with beans.

Song Zhiming saw her and said hello to her: "Do you think I have the temperament of a drummer in a rock band?"

As he spoke, he knocked on a drumbeat that sounded hurried.

Lin Yu was amused by him, and stood at the top of the stairs with the tenth class card in his hand, laughing, when a girl's voice came from behind, annoyed: "Let me go, please?"

She quickly turned to the side, turned her head and said sorry, the girl gave her a blank look, brushed her shoulder, and bumped her.

Lin Yujing vaguely remembered her name as Hui, the representative of the literature and art class. The two of them should have never talked before this. Lin Yujing didn't quite understand where her hostility came from.

Song Zhiming also saw it, and when the girl walked up, he ran over: "Hey, are you okay?"

Lin Yu shook his head in shock: "It's okay, what's her name?"

Song Zhiming was amused by the railing, and said in a low voice, "Wen Zihui, no, she almost stared at you the past two days, you don't even remember your name?"

"I'm sitting in the first row, how do I know she's looking at me?" Lin Yujing said innocently, "Why is she staring at me?"

Song Zhiming tapped the class card in her hand: "Because of this, sister, when you didn't come, Wen Zihui was a small class flower, and she also played the class card in the sports meeting last year, but as soon as you came, you became you."

The task of holding a placard is usually performed by the prettiest boy in the whole class, in other words, it is the job of the class flower who has knocked the official seal.

Song Zhiming continued: "Tell me, wearing a skirt to show off to the audience or standing silently in the phalanx, which one is more showy? It's a rare day when you don't have to wear school uniforms, and pretty girls want to show off their legs."


Lin Yu was startled and felt that it was really hard to guess the minds of girls of the same age. He didn't understand what was so good about it. Did Wu Yanzu or Kaneshiro Takeshi look at them in No. 8 Middle School

The opening ceremony started at 7 o'clock. All classes had to stand on the playground in front of the rostrum. First, they walked around with signs and slogans, and then went in and stood up. Each class sat on the ground, listening to the speech of the host, and the representatives of sports students. Speeches, the principal made a speech, the flag raising ceremony at 7:30, and then the official start.

Shen Juan came at 7:20, the timing was very precise, he just escaped the shameful phalanx and did not miss the flag-raising ceremony.

When he arrived, the principal was speaking. In the entire stadium, there were only people on the playground in the middle. There were dense square formations, and the principal stood on it and sprayed spittle passionately.

The boy lazily came in from door No. 3, stood at the door and scanned around.

Shen Juan was going to look for the class card, but unexpectedly, he saw Lin Yujing standing at the front of the line at first sight.

The girls holding placards in each class wear white shirts and red skirts issued by the school uniformly, white sneakers, and their hair is tied into high ponytails.

What's more abnormal is that you can't wear socks, because the colors must be uniform.

There is a row of boys and a row of girls in the sports meeting queue. The girls in charge of playing cards in each class stand alone in front. Their skirts reach an inch above their knees. The girls show their thin and white legs. They look very pleasing to the eye at a glance. .

Shen Juan walked across the empty orange-red runway under everyone's gaze, ignored Liu Fujiang's order to urge him to run two steps quickly, approached slowly, and saw Lin Yujing standing motionless with the class sign in his hand stand in front.

It's just that the whole body is shaking.

It was past seven in the morning at the end of October and the beginning of November, and it was very cold outside, and the wind was damp and chilly, scrambling to drill into the bones.

Lin Yujing wasn't quite used to the shade here, Shen Juan saw her toes move slightly, her knees rubbed against the inside, and her neck shrank.

He didn't make a sound, and silently walked to the last row of the line and stood there.

After half an hour, the flag-raising ceremony was finally over, and the classes returned to their respective positions. As soon as Lin Yu went under the stage, he immediately huddled into a ball and stamped his feet.

The class card is also a bit heavy, and her arms are a little sore. She went to the last row on the stage, put the class card on the empty space in the last row of the next step, and tied it with a nylon rope to prevent it from falling down. Then she turned around Go back down.

She wanted to go back to her place and put on her school uniform.

She didn't bring the school uniform and trousers that she wanted to change into. She didn't go to the sports meeting in the attached high school in the first year of high school, and she didn't expect this situation. She only stuffed two school uniforms borrowed from Shen Juan in her schoolbag.

She was going to put on her school uniform for the whole morning, and then go back to the dormitory to change during the lunch break.

She walked in a hurry, looking down at the road with her head down, and went down two steps. Many classmates sitting on the top were still going up, and Lin Yujing walked close to the edge.

As a result, Wen Zihui, who was walking head-on, suddenly stopped, and turned to her side without warning, blocking her.

Lin Yu was startled and had already stepped down with one foot. When he raised his eyes and saw that he was about to bump into someone, he hurriedly turned his foot to the side.

There was a bottle of grape soda poured down next to it, which should belong to the student sitting on the outermost side. Lin Yujing had already reacted quickly and changed his footing, but couldn't react anymore, and stepped on the round plastic bottle.

She slipped, and the right half of her body hit the girl hard, her body was completely unbalanced, and she fell backwards when she was on her back. When she reacted, she raised her hand to support the ground as a buffer, and just like that, she still fell to the ground, falling two times. order.

Lin Yu could feel the edges of the concrete steps being rubbed heavily from his ankles, and he could vaguely hear a "stab", like the sound of fabric being cut.

She didn't make a sound, but Wen Zihui screamed, which startled Lin Yu.

She frightened back the exclamation that almost overflowed from her throat.

When Lin Yujing just fell to the ground, most of the force was put on her hands. At this time, her wrists were numb from the shock, and her hands and hands were so painful that she couldn't feel it. She endured the pain and tried to stand up. tingling.

Someone was talking next to her, and Wen Zihui's cry was long and sharp, as if someone had come to her senses and asked her if she was okay.

A mess of voices mixed together, noisy and noisy.

With burning pain from the middle of the calf to the ankle, Lin Yu sat on the ground in shock. The red skirt on his body was lifted up, and the skirt fell on the middle and upper thighs to the heels of the legs, revealing a large area of white and smooth skin exposed to the cold morning air.

In the next second, a large school uniform jacket was buttoned down overwhelmingly, completely blocking her.

Then, someone squatted in front of her, grabbed the ends of the school uniform to cover her from the front, and gently scratched her forehead with her chin.

Lin Yu raised his head in surprise, and saw Shen Juan's sharp Adam's apple close at hand.

A hint of tobacco lingers on the nose.

He must have gone to smoke secretly just now, Lin Yu wondered.