Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 43


Lin Yujing didn't know whether her ears and head were red or not, she just wanted Shen Juan to know why the flowers were so red.

This feeling of embarrassment turned into anger was unprecedentedly strong, accompanied by a series of abnormal stress reactions such as dyspnea, stiff limbs, empty mind, numbness and weakness on one side of the body, and a heartbeat of one hundred and seventy beats per minute. .

Lin Yu came back to his senses in shock, and rubbed his body back, trying to make himself look as if nothing had happened: "Did you touch the girl's ear just now?"

"I'm helping you," Shen Juan said seriously, "Let your red ears out to dry, blowing the cold wind will make you more awake."

"I don't need to blow cold air to keep me awake, and my ears aren't red." Lin Yu stared at him in shock, seeing his hair blowing a little. "In ancient times, your behavior was called destroying my innocence, calling it a hooligan, and you were going to be soaked in pigs." Do you know the cage?"

Shen Juan leaned back slowly: "The punishment for soaking in a pig cage is the crime of adultery, and cheating must be the mutual consent of both men and women."

Lin Yujing's sensitive little spark was instantly ignited by the word cheating, and he stared at him in disbelief: "Bah!"

She lost control of her voice, the English teacher turned around and gave her a look of infinite kindness.

Lin Yujing hurriedly turned his head, pretending to read an English book.

The English teacher smiled, only paused, then looked away, and began to speak to them.

Lin Yu's ears were red with shock, and even the skin at the base of the ears looked a little red. He lay on the table, buried deeply in his arms from nose to chin.

After a pause, she raised her hands again, and frantically pulled off the broken hair that had just been pinned behind her ears, covered her ears, and lay down again, hiding the lower half of her face tightly.

If it wasn't because she was in class, she might have buried her head completely.

The English teacher finally looked away, turned and walked up to the podium.

Shen Juan stretched his long legs forward, stepped on the horizontal bar of the table, slumped on the seat, looked at her and smiled.

The papers for the mid-term exam were graded a little slower than the monthly exams, and the grades were only released on Tuesday afternoon. This is the progress that it is said that the teachers took the papers home for grades on weekends.

When Liu Fujiang came in, he was still beaming, but he was like this every day. When Li Lin and the others got back the relay race award on the second day of the sports meeting, it was said that Liu Fujiang was so excited that he almost cried with joy. He felt that the all-round development of this group of children was very good. , happier than Lin Yujing and Shen Juanyue who scored 700 points in the exam.

In the last class meeting, Liu Fujiang walked in with the roster, stood in front of the podium, and said happily: "This mid-term exam, there are two people in our class who are in the top 50 grades."

In an instant, the gazes of the forty or so heads in the entire class swept over in unison.

Liu Fujiang also paused, as if to give everyone time to look up to Xueba.

Lin Yujing has never felt that the gaze of others is so anxious.

Liu Fujiang looked at them with a smile for ten seconds, and finally said slowly: "You may be curious about who they are, these two students are Lin Yujing and Shen Juan, they are role models for all the students in our class, everyone, let's go applause one."

All the tenth class cooperated with him very much, raised their hands and applauded.

The momentum is like a rainbow, very loud, like playing castanets, crackling, crackling.

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Shen Juan: "..."

Liu Fujiang looked very satisfied, and when the applause died down, he said: "The questions in this exam are more difficult than those in the monthly exam. In addition, half a semester has passed, and there are more and more complicated knowledge points. This time in the school year, there is no one with a score of 700 or above, and Shen Juan has a score of 694, and is still the first in the grade, come on, applause."

There was another burst of loud applause, which even sounded more enthusiastic than before.

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Shen Juan: "..."

Shen Juan paused for two seconds, then turned to look at her.

Liu Fujiang continued: "Student Lin Yujing, with 692 points, ranked second in the grade with a difference of two points. Very good, applause."

Li Lin's palm was almost smashed, and he patted the corner of the table excitedly behind her: "Sister Lin, you are strong!"

Lin Yujing was completely expressionless.

Two more fucking points.

Is this some evil fate

Or what is the curse from the Arabic numeral 2

Did Shen Juan do it on purpose

How could he be so accurate

Lin Yu was shocked that in his entire life, he didn't want to see 2, two, or two, two, and so on, which represented two units.

For the entire class meeting that followed, Lin Yujing didn't want to say a word. She even felt that this scene seemed familiar, very familiar, as if she had experienced it before, and she was two points lower than Shen Juan. .

Shen Juan didn't say anything until after class, he raised his hand and gently poked her arm with his index finger.

Lin Yu stood up in a daze, made room for him, and stood by the table in the aisle, waiting for him to go out.

Shen Juan stood up and walked out of the classroom door.

Lin Yu sat back in a daze again.

Three seconds later, Shen Juan reappeared at the door of the classroom, looking down at her: "Lin Yujing."

Lin Yu raised his head in surprise.

Shen Juan lifted his chin slightly: "Come out."

Lin Yujing sat there motionless, looking at him indifferently.

Shen Juan sighed: "Are you stupid?"

Lin Yu replied in shock, "You're just stupid."

Shen Juan: "Talk?"

"Student Shen, don't you realize that I don't want to say a word to you now?" Lin Yujing said slowly, "I never knew what it was like to hate to the bone, but now I know, thank you."

Shen Juan smiled angrily, took two steps forward and came in, supported her by the table and leaned over, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want to come out by yourself, I don't mind playing a hooligan again, such as taking you out .”

He seemed to be a little low-pressure, with deep black eyes and a sense of oppression. When the first half of the sentence came out, Lin Yujing looked at this posture and almost thought he was going to fight.

As a result, the second half of the sentence was embraced.

Lin Yu opened his mouth in shock, and subconsciously looked around.

They just started evening self-study after the mid-term exam in the previous cycle, so the last class is over and they don't leave school. There is a half-hour break in the middle, and then they come back to self-study.

Half of the class had gone to dinner, and Li Lin and the others ran to the last row to discuss the basketball game. The class leaders next to them were gnawing on pies while making test papers, and didn't look here.

Lin Yu cleared his throat in shock, got up and walked out with him.

There is no need for evening self-study in the first year of senior high school, and school is already over, and the first year of senior high school students with schoolbags on their backs can be seen walking out one after another on campus.

Lin Yu went to the window at the end of the corridor in shock, leaned his back against the window sill, did not speak, and waited for the other party to speak first.

Shen Juan leaned against the wall and stood opposite, the light in the corridor was yellow, slightly darker than that in the classroom, the two looked at each other for a while, Shen Juan frowned: "I know you care about this, but I… "

"Don't you care?" Lin Yu asked in surprise.

"What, grades?" Shen Juan said lightly, "It's okay."

Lin Yu nodded in surprise, "Did you answer two wrong questions on purpose in this midterm exam?"

Shen Juan didn't even think about it: "No."

"Look!" Lin Yu patted the cold marble on the window sill in shock, "Are you still ashamed to say no? You must have racked your brains to win me."

Shen Juan: "..."

Lin Yu rubbed his painful palms in shock, lowered his head, and suddenly sighed.

"Student Shen, I am willing to gamble and admit defeat," Lin Yujing said with a sad expression, "You are indeed two points higher than me this time. We have agreed before that whoever has the higher points wins. I will give you the scholarship."

Her attitude changed suddenly, and Shen Juan raised her eyebrows.

Lin Yujing continued: "But there is something I want to discuss with you."

Shen Juan said calmly, "Well, tell me."

"When you get the first prize certificate and scholarship, can you let me touch it?" Lin Yujing asked cautiously.


Shen Juan didn't speak, and couldn't understand what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

But this does not affect Lin Yujing's performance, she has already entered the play.

The girl stood obediently in front of the window. The warm orange light at dusk came in through the glass window in the corridor, covering her with a circle of thin down. She looked at him quietly.

Her original appearance was non-aggressive and very harmless. In Jiang Han's words, the first impression she gave was that she was a little fairy who hadn't experienced much in the world.

The little fairy lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes were pressed down tightly, the emotions in her eyes were completely hidden, and her voice was very soft: "Student Shen, let me tell you the truth, I am actually from the village, my hometown In Lianhua Village, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. They are very poor and feed pigs every day. I really feel lucky to be able to come to this big city to study. I have never won a scholarship, especially so many money, so I just want to touch it... "

Lin Yujing sniffed lightly: "By the way, I haven't told you my real name yet. My name is Lin Cuihua."


Shen Juan was silent for at least ten seconds, leaning against the wall and staring at her motionlessly. Just when Lin Yujing almost couldn't help raising his head, he said, "Just touch it?"

Lin Yu didn't look up in shock, but nodded silently.

"Okay," Shen Juan said, "It's okay, I'll let you touch it when the time comes."


Lin Yu was startled:

Lin Yujing stopped sniffling for a moment, raised his head, and looked at him expressionlessly: "Shen Juan, do you have no sympathy at all?"

"Sympathy, sigh and sympathy, I'll just say I look familiar to you." Shen Juan said.

Lin Yu didn't react in shock: "What?"

"How long have you lived in Lianhua Village?" Shen Juan asked.

Lin Yujing always felt that this person was setting her up, so she didn't say anything.

Shen Juan pursed his lips, and said lazily: "Next to your Lotus Village, there is a Lotus Leaf Village, you know."


I know shit.

Shen Juan: "You should know, maybe you have seen me, our village not only has to feed pigs, but also has to farm."


I really fucking believe it.

Lin Yu couldn't hold back her shock, she rolled her eyes and went out, before she had time to speak.

Shen Juan continued: "It's really not easy to go to the city to study. You know, I live alone in the studio now, and I have to earn my own living expenses."

Lin Yu was stunned.

Shen Juan finally added: "Shen Juan is not my real name either." He thought for half a second, "My name is Shen Tiezhu."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Lin Yujing was indeed not lying, her hometown was actually in the village after careful calculation.

Her respected father, Mr. Meng Weiguo, was the only young man in the history of his village who did not have to farm and feed pigs when he rode solo for thousands of miles and went all the way from the village to study in the imperial capital.

In the end, she got together with the only daughter of the chairman of a certain company in the imperial capital. She had a happy marriage and a successful career.

It's just that the good times don't last long.

As for Shen Juan, Lin Yujing originally thought that he was just talking nonsense, but when she heard the sentence "I live alone in the studio now, I have to earn my own living expenses", she was a little shaken.

Because this should be true.

This is what she saw with her own eyes, something that Shen Juan mentioned to her inadvertently before.

Lin Yu was startled and felt that what he said was probably half true or false, needless to say about the iron pillars in Heye Village, any fool would know it was false.

I think you look familiar, have we met at the entrance of the village before? Lin Yujing didn't even bother to talk about such things.

But he may be true, the economic conditions are relatively average, and he needs to earn living expenses for studying by himself.

Then this scholarship is indeed more important to him, Lin Yujing doesn't need this money, Lin Zhi's monthly living allowance for her is this scholarship multiplied by ten.

Lin Yu was startled to be at a loss.

Either forget it, and it was indeed she who lost, and she didn't pass the exam.

Lin Yujing lay on the bed, and whispered to himself: "Lin Yujing, what's the matter with you? Did you secretly score lower than him in the exam because you like him?"

She paused, covered her face with one hand, and sighed: "It's a fart, am I sick?"

The next week, the first round of the basketball game officially began. Regardless of the arts and sciences, the opponents were selected by drawing lots in random order for the preliminaries.

The preliminaries are based on a knockout mechanism. Which of the two classes wins and which class advances, and the loser is eliminated directly. The last basketball game in your high school career will have nothing to do with you. Bye bye your youth.

The tenth class all team has enough five starters and two substitutes, a total of seven players. After all, there are so many boys. In fact, everyone can play more or less well, that is, the ones who play well, and the ones who play better. difference.

The day before the competition, the sports committee went to the sports group to draw lots, and when they came back, they looked pale.

Song Zhiming walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Old Yu, how are you doing?"

"It's not good," Yu Pengfei said weakly, "Class Seven."

Song Zhiming: "...Damn it, how fucking lucky are you? How many times have I told you that you must remember to wash your hands next time you go to the toilet."

"I didn't wash my ass," Yu Pengfei roared angrily, "As soon as I entered the sports group, the sports committee of the seventh class hooked my neck and said that I would not draw lots. If I want to compare with our class, there is an agreement between the two classes that I must abide by." Crackling, the bastard has been talking for ten minutes without stopping, what kind of close relationship does he have with Lao Jiang."

Song Zhiming: "The physical education teacher agreed?"

"I agree," Yu Pengfei said weakly, "Then the teacher likes to watch the excitement, and it's not like you don't know it, so I agreed without saying a word."

Song Zhiming didn't give up: "The other classes don't have any objections?"

Yu Pengfei looked at him: "Old Song, are you out of your mind? Class 7 is so strong, and the other classes can't wait to meet them again in the finals. What's your opinion?"

They circled around Li Lin, everyone looked desperate, and Lin Yujing was a little amused: "Why are you so mournful? Isn't our class already made up of five people, and it's not certain that we will lose."

Song Zhiming looked at her with a difficult expression: "Boss Lin, why do you think that as long as we can gather five people, we may not necessarily lose."

Lin Yu snapped his fingers in shock: "You, the sports committee, Wang Yiyang, aren't the three of you all good players, and the tallest guy in our class, what's his name?"

"You can call him Lao Gao. Anyway, he is tall. We all call him that. It doesn't matter." Song Zhiming put his hand on Li Lin's shoulder next to him, "Do you know who our team's PG is?"

Li Lin shook his shoulders uncomfortably.

"Who is it?" Lin Yu asked in surprise.

"Li Lin."


"It's this guy who is 1.7 meters tall and can drink chrysanthemum tea. Every day someone throws thick soup into it. After searching for the real culprit for a whole semester and two months, I still haven't found out that I threw it all. Fool Li Lin." Song Zhiming said numbly, "Boss Lin, do you think there is still hope for our class with such a person playing point guard?"

Li Lin turned his head and looked at him blankly: "It turns out you were the one who threw it."

"Look for yourself, in the class that came to class ten with you before, is there another person besides me?" Song Zhiming said.

Li Lin sighed: "Forget it, I don't have the heart to argue with you now," he said brokenly, "Then what should I do? I'm already the highest level among these substitutes!"


Lin Yu was silent for two seconds, and asked, "Why don't you ask Shen Juan?"

When she said these words, everyone in the circle fell silent.

Song Zhiming subconsciously glanced at Shen Juan who was propping his head to read. They have been classmates with the boss for the past few months, and the biggest improvement is that they finally dared to come over to chat when he was around.

Song Zhiming's lips moved, and he mouthed silently to Lin Yu and said in surprise—don't dare.

Lin Yu nodded in surprise, gestured OK to him, tilted his head, turned around, and looked at Shen Juan.

After she finished what she just said, Shen Juan also raised his eyes and was looking at her.

After all, he was chatting next to him, and he also listened to some of it. It was impossible to pretend not to hear his name being mentioned.

Shen Juan looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

"Student Shen," Lin Yujing leaned sideways and asked with a very non-standard accent from City A, "Did you beat the basketball game?"

Without even thinking about it, Shen Juan spoke quickly: "Fadang."

Lin Yujing didn't understand: "Huh?"

"No." Shen Juan said.

The author has something to say:

Sisters, look forward to the large-scale Zhenxiang scene.

My name is Shen Tiezhu, what do you think

I think it looks good :D

Regarding the last question about the dialect, please don’t get too deep into it. Anyway, this city A with a full score of 750 in the college entrance examination is virtual: D