Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 6


In all fairness, although No. 8 Middle School is not a top-notch school in City A, it is considered to be on the tail of the important point, and it belongs to the ranks of schools where a large number of parents of students spend a lot of money trying to cram their children into it every year.

Moreover, this school is very rich, the library has an amazing collection of books, the student dormitory is built like a high-end apartment, and there is Italian food on the top floor of the canteen. and Malatang.

It is located in the inner ring but occupies an astonishingly large area, and No. 1 Middle School, which has a high enrollment rate, is not half as big as it.

Liu Fujiang does have the capital to be proud of, our school is big! Our school is still there! have! money!

And Lin Yujing had expected that an influential figure of Uncle Shen's level would be relatively famous in school. After all, he was still a social brother with such a face in his restless adolescence.

The question is, there are so many high schools in City A, why is he famous in Class 20 of No. 8 Middle School.

Lin Yu was startled and felt that sometimes it was impossible to believe in evil. She and Shen Juan were indeed destined. She came to this city for a week and saw this man three times, which was more than the number of times she met her brother who lived in the same house. many.

When she looked at him, Shen Juan also saw her.

The boy didn't seem to have much reaction, he only raised his eyebrows slightly, and returned to his very typical indifferent and sleepy look, staring at her with narrow eyes.






After watching for five seconds, Shen Juan yawned big at her.

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Am I hypnotic looking or what

She rolled her eyes and turned her head away, deciding to ignore this wonderful fate.

Liu Fujiang used to teach the third year at the north building, lived in seclusion every day, never cared about things other than lesson plans and classes, and didn't know much about the fighting and killing of young people on campus all day long.

He didn't know Shen Juan, he just saw that the boy was neatly dressed in school uniform and spoke slowly, which was quite likable.

He is also good-looking, tall and thin, and looks a bit lazy when he stands there with his hands down, but his back is as straight as a bamboo pole, straight, like a little man.

Just no backpack.

Um? No backpack

Liu Fujiang said: "It's late. On the first day of school, if you are two minutes late, you will be two minutes late. It's okay."

Shen Juan bowed: "Thank you teacher."

Liu Fujiang looked at him kindly: "Then what about your homework?"


Shen Juan was silent for two seconds: "I forgot to bring it."

Liu Fujiang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Brother, do you know what you said so that people can't pick it up

I made up an all-night homework and said I forgot to bring it. You are too real.

Lin Yujing didn't even know what expression to put on. If it was the hot-tempered homeroom teacher she was in the attached middle school, the two would have to fight.

Fortunately, Liu Fujiang is a Buddha character, and he is very willing to trust his classmates, saying that you will bring them tomorrow and let him find a seat to sit first. Shen Juan walked into the classroom and stood in front of the podium, and scanned around to find an empty seat.

Classes are divided into liberal arts and sciences in the sophomore year of high school, so now the students in a class are basically half and half. Four groups of six rows, a class of forty-eight people.

Shen Juan was the last one to come. Basically, the seats by the window and the back row were all taken up. Right in front of the podium were good students who love to learn. There was only one seat left in the first row next to the wall. There's another one across the aisle.

Shen Juan picked the one against the wall, walked over and looked down at the boy sitting outside, with a calm and polite voice: "Thank you, Rang."

Ever since Shen Juan came in, the group of Class 10 members who were still in full swing just now were like chicks whose throats were choked, without making a sound at all.

At this time, everyone's eyes followed, and they quietly paid attention to the big brother's entrance ceremony. Even Liu Fujiang was infected by this atmosphere, so he didn't say a word, and those memorable people and things in his teaching career were also gone. Don't talk about it, just watch it together.

Lin Yujing didn't know what was so interesting about it, but since everyone was watching, she might as well.

Then, she saw the boy sitting outside, under the gaze of everyone and Shen Juan, tremblingly took out his schoolbag from the belly of the table, grabbed the water bottle on the table, stood up and walked to The table next to the aisle was seated.

Lin Yu was startled:

Lin Yujing recalled for a moment, what Shen Juan said just now was indeed "Give me, thank you." Instead of "Go away, thank you."

So what kind of legend does this Shen Juan have in No. 8 Middle School that scares you so much that you don't even have the courage to sit at the same table with him

Shen Juan didn't respond, so he went in very calmly, and sat down in the first row against the wall.

In the whole class, Liu Fujiang was probably the only one who felt that there was nothing unusual. He turned his head very satisfied, glanced at Lin Yujing, and finally realized that she had been standing here for ten minutes, and said with a smile: "Okay." , then Lin Yujing, you should go back to your seat too."

Seeing Lin Yu nodded in surprise, Liu Fujiang continued: "Just sit like this for now. If there are students sitting in the back row who can't see you, you can come to me after class, and I will make some adjustments for you. Actually, I don't like to give up You change seats, because many times, the choices in your life are often very wonderful. The range of choices is very wide, from big to small, even including the seat you are choosing now. Since you have chosen to sit here, That means this place, this location is destined to be with you, its land, this magnetic field is right for you, you two are attracted to each other, so you chose this place... "


Lin Yu walked around the podium holding his schoolbag expressionlessly in shock, walked to the only vacant seat in the class, and sat down without a choice.

Shen Juan lay on the table listlessly listening to Liu Fujiang start a new round of long speeches. This time his speech was in a good environment, everyone was very quiet, and the eyes of the chicks fell on those sitting in the first row from time to time. On the back of the boss’s head and his back that was bowed because he was lying on his stomach, the buddy in the chrysanthemum tea that was thrown into the thick soup treasure happened to be sitting behind Lin Yujing, and Lin Yujing heard him sitting at the same table with him in a very low volume Said: "My day, Shen Juan is in the same class as us."

His deskmate didn't speak.

Chrysanthemum Tea continued: "Then he will be suspended from school for a year. I thought he would be expelled."

His deskmate was as quiet as a chicken.

Chrysanthemum Tea: "The one who had an accident last time, is he at the same table? This boss is so awesome, who else would dare to sit at the same table with him other than the new classmates, it's too fucking scary."

His desire to survive at the same table was very strong, and he didn't fart.

Lin Yu glanced sideways at Shen Juan.

The young man leaned against the wall lazily half-lying on the table, resting his face on the back of his hands, and resting his head on the wall, his expression didn't change, and he looked calm.

Chrysanthemum Tea finally came to his senses, and said in a lower voice, "Hey, can you hear us talking at this volume?"

There was silence for two seconds.

Boss Shen straightened up, turned his head away, his expression was calm, his tone was indifferent, even though his nasal voice was still heavy, it sounded like he had a cold: "Yes."

Chrysanthemum tea: "..."

Chrysanthemum Tea turned pale, and stammered: "I'm sorry, I didn't say anything bad about you, I really didn't."

The boss didn't speak, turned around, and returned to the same posture just now.

On the podium, Liu Fujiang was probably very satisfied with the current quiet environment, and he spoke in a fluttering manner. Finally, another speech came to an end. Liu Fujiang cleared his throat: "We are a new class now, aren't we, new head teacher, new classmates, It is also a new beginning. From now on, everyone will be a collective, members of Class Ten. You are all children with personalities. In your future study and life, you may have friction and some conflicts, but because of this division, It is absolutely not allowed here!"

As soon as Liu Fujiang stopped smiling, his expression suddenly became serious: "I know that some of your classmates know each other, and some don't, so now, I assign the first homework that I want you to complete as your class teacher, everyone— Everyone turn around, face your tablemate, and look at him for a minute."



For the first time, there was a commotion in the classroom that had been very quiet since Shen Juan came in. Everyone was shocked by this stupid homework and protested dissatisfiedly.

"Teacher, I can't do it!"

"It's too old, teacher!"

"Brother Jiang! Let's just say goodbye!"

"Fuck Song Zhiming, you fucking idiot, don't stare at me so affectionately!"

Liu Fujiang looked quite Buddha, but unexpectedly insisted on this kind of thing that he thought would promote the love of classmates, but it didn't make any sense.

Lin Yu turned around speechlessly in shock, and Shen Juan was also looking at her. After meeting the girl's indescribable eyes, he calmly raised his eyebrows.

On the podium, Liu Fujiang started counting: "Get ready! Start!"

Lin Yu looked at Shen Juan expressionlessly in shock, and tried his best to distract himself.

"Ten seconds." Liu Fujiang said.

It's only been ten seconds

"Twenty seconds."

Lin Yujing's whole body became stiff.

"Thirty seconds."

Lin Yujing began to frantically think about what to say to him.

If she didn't say a word, her facial muscles would start to twitch.

Look at Shen Juan again, still in the boneless posture just now, staring at his new tablemate quite calmly.

Shen Juan doesn't have the ability to distinguish the looks of the opposite sex. Sometimes when Jiang Hanwang Yiyang and the others insist on which girl is good-looking and ask his opinion, he thinks that's it, and they all look similar.

His new deskmate looks very recognizable.

A ponytail, a pleated skirt, a pair of black leather shoes, and knee-high stockings wrapped her slender and beautiful legs.

The almond eyes are slightly turned up, the eyelids are thin, and the skin is fine and white. This distance is too close, and Shen Juan can even see the tiny fluff on the tip of her nose clearly.

Eyelashes are fucking long.

Why didn't I realize that before, Jiang Han has a good eye.

"Fifty seconds!" Liu Fujiang still did not forget to encourage them, "Persevere! It's almost here! Victory is just ahead!"

The new deskmate suddenly asked in a low voice: "Do you have a cold?"

"Huh?" Shen Juan stared at her eyelashes, still a little distracted, and said "Huh" casually, "A little bit."

"Your rice ball," said the new tablemate, "I forgot to eat that night, and when I woke up the next day, I found it was broken."

"It's bad if it's broken." Shen Juan didn't care much about whether she ate or didn't eat the rice ball.

"Okay! It's time!"

Just when Lin Yujing felt that he was so embarrassed that he was about to lose consciousness, Liu Fujiang's call for rescue finally came from afar.

Lin Yu's shoulders collapsed in shock, he let out a sigh of relief and turned around, feeling that he had finally come back to life.

Liu Fujiang looked very excited. He might feel that he had finally taken his first step as a class teacher. He secretly glanced at the book "When you stare at the rebellious boy, the rebellious boy is also staring at you." you":

[—The second step: "Say". When you have passed the first step: "seeing", you have already succeeded in half. After all, the first step is always the hardest, so now you have to let them open their mouths to "express" their kindness. You have to know that what you are facing now is a group of rebellious people—]

The following content has to be turned, and Liu Fujiang decided to follow his own understanding.

He pinched a piece of chalk, turned his head away, and wrote four beautiful characters on the blackboard—my deskmate.

Liu Fujiang clapped his hands, turned his head with a smile and said, "Now, I'll give you three minutes to think about what the first impression your deskmate left on you during the process of staring at each other just now." After a while, every classmate will come to the front and talk about your first impression of your new deskmate, and what he looks like in your eyes."


? ? ?

This is not over yet, Liu Fujiang pointed to her table by the wall: "Let's start here, Lin Yujing, you come first."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

My day.

The author has something to say:

Lin Yujing: What the hell are you talking about, what the hell am I talking about.

Student Shen Juan, what's the matter with you? Let you look at your deskmate, why are you looking at your deskmate's stockings