Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 77


Lin Yu didn't even react in shock, Fu Mingxiu was still typing non-stop over there: [The painting started at 1 million, but when it reached 3 million, he came up and directly called for an extra digit.]

Fu Mingxiu: [Are you sick? ?]

Fu Mingxiu: [You are really not good at dating. There seems to be some problem with your brain. People are stupid and have a lot of money.]

Fu Mingxiu finally said: [If you really like it, you should take him to see if he is mentally ill.]

Lin Yu was startled: "...?"

Lin Yujing was still a little unresponsive.

She really couldn't put the auction, 10 million, people with so much money—the key is too much money, on Shen Juan.

Lin Yu was so startled that she almost forgot when and why she felt that Shen Juan's family conditions were mediocre, and she also forgot why she was so firm about this point of view later on.

However, because Lin Yujing has lived in such an environment since she was a child, even if she doesn't get in touch with those circles, she really knows what kind of children from rich families are.

It can be seen at a glance, anyway, it is almost the same, and there is not much difference between left and right.

For example, Fu Mingxiu, who is not a typical kid from a rich family, is a bit careless, but he is not stupid. He doesn't think much about others when he does things or speaks.

Cheng Yi, Lu Jiaheng, and the young master have very obvious tempers.

Shen Juan was completely different from them.

He is too mature and feels like he is about to be familiar. It is probably because he grew up beside Luo Qinghe, his experience, or his early contact with these clients in the studio. His personality, the tone of his speech, The way of thinking about problems seems to be at least a bit more mature than his peers.

His temperament doesn't match that of the rich young master.

In terms of clothing, he is not picky. He just pulls a simple solid-color sweater and puts it on his head. In the studio, he wears black T-shirts all the time. It is said that He Songnan approved a box for 30 yuan a piece.

I have never seen a young master who treats himself so unrefinedly.

What's more, the two of them have spent so many hard days together.

Rice balls with three salted egg yolks are a luxurious breakfast.

Movies can only be watched for nineteen yuan. In order to save some money for her boyfriend, Lin Yujing racked his brains, but at the same time, he had to be quiet and try not to hurt his self-esteem. Lin Yujing felt like he was going to worry about it. Broken.

Now Fu Mingxiu came to tell her that your boyfriend is not poor, and not only is it not difficult, he must be in the single digits for a man who ends up with three million. He is a two hundred and fifty who likes to spend money.

Lin Yu was startled and found it unacceptable.

She was a little confused for a while, and she couldn't tell whether she should believe in herself, or whether she should believe what Fu Mingxiu said he saw with his own eyes.

Lin Yujing put down his phone, turned his head, looked at Xiao Mushroom and Gu Xia who were still chatting with the restricted class, first assumed a situation, and asked: "I have a question, if your family is very poor, would you My boyfriend also knows a little bit, and then one day he suddenly asked you uncharacteristically—'Hey, isn't your family rich?' What do you think he meant?"

Gu Xia said calmly: "It's ironic to me, he thinks I have no money."

Little Mushroom Qi Qiran: "Do you think that my conditions are not good and I can't give him the life he wants, so you are hinting that you want to break up with me?"

Lin Yu was startled: "Another angle, it's not so sad."

"Change the angle and be more positive," Gu Xia said, "That's why he suddenly asked this question, does he really think I have money, but he just doesn't want to spend it for him?"

"Maybe I'm afraid that he will take over my family's billions of dollars," Little Mushroom is worried, genuinely worried, "What if he loves me because of my money?"

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Lin Yu was startled and Shen Juan stood in the rain and roared sadly: "You don't really love me at all, you just love my money!"

Lin Yu shivered in shock.

She was trembling, and Fu Mingxiu sent her a lot of things directly.

Fu Mingxiu: [Ask a friend, Shen Juan?]

City A is big and big, there are only a few circles, and there will be overlaps in many cases.

Fu Mingxiu also had a lot of cronies, he didn't know him, so he went out and asked around, and there was always someone who knew, and he found out about Shen Juan within fifteen minutes.

My friend just used two words, low-key.

He never had much contact with them, he has his own circle, and it seems that he has no intention of taking over the family, and his parents don't care about him and let him grow freely.

Fu Mingxiu asked: "How is his family structure?"

Friend: "It's okay, two uncles and one aunt, his father is the youngest, and the relationship is quite harmonious, except that the uncle has no children, and there is a cousin and a cousin..."

Fu Mingxiu: "I'm asking his parents, what do I care if his uncle has children?"


My friend didn't understand what Fu Mingxiu's operation meant. The question was asked as if he was about to choose a son-in-law: "The relationship is very good and happy, and his mother's family has no background. It is said that it is an ordinary family. He entered the Shen family. Married into a rich family, typical Cinderella and…”

Fu Mingxiu was impatient: "Can you tell me about Shen Juan, whether he has ever been in a relationship or not, why are you telling me the love story of his parents?"

My friend endured it for a long time, but couldn't take it anymore, and almost dropped the phone: "Why the hell are you forcing things so much? Why do you ask people if they have never been in a relationship? What does scumbag have to do with you? You came out of the closet ?”

Fu Mingxiu: "..."

Fu Mingxiu hung up the phone, and while telling Lin Yujing everything he had just learned, he felt complicated about why he was so idle. Who would Lin Yujing want to talk to about what he had to do with him

The main reason is that he has a bad impression of Shen Juan.

When I didn't know who he was in high school, I thought it was not a good bird when I saw him so carelessly. Now I find out that he is a young master, and the impression is even worse.

He has seen this kind of dandy too much, and falling in love is like playing.

Lin Yujing's mood was also complicated.

She finished reading what Fu Mingxiu sent about Shen Juan, and put down the phone expressionlessly.

This feeling is somewhat familiar.

When is it coming

It seems that when Shen Juan got the first grade in the first monthly exam.

Lin Yu was shocked.

She found that people's ability to adapt is really scary.

After experiencing a similar thing, she now thinks that when she was dating, she felt that a movie ticket worth sixty or seventy yuan was expensive, and she dragged the third generation of rich people to watch "Story in the Sorghum Field" for nineteen ninety yuan, but she didn't even think about it. Feel like an idiot.

Think again about Li Lin's affectionate voice at that time.

Too poor to eat

Pick up broken key rings that other kids don't want to use


Lin Yujing sneered, and opened Shen Juan's dialogue box without further ado, and the content was still on the last [1116].

She snapped a screenshot of Fu Mingxiu's chat history, and just about to send it to him, she paused.

She deleted those screenshots again, locked the phone screen, and ignored it.

After two years, the irascible girl Lin Yujing has also been sublimated.

She has to endure.

Then think of a way, listen to Shen Juan himself, let Shen Juan cry and call her daddy, and apologize to her.

Recently, Shen Juan felt that something was wrong with his girlfriend.

Although breakfast is still delivered, lunch is still eaten, and we go to the library together in the evening, but the conversation has obviously decreased.

She is not happy.

Obviously simmering fire.

And this fire is still because of him.

Shen Juanzai carefully recalled this week, and really couldn't think of anything that made Her Lady Queen particularly dissatisfied.

This kind of unpredictable, unexplainable, sudden abnormality makes people feel very annoying.

After this situation lasted for less than a week, Shen Juan finally couldn't bear it.

At the end of September, the National Day holiday was coming up, and everyone's minds were more or less scattered. Lin Yujing and Shen Juan were sitting in a corner of the library. They had just read a book all night, and now they each had a rest.

Shen Juan sat next to her, threw the pen on the table, and said softly, "Are you unhappy?"

Lin Yu didn't look at him in shock, and lowered his head to fiddle with the phone: "Do you remember?"

Shen Juan frowned: "What."

"This line," Lin Yujing said, "you asked me the same way when I finished my first monthly exam in high school."

Shen Juan was taken aback.

Before he could react, Lin Yujing had already changed the topic: "Student Shen, how do we go on Eleventh?"

They had agreed to go out to play on the eleventh day before, but Lin Yujing pointed to places on the map blindfolded, and even picked a place that was particularly far away.

But it happened that she hadn't been there, and Shen Juan had no objection, so it was decided.

Traveling on the 11th must be stressful, and it is a bit late to book tickets now.

Lin Yujing asked this question, leaving Shen Juan at a loss. How else could he go to such a far place besides buying a plane ticket

In the next second, Lin Yujing answered his question.

"Let's take the train." Lin Yu said in surprise.

Shen Juan: "..."

Shen Juan thought he heard it wrong: "What?"

"Let's go there by train," Lin Yujing repeated patiently. "It's too far over there. I just checked. Air tickets are expensive, and high-speed rail is also expensive. Let's take the train."


Shen Juan fell silent.

Lin Yu exclaimed, and said worriedly, "Otherwise, it would be too expensive. Classes are so busy now, you only have one weekend to go back to the studio after school starts, and you haven't taken any work. Where did you get so much money?"

Shen Juan opened his mouth, just about to speak.

Lin Yujing interrupted him, and taught, "Our family is not a wealthy family. Can we still fly around today and tomorrow? Especially since we are still studying, we have to count every dollar carefully. One or two thousand for an air ticket, where did we waste so much money on air tickets.”

Shen Juan: "..."

Lin Yu was so frightened that he would not let him go, and asked forcefully, "Do you think so?"

"...Yes," Shen Juan sighed, leaning back, "Let's take the train."

Lin Yu happily started to search for trains. From City A to Diancheng, there are eight or nine hundred soft berths and more than five hundred hard berths.

Shen Juan fell silent when he saw the 35 hours.

There are only seven days of vacation on November 1, how many fucking days are left after removing these thirty-five hours

It costs a hundred yuan to tell a lie. He didn't know what he was doing for it. He had to dump Li Lin's bucket of lubricating oil before, which caused his girlfriend to take a 35-hour train ride out to play in order to save him money. Sometimes, he can't even have an explanation.

With Lin Yujing's temper, knowing that he lied to her, let's not talk about how long it will take to coax her, at least this trip will definitely be in vain.

How long has it been since I got a perfect score in the physics test

The two usually have a lot of classes, and after spending seven days together day and night, Shen Juan can't say anything now.

Anyway, with her, it doesn't matter how many hours.

Shen Juan closed his eyes and endured it.

Forget it, let her go.

Sit down and sit down.

He didn't notice that Lin Yujing was also watching him secretly.

When she saw those thirty-five hours, she almost couldn't catch her breath. Her first reaction was to look at Shen Yu calmly, and said to herself, are you still not surrendering

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, Lin Yu asked tentatively, "Then it's the train."

Shen Juan sighed again: "Yes."

Lin Yu was shocked as if he had just seen it, and pointed to the 35 hours and 46 minutes on it: "It takes more than 30 hours? Is it a two-day, one-night train?"

Shen Juan didn't respond.

Lin Yu sighed and reminded him: "Everyone goes out to play on Eleventh. There must be a lot of people on the train. The inside of the train is smoky, and you will stay for more than 30 hours at a time." She paused, "I can't even take a bath. .”

As soon as Shen Juan gritted his teeth, he actually comforted her in turn: "It's only for one night, you can go back to the hotel and wash."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

Lin Yu was surprised that Shen Juan was so good at fighting.

Lin Yu also gritted his teeth in surprise, and went all out: "The hard sleeper costs more than 500 yuan. I think the hard seat only costs 200 yuan. Let's take the hard seat."

She closed her eyes, looked at death as home and said, "Anyway, if you sit for more than 30 hours, you can save 200."

Shen Juan: "..."

Shen Juan: "?"

The author has something to say:

Lin Yujing: Does that mean you want to compete with me in acting