Daydreaming About Me

Chapter 89


Lin Yu was surprised that she wanted to solve a puzzle for herself, but before she had time to put it into action, this eternal problem would be solved like this.

Not knowing if there was a wrong thread in her mind, she shook her hand, and even clicked on the search record below, and clicked in to have a look.

There are indeed many people asking this question, and the answers are varied. Some say that eighteen years old is indeed a bit young, and some say that it won't have any big impact. Both sides have their own reasons and can't stop arguing. , caught in a never-before-seen question.

She had never considered this issue before, and thought that since she was an adult, it would be fine.

In the end, Shen Juan actually thought about it.

Lin Yujing was a little dumbfounded. Whose boyfriend would consider such a question

The sound of water in the bathroom gradually stopped, she exited the software, kicked off the APP, put the tired mobile phone back on the head of the bed, and adjusted the angle and position to make it exactly the same as before, then pulled up the quilt and got in .

After a while, Shen Juan came out from the inside. He lowered his head and rubbed his semi-wet hair with a towel in one hand. The muscles of his forearm were clean and smooth. When the trouser waist is inserted, the outlined waist and hips look strong and powerful.

Lin Yu pulled up the quilt in surprise and covered his eyes.

Who said that only men have desires when they look at women.

Women have it for men too.

Shen Juan's voice was rustling and he didn't know what he was doing. About a few minutes later, Lin Yu was shocked to feel him walking to the side of the bed, and then the side sank.

She pulled down the quilt and turned to look at him.

Shen Juan sat on the head of the bed, drooping his eyes: "Still asleep?"

"I'm timing it for you," Lin Yu said in surprise, and glanced at his watch, "I found out why you took longer this time."

Shen Juan glanced at her: "It's different."

Lin Yu turned over in shock and lay down on the pillow: "Why is it different?"

Shen Juan dragged the book from the bed and opened it. He now spends most of his time training every day, and the professional courses are basically looking for time to read, such as half an hour before going to bed every night.

He turned off the light on Lin Yujing's side, turned on his own, and said calmly, "Of course it's different if you do it for me and if I do it myself."

Just hearing her breath and voice was exciting enough, let alone looking at her and feeling her touch.


Lin Yu was startled and felt that this question was superfluous.

Are all creatures like men able to say such shameless words so calmly

She gave him a blank look, then pulled up the quilt again to cover her face, thinking about how to discuss with Shen Juan whether going to bed at eighteen would do any harm to her body.

Shen Juan smiled, leaned over and kissed her exposed half of her forehead, and asked, "I'll take you somewhere tomorrow, shall I?"

"Where?" Lin Yu buried his face in the quilt in shock, his voice muffled.

"My house." Shen Juan said.

"I'm not here right now—" Lin Yujing was still thinking about other things in his head, he didn't think for a while, and he said half of it casually, and when he realized it, the quilt was pulled down, "Which home are you?"

"My grandparents' house." Shen Juan said.


Lin Yu opened his mouth in shock, and was a little dazed. After a long time, he choked out a sentence: "Meet the parents...?"

Shen Juan smiled: "Well, do you want to see? We won't go back if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to." Lin Yujing sat up suddenly, looked at him, still a little dazed, and a little at a loss: "If I see you, then do you want to..."

The voice behind her was very small, and Shen Juan couldn't hear it clearly, so she moved a little closer: "Huh?"

Lin Yu looked at him in surprise, and after a while, he whispered, "Shen Juan, I don't want you to see my parents."

Shen Juan was stunned.

"Our family..." Lin Yujing said with some difficulty, "Your family will think that our family is not healthy or something, and don't like me."

Many parents or families are actually concerned about this. Lin Yujing knows it. Parents will feel that a distorted family will affect the child's personality, and the hidden danger is relatively large.

Lin Yu was shocked to know that Shen Juan had a very happy family with parents who loved him.

But she didn't.

Even at the very beginning, she had been very, very unwilling to let him know even a little bit about her family's situation.

The corners of Lin Yu's lips were pursed in surprise, drooping little by little, just about to speak.

Shen Juan put down the book in his hand, leaned over and hugged her: "It's okay, it's okay if you jumped out of a rock, no one will dislike you."

Lin Yu was startled and pressed into his arms, and blinked.

"Everyone loves Lin Yujing, don't you?" Shen Juan whispered, "How could anyone not like you?"

Lin Yu was startled and quiet for a few seconds.

"You're right," Lin Yu said in surprise. She got out of his arms, looked up at him, and cupped his face with her hands, "Am I a heartthrob?"

Shen Juan let her hold it, nodded: "You are."

Lin Yujing continued to ask, "You're almost fascinated by me."

Shen Juan held her hand and pulled her over, biting her fingertips lightly: "Hurry up."

Lin Yu was startled and dissatisfied again. She pulled her hand and touched his abdominal muscles and lower abdomen through the thin fabric, and burrowed in along the hem of the garment, her fingertips touching the mermaid line.

She originally thought that a man's Adam's apple and fingers were already sexy enough.

Ever since Shen Juan opened the door to another world, she found it was not.

His lower abdomen, starting from the mermaid line, spread all the way up, the tight muscle lines of the lower abdomen when he was in love, a sexy and attractive sense of strength.

Lin Yujing's fingers touched his lower abdomen muscles along the mermaid line. It was so clean that he didn't have any desire. He touched it purely with admiration: "Shen Xiaojuan, are you secretly exercising without me every day?"

Such a good figure and physical strength.

Shen Juan let out a "hiss", pressed her hand, and pulled it forward suggestively, warning in a low voice, "Lin Xiaojing, if you don't want to sleep today, let's do something else overnight .”


Lin Yu was stunned for two seconds, then calmly withdrew his hand, pulled the quilt up to his chin, turned around, and turned his head to him: "Good night."

Lin Yujing was indeed quite tired. He tossed and tossed until midnight the night before, slept until ten o'clock in the morning the next day, and was still asleep when he woke up.

He should be quite tired, usually much busier than her, but he felt very light. Lin Yujing sat up from the bed, and opened his eyes as soon as he moved.

Both of them are a little bit angry. When Lin Yujing just woke up, she had to slow down for a while. She didn't like to talk, didn't like to move, and didn't like being touched by others. Shen Juan closed her eyes and just stretched out her arms to hug her. The slap hit his face directly, and the sound was quite crisp.

"Fuck..." Shen Juan's voice was very low, and he cursed in a hoarse voice.

This slap directly woke him up, he couldn't get angry with the low air pressure, he went into the bathroom with low air pressure and came out.

When he came out, Lin Yujing had already woken up, sitting on the bed with a dazed expression: "Shen Juan."

Shen Juan opened the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans casually: "Yeah."

"Am I going to meet my parents?" Lin Yujing was a little nervous.

Shen Juan glanced at her: "It seems to be."

"Okay, I'm going to do a twelve-hour makeup."

Lin Yu was startled by a carp that jumped off the bed, and ran to the bathroom with bare feet, but was caught by Shen Juan within two steps: "Put on your shoes." Shen Juan leaned over to pick up the slippers and put them on for her." If you spend two more hours to make it together, my birthday will be over."

Lin Yu was so surprised that he didn't answer.

She was indeed a little nervous, Lin Yujing was calm and calm during the college entrance examination, and now she finally felt what it meant to be uneasy.

But her uneasiness could not be seen, she calmly followed Shen Juan back, until the entrance of Shen's old house, it was as calm as water.

until the car stops.

The grandpa of the Shen family is very old-fashioned, he doesn't like foreign things, he loves landscape paintings, and the house is the same, with brick walls and glazed tiles, nine curved corridors and large potted plants, the architectural style is low-key, luxurious and connotative.

Everything looks pretty cool.

If you ignore the large banner with red background and yellow letters hanging in the wind, fluttering in the wind, and the big bold characters of Qianlai, it clearly reads - Warmly celebrate the 20th birthday of Shen Juan, the descendant of the Shen family! !

The following two exclamation points play a role in emphasizing the tone.

There is a dash in the bottom row, and the font size is very small. Lin Yu squinted his eyes to see clearly what was written—a birthday present from the whole family.

Lin Yu was stunned and didn't know how to react for a moment. He raised his hands and clapped his hands, and said sincerely, "I've never seen such a thoughtful birthday present. A banner is so good."

With a calm to numb expression, Shen Juan pulled her in, walked through the corridor and the front yard, and entered the door.

The interior is still decorated in a modern style, and the room is quite lively. Several people are sitting on the sofa chatting and watching TV, and an old lady is sitting in a rocking chair next to her.

The old lady was the first to see them coming in, and she ticked off her reading glasses to watch them come.

Shen Juan handed the things he was carrying to the servant, took everything, and then walked over and called grandma.

Lin Yujing also called out.

Shen Juan and Grandma Shen looked quite alike. The old lady looked to be in her seventies, and she was very energetic. You could see the shadow of her youth in her eyebrows and eyes. She was a beauty with a cold temperament.

Grandma Shen waved at Lin Yu with a cold expression.

Lin Yujing was a little nervous, and walked over quietly and obediently, with her heart in her throat, ready to answer questions at all times.

She stopped, the old lady looked at her, waited for a few seconds, and seeing that she was still, she hooked her hands.

Lin Yu leaned over in shock and moved closer.

The old lady looked at her mysteriously and asked, "Do you have buttons?"


Lin Yu was a little confused: "Huh?"

"Do you usually surf the Internet?" the old lady asked again.

"Ah," Lin Yu came back to his senses in a daze, and tentatively said, "Shall I... rush a little?"

Shen Lan on the sofa next to him burst out laughing with a "puchi".

Shen Juan stood leaning on the sofa, looked at this side, and raised the corners of his lips.

"Rush is to rush, if you don't rush, you don't rush, can you still rush a little?" The old lady took out her mobile phone while talking, squinted her eyes and hooked up her reading glasses again, and flicked the phone screen for a long time , "Come on, add me as a QQ friend, will you swipe me or I swipe you?"

Lin Yujing was really stunned this time, she really didn't know that a friend like QQ could still scan.

She didn't move for a long time, Grandma Shen waited for a while, raised her head, and understood: "You don't know how to sweep, I need to teach you this? You don't surf often," the old lady said slowly, "I Look for it..."


Lin Yu turned his head in shock, and looked at Shen Juan asking for help.

Shen Juan leaned against the sofa, his shoulders shaking from laughing, he straightened up and walked over: "Grandma, we just arrived, would you let her sit for a while?"

Grandma Shen glanced at him, and reluctantly put down the phone. Lin Yujing sat down beside her. The old lady was dissatisfied, and waved to her again: "Come closer, I'll talk to you."

Lin Yu leaned over in surprise, the old lady looked at her with a smile, and whispered, "My little grandson is doing well."

Lin Yu nodded in shock: "Like you."

"He just has a bad temper," said the old lady. "Is he treating you well?"

Lin Yu nodded again, "Okay."

Grandma Shen leaned over her head and whispered to her in a low voice: "The men in their Shen family are inherited, and they treat their own women as well. What is that called? Tracheal disease."

Lin Yu laughed in surprise, "Grandma, my wife is strict."

The old lady smiled and dragged on: "Hey - it's this one."

Grandma Shen is a very trendy old lady, she has a strong thirst for knowledge, and she is very talkative. She has been chatting with Lin Yujing since after lunch.

After staying until after three o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Juan was about to leave, saying that there was something important to do.

Before leaving, the old lady grabbed Lin Yujing's hand, took a string of bracelets off her hand, looked around, and secretly put them on for her.

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to push: "Grandma, this—"

"Hush," the old lady interrupted her in a low voice like a thief, "don't let others see."

Lin Yu was startled: "..."

After leaving the courtyard, Lin Yujing followed Shen Juan into the car, sat in the passenger seat, looked at Shen Juan with bright eyes: "Am I doing well?"

Shen Juan smiled: "Lin Yujing, you are the leader, and now you are here to inspect," Shen Juan said, "How is it? Are you satisfied? Can you pass the trial?"

"You're so capable," Lin Yujing leaned into the passenger seat, "I'm starting to envy you now."

Shen Juan glanced at her, and changed the subject: "Just now at the door, what did you say to the old lady."

Lin Yu blinked in surprise, and pulled up his sleeves: "Grandma gave me this."

She didn't look at it just now, just glanced at it, and now she took a closer look in the car, and found a green bracelet that looked like it was about to drip out in the sun.

Lin Yu blinked in surprise. She doesn't study these things very much, but she has seen a lot because of her family environment: "How much is this?"

Shen Juan glanced at it: "I don't know. Anyway, she has been wearing this bracelet. Shen Lan brought several girlfriends back, but she didn't give it."

Lin Yu looked at him in surprise, and waved his wrist beside him: "Shen Juan, this may be worth more than your plane."

Shen Juan smiled: "Oh."

Lin Yu sighed in amazement: "I feel that once I accept this gift, I won't be able to say goodbye to you even if I want to break up with you in the future."

"It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not," Shen Juan turned on the turn signal, "I advise you to think of something that can be realized."

Lin Yujing was not very familiar with City A, and Shen Juan's road was not the direction to go home. He didn't say where he was going, and parked his car at the entrance of an art park.

City A has quite a lot of art parks like this one piece by piece. There are various small shops in them, such as oil paintings, metal crafts, and exhibition halls. There are all kinds of them.

Lin Yujing didn't think much about it, and thought that this person was here to take her to play. He felt that Boss Shen was an artist, and he chose this kind of birthday date—if he really pretended to be full of skills, he would be embarrassed to come. place.

The two got out of the car, and Shen Juan walked all the way in, until he reached a small single door, pushed the door open and went in.

Lin Yu raised his head and took a look. There was only one dot on the wooden plaque.

It's also a shop with a lot of personality that doesn't know what it's doing.

She followed her in, and the interior was in a frigid industrial style. There was a long and narrow corridor on the first floor, and there was a staircase going up beside it.

Lin Yujing followed Shen Juan and went upstairs. She saw a row of shelves of coloring materials and familiar tools, and realized that this was also a tattoo shop.

A cool young lady was sitting upstairs on the sofa playing with her mobile phone. She raised her head when she heard the voice, saw Shen Juan, then looked at Lin Yujing behind him, whistled, and raised her chin inwardly: "Do it yourself?"

Shen Juan let out a "hmm" and took Lin Yujing's hand to walk inside.

She just followed him in a daze, watching him push open the small door inside, enter the room, walk to the nearby sink, and wash his hands.

Then he opened the cabinet, took out an earring gun from inside, and sterilized it.


Lin Yu stared at his smooth movements: "No, Boss Shen, what did you bring me here for?"

"Ear piercing," Shen Juan handed her the earring gun in his hand, "You first?"

Lin Yu was surprised and didn't answer.

Shen Juan nodded and walked towards her: "Then I will go first."

He wiped her left ear with his finger: "The right side is okay? You have a little more on the left side."

Lin Yu was stunned: "Shen Juan, wait a minute, are you taking me to get your ears pierced on your birthday? This is the important thing you said? Hey—cool cool cool cool," she shrank her neck, Prolonged the sound, "Don't rub my ears, what are you in a hurry for?"

Shen Juan wiped her earlobe with alcohol cotton, pinched her thin earlobe with his fingers, kneaded it slowly and vigorously for a while, watched it turn red little by little, and said to her: "Lin Yujing, look at me."

Lin Yu turned his head in shock.

The moment the four eyes met, there was a soft sound, and a sharp penetrating feeling came from the right ear, with tingling pain, Lin Yu let out a scream of "ah".

She thought he would ask her to make some preparations first, chat for a while, talk, and relax, but it didn't.

The man came down with a click of a shot!

Lin Yu raised his foot in shock and kicked him: "Can't you wait for me to get ready?"

Shen Juan put down the earring gun, lowered his eyes, and watched the blood slowly ooze from her earlobe.

Crystal clear, a small grain seeped out from the penetrated place, and then slowly slid down.

He lowered his head and rolled his tongue over his ears to lick off the dripping blood: "You said before that the person who pierced your ears with you on your birthday will also be with you in the next life."

Lin Yu's eyes were red from shock. The pain was too sudden. Although the pain wasn't that severe, it came without warning. His ears were burning. He wanted to touch it, but he didn't dare to touch it.


Shen Juan lowered his eyes, and took out alcohol cotton from the bottle next to him, and the cold cotton ball touched the earlobe, scraping off the blood.

"Lin Yujing, I don't care who you like in the next life." Shen Juan stared at her and whispered, "No matter who you like, you have to stay with me."