Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 11: Abnormal memory


Wu Yugang swam freely in the stream like a fish, and his brother was frightened.

Suddenly, Wu Yugang emerged from the water next to his brother and said to him, "It's quite fun. Why don't you stop playing for a while?"

His brother coaxed him: "It's getting late, it's time to go home and have dinner."

Wu Yugang touched his belly and said, "I'm a little hungry!" When he got home, his parents were busy with dinner.

The mother saw Wu Yugang with wet hair. He took Wu Yugang into his arms and asked, "Where have you been playing and how did you end up like this?"

The elder brother said from the side: "We just walked around by the stream."

Wu Yugang told his mother: "I was swimming in the stream, and before I even touched the little fish swimming around me, the little fish was scared away by me."

The mother threatened: "You are not allowed to go to the stream in the future." The elder brother was already scared and did not dare to speak.

At this time, I heard Wu Yugang say: "I remember that I was locked up in a big house before, and then I went to swim in this stream. This is the second time."

The mother thought the child was talking nonsense and said to Wu Ming: "Did this child not drink the ecstasy soup from Grandma Wang when he was reincarnated and crossed the Naihe Bridge?"

Wu Ming smiled and asked Wu Yugang: "When did you swim in the stream for the first time?"

Wu Yugang said: "It's been a long time. At that time, I seemed to have turned into a fish."

"Let's eat!" Wu Ming's wife winked at Wu Ming from the side.

At night, Wu Ming and his wife were lying on the bed, looking at Wu Yugang who was sleeping beside them.

Wu Ming's wife said: "This child must be the reincarnation of the little dragon you caught in the stream, otherwise why would you say that!"

Wu Ming said: "It's hard to say. I know it's not normal since he was swimming at such a young age. Then I'll ask you and you won't let him."

The wife said: "It sounds scary, but it seems that you should do more good deeds. Otherwise, you won't get this son."

"It seems that the Dragon King is really repaying us instead of taking revenge!" Wu Ming said.

The wife replied: "Then we must take good care of this miraculous son in the future."

"But there isn't even a school in this village." Wu Ming said.

The wife said from the side: "Then think of a way, living people can't die of urination!"

"What should we do?" Wu Ming thought.

Wu Yugang's story has long been spread among the villagers, and they have become accustomed to it. They all felt that this child was not simple.

Wu Yugang was originally the reincarnation of the dragon, and his habits and memories had not changed much at all.

Prince Long Shi was reincarnated, and the old Dragon King also had some selfish motives, because his son became a dragon, and he was upright, lovely, and both civil and military. He was afraid that his son would forget his past background and abilities, so he killed him first and told him later. He waited until his son was reincarnated before reporting to the Jade Emperor. Therefore, the tenth prince suffered less.

Anyone who violates the rules of heaven or offends anyone in the heaven must at least be punished by a rod first, and then be deprived of all rights and abilities, demoted to the mortal world, and reincarnated. Therefore, Prince Longshi is quite special and happy. But this is very busy for the old Dragon King.

The old Dragon King reported to the Jade Emperor: "Report to the Jade Emperor!"

The Jade Emperor said: "What's the matter!"

The old Dragon King said: "Prince Long Shi secretly went down to the world, but I demoted him to the mortal world and was reincarnated."

The Jade Emperor said: "I only heard that you have nine sons. When did the tenth son come out?"

The old Dragon King said: "I imprisoned Shizi in the harem because he had been playing around since he was a child. He sneaked out of the harem to play in the mortal world while I was away. Later I found out and I demoted him to the lower realm in anger. I’ve been reincarnated, and I’m here to report it.”

The Jade Emperor said: "Thousands of clairvoyance, ears of the wind. Check whether it is true."

After a while, the clairvoyant reported: "There is such a thing. At this time, the tenth prince is still a little angry in the womb of reincarnation."

The Jade Emperor looked at the old Dragon King who was loyal to his duty and said, "Okay! Let him go!"

The old Dragon King came out of the heavenly palace and thought: "What will happen to my son in the mortal world in the future? Yes, ask Emperor Yama."

When the Dragon King came to Yan Jun, Yan Jun asked: "Why do you come to my place so leisurely?"

The Dragon King said: "The tenth prince has been demoted to the lower realm. I want to see what will happen to him in the mortal world?"

Yan Jun said with a smile: "I have heard it for a long time. Your son will have no worries about food and clothing in the mortal world, but there will be ups and downs."

"What happened next?" asked the old Dragon King.

Yan Jun smiled and said: "Hahaha. See for yourself!" He picked up the book of life and death on the table and handed it to the old Dragon King.

The old Dragon King saw: "If you don't have to worry about food and clothing, there will be ups and downs. There will be no more in the future."

The Dragon King asked: "What do you mean now!?"

Yan Jun said: "Mortals have their own heavenly will, and gods have their own immortal will!"

The old Dragon King nodded silently and returned to the Dragon Palace.

At this time, the Long Shi Prince Wu Yugang had not yet been born, and was angry with the old Dragon King in his mother's belly. He did not know the old Dragon King's running around and good intentions.

The tenth prince thought angrily: "Dragon Palace is really troublesome. It's unreasonable to demote me without causing any trouble in the mortal world. It's not bad here, at least no one cares about it. Stay here longer!" Go out when you're tired of it!" That's why she was pregnant for fourteen months.

One day, Wu Yugang was playing in the yard, and his mother called: "Xiao Shunzi, come in for dinner!"

Wu Yugang ran into the house, and his mother held Wu Yugang, who was growing up, and said to Wu Yugang: "You are doing somersaults all day long, can you please don't let mother worry?"

The chubby Wu Yugang turned his little head, blinked his questioning eyes and asked his mother: "That's nothing fun!"

Mother said kindly to Wu Yugang: "Do you like reading?"

Wu Yugang said: "I like it! But there are no books at home. I have already read them all!"

The mother smiled and said, "How about I find you a teacher? His family has many books!"

Wu Yugang clapped his little hands and said, "That's great. I haven't studied for a long time. Let me go!"

Mother said: "Don't worry, we have to prepare before we can go see the teacher!"

Wu Yugang blinked and said to his mother, "Yes! Dress me up neatly so that the teacher can see me as a scholar!"

The mother smiled and asked Wu Yugang: "Do you know what to say when you see the teacher?"

Wu Yugang said: "I know! Say hello to sir!" His mother touched Wu Yugang's little head happily.

At the dinner table, Wu Yugang's mother said to Wu Ming: "This child will go to school tomorrow. I am really reluctant to let him go!"

Wu Ming said: "What makes me reluctant to leave? It's not like I won't come back. The old scholar is not far away."

"Then have you made an agreement with them?" Wu Ming's wife asked.

Wu Ming said without thinking: "I have discussed it with the old scholar a long time ago. I said I would give him two loads of food, but the old scholar refused."

"Then you can't treat others badly!" Wu Ming's wife said.

Wu Ming said: "That goes without saying!"

"What's the old scholar's attitude?" his wife asked.

Wu Ming said: "The old scholar is interested in this child!" (To be continued)