Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 12: Extraordinary Dragon


Wu Ming's wife asked, "Why is the old scholar interested in this child?"

Wu Ming said: "It's all because of the rumors spread by the people in the village and the abnormal behavior of the child."

"Is that true?" the wife asked curiously.

Wu Ming said: "There's more than that. Maybe the old scholar can tell fortunes. What he said on the day our child turned 100 may also be related." His wife nodded silently.

At this time, Wu Yuguang was eating and listening to his parents' conversation.

Wu Yugang thought to himself: "My parents worry so much about me. It seems that it is not easy for them. I must live a good life in the future!"

Early in the morning, Wu Yugang's parents changed new clothes for him and came to the old scholar's house. The old scholar's house was not far from Wu Ming's home, located at the foot of a hill. The surrounding environment was elegant and the trees were lush. The hill behind the house was covered with dense trees.

Walking into the yard, it is clean and tidy. In front of the window, a lush honeysuckle vine forms a square pavilion for cooling off. Under the pavilion is a small stone table and stone bench.

The old scholar was pruning flower vines in the yard. When he saw Wu Yugang coming, he smiled and walked over to him and said, "You're here."

Wu Yugang's parents said, "I'm sorry that you've come here. This child will learn some knowledge from you so that he can become a useful person in the future. Otherwise, if he just plays around all day, what future will he have?"

The old scholar said, "Anyway, we two old men are fine, so you can rest assured and leave the child with me."

The old scholar had two sons and two daughters, all of whom were married. His daughter had already married, his eldest son was doing business in the city, and his second son was taking care of his parents in the village.

Because the old scholar and his wife loved quietness, they lived in a separate courtyard from their son. The old couple lived a peaceful and happy life.

Wu Yuguang's arrival added new vitality to the old couple.

The old scholar saw Wu Ming and his wife off and led Wu Yuguang to the stone table.

Wu Yugang said: "Hello, old man, what are we going to learn today?"

The old scholar stroked Wu Yugang's head kindly and said, "Let's start with enlightenment today and learn the Hundred Family Names first." As he spoke, the old scholar took out a book from the room and placed it on the table in front of Wu Yugang, saying to Wu Yugang, "This is it."

Wu Yugang took a look at it and found it was a very thin book. He wondered how long it would take him to study it.

The old scholar said at the side: "The key to learning is concentration. Listen! I will read it to you first. These are the most basic surnames in the society. Listen carefully!" As he spoke, the old scholar began to read, and Wu Yugang listened carefully at the side.

"Zhao, Qian, Sun, Li, Zhou, Wu, Zheng, Wang..." The old scholar read clearly word by word. He turned to Wu Yugang who was listening attentively and said, "Now I will teach you word by word!"

Wu Yugang said to the old scholar, "Sir, can you let me take a look at the book first?"

The old scholar looked at the polite child and said kindly, "Sure!" Then he put the book in front of Wu Yuguang.

Wu Yugang opened the book and read it carefully. In less than half an hour, Wu Yugang put the book down and said to the old scholar, "Sir, I know it all now."

The old scholar looked at Wu Yugang with some doubt and asked seriously, "Do you really know how to do it?"

Wu Yugang said: "You can ask!"

"Well, then I'll test you." The old scholar said, "The last sentence of Jialulouwei."

"Jiang Tong, Yan Guo." Wu Yuguang said.

"What should we do with Ying Zong's first sentence?" asked the old scholar.

"Jingfang Qiumiao." Wu Yuguang answered easily.

The old scholar put down the book and thought silently: "He really knows everything. This child is not as simple as I thought. Could it be that he really has the photographic memory as the ancients said? It seems that I have to adjust my plan to teach him."

Thinking of this, the old scholar took out two books from the house, "Three Character Classic" and "Thousand Character Classic" and placed them in front of Wu Yuguang.

Wu Yugang said happily: "I can read a little longer this time."

The old student smiled strangely and said, "Then let's read the Three Character Classic first." At this time, Wu Yugang was flipping through the two books seriously and quickly. The teacher did not disturb him.

An hour later, Wu Yugang looked up and said to the teacher, "Sir, could you please read it to me so that I can understand it?"

The old scholar smiled and said, "Okay, I'll explain it to you as I read." Wu Yuguang listened carefully to every word the teacher said.

That day, apart from lunch, Wu Yugang memorized the three books by heart. The old scholar slapped his hands on the table and exclaimed in surprise: "What a child prodigy!"

It was getting dark, and Wu Ming and his wife came to take the child home.

The old scholar took Wu Yuguang by the hand and said to Wu Ming and his wife, "This child is a child prodigy! He memorized everything in just one day, which other children would take at least two months to learn! This child is so smart and has a photographic memory! He will have a bright future. I will teach him everything I have learned in my life!" Wu Ming and his wife were overjoyed and said goodbye to the old scholar.

Wu Ming and his wife were walking home with their child in their arms. At this time, Wu Ming's wife was holding Wu Yugang, who was less than five years old, tightly.

Wu Ming said from the side: "Let me hold him for a while! Otherwise, let him walk on his own for a while."

Wu Ming's wife said, "This is our child prodigy! I can't bear to let him go. We must train him well in the future, let him learn and become a talented person."

Wu Ming said: "We are training him! He should be allowed to exercise on his own. He cannot always grow up under the care of his parents. He should learn to be independent."

When they were almost home, Wu Ming's wife put Wu Yuguang down. This fat boy had exhausted his mother.

Wu Ming's wife said, "This boy is growing so fast that I can hardly hold him in my arms." Wu Ming looked at his wife with a helpless smile.

At this time, Wu Yuguang was in his mother's arms, listening to his parents' conversation and thinking about what he had learned today.

"The stories about parents educating their children in "Three Character Classic" are so similar to reality! Parents work hard every day for life and their children's future. It is not easy. I must not let my parents worry about me in the future. I must study hard, develop my strengths, and put what I have learned into practice." Wu Yuguang thought.

When he got home, his parents were preparing dinner. Wu Yugang seemed to have grown up and matured a lot after a day of study. He helped his parents prepare dinner.

The mother said, "Xiao Shunzi, you've been studying hard all day, take a break!"

Wu Yugang said without hesitation: "I'm not tired. You and father have worked all day. I will do what I can to relieve your burden."

The mother said, "Xiao Shunzi, you have grown up and become sensible."

Wu Yugang said: "That's right, now I am a educated and sensible person. I have grown up." Wu Ming and his wife looked at Wu Yugang and felt a little relieved. (To be continued)