Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 13: Poetry boy


The next day, Wu Yugang went to school early. When the old scholar saw this extremely smart child, he liked him from the bottom of his heart. The old scholar led Wu Yugang into the house. This is the old scholar's study.

Wu Yugang looked at the study room. The study room was not big. Although the furnishings in the room were very simple, it was very elegant. In front of the window was a long wooden table with a square shape. On one corner of the table were papers, pens, inkstones, and on the other corner. It's a few hardcover books. Behind the desk is a rustic wooden chair.

Hanging on the gable wall is a calligraphy and painting, "Picture of Return to Mei Xue Village". Wu Yugang looked at this painting and saw that it showed a crescent moon on the horizon, with a forest of plum blossoms in full bloom below, and a man walking with difficulty in the wind and snow.

The lower edge of the painting is a poem: "The shadows in the vast fields are lonely, and the jade rabbit in the sky is missing and round.

The steps are vaguely shadowy, and the cold smoke is hidden in the silent sky.

The sparse shadows are whirling and the birds are singing, and the plum blossoms are blooming in the snow.

In the vast silence, the Zen mood cannot be expressed. "

Then there is the owner signed Mei Xue. Behind is the date and seal.

Just when Wu Yugang was fascinated, the old scholar said from the side: "You like this painting!"

Wu Yugang smiled, and then he saw the old scholar's book collection in the corner, a full bookshelf. The old scholar was holding a few books and talking to himself.

Wu Yugang took the book and said, "There are so many books! It looks like I will have to read them for a while."

The old scholar smiled and said: "Reading is not something that can be accomplished overnight. You have to do it step by step and don't rush."

The old scholar led Wu Yugang to the table in the room. The old scholar brought another chair, and the two of them sat down.

The old scholar took out a book from the pile of books and said to Wu Yugang: "This book is called "Disciple Rules". A person must know the rules and principles in life. What is here is the basic etiquette of dealing with others. You must learn it well." Wu Yugang Nodding.

The old scholar picked up the book and explained it to Wu Yugang from beginning to end. Asked Wu Yugang: "Do you understand?"

Wu Yugang said: "I understand. When you go out, you should be filial and kind, and when you go in, you should be filial to your parents and elders. As a person, you must be modest, prudent and trustworthy. If you have spare energy, you should study more."

The old scholar said: "You must memorize it by heart!" Wu Yugang lowered his head and read it carefully.

After reading for a while, the old scholar said to Wu Yugang: "We have to practice calligraphy for a while." He took out paper, pen, ink and inkstone.

Wu Yugang said: "You can just use the sand and soil outside to practice calligraphy. It will be a waste to use this."

When I came to the yard, I saw Wu Yugang picking up a branch and writing gracefully on the ground.

The old scholar only saw that Wu Yugang wrote the "Thousand-Character Essay", with a smooth pen and beautiful regular script.

The old scholar said with admiration: "Good calligraphy!"

Wu Yugang stood up and said to the old scholar: "Can I read those books by myself?"

The old scholar said: "Okay, if you still don't understand, ask me again."

Wu Yugang said happily: "That's great, how do you read it?"

The old scholar said: "How about reading step by step? Anyway, you know a lot of words." Wu Yugang nodded happily.

Three months passed quickly. In the past three months, Wu Yugang has read all the enlightenment books and successfully passed the assessment of the old scholar, whether it is "Zhu Xi's Maxims on Family Governance", "Collection of Ming Xian", "Three Hundred Thousand", "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" and "Disciples Regulations" , or "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects", "Mencius" and "Zhi Shou". Wu Yugang has read through them all and has already begun to read "Three Hundred Tang Poems" and "Poems of a Thousand Families" familiarly.

One day, the old scholar took Wu Yugang for a walk on the mountain behind the house.

While walking, the old scholar said to Wu Yugang: "Look at how beautiful the scenery here is, with birds singing, flowers fragrant, trees growing into forests, and streams clear."

Wu Yugang replied: "It is indeed beautiful."

The old scholar said: "Then I will test you!"

Wu Yugang said: "How to take the test?"

The old scholar said: "Then I will publish the first couplet of a couplet. What do you think of the second couplet?"

"Okay, then you go first." Wu Yugang replied.

The old scholar said: "The mountains are clear and the water is clear, and the road is far away."

"The earth is vast and the sky is high and foggy." Wu Yugang returned without thinking.

The old scholar shouted: "That's right." Wu Yugang smiled.

The old scholar smiled and thought: "This kid has a quick mind." Then he said to Wu Yugang: "Then can you write a poem and tell it to me?"

Wu Yugang shouted: "Okay!"

"It also serves as an assessment for the completion of your enlightenment education." said the old scholar.

Wu Yugang replied: "Okay!"

"Then tell me." the old scholar urged.

Wu Yugang said: "The mountains are clear, the water is beautiful, the vegetation is wonderful, the cicadas are singing from far and near, the branches are singing, and the birds are singing.

Enjoying the scenery in the forest has a unique flavor, and the streams in the mountains flow quickly.

The dragonfly touches the water freely, and the colorful butterfly flutters among the flowers.

Enjoy the scenery and be amazed, as if you are in a paradise. "

The old scholar stroked Wu Yugang's head and said kindly: "Yes, I am impressed. The poem is good, but I need to work harder in the future." Wu Yugang nodded happily.

Returning to the old scholar's study, the old scholar said to Wu Yugang: "Write down your couplets and poems today! Let me see how your handwriting is." Wu Yugang picked up the pen and put it in the inkstone, brushing dots. I started writing, and after a while, I finished writing.

The old scholar picked up the paper and saw that the calligraphy was so good, the face was full of muscles and bones, and there was a fresh air and an air of elegance coming to his face. The old scholar looked at the calligraphy and couldn't help being impressed by the child prodigy.

When I got home in the evening, my parents asked, "Xiao Shunzi, how did you study? Did you take the exam?"

Wu Yugang replied calmly: "I passed the exam."

"So how did you go in the exam?" Wu Ming and his wife asked. "It's not bad! I can compose poems and write couplets! The teacher even praised me," Wu Yugang said.

Wu Ming and his wife asked: "That's right! You must study hard in the future! Only with knowledge can you develop skills!" Wu Yugang nodded sensibly.

At night, Wu Ming and his wife were lying on the bed looking at this sensible child.

The wife said: "This child is really smart. Let him read more books and develop more skills in the future. Now he can write couplets and there will be no need to ask for help in the future."

Wu Ming said: "Female people know not to beg for help. No matter how much their children study in the future, they will also settle accounts when selling food, so they will not be afraid of being cheated."

The wife smiled and said: "It is the child's own responsibility to learn and develop skills. We can only follow and take advantage of it, but now there are no top scorers. Those who can be knowledgeable and sensible, as long as they can see the society clearly, have their own plans and gain a foothold. , then we will feel at ease.”

Wu Ming said from the side: "Maybe we have too high expectations for this child, can he bear it?"

The wife said thoughtfully from the side: "You are right! This child is not even five years old! He is still an innocent child!" (To be continued)