Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 19: A way to cleanse the mind and body


Wu Yugang asked: "Is there anything special about this boxing technique?"

The old man said: "This set of boxing techniques is divided into five sets, namely Dragon Fist, Tiger Fist, Leopard Fist, Snake Fist, and Crane Fist. When combined together, it is the Five Elements Fist, which can be used together to achieve the purpose of fitness and self-defense. To do When you have both form and spirit, heaven and man are one, and the inside and outside are one." After that, the old man opened his posture and began to teach Wu Yugang's boxing techniques.

The old man explained to Wu Yugang while practicing: "Dragon-shaped boxing, like a dragon swimming in the sky, rising and falling, hard and soft, unpredictable, its momentum is vigorous and spiritual.

Snake-shaped fist, like a snake walking in a hurry, flexible and strange, winding and ethereal, with heavy and continuous Qi, practicing Qi.

Tiger-shaped boxing, the tiger looks like coming down from the mountain and coming out of the forest, the steps are heavy and solid, powerful and strong, and it trains the bones.

Leopard-shaped fist, the leopard looks like waiting for an opportunity to hunt, slow and orderly, fast and agile, tricky and flexible, and exercises strength.

Crane-shaped fist, the crane is like resting and pecking, waiting for work with ease, and stopping with stillness, which is light and clever, refining the essence. "Wu Yugang was listening and studying seriously.

"Five-shaped boxing pays attention to the strength of the bones, the spirit of the spirit, the shape of the heart, and the shape of the heart. Over time, you will achieve unexpected results." The old man finished explaining and pointed to Wu Yugang who was practicing attentively.

Wu Yugang was on the sidelines, understanding every move. In addition, I have learned the basics of Wuqin before and can quickly memorize it.

The old man looked at the silent joy of this humble and eager to learn apprentice, and said: "This set of boxing skills is more conducive to your own physical training, and it is more conducive to curing diseases, strengthening the body, and treating pre-existing diseases."

Wu Yugang said eagerly: "How can I thank you?"

The old man said: "Thank you is of no use. I only teach disciples who are open-minded, studious, diligent, moral and benevolent. Others can't ask for them."

Wu Yugang seemed to feel a sense of heaviness. He said to the old man: "In the future, I will do my best to do more meaningful things for the people in the village."

The old man pulled Wu Yugang to sit down on the rock and said to Wu Yugang: "Confucianism talks about cultivating one's morality, harmonizing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world. Do you know the meaning here?"

Wu Yugang felt a little strange and said, "You know, Qi Zhiping is the ideal and goal taught to us by the ancients. Is there any connection between this!"

The old man looked at Wu Yugang with deep eyes and said: "My child, you are still a little young and do not understand social reality. People's living environment and the things they experience are different, which leads to everyone's view of social life being different. There will be differences. As for scholars, they should have a more long-term and practical view than those who have not read books, instead of blindly reading books, which will not understand life and reality. "

Wu Yugang asked: "What are these used for?"

The old man said: "Everyone's views on society and life will determine everyone's lifestyle and attitude towards life, which will determine what a person does. A person's inner appearance will determine a person's role in society. The way he does things will let people see what kind of person he is. These are unconscious self-expressions from people's hearts, which are the reflection of their true nature, so society is very complicated.

The quality of human nature can determine the quality of society. Everyone's nature is different, and what they do will not be the same, which affects society. Therefore, it is very important to say whether a person is good or bad. If there are more people with noble morals, the society will become better. If there are more people with bad morals, the society will become worse. And what everyone does is very important to the quality of society. "

Wu Yugang said: "I understand, it is human nature that can influence and change the nature of society."

The old man said happily: "This is why I teach my disciples to choose educated and moral people."

Wu Yugang understood the meaning of what the old man said, nodded and said: "It seems that living is not easy."

The old man said: "Okay, you are still young. You will have your own opinions as you grow older and gain more knowledge. The important thing is to be able to distinguish between good and bad. Do more good deeds. I will teach you a set of internal skills. The mental method will be beneficial to you.”

At this time, Wu Yugang was a little confused: "How could I meet such a kind and magical person? He also taught me knowledge that is difficult to learn in books. Is it related to the family influence and good education he has received since he was a child? Does it matter? "

When the old man saw Wu Yugang who was lost in thought, he shouted: "Child!" At this time, Wu Yugang recovered and looked at the old man.

Just listen to the old man saying: "Life is between heaven and earth. What people need to survive is food and water. The most important thing is human breathing." Wu Yugang listened carefully.

I only heard the old man continue to say: "Cranes, monkeys, elk, and deer can live long because their breathing is different from other types. Breathing is the use of Qi. Qi is the surface of blood. If Qi and blood circulate smoothly, people will not get sick." Wu Yugang Feel it carefully.

The old man said: "Human life and death refers to the human body, but why is it that in the world, human lifespan is not as long as those animals that can live longer? Humans and animals have the same body. The important thing is breathing. The difference is the use of Qi.”

"Then how to make good use of breathing and energy to help people live longer?" Wu Yugang asked the old man.

The old man said: "That lies in the understanding and use of Qi." Wu Yugang listened to the old man's explanation carefully.

The old man said: "The judgment of a person's life or death depends on whether he or she is breathing, that is, Qi. If a person dies, there will be no Qi. Although the body is dead and gone, the Qi still exists, and these Qi still exist between heaven and earth. It returns to its origin, which is the hunyuan energy of heaven and earth. The dissipated human energy returns to Taixu, which means it returns to the dense energy of hunyuan. If you want to live longer, you must understand the relationship between these qi."

"Then how to use this energy to achieve the purpose of longevity?" Wu Yugang asked.

The old man said: "This requires us to learn to think about the problem in reverse!"

"But how to use it?" Wu Yugang said eagerly.

The old man smiled and said: "Can't we just use the Hunyuan Qi to make people live longer!"

Wu Yugang exclaimed in surprise: "Yes, that makes sense."

The old man said with satisfaction: "It will be easy if you understand this. I will teach you the mental method." Wu Yugang nodded vigorously.

The old man said: "You have to memorize it by heart and practice it frequently. Those skills will not affect each other, but will only strengthen your body and mind.

The tendons are changed, the marrow is washed, and the marrow is connected successively, and the dense and dense Yuan returns to Taixu.

Late at night, facing south in a quiet place, the spirit of justice is between heaven and earth.

It drives away turbid energy from head to toe and transforms into a wonderful and mysterious person.

After finishing the exercise, knock on the teeth and swallow, the Mingmen and the kidney pelvis will cut into the beauty.

After tapping the whole body and finishing the exercise, the wonderful method of this exercise is natural.

If things go on like this, there is no need to ask. The white-haired child will look like a fairy. ” (To be continued)