Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 21: Rural coming-of-age ceremony


Wu Yugang said goodbye to the old Chinese medicine doctor and returned home.

Wu Yugang rarely goes home, although he is not far from home.

In the past few years when Wu Yugang was away from home, the family has changed a lot. My sister got married, my brother got married, and my mother gave birth to a boy and a girl. The Wu family can now be said to be prosperous.

His parents were extremely happy to see Wu Yugang come home, because although Wu Yugang is not yet fifteen years old, he looks almost like a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, and his face has lost the childishness of a child.

His mother pulled Wu Yugang into the room and said happily: "You're done studying! You can come back and be independent!"

Wu Yugang looked at his aging parents and said, "Well, now that I have accomplished my studies, I can treat people by myself."

The parents said happily: "Well, I will give you a blessing tonight and celebrate. The Wu family will also have a doctor who can take away the pain of others."

Wu Yugang spent some time quietly at home and celebrated his fifteenth birthday. The children of the poor have become parents early. In rural areas, those who are very young, or those who live in poverty and have skills go out to make a living.

After the busy farming season, one day while having lunch, Wu Yugang said to his parents: "Now that I have grown up and have achieved success in school, boys should have their own careers."

The parents asked: "Then what do you plan to do in the future?"

Wu Yugang said: "A good man has his ambitions in all directions. I want to go out and have some adventures. I can't stay at home all the time."

The parents were a little reluctant and asked Wu Yugang: "Then where do you plan to go?"

Wu Yugang said: "In the village, the old Chinese medicine practitioners are still very healthy, but I can't develop well here. Your two elders are also in good health now, and there are brothers, sisters-in-law, sisters and husbands at home to help. I want to open a clinic outside. So that I can support and develop myself, and do more good things for others.”

My parents said: "It's a good thing to go out and exercise, but do you understand society? It's not the same outside as at home. There are all kinds of people in society. You have to have your own way of dealing with others. You must first learn to protect yourself, and then you can protect yourself for others." .

Not all people are as good as you think. You must first learn to see things and do things outside. Although there is no emperor anymore, you must do things that are worthy of your own conscience and cannot act against your conscience. You should not offend others casually, but you must also learn to respect them, whether they are adults or children.

Outside, although it is said that suffering a loss is a blessing, the truth is that you should not be too ahead of others to get ahead, and you should be kinder. A kindness and a blessing. "

Wu Yugang listened silently to his parents' teachings and said to his parents: "I have read so many books and understand these principles."

Mother said with concern: "We know that you have read a lot of books, but what we are afraid of is that you are like those bookworms who only know how to read and don't understand the world."

Wu Yugang said: "I understand what you are saying."

The father said from the side: "You have grown up and have your own ideas. You should also go out to exercise and see the big world outside. Staying at home will not bring much benefit. After all, you are still young now, so you should After going out to experience, many children like you in the village have gone to make a living outside.

Although we are reluctant to let you go out, boys will one day start a family and start a family by themselves. How can we do it without exercise? It cannot always be kept in a honeypot under the care of its parents. That won't make a difference. "

The mother on the side looked at Wu Ming who was talking, and couldn't let go of her concern for Wu Yugang, so she said to Wu Yugang: "I also understand what your dad means, but if you go out in the future, never forget this place, even if you mess around Not bad, this small village still has parents who care about you, the land and fellow villagers who gave birth to you and raised you.

Never forget this land and this village, they are still your backing. Be worthy of those who raised you, not just your parents. "

Wu Ming said from the side: "We haven't read that many books, we are just afraid that you won't be able to do well. But you must know that falling and falling is also a growing experience. You can't just get up after you fall, and you will blame everyone. Boy, You must use your own wisdom and expertise to carve out your own sky. You cannot rely on others, let alone live on the charity of others. Boys live with integrity.

Even if a person is poor, his ambition cannot be short. Live strong no matter what, for yourself and those who care about you. To develop for the benefit, look further ahead. Only in this way can you hold up a world of your own. "

Wu Yugang nodded silently and said to his parents: "I understand what you mean."

The mother said: "We also know what you think. After all, you are older. You still need to walk your own path in the future, and your parents will not follow you forever. You still have to fight for your own life. Although there are good people at home, Conditions, but you are a vindictive child. We will not stop you, but remember to come back if you are successful! Don't forget this place."

Wu Ming's words broke the heavy atmosphere: "It is a good thing that the child can be independent. We should be happy. This is the spirit of the Wu family. We should be happy for our happy life. You should have a future of your own."

Wu Yugang said: "I will act like myself and won't let you down." The parents nodded, but they couldn't help but worry about the child they had spent so much effort on.

Parents are parents after all. When a child travels a thousand miles, the mother is worried, but when a mother travels a thousand miles, the child has no worries!

The next day, Wu Yugang said goodbye to his family, packed his bags, and hit the road. Wu Yugang did not forget his parents’ instructions and instructions.

From a poor family to a rich man, he carried money and valuables with him. A rattan box contained a few pieces of clothing and supplies for traditional Chinese medicine.

Parents, grandparents and grandparents stood at the door of the house, watching Wu Yugang go away.

Wu Ming's wife blamed Wu Ming for his cruelty. Wu Ming is more worried about his children's future.

Soon, Wu Yugang walked away on the mountain road and disappeared from the sight of his parents and relatives.

Although it was not the first time for Wu Yugang to go out, it was still the first time for him to go out. He felt much more relaxed looking at the green mountains and green waters around him.

"But where to go?" Wu Yugang pondered, "It's better to go and see first. You can't achieve your career in haste!" Wu Yugang was planning as he walked.

It was past noon, and Wu Yugang was a little tired, so he sat under a big tree on a deserted mountain road in the middle of nowhere and took out some dry food.

But for some reason, Wu Yugang always felt that someone was watching him not far away. (To be continued)