Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 22: The end of the world is reduced to human beings


Wu Yugang was sitting under a tree eating dry food, but he always felt that someone was watching him. He looked at the plants and trees around him, but saw no one.

Wu Yugang ate the dry food and continued to walk quickly, and began to pay attention to the left and right behind him.

Slowly, Wu Yugang discovered a ragged teenage boy not far behind him, always following him not far or near.

It is getting dark, and there are few people in the wild mountains. "Find a place to rest!" Wu Yugang planned.

Wu Yugang looked around and found a dilapidated mountain temple among the trees at the foot of the mountain not far away. So, Wu Yugang walked down the road to the mountain temple.

I don’t know when this small mountain temple was built. Because few people come here, it has long been abandoned and is in ruins and dilapidated.

Wu Yugang walked into the collapsed temple gate and saw that the temple was built against the mountain. The two main halls were carved out of the cliff. The corridor protruding out of the cliff fell apart due to age and disrepair.

The small courtyard of the temple is overgrown with weeds, the courtyard walls have long since collapsed, and the courtyard is littered with rubble, broken wood, and broken bricks.

Wu Yugang walked to the main hall in the dim light of dusk, knelt down to the statue, and then sat down in a clean corner beside the main hall where he could live.

The night in late autumn is still a bit cool, and it seems even more desolate in this desolate mountain.

Wu Yugang lit a fire and took out the dry food and was about to eat it when he suddenly saw the ragged little boy who had been following him standing at the door of the hall.

Wu Yugang felt a little strange, so he asked: "Child, what do you do? Why did you come out of the barren mountains and wild mountains on your own without an adult accompanying you?"

At this time, the little boy walked into Wu Yugang's side and said, "Brother, I'm a passerby. I've been separated from my family. I haven't eaten anything for several days. Can you give me some food?"

Wu Yugang saw that there was no danger to a child, so he pulled the little boy to the fire, took out a piece of dry food and handed it to the child, who ate it hungrily.

Wu Yugang said from the side: "Don't be anxious, eat slowly." He took out the kettle and put it aside. While eating, he asked the child: "Where are you from? How did you get out?"

I heard a child say: "Brother, I'm from Anhui. Because of the floods for many years, there was no food at home, so I escaped with my parents to find a way to survive."

Wu Yugang asked: "How many people are in your family? Do you have names?"

The little boy said: "My name is Zhang Liang. I used to have grandparents at home who later starved to death. My parents and us brothers were the only ones left at home. Later, my brother was employed as a child laborer in a factory, so my parents and I wanted to find someone who could There was a place to eat, so I continued walking north, but I got separated from my parents in a town two days ago and never found them.”

Wu Yugang asked: "Don't the government care about your famine?"

Zhang Liang said: "It's not that we don't care, but relief can't be provided. There are too many victims, and warlords have been fighting there for years. A lot of relief food has been withheld by those officials, and the victims can only eat visible grains of rice." It’s hard to survive with plain water porridge.”

Wu Yugang asked: "Then what will you do next?"

Zhang Liang said: "What can I do? Now I have to beg for food first and find my parents later. But at that time, I heard from my parents that if I could open up a few acres of land somewhere and live a stable life without having to run around, that would be enough. But now I can’t find my parents, I’m still young, and I don’t know what to do in the future!”

Wu Yugang asked: "What should you do if you can't find your parents?" Zhang Liang said: "Then you have to live by begging and search slowly. If you really can't find your parents, you can find a job in a factory when you are older. My parents told me that I just need to be able to support myself and live a stable life.”

Wu Yugang thought about it and said, "Then let's go together! We'll even look for your parents!"

At this time, Zhang Liang asked: "Can I ask what you do?"

Wu Yugang said: "I also go out to make a living." Zhang Liang said: "That's good, but if I go with you, I'm afraid something will happen!"

Wu Yugang asked doubtfully: "What can happen?"

Zhang Liang said: "When my parents and I came out, someone on the road checked to see if they were kidnapping people. If found out, they would be sent to jail. This is why I dare not approach you during the day."

Only then did Wu Yugang realize: "It turns out that the real society is not as simple and beautiful as imagined. We still need to be more careful."

So Wu Yugang asked Zhang Liang: "What should we do if we go together?"

Zhang Liang said: "It depends on where you go?"

Wu Yugang said: "It shouldn't be too far. Just find a place where you can make a living." "That won't be too difficult. I'll just say that we are two brothers who go out to find work." Zhang Liang said.

Wu Yugang thought: Anyway, he is alone, or if there are multiple people accompanying him, if he can have someone to take care of him, this child doesn't have any bad intentions.

So he said: "Okay, let's go together. Let's go do some business together. It won't be too late to find your parents when you have some savings. Now you can't even find food. Don't starve to death on the way." "

Zhang Liang said: "Then thank you brother for saving your life. How can I repay you?"

Wu Yugang said: "What haven't you done yet? You're welcome."

Wu Yugang felt that this child had seen the world, experienced things, and knew a lot about the world, but he was just a sensible person.

The next day, Wu Yugang changed Zhang Liang into clean clothes and ate dry food, and the two of them set off on the road. The journey was peaceful and not as scary as they imagined.

The two brothers talked and walked together very harmoniously.

After walking for another two days, at noon on the third day, the two brothers arrived at a market town. This was a market town located on an important transportation road in the mountains.

Although the town is not big, there are many businesses gathered there, including restaurants, cloth stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, tailors and shoe stores. All walks of life are relatively complete and very prosperous.

The two brothers had dinner in the town and wanted to know more about the situation in the town, so they walked and chatted.

Zhang Liang asked Wu Yugang: "What should we do?"

Wu Yugang said: "Looking at the situation here, there are a lot of people. I want to find a place to open a clinic. You can help me."

Zhang Liang said: "It's nothing, just what kind of place should we find?"

Wu Yugang said: "We came here for the first time and didn't know much about it. It would be best to find a place not far from where people live and convenient for people to seek medical treatment. The rent shouldn't be too expensive because we don't have that much capital. We can only start from the beginning slowly.” (To be continued)