Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 26: Secret divine arts


The old monk looked at Wu Yugang and laughed, "It is the doctor's job to treat patients and restore their health, and cultivating oneself to become a Buddha or an immortal is another use of martial arts besides punishing evil and promoting good."

Wu Yugang asked doubtfully, "Is it true that practicing martial arts can make one become an immortal?"

The old monk said: "Monks do not tell lies."

"It seems that you are well versed in medicine and martial arts." Wu Yuguang said admiringly.

The old monk said modestly, "Monks worship three times a day, morning and evening, burn a stick of incense before the Buddha, and then study Buddhist scriptures. You can't finish reading all the books in your lifetime. It's true that you can learn until you die. It seems that you are a humble and studious person. Medicine also takes a long time to practice. The older the doctor is, the more people trust him. It seems that you are too young to practice medicine."

"Are there no good doctors among young people?" Wu Yuguang asked somewhat angrily.

The old monk said with a pleasant face: "What people see is that you are an experienced doctor, because age is the capital of an old doctor. Youth is just the capital for you to learn all kinds of knowledge and experience!"

Wu Yugang pondered and said, "That's true. Does that mean there is no future for young doctors?"

The old monk said: "Hard work and years of practice will make a good doctor. It all depends on one's luck."

"Does this also require luck?" Wu Yuguang asked with increasing curiosity.

The old monk said, "Life is in this world, and everything depends on fate, right? If the time is not right, it's like fishing on a tree. When the time is right, everything will come naturally. This is what people often call fate and opportunity, but they don't know the importance of accumulating experience and knowledge."

Wu Yugang thought: "That's the truth, it's the same as the old man I met who taught me boxing!"

The old monk was surprised and asked, "Has anyone ever taught you martial arts?"

Wu Yugang realized that he had forgotten the master's instructions, but he felt that there seemed to be no harm in saying it here.

I told the old monk, "When I was collecting herbs before, I met an old man. He taught me a set of boxing and a Qigong body-cleansing technique, which is said to be derived from Shaolin Kung Fu."

The old monk was surprised and asked, "Can you tell me about it?"

Wu Yugang said: "It's nothing, actually. It's just a set of Five Elements Fist and a set of mental skills that are said to be related to Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing!"

The old monk said in amazement: "I never knew a young man had such a high level of inner strength attainment! It seems that you are a hidden talent. I admire you!"

Wu Yugang was stunned by the old monk's words: "Is this a rare martial arts skill?"

The old monk asked Wu Yugang: "Do you know what level of martial arts you have achieved in Shaolin Temple?"

Wu Yugang felt that he was indeed lacking in knowledge, and blushed as he said, "I really don't know!"

The old monk asked, "How is your martial arts training going?"

Wu Yugang said: "I have persisted for almost nine years."

The old monk smiled and said, "I was wondering why I could sense that you have an extraordinary temperament. It turns out that you have a connection with Buddhism. Your Kung Fu skills can be passed through the Wooden Man Alley and Arhat Formation in Shaolin Temple. You can go down the mountain and become a martial arts master or a hero who punishes evil and promotes good."

Wu Yugang finally realized that he had such a profound martial arts attainment. He said modestly: "Old man, I'd better stay away from the fighting and killing in the world. Getting into trouble will only make life more difficult. I am still interested in how to practice to become a god or a Buddha, so that I can stay away from the troubles of the world."

The old monk said: "The first thing martial arts teaches is to be strong, so that you can resist worldly troubles instead of escaping them. You must take responsibility and overcome all difficulties and obstacles. This is for the martial artist himself. The second thing is to punish evil and promote good. Otherwise, martial arts will have no social value. Just like the Confucian idea of governing the country and bringing peace to the world, you must first cultivate yourself and your family before you can govern the country and bring peace to the world."

Wu Yugang asked: "Which is better, to cultivate in seclusion or in the secular world?"

The old monk said: "Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are all one family. There is no difference between worldly and detached cultivation. It all depends on one's fate. As for cultivation, it mainly depends on one's mentality."

"Is mentality so important?!" Wu Yuguang was a little confused.

The old monk said: "When the mind is calm, one can become a Buddha. This is the opportunity of Buddhism. Mentality is the focus of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and also the focus of medicine. When the mind is right, the internal organs are right, and when the five elements are in harmony, people will not get sick. In terms of society, it means doing more good deeds, which is reflected in a peaceful mentality.

Many Taoists and Confucians practiced swordsmanship and became immortals. This is the reason why those swordsmen are so skilled that they can punish evil and promote good from a distance of thousands of miles, and benefit the world and the people, and are praised by the world. And practice requires a way and method to practice. "

Wu Yugang was immersed in deep thought, and asked thoughtfully: "You are a Buddhist, do you also understand Taoism and Confucianism? But what methods do you use to practice?"

The old monk said, "In fact, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism all teach people to learn well. Their principles are interlinked and there is no boundary. Swordsmen enter the Dao with the sword. The sword is the most respected weapon and represents righteousness. One can enter the Dao of Swordsmanship with a righteous spirit. Flying with a sword is the most basic martial art and the most basic practice of a swordsman."

"But in such a society, are there still swordsmen like those in ancient times?" Wu Yuguang asked the old monk.

The old monk said: "Although there are no swordsmen, there are practices like swordsmen."

"Can you tell me why I can ascend to heaven?" Wu Yugang asked the old monk like a child.

The old monk said, "The purpose of Yijinxisui is to make people light and healthy, and a light body is the foundation of immortal bones. If you are as light as a swallow, it is not difficult to fly with a sword. The principle uses Qi, and Qi uses the principle. It is easy to understand that heaven and man are one, Qi is used, and man and sword are one. As for reality, how to adapt it to your own use. What do you think?"

Wu Yugang looked at the old monk with admiration and said happily: "You also understand the practice of swordsmanship."

The old monk said, "It's serious. It's just that when I was young, I followed my master to the Wudang Taoist Temple to visit friends. When I had nothing to do there, I looked through some of their practice books in the Sutra Library."

Wu Yugang was surprised to realize that it was not that simple. He asked, "What do you think I should practice to achieve success?"

The old monk smiled and said, "You are a Chinese medicine practitioner, so of course doctors practice acupuncture!"

Wu Yugang asked: "Among the martial arts that can be cultivated to become immortal, is there any way to become immortal or ascend to heaven by practicing needles?"

The old monk thought for a moment and said, "Society is developing and progressing, and martial arts practice can also develop and progress. The key is people's thinking and consciousness. You have to learn to adapt. I think you can achieve something."

Wu Yugang asked: "Then how should I practice?"

The old monk said: "For your situation, I have a good way to have the best of both worlds!" (To be continued)