Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 3: Fantastic rumor


Hearing the urging of Wu Yuguang and others, the old employee also wanted to show off his knowledge and his interest was high.

The old employee said: "Don't interrupt me all the time! There aren't many such things. You guys should listen to it too, it's good to broaden your horizons!"

"Tell me quickly! We can't sleep now anyway! We also want to know the origin of this mysterious ice!" Zhang Yang said loudly.

"It is said that this old knight is called Han Zixuan. He is said to have retired from the martial arts world, but he opened a martial arts school in a mountain village. It is not called Lingyin Martial Arts School. Maybe they call it the Lingyin School!" said the old employee.

Zhang Yang asked Wu Yugang: "Have you heard of this martial arts sect?"

Wu Yugang shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it! But maybe I'm too young and have little experience. The world is so big, there are all kinds of sects!"

This talkative Zhang Yang actually had no ill intentions, he just liked to ask questions. After hearing such words, he quietly listened to the story again.

Wu Yuguang listened to the old employee's story and analyzed Xuan Bing's experience and personality.

The old employee slowly narrated: "Do you know? In fact, I learned this Xuanbing Kung Fu secretly!" This sudden question immediately perked up the five people in the dormitory.

Zhang Yang said, "Really? Tell us how he learned martial arts secretly. Xuan Bing has been stealing since he was a child. What good things can he do? You tell us first, so that we can understand!"

Wu Yugang also thought so, but he didn't say it out loud right away. He just looked at everyone silently.

The old employee said, "It turns out that this Jianghu knight Han Zixuan wanted to find a disciple to inherit his business and property, so he accepted Xuan Bing. Later, he gave Xuan Bing a name, Han Xu. But the old knight misunderstood the situation. When he opened the martial arts school, he had already accepted a senior disciple, who was also an orphan, named Han Yan. He usually helped the old man manage the martial arts school! He was the young man who drank with the old man!"

"Oh! I get it! Are these two brothers fighting over property or something? And then Han Xu came here!" Zhang Yang interrupted the old employee.

The middle-aged employee said, "It's similar to what you said, but it's not that simple! It's very complicated. Do you understand society?"

When everyone heard this, they felt that society was really cruel and kept silent. Zhang Yang was interrupted and remained silent.

"In fact, when Xuanbing Han Xu was adopted by the old man, the child became a better boy. He had food and drink, and he also wanted to learn martial arts from his master. He had no other ideas! The old knight Han Zixuan also liked Han Xu, this smart and clever disciple! But Han Yan is old, and the old knight can't teach Han Xu martial arts skills, so he had to find a way to teach him martial arts secretly." The middle-aged employee recounted Han Xu's experience.

Wu Yugang analyzed, if Han Xu was so sensible, why would he harm others like this now? He was simply abnormal.

"Although Han Xu has only been in the martial arts gym for a short time, he has been practicing martial arts diligently and has made rapid progress, and his talent was soon revealed. The master saw such a genius, but there was no chance for him to avoid the disciples in the gym and teach Han Xu martial arts!" The middle-aged man felt a little regretful as he told the story of Han Xu.

"Then why is he still secretly learning martial arts? Wouldn't it be enough for the master to teach him?" Zhang Yang expressed his opinion arbitrarily.

“How would you know? That is the sect’s secret manual! Not everyone can learn it! You need talent and martial ethics. Otherwise, what if the master taught it to you and you destroyed the master? You are such a child.” The middle-aged man taught Zhang Yang a lesson.

"It seems that those who practice martial arts also have something to fear!" Zhang Yang said.

Wu Yugang took over Zhang Yang's words and said, "That's right! Practicing martial arts requires martial ethics. If good kung fu is passed on to evil people, it will be a disaster! How can a master not worry? People with ulterior motives will use martial arts to do bad things, and no one can stop them!"

When the middle-aged man heard Wu Yuguang's words, he felt that this young man was no ordinary man, very sensible, and not just a simple farm boy.

"What secrets does their Lingyin Martial Arts School have that cannot be passed on to others? If it is not passed on to others, who would go there to learn martial arts? You won't be able to learn real skills even if you go there!" Zhang Yang commented on the master.

"In fact, it's not as simple as it sounds. Han Zixuan passed on the secrets to his apprentice! It's just that only the little Han Xu at that time practiced well. The master decided to teach him alone!"

"Oh! Give him some special treatment! Do you know what secret it is? Tell us!" Zhang Yang interrupted.

"It is said to be the Lingyin acupoint-pressing fist! It is said to be a very special martial art! Very powerful!" said the middle-aged man.

"You know all this!?" Wu Yuguang asked doubtfully.

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said, "You don't know! It was spread very fiercely before! It was described in great detail, like a storyteller!"

"That's good! There's nothing entertaining here! You tell us, and we'll just treat it as a pastime! It can also broaden our horizons!" Zhang Yang said contentedly.

Wu Yuguang felt that this person must know the inside story, so it would be better for him to learn more about Han Xu to avoid any inappropriate things.

The middle-aged man asked Wu Yugang: "Do you think this acupuncture boxing is powerful? You are the only one here who knows kung fu!"

Wu Yugang did not refuse, thinking that this middle-aged man did not know any martial arts, nor was he an undercover agent. "Actually, acupoint pressing is powerful, but it requires strength. Without strength, it is useless to just practice some fancy moves! However, Han Xu has already learned the secret book, so did he learn something else? Otherwise, how could he have such high kung fu!?"

"Yes! You know more! It is said that this martial art requires internal strength. Without internal strength, it cannot be practiced well! It is difficult to become famous." The middle-aged man said, "Han Zixuan just wants to pass on his internal strength to Han Xu! Because those disciples really have no talent to cultivate."

"Do you know what internal power is? We really want to know these secrets!" Zhang Yang urged.

"It is said to be the Lingyin Toad Skill! No one can defeat it. It is the unique martial arts that Han Zixuan has used all over the world without encountering an opponent! It is not the Xuanyin Skill or something like that!" Wu Yugang listened to the middle-aged man's words and remembered the Lingyin secret book he had obtained.

"Heaven and earth are mixed and return to Taiyi, and static movement can control movement in the slightest. The most yin place is connected to the spiritual path, and magic is produced between inhalation and exhalation. The mixed qi is in Dantian, and the power is all in the waist. When the mixed qi is full, external evil cannot move even a little bit." These are indeed the skills of Xuanyin! Wu Yugang thought, it seems that this person does not know any martial arts, but just heard the story.

However, these stories do not seem to be rumors. If there were no such thing, it would be impossible to make up such a complete story, and even name the names. Adding to what I have seen and heard, it seems that this person knows a lot of the truth, which is quite useful! Wu Yugang thought about his own thoughts. (To be continued)