Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 49: The advent of what love is


Yang Wushuang fell off a cliff with uncertainty about his life or death.

On New Year's Eve, everyone in Yangjiayu was anxious. Yang Wushuang left the Yang family compound as if flying, and the screams in the night made Yang Mingyu's family even more devastated.

Yang Meishi blamed her brother and sister-in-law's family: "Chenguang has left, you can't let Wushuang lose her sweetheart again."

Yang Mingjian said anxiously at the side: "The Yang family can't lose Wushuang anymore!" After that, Yang Mingjian went out and arranged for the young people in the village to light torches and go into the mountains to search.

Yang Meishi was sad and hateful, blaming Yang Mingyu for being so smart and confused for a while. However, days and nights passed, and people searched the wild mountains around the village. Wu Yugang and Yang Wushuang never saw people alive or dead.

The painful Yang family buried Yang Chenguang. The people of Yangjiayu hated the revenge-seeking figures of the Qingwei sect. The disciples of Tai Chi Sect are still gradually expanding the scope and continuing to look for the two people who left.

Yang Mingyu and his wife painfully sorted out the items used by Wu Yugang and Yang Wushuang.

A pair of flawless white dragon and phoenix jade pendants were placed together by the couple, and a pair of priceless century-old ginseng beside them lay quietly in the box.

Looking at these things, the couple covered their faces and cried in their daughter's room.

Mrs. Yang shed tears and said to Yang Mingyu: "These two have such a good relationship, I will get them married soon."

Yang Mingyu wiped away his tears and said, "Yes! But these two children! What do you mean by feelings!?"

Mrs. Yang, who was packing her daughter's clothes, was already crying.

Yang Mingyu persuaded his wife: "Now these two people are neither alive nor dead, maybe they can still be found, maybe they are not dead yet, maybe..."

"I just want to see them still alive and kicking in front of me, but my youngest son is gone." Mrs. Yang's eyes were filled with tears.

Wu Yugang and Master Jingxu flew for unknown lengths of time. They only felt the wind whistling in their ears, and the mountains and rivers under their feet kept disappearing from their sight. The sea is at your feet, and soon on an island where the sun is shining brightly, exotic flowers are blooming, and exotic grasses are everywhere, Master Jingxu presses his head on the clouds.

Wu Yugang landed on the island and looked at the environment here. I saw that on the island, the mountains are not high but they are beautiful, the water is gurgling, the water is not deep but clear, and the fish are swimming in the shallow bottom.

The mountains are quiet when birds are not singing, and their chirping is even more ethereal.

Not long after, Master Jingxu led Wu Yugang to a cave in a twists and turns. Fairy peaches and exotic fruits hang on the branches outside the cave, and the stone tables and benches inside the cave seem to be made from nature.

Master Jingxu said to Wu Yugang: "You should take a rest here first." After that, Jingxu walked out of the cave.

Wu Yugang looked at the natural things in the cave with despair. This place was both a paradise and a holy land on earth.

Not long after, Master Jingxu put the fresh fruit in front of Wu Yugang: "Come on! Eat something first. Only when you have the strength can you understand the injustice in the world." After that, he picked up a peach and handed it to Wu Yugang.

Wu Yugang was busy in his heart: "He's not dead anyway, it's okay to wait until the old god can explain his grievances to me." Thinking of this, Wu Yugang took the peach over.

The fresh and fragrant peach scent filled his nostrils and passed between his lips and teeth. Wu Yugang suddenly felt that the sadness gradually dissipated, followed by a feeling of refreshment and detachment all over his body.

Master Jingxu was wiping his beard on the side, looking at Wu Yugang with a smile, and said kindly: "Young man, don't overthink things when you encounter them. You are still young, and courage is the foundation for a person's survival. Those who are not strong in ambition are not wise. "

"The world is so unfair, and everything is blamed on me alone. Can you accept it!?" Wu Yugang said angrily.

Master Jingxu tied his beard and laughed loudly: "Young man! People with ambitions must be magnanimous and tolerant! It happened suddenly, but you will regret it if you sleep!"

"I'm sad to lose my junior brother, but how could they treat me like that!?" Wu Yugang said sadly and angrily.

"Come and see!" the old god said, and led Wu Yugang to a stone mirror.

Wu Yugang only saw Yang Mingyu and his wife saying sadly in the stone mirror: "We know! Without Wu Yugang, the village would be worse, but when I saw that my youngest son was injured by a hidden weapon, I couldn't control myself."

Wu Yugang looked at the people in the stone mirror silently, "Wu Yugang!" Yang Wushuang shouted desperately.

At this time, Wu Yugang's eyes were blurred with tears. "This is our Jueqing Cliff!" Yang Wushuang fell off the cliff.

Wu Yugang grabbed the stone mirror and shouted loudly: "Wushuang, you can't stop thinking about it!" The scene in the stone mirror had disappeared, and there was only a rock in front of Wu Yugang.

Master Jingxu stood behind the desperate Wu Yugang, with an indifferent expression, and said to Wu Yugang: "Only by ruthless Wujing can you learn the peerless martial arts, and then you can do good things for the world."

Wu Yugang, who was extremely desperate, had nothing to worry about. He turned around and said to the old god: "Can you teach me peerless martial arts!? I want to kill all the bad guys in the world and avenge my dead junior brother and senior sister."

Master Jingxu looked at the indignant Wu Yugang and said, "Your courage is commendable, but your murderous intention is too serious to make it happen!"

"Then you send me back, I will fight for the Qingwei Sect!" Wu Yugang's eyes were burning with rage.

Master Jingxu said calmly: "Then you are going to die. A great person can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and his heart is like the sea. I will teach you some meditation skills first, but there is no harm to you."

"Okay! Since there is no harm, I will learn, when will you teach me!?" Wu Yugang suppressed the anger in his heart.

Master Jingxu said quietly: "Come with me! This is called the Spring of Meditation. Wash your body and mind in the spring water before practicing!" Jingxu pointed to a clear spring deep in the cave and said to Wu Yugang.

Wu Yugang took off his clothes and walked into a pool of spring water that looked like a pond.

The spring water is cool to the bones, and a cool air penetrates the muscles and bones, cleansing the mind. A fresh and cool air made Wu Yugang feel instantly refreshed. His anger and resentment dissipated, followed by an air of calmness and elegance. With a fresh and strong will, Wu Yugang seemed to see more clearly the grudges and hatreds of the world of mortals.

Wu Yugang was wearing the clothes brought by the old god. Master Jingxu looked at the freshly washed Wu Yugang.

"Okay! Your spirit is firm and your mind is clear. I can accept you as my disciple!" Master Jingxu said to Wu Yugang.

Wu Yugang said quietly: "I can learn martial arts from you!"

Master Jingxu led Wu Yugang outside the cave, pointed to the sunny island and said: "This place is called Xianyuan Island. It is the place where Jingxu cultivates himself. If a person wants to cultivate himself and live forever, he must have a clear mind and a calm mind. . To achieve tranquility and tranquility, one needs to go through nine levels." (To be continued)