Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 5: The Celestial Sect


When Wu Yugang heard Zhang Yang's words, he lowered his head and smiled, silently.

The middle-aged man smiled and said to Zhang Yang: "Stop dreaming! What happens next is amazing! You have never heard of it!"

Zhang Yang was robbed and was a little annoyed. He said hurriedly: "Tell me how Han Xu got here first!"

"Han Xu was kicked out of the school and had nowhere to go! But he met Jia Zhengjing, the steward here, who brought Han Xu here!" The middle-aged man said in an astonishing way.

Wu Yugang asked: "Does Jia Zhengjing also know martial arts? How did he know Han Xu, and the friendship is so deep!"

The old employee said: "Jia Zhengjing also went to that martial arts studio to learn martial arts. He wanted to keep fit, but something like this happened. He saw that Han Xu knew martial arts. If he was good to Han Xu, he would not have to spend tuition fees to practice martial arts. Because It's profitable, so I brought Han Xu here. This factory is run by Uncle Jia Zhengjing! Why not?"

After a pause, the old employee continued: "Then Han Yan didn't end up well in the martial arts gym. Jia Zhengjing knew about Han Yan's poisoning, so he told the people in the martial arts gym. People were angry, so he Rumors spread that Han Yan drove away his junior fellow apprentice and poisoned his master to make money and kill him. This incident alarmed the gods!"

"What!? The gods have been alarmed! Are there really gods!?" Zhang Yang was confused.

"It's true! It's said that one day, a god came to Han Yan's martial arts gym. He came in and called Han Yan to kill him, leaving only the words of the King Kong god!" The middle-aged man said this, his eyes shining brightly.

Wu Yugang looked up to the sky and laughed, while Zhang Yang was stunned.

"Why are you going?" Zhang Yang asked Wu Yugang, who had already stepped out of bed.

Wu Yugang replied: "It's convenient to go outside, come back and sleep!"

"Then I'll go too!" Zhang Yang and Wu Yugang walked out of the dormitory one after another.

As soon as he went out, Wu Yugang disappeared. Zhang Yang was at a loss. Suddenly, he heard a long roar in the mid-air. Wu Yugang was standing in the clouds in the mid-air.

Zhang Yang was stunned by such a scene! In a blink of an eye, Wu Yugang returned to Zhang Yang and took a photo of Zhang Yang who was stunned. Only then did Zhang Yang regain his composure and close his open mouth.

"Are you a human or a ghost! How could this happen?" Zhang Yang asked fearfully.

Wu Yugang said: "It's me! Don't be afraid!"

"Let's go back!" Zhang Yang said nonchalantly.

"Okay! Then go back!" Wu Yugang walked in front.

Zhang Yang was heard saying from behind Nuonuo: "What am I talking about? The Immortal Sect! It turns out there really are immortals. This is not nonsense!"

It turned out that as soon as Wu Yugang went out, his consciousness moved and he realized that there was a person practicing kung fu by the reed pond. Presumably the toad's cry was caused by this person.

Wu Yugang flew up and came not far from this person. A cold light blocked this person's aura. This person is like a drop in the sky, and it is difficult for him to accept the energy of heaven and earth. Then, there was a dragon roar, how could a mortal be able to absorb the merit of the immortal family! However, this roar was controlled by Wu Yugang to avoid hurting good people, but it was difficult for some people to bear it, especially those evil people.

After destroying this man's martial arts, Wu Yugang returned to the dormitory to rest. It didn't matter that this roar shocked everyone in the room. The workers were fine and continued to sleep after hearing no sound, but one person could no longer fall asleep.

A dark figure quickly ran to Xuan Bing Han Xu's office and pushed open the closed door with all his strength.

This person is no one else, one of Han Xu's apprentices, the night watchman He Mo.

He Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said angrily to Han Xu: "Master! My one-word Xuanyin Toad Kung Fu was ruined! The person who wastes my martial arts is the one who can melt Xuan Bing."

"Did you see clearly!?" Jia Zhengjing wiped the yellow and white substance that she had just spit out from the corner of her mouth and came over to ask.

"That's him! I saw it very clearly. He was standing in the clouds, and he shouted at me. I vomited blood and couldn't practice kung fu! That's right!" He Mo said anxiously about his experience.

"Is it really so magical? Don't lie to me!" This roar is understandable, but riding on the clouds is hard to explain! "Han Xu thought.

He Mo said anxiously: "There is no lie at all! I saw it all with my own eyes. You must avenge me!"

Jia Zhengjing was shocked when she heard this, even though she was vomited by Chang Xiao. But can this person really fly? Have you really met your opponent? Is he scared or is he really a god

Jia Zheng was still frightened and said to Han Xu: "Do you have any idea? It seems that this person is not simple and has some background."

Han Xuyan said: "It's nothing! It's just that we don't know anything about him. It would be great if we knew something about him! It will help us take action. When encountering such a master, we cannot act rashly!"

Although Jia Zhengjing was anxious, she thought to herself. It makes sense to hear what Han Xu said. It's better to understand his situation so that you don't get too anxious. If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

"I will avenge you!" Han Xu said to He Mo, "But we can't be anxious. We are also thinking of ways to deal with this kid now. We can't lose the big because of the small. You can't get revenge by being anxious!"

Jia Zhengjing was also advising: "It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. We will find a way to deal with this kid! With us, what do you have to worry about!"

He Mo felt much quieter when he heard that the two of them were so confident, but he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "I must cut him into pieces! To satisfy the hatred in my heart! Now I want to bite him to death!"

"Okay, okay! You go back to rest and recuperate first, we will deal with it!" Jia Zhengjing sent He Mo away.

Han Xu said to Jia Zhengjing who walked into the room: "You arrange to find out where this kid comes from and what martial arts he knows! Then I will think of countermeasures! How about it!?"

Jia Zhengjing thought of a way and said to Han Xu: "Okay! Then I'll go find out! I'll let you know if anything happens! Deal with this matter as soon as possible to avoid this kid from causing any trouble in the future!"

There are always some meddlesome people in the market, and the same goes for factories. After all, this is also a society.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yang said in the workshop: "Do you know!? I saw Wu Yugang flying in the sky yesterday!"

"What's going on! Tell me! Is it him that makes the strange noise?" The person approaching asked.

"That's not what happened! Last night, Wu Yugang and I went out for convenience, but as soon as we went out, we disappeared! I was looking everywhere! Suddenly I heard a roar in the air. I looked up and saw Wu Yugang standing in the clouds wearing a silver helmet. Inside, the surroundings are filled with heavenly soldiers and generals!”

At this time, many people gathered around, listening to Zhang Yang's story.

A person with a loyal face said: "It seems that the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals have come to rescue us! Even the frogs didn't crow in the middle of the night! We can sleep well this time!"

"No! This is not nonsense! You can tell from the fact that he can melt ice. I even asked specifically, and Wu Yugang said that he is from the Immortal Sect! Do you think this is not an immortal!?" Zhang Yang said with jealousy.

"What god sent you!" A sinister voice said, and at some point, Jia Zhengjing stood behind these people. (To be continued)