Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 57: The Nine Heavens Divine Power is infinite


"There are countless magical skills among the immortals. Where does this one come from?" Wu Yuguang was full of curiosity about this fascinating and mysterious immortal skill.

Xuan Tian Zhenren stroked his beard and smiled, "Heaven, earth, man, gods and ghosts are the three realms. Although there are so-called immortal cultivation techniques in the human world, there are very few techniques that can be truly called the right way."

This pavilion on Xianyuan Island is filled with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Under the warm sunshine, the towering green mountains, the fragrant grass, the gurgling clear water, and the peach and plum trees make it look even more pure and remote.

Xuantian Zhenren looked at Wu Yugang who was showing a curious expression, and continued: "At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there were eight extraordinary people who deceived the world and obtained the golden immortal way of the immortals. These eight people were called the Eight Immortals in the world, namely: Lü Dongbin, Zhang Guolao, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe, Han Xiangzi, Tieguai Li, Han Zhongli, and He Xiangu. Among these eight people, only Lü Dongbin's immortal way is the most profound."

"They are all immortal ways. Are there any differences in level among them?" Wu Yuguang asked doubtfully.

Xuan Tian Zhenren smiled and said, "Although the techniques of the immortals all lead to the same goal, there are different levels of excellence in the return of all methods. Before Lü Dongbin became an immortal, he was a son of a wealthy family. He was forty-six years old and had not passed the imperial examination. Later, he was enlightened by Han Zhongli. His family fell into poverty, and his wife and children left him. He woke up from his dream, realized the great way, and became an immortal in Zhongnan Mountain!"

Wu Yugang nodded silently and said, "I see. But the legend in the world is that Lü Dongbin is greedy for wine and lustful. What good Kung Fu can a drunkard and lustful man teach others?"

"That's wrong!" Xuan Tian Zhenren said kindly and seriously, "It's true that Lü Dongbin likes wine, but to say that he is lustful is really a dog biting Lü Dongbin, and you don't know the good heart of a good person."

Wu Yugang was even more puzzled, and looked puzzled: "But this immortal has a wife and family, and he also likes to indulge in romantic places. How can you say he is not lustful?"

Xuantian Zhenren said: "Most immortals are single, this is due to their fate. If the Jade Emperor didn't have a wife, wouldn't he have no descendants? Lu Dongbin is in the place of love and sex, in fact, he is advising people not to be confused by the benefits of women, and to persuade people to be good!"

Wu Yugang's doubts were slightly resolved, and he nodded and said to himself, "Is that so? It seems that this person is indeed a man of high moral character. He cultivates the Tao and helps people, and teaches everyone."

Xuan Tian Zhenren said: "The inner alchemy technique he left for the world is a great combination of Taiyi techniques, eliminating the dross and pointing directly to the human nature. It is a rare and superior method. Understand its meaning and practice its way. All of them can become immortals."

Wu Yugang said to his master: "This technique is so amazing, what is the specific method?"

Xuantian Zhenren said: "You have this opportunity to be an immortal. I will slowly tell you and pass it on to you."

Wu Yuguang was also attracted by the magical skills left by this immortal master with high moral standards, and listened to his master's explanation attentively.

Xuantian Zhenren said: "The ancestor of Lu Dongbin was named Chunyang, and the technique he left behind is also called Chunyang Gong. It is divided into two parts, with the cultivation of pure yang as the foundation. The first part is Jiutian Xuanyin Gong and the second part is Jiutian Xuanyang. The combination of yin and yang is the right way, and yin gives birth to yang. Draw yang and add yin to the heart of heaven, and you will understand your mind and see your nature and achieve the Tao."

Wu Yugang said in confusion: "Master, what is the reason for this? It is so profound?"

Xuan Tian Zhenren said: "This is the general introduction of the practice. When yin and yang are combined, the three elements of heaven, earth and man are the heart of heaven. Yin and yang are infinitely changing. Yin gives birth to yang, and stillness gives birth to movement. To understand the heart of heaven, to see the heart and the nature, is the right way of the heart of heaven."

Wu Yugang nodded silently, thinking to himself: "The opening of a sect is indeed a brilliant method!"

Xuan Tian Zhenren said: "The first level of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Yin is to be in a place of extreme Yin and quietness, calm your mind and stop thinking, sit facing north with your five hearts facing the sky. Run the Zhoutian to wait for the Huozi hour, when the one Yang moves, the Qi returns to the origin, the Qi sea of the Mingmen is like a whirl, the Qi of heaven and earth gathers in oneself, consolidates the foundation and supports the Yuan to return to the Dantian.

The second level is to be done naked in extremely cold places, and to circulate the Qi around the body to open the Dantian. The cold Qi can be sent and received at will, and the Qi around the body will not fall.

The third level, Yin and Yang contain each other and are the fruit of each other, and the intention is to cultivate Tian Gang to drive away cold and heat. That is, seek the true meaning in the heat, and clarify that the true Yin is the fruit.

The fourth level, the mutual restraint and mutual generation are yin and yang. The weak are restrained in the rapids, the energy of Tiangang protects the whole body, and the water does not touch the body to achieve the right result.

The fifth level, the method of gathering Qi is to breathe in and out. Forget about taking in essence through the mouth and nose, and focus the breathing in Dantian as if with the mind, so that the true Qi returns to its origin to nourish the essence.

The sixth level: It is difficult to cultivate the Tao without eyes. Eyes are the essence of the true spirit. Use eyes to gather the spirit instrument. Use eyes to wipe it diligently and the spirit will shine naturally.

The seventh level is to practice the extremely Yin method both inside and outside. When the body moves, gods and ghosts are worried. The fingers are like cold wind and the body is like lightning. There are endless illusions outside the body.

The eighth stage is the method of self-cultivation with the Qi and intention. The Qi cyclone Baihui makes the body float into the air, the body flies up with the empty top of the head, and the Tiangang Qi protects the body.

The ninth level, using sound to chase souls and spread qi, the ghost's howl and the cold wind snatch away souls. The processing of pronunciation is difficult, and the devil sound is produced when the throat chakra opens.

This is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Yin Merit, have you remembered it?" Xuantian Zhenren asked Wu Yugang.

Wu Yugang said anxiously: "Master, this is only half of the magic skill. It is so difficult and how long will it take to complete it?"

Taoist Xuantian smiled and said, "My disciple, don't worry. With the guidance of the master and your own foundation, it is not difficult to achieve success. You must memorize and understand the true meaning of it, otherwise, it will be difficult to avenge your great hatred."

Wu Yugang calmed down and got rid of his impetuous spirit. He thought silently in his heart: How can it be so easy to become a golden immortal!

Taoist Xuantian continued, "When the method of extreme yin is cultivated, the extreme yin and extreme yang change into divine movement. When the method of extreme yang is in stillness, the first level of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Yang, the meaning of the Great Dao is infinite, the Three Talents Heavenly Heart Qi is cultivated, the divine light is invisible, the Dao is formless, and the divinity is revealed in the eyes. The gate of Xuanzhi is the root of heaven, and the secret text is formed between the eyebrows.

The second level, the primordial spirit resides in the square inch, and the conscious spirit resides in the heart field. The three treasures of Dandao are spiritual and spiritual, meaning water and fire in the middle earth.

The third stage, when practicing the method of Huiguang, one focuses the mind and the energy of pure thought spreads throughout the body. A drop of true yang is generated like a grain of rice, and a ray of divine light awaits the completion of the task.

The fourth level is the method of returning the light, regulating breathing and nourishing Qi, where the sound seems to be present but the ears and eyes are clear.

The fifth level is to gather the Qi and concentrate the mind into the Qi points, doing nothing and yet achieving infinite wonders.

The sixth stage, after one hundred days of building the foundation, divine light appears, and the essence and energy are sufficient to produce true yang.

The seventh level is to recognize that light, nature, and objects have no form. When the mind is calm, the elixir will be formed.

The eighth level, the meaning of the intersection of Kan and Li is hard to understand, the body, mind, spirit and energy are mutually used. Withdrawing Yang and exchanging Yin, the heart is empty.

The ninth level, the art of Zhou Tian is the secret of the heart, and it is done without intention. If you practice this art often without boasting, the Golden Immortal will quietly wait for the guidance.

This is the wonderful technique left by Lü Dongbin, the Pure Yang Immortal Ancestor. This technique is a Taoist alchemy technique that is not passed on to outsiders. Have you memorized it?" Taoist Xuantian asked his apprentice.

After listening to the master's words, Wu Yugang looked solemn and asked anxiously: "Such a mysterious technique, such a mysterious theory, when will I be able to understand it thoroughly?" (To be continued)