Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 60: There is no peace in the conflicts between Jianghu and Hu


Patriarch Jingtian planted the Demon-Gathering Banner in order to conquer the Tai Chi Sect and revive the Shushan sect. Although Shushan has fallen into decline, there are also many monks from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains.

Huashan Mountain has beautiful scenery and steep mountains. Towering ancient trees, strange rocks and huge cliffs make it easy to defend but difficult to attack. The Huashan sect is located deep in the mountains.

The Huashan School is famous for its Huashan swordsmanship. Because it is located in a deep mountain, Huashan Mountain's unique dangers have made Huashan's swordsmanship exquisite and dangerous. Although the sword is called the king of weapons and the embodiment of justice, the practice of double-edged swords also varies from person to person, because different environments create different swordsmanship, and not all are famous for their righteousness. There are many swordsmanships that are famous for their strangeness. Huashan Sword Technique is one of these.

Wuyun swordsmanship is indeed a unique martial arts skill that can be practiced both internally and externally. It is Huashan’s mountain-holding art. The Wuyun Internal Cultivation Technique is a unique internal skill rarely seen in the world.

Wuyun Magic Power is based on the five elements. For those who practice internal medicine, the five elements belong to the five internal organs. The five internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, belong to the five elements of fire, wood, earth, metal, and water. Each of the five internal organs receives spiritual light and controls the body, limbs and bones. Fire is red and is collected in the heart, wood is green and is collected in the liver, earth is yellow and is collected in the spleen, gold is white and is collected in the lungs, and water is black and is collected in the kidneys.

The five elements are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, restricting each other but also controlling each other. The balance of the five elements of the human body is healthy. It means colorless light, transforming colorless into colored, transforming formless into having form, using formless to rule over form, which is where Wuyun Neigong comes from.

Wuyun swordsmanship is combined with Wuyun's mental method. The method of cultivating the mind lies in the environment. The beautiful and dangerous mountains of Huashan Mountain have created the strange and dangerous environment of Huashan Zhenshan Sword Technique.

Huashan has experienced ups and downs, and now there are only a few disciples.

Hua Yueyang, the leader of Huashan Mountain, is the only strange talent in Huashan Mountain who has mastered magical powers. In the cave, in the stone chamber, the head of Huashan is meditating on his unique secret technique.

In the stone room, which is one foot wide, Hua Yueyang sits in the middle. I saw Hua Yueyang sitting on the futon with five hearts facing the sky, eyes and noses facing each other, and talking about Dantian. During the rest, the air in the room suddenly changed. Hua Yueyang draws the strange and dangerous spirit of Huashan into itself. At the beginning of the movement, the colorless gas slowly takes on darker and darker colors. In an instant, the colors become purer and purer. The five-color gas blends with each other and becomes colorful. It was clear and formed a powerful pillar of light, shining Hua Yueyang in it.

Using the mind to guide Qi, collect the colorless essence in the roots of the mountains, transform the colors of the five elements into the body and mind, and condense the strange and dangerous bones to replace the divine bones. This is indeed a rare and unique skill in Taoism. Using strange and dangerous energy to cultivate spiritual bones will lead to the creation of rare and strange divine objects. Using oneself as a sea of energy to condense strange and dangerous energy to cultivate the spiritual path, it is inevitable to become a monster.

The spacious stone room was filled with colorless light, and Hua Yueyang's whole body showed five-color glow from time to time. Five colors of rays of light gather on Hua Yueyang's body. This chameleon-like old man looks very weird and scary at this time.

In the stone room, Hua Yueyang was practicing. When I realized where the spirit was moving, I noticed that a disciple was hurriedly heading towards the mountain gate.

Hua Yueyang gathered his strength and came out to the once prosperous hall, and his disciples walked into the courtyard.

"Master!" Disciple Wang Yuyang shouted and rushed into the hall.

"What's the matter? You're in such a panic." Hua Yueyang asked calmly.

Wang Yuyang said hurriedly: "I heard that martial arts monks are gathering in Shushan now, and they want to attack Tai Chi Sect and revitalize Shushan. We all belong to the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. It seems that something unexpected is going to happen. Patriarch Jingtian has intervened. It’s a gathering of demon flags.”

"Where did this matter begin? Tell it slowly." Hua Yueyang asked.

"It is said that three lay people who practiced martial arts met a woman who practiced Tai Chi and became a demon in a place in the north. The woman killed two people. This woman escaped by chance. Can you tell me whether the method of subduing demons and eliminating demons is Shushan and Sanshan? Things about the Five Mountains!" Wang Yuyang said in an orderly manner.

"What the apprentice said is absolutely true! I think that the Taiji sect's martial arts is famous all over the world and has countless disciples. However, our three mountains and the Five Mountains have always been connected with the Shu Mountain. They are considered to be demonic arts and are not understood by others, so they fell into the trap. I think that Patriarch Jingtian's crusade Taijimen also makes sense." Hua Yueyang said thoughtfully.

"That's the case, but what should we do?" Wang Yuyang and the master said worriedly.

"It is said that Huashan's swordsmanship is number one in the world, but there are only a few practitioners now. We can also use this to make our martial arts visible to the world, and that way we can get a share of the pie." Hua Yueyang Said thoughtfully.

Wang Yuyang relaxed his frown and said happily: "It is what the master said."

"Well, you go and gather the current disciples to discuss and make arrangements. We will go to Shushan immediately to meet the ancestors and see how we can conquer them!" Hua Yueyang ordered his disciples.

Wang Yuyang said happily: "Okay! There is hope for our Huashan's revival." After saying that, he ran out of the hall.

Wu Yugang killed Han Yan and flew away from Lingyin Martial Arts Hall. He was not in a hurry to return to Xianyuan Island, but flew towards Yangjiayu.

On the high mountain outside Yangjiayu, Wu Yugang fell into the clouds. Looking at this mountain village that made him sad and missing, he thought to himself: "They were so heartless when we parted that day, but now there are so many dangers and I can't just sit back and ignore them. How can I see them?"

In the silent hills, Wu Yugang was thinking paradoxically. The sun is setting in the west, it is dusk, and the sunset glows in the mountain village.

"No way, let's see how they are doing!" Wu Yugang bravely walked into the Yang family's door.

The courtyard was very quiet. In the side room next to it, Master Jingjue was copying martial arts secrets.

"Why are you back!" Yang Wushuang walked out of the living room.

Looking at his beautiful senior sister and future wife, Wu Yugang blushed and didn't know what to say.

"Come into the house as soon as you're here! Don't stay here!" Mrs. Yang walked out, blaming her daughter.

Yang Wushuang said angrily: "Mom! You don't have to worry about this! I have to ask him why he came back without dying. Now Mo Luan, what if he is a bad guy!"

Mrs. Yang was a little surprised, "But that's what my daughter said. The situation is so complicated now. How can we be careful if bad guys pretend to be bad! But then again, if it is true, so what! Let them talk slowly first." Thinking of this, Mrs. Yang Shaking his head, he entered the house.

Wu Yugang faced his senior sister, calmed down and said, "I did jump into the Broken Heart Valley that day, but I didn't fall to death. I was saved by an immortal and went to Xianyuan Island to practice magical skills."

"You have become an immortal! Why are you coming back?" Yang Wushuang asked.

"Master said that those who become immortals also have to go through tribulations in the world to be welcomed, and there are many dangers here. If I don't come back to help, who will?" Wu Yugang said sincerely.

"That's nonsense!" Yang Wushuang gritted his teeth, and a purple cloud full of Tiangang sword energy struck Wu Yugang directly.

Wu Yugang couldn't argue, so he had to fight back. A powerful righteous Tiangang energy resisted the purple clouds. (To be continued)