Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 67: Lu Zu’s immortal sword is hard to find in the world


The leader said: "If you talk about the specific situation carefully, we can have a response. We can't just sit back and watch, we have to find a way to deal with this difficult matter!"

The host said: "Now it seems that this is no longer an easy problem to solve. It is said that many sects have already started to work on it, and many are already on their way to Shushan. What should we do!?"

The abbot said to the two people in charge who were at a loss what to do: "This matter is not trivial. It seems to be another martial arts catastrophe. It is not easy for my Shaolin Temple to survive so many wars and to be able to stand till now. This matter has something to do with Shaolin. It’s already very close, how can we delay the relationship and ignore it?”

The host said: "Then we can't stop this dispute, so we must first protect ourselves, and then act according to the opportunity. We can't be overwhelmed because of chaos."

The leader said: "What the host said makes sense. I have a large collection of martial arts secrets in Shaolin. If we don't strengthen the protection, the consequences will be unpredictable. The only way is to strengthen the vigilance and extract the remaining people in case of emergency."

The abbot said: "The matter has come to this, and it can only be like this. But don't make the disciples impatient. Calm down the disciples' emotions, so that they can stay calm in the face of danger. This is also the principle that a monk should have. Get started!"

The host said: "There is one more thing now. Can Jingjue come back? Or should we wait and see how things develop first and then talk about it!?"

The abbot said: "The matter has reached this point. It doesn't mean much if we can't come back. The key is how we can prevent the martial arts disputes from the front and the side. You can understand the meaning."

The chief and the abbot agreed and left the abbot's room.

Yangjiayu, a small village deep in the mountains, is still so peaceful. Maybe it was so peaceful before the war!

Wu Yugang said goodbye to his master and his family, and Yang Wushuang took his junior brother's arm with some reluctance.

Wu Yugang said to his senior sister: "You are the only one in the family who has the best martial arts skills. Now I can only rely on you. I will come back as soon as I succeed in my studies. It seems to be very peaceful now. Disputes will not come too soon!"

Yang Wushuang said: "Although my swordsmanship is very high, it is only up to the first level, the Divine Sword of Mind. The following ones, Condensing Qi into a Sword and Returning to Heaven by Virtual Realm, have not yet been completed, but maybe I can do it slowly. After practicing the third level, The second level of internal strength is always a bit difficult now.”

Wu Yugang said: "This is not something that happens overnight. It seems that the catastrophe is like this, and it may still have to be experienced. You practice diligently, and I will be back soon!"

Wu Yugang looked at his affectionate sister, turned around, and flew away.

Xianyuan Island is still so peaceful and the sun is still so bright. After all, the Utopia is different from the ordinary world. Two outdoor immortals, Xuantian Jingxu, are drinking tea and playing chess in the Qingfeng Pavilion. Outdoor loose immortals each have their own methods, it is difficult to distinguish between them. Drinking tea and chatting with the chess players.

Wu Yugang lowered the clouds on the fairy island, admired the beautiful scenery here, and walked towards Qingfeng Pavilion.

Master Xuantian is indeed a master, with superb chess skills. On the chessboard, Master Jingxu has found it difficult to make a move. Xuantian held the tea leisurely in his hand and looked up just in time to see Wu Yugang walking in the distance.

Mr. Xuantian put down the tea bowl and said loudly to Jingxu: "My dear apprentice is back, don't worry about it. It's my apprentice who helped you to figure out a draw!"

Jingxu said: "You have already won several games. I will look for opportunities to beat you in the future. Hahaha. First, ask your apprentice what's going on!"

While talking, Wu Yugang had already walked into Qingfeng Pavilion.

Master Jingxu said: "Disciple, you came back very quickly. What is the situation in the world now?"

Wu Yugang smiled at the two masters and said: "Things in the world are still so chaotic, but now there is a little peace. Now people in the martial arts and various sects have begun to respond to Shushan's invitation to take action and make preparations!"

Xuantian was a little anxious when he heard his disciple's words. He counted his fingers and said to Wu Yugang in panic: "Disciple, I've come at the right time. I can teach you the magic sword technique of ancestor Lu Dongbin, which will help you cultivate immortality." way.”

Wu Yugang saw his master's panic look and asked: "Master, is there anything wrong with me? Did I come back a little late?"

Master Jingxu said: "The secret of heaven must not be leaked, and there is no harm in practicing the art of becoming an immortal."

Xuantian stretched out his hand and caught the flying sword. He turned around and said to Wu Yugang: "Wuchenzi! This is the swordsmanship passed down by Lu Zu. In the world, greed, anger, stupidity, and resentment are all born from the heart, and love, hate, and madness are all caused by the will. A sword in the world can cut a person's head, but the immortal sword The sword cuts into the heart.”

Wuchenzi felt a little disappointed and said to Master Xuantian: "How can this method of killing people's hearts kill the enemy? What's the use of it!?"

"Devils are born from the heart. The usefulness of the sword to kill the demons in the heart is immeasurable. People's various thoughts lead to actions. Only by killing the demons in the heart can hatred be resolved and the world saved. The Taoist method of killing people with the sword is of a very low level. With the sword in your hand, you can cut off your head and mind!" Master Xuantian patiently explained to his apprentice.

Wuchenzi asked: "Was this swordsmanship created by Lu Zu? Where did it come from!?"

Master Xuantian said: "This Heavenly Shield Swordsmanship comes from another immortal master of Lu Zu, Huolong Taoist. Because he has a deep understanding of the ways of yin and yang, pure yang has reached the highest state and is good at using fire, so it is named. Things in the world, Most of them are yin, which can only be restrained by the highest yang, so it is called Tiandun."

Wuchenzi asked with some confusion: "What's the difference between the techniques of cultivating immortals!? Why are there so many different methods!?"

Master Xuantian said: "This problem is serious. If we talk about it, it would be much more. Most of the techniques for mortals to cultivate Taoism and become immortals are based on cultivating the Yuanying of the Purple Mansion, and returning gods to emptiness has reached the way of heaven. This is the way of human beings. Cultivation. The art of wielding a sword to become an immortal is to cultivate the core of the sword carefully, and it is the best to transform it at will."

Wu Yugang was a little puzzled and asked: "I have mastered the art of human and Taoism to become an immortal. Where can I learn the art of this immortal sword!?"

Master Xuantian looked at his apprentice with a smile, and smiled at Master Jingxu who was sipping tea at the side.

Master Xuantian said: "This swordsmanship is also the art of the immortal family. It can be cultivated by combining the art with Tao, and Tao with Tianxin. There is no difficulty. What matters is the mind and Tianxin. In the world, cultivating the spiritual way is magic. The so-called The spiritual way is just imitating and deepening it, just calling it a technique. Although the technique can sometimes be tried and tested, it is difficult to separate the spiritual technique from the form, while the magic from the immortal family is from the intangible."

"Isn't the invisible way a joke!? How can you see it!?" Wuchenzi was a little puzzled.

Master Xuantian said: "People in the world who practice Tao can only see its form, but they don't know the invisible Tao! Tao exists between heaven and earth without seeing its form. In fact, in the subtle and fleeting mystery, it is difficult for mortals to understand, so they can't get the real Tao. . Even if someone said it, they would think it was a joke and just a joke!" (To be continued)