Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 78: Small town turmoil


Wu Yugang suddenly realized and said in surprise: "Master! Could it be that the immortal who taught me is you?"

Master Jingjue looked at Taoist Xuantian and laughed. He said, "Let's not talk about this matter! It's not that we want to stop you from going, but there are many unfair things in the world, so you better be targeted!"

Wu Yugang asked doubtfully: "Where should I go?"

Taoist Xuantian said: "My disciple is already an immortal! Do I still need Master to tell me? "

Wu Yugang stood up and bowed: "Thank you for your education, Master. I have no way to repay you. When I achieve great things in the future, I will definitely repay you!"

Xuantian and Jingjue both helped Wu Yugang up. Master Jingjue said to his disciple, "Our master is not asking you to repay us, but we want you to do some good things to save all living beings and uphold justice. This way, we will feel at ease and you will not let down our master's teachings."

Wu Yugang bid farewell to his master and said, "Master, don't worry. We are saying goodbye now!" Wu Yugang felt sad, but it was hard to express. He looked around this fairyland and wondered when he could come back. It had been a long time since he had seen this fairy island. Wu Yugang stepped onto the clouds and left his master and Xianyuan Island with tears in his eyes, and began his chivalrous life of cultivating the Tao in the world.

Standing on the clouds, "Where should I go? It's a bit early to go back to Yangjiayu now. I should do something useful first, and then it won't be too late to go to Taijimen." Thinking of this, Wu Yuguang's feet moved and he soon landed on a hilltop.

Here, not far away is the town I have been to before, where Wu Yugang once killed the villains in the town without anyone noticing. Coming here again, I feel very complicated. No matter what, this is also the place where I have struggled, which is always unforgettable. Moreover, I have dug up a hundred-year-old ginseng in the mountains here, how can I forget it!

Wu Yugang walked slowly on the sparsely populated mountain road, "Should I visit my friends first or go for a walk in the town?" he thought silently. Not far away was the famous mountain temple, "Let's go in and worship. After all, I have a connection with this place." Thinking of this, Wu Yugang walked towards the mountain temple that had been renovated and became bigger and better.

It was already afternoon, and not many people came to the temple. Besides, there were usually no monks in small mountain god temples. After entering the temple gate, there was already a courtyard with an altar, which was very exquisite. After looking at the environment, Wu Yugang came to the statue of the mountain god, knelt on the ground, and silently prayed to God to protect kind people!

While Wu Yuguang was praying, two women came in. After placing the offerings, the two women knelt on the ground and prayed in a low voice.

Wu Yugang heard a woman say: "Please ask the mountain god to bless my son who is far away! Keep those evils and evils away from my son. Keep those strange things away from my son. May the mountain god punish those evildoers!"

The two women finished praying and stood up. Wu Yugang stood aside and asked the praying woman in confusion: "Who are you praying for, ma'am?"

A middle-aged woman looked at Wu Yugang and said, "Young man, you have come from far away! You don't know how effective this mountain temple is. I came here to pray for my son who lives away. It is said that for some reason, there is ice in his place in the summer, but toads croaked just after the Spring Festival. Don't you think it's strange? We are in the north! Isn't this haunted? "

The woman next to her pulled the fat woman's clothes and said strangely, "Aunt Liu, let's go! Although the town is much more peaceful now than before, who knows if there will be other strange things? It's better to say less!"

Aunt Liu said, "Aunt Zhang, what are you afraid of? This guy doesn't look like a bad guy, and this is a mountain temple, you can't be afraid of those monsters!"

Wu Yugang said: "Aunt, don't be afraid. Some things are deliberately done by bad people to scare people. If you don't do anything wrong, you don't have to be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door!"

Aunt Zhang said, "In this day and age, nothing can be said. If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of knocking on your door in the middle of the night. Do you know who they are? What if they are bad guys or thieves? Those who are not afraid of knocking on their door are the poorest people. They have nothing to steal. They would rather die than live. What are they afraid of? "

Wu Yugang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard what his aunt said, but it was true. Who knows what the person who said he wasn't afraid of someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night is thinking! ? People's hearts are hidden in their stomachs! No one can know what anyone else is thinking. If there is a slight difference in their thoughts, wouldn't there be many people who commit crimes? Society is made up of people, and everyone has selfish desires, and there are many people who like to take advantage of others. Who can say for sure if they are greedy for cheap things and get cheated!

Thinking of this, Wu Yugang couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Auntie, where is your son? I want to know where such a strange thing happened!?"

Aunt Liu said: "You don't look like a bad person, but you shouldn't be greedy and curious when you are young. Sometimes you may lose your life if you do that!"

Wu Yugang said: "Thank you for your warning, Auntie. I just want to know. I don't mean anything else!"

Aunt Liu said, "Hey! Actually, it's nothing to tell you! A few hundred miles away from here, there is a town called Qinghe. There are always strange things happening in a factory there. You will know when you get there, and someone will introduce you to a job, because many people there leave after working there for a short time because they can't stand the environment there. How terrible is that!"

Aunt Zhang pulled Aunt Liu's arm and said, "It's getting late! We still have to go home and make dinner. Let's go!"

Wu Yugang thanked the two kind ladies and looked at the two figures going away. He thought silently in his heart: "Great! It turns out that society is really chaotic! Those so-called spiritual cultivators are actually evil people, not righteous people. They always use those inhuman and ghostly tricks to harm people! Now there is still some time, why don't I go there to take a look, I can do something useful."

As Wu Yuguang looked at this mountain god temple that was said to be so miraculous, he couldn't help but feel: It seems that this mountain god is indeed somewhat effective!

Qinghe Town is indeed a town on a major transportation route. It has convenient transportation and is not far from the port, so the development and progress of society can be easily seen from the changes in these port cities and towns. The roads have become wider, and the business scope of shops has expanded or changed, which are all phenomena of improved living standards.

Wu Yugang was walking on the street in the town, and soon someone came up to him and asked, "Young man, you have come from far away, right? Are you looking for a job or a place to stay? I can help you, and the price is reasonable, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Wu Yugang turned around and looked at the middle-aged man next to him, who had a face full of advertisements and a commercial flavor. (To be continued)