Dazzling and Beautiful Scenery

Chapter 9: If you have no desires, you will be strong


People in the village talked about the child consciously or unconsciously. The child is growing up healthily under the careful care of Wu Ming and his wife.

"I have to give my child a full moon and let the villagers drink full moon wine or something. I can also thank the villagers for their daily help to the family." Wu Ming thought.

Because it was the busy farming season, Wu Ming and his wife discussed with Wu Ming's parents in the evening: "This child is hard-won, and it has also changed the situation of our Wu family being a single generation. We must celebrate it properly." Wu Ming's said the father.

Wu Ming said: "I'm very busy. My baby is three months old. Everyone in the village is busy, so it's not easy to handle!"

Wu Ming's wife said: "Then let the child celebrate his 100th birthday. Then it will be less busy and everyone in the village can come."

Wu Ming's mother said: "It's okay, giving the child a hundred days can prove that the family loves the child."

"That's it!" Wu Ming agreed.

So the family simply gave the child three full moon days.

Wu Ming's mother-in-law came to look after her daughter during the confinement period after a few days of busy farming, and asked, "This big fat boy is so nice. Have you given him a name?"

Wu Ming's daughter-in-law told her mother, "I'm busy these days, so I haven't had time to name my child yet!"

"That's okay, I have to give the child a name quickly, maybe a nickname!" Wu Ming's mother-in-law said.

Wu Ming came back from working in the fields. His mother-in-law was holding the child and playing with it. When she saw Wu Ming, the mother-in-law hugged the child and said, "Look, your father is back."

Wu Ming put down what he was holding and took the child. At this time, the mother-in-law asked from the side: "What is this child's name?"

Wu Ming said: "I haven't decided yet." The mother-in-law said: "Then give the child a nickname first!"

Wu Ming said to himself: "What should I call it?"

The mother-in-law said: "The nickname is chosen to be auspicious. Generally, it is a bitch or a tough one. The more rugged the better."

Wu Mingdao: "Then call him Shunzi. It will make the Wu family go smoothly."

The mother-in-law said: "Everything goes smoothly, no matter what, everything goes smoothly in the future, so let's call it Xiao Shunzi!"

Soon the child's 100th day arrived, and everyone in the village came to congratulate him. The villagers sent their second aunt to bring Baijia clothes, aunt's tiger-head shoes and aunt's socks, grandma made a tiger-head hat, grandma made a lotus top, and uncle gave me a longevity lock. After all, it is the child's 100th birthday, the first time he comes into contact with society, and the day when he can report his first exposure to the world. Wu Ming's wife took care of her fat eldest son, Xiao Shunzi.

The people in the village helped prepare the banquet for a hundred years old. The chef was busy cooking, purchasing and calculating the items for the banquet with Wu Ming.

The people in the village were chatting and waiting for the banquet to begin.

This person said: "Look at the Wu family's banquet, it's just different!"

The one said: "The Wu family is one of the richest in the village. They are also diligent and popular in the village. Can you do it?"

The person who was robbed of his money said: "Don't talk about me. How about you? You are no better than me. How is your harvest this year?"

The man said: "It's just okay, much worse than the Wu family."

"It's time to eat!" Someone shouted.

People were cooking at the table, and wine and food were served, eight dishes and eight bowls, chicken, duck, fish, meat and vegetables, old wine, extremely rich.

Wu Ming drank with several respected people in the village and the village leader. After three rounds of wine, the five flavors of food are over.

A person in charge of the village said to Wu Ming: "Bring over the fat boy who was only fourteen months old and let us take a look."

At this time, Wu Ming's wife was holding Xiao Shunzi in the yard, playing with the children with several women in the village, and letting Xiao Shunzi see the world. This child refused to accept birth, and people in the village praised him and said some words of praise.

Wu Ming called: "Send Xiao Shunzi over and meet these uncles and uncles in the village!"

Xiao Shunzi was carried to the table in the room. The little baby was not afraid of so many people. He looked at the table full of people in his mother's arms, smiled, clapped his little hands, and jumped, as if he was welcoming and thanking these people. .

The person in charge at the table said: "Look, this kid is so smart! He will definitely make no mistakes in the future!"

An old man next to him asked: "Does this child have a name? What is his name!"

Wu Ming said from the side: "I haven't decided yet. My nickname is Shunzi."

At this time, a villager nearby, the village accountant, said: "Everyone in the village is here today, and the old scholars in the village are also here. How about helping me come up with a name!?"

Wu Ming thought: "That's fine, the name Wu is hard to come by." Then he said: "Okay, then I have to thank you all."

The old scholar next to him couldn't shirk it and said, "Okay, then I'll give you a name."

People echoed: “Okay!”

The old scholar said: "You can't live without ambitions in this world. People are poor but have short ambitions, and horses are thin and hairy. To be able to accept hundreds of rivers in the sea is to be big, and to stand on a wall without desires is to be strong. This child has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a square face, clear eyebrows, beautiful eyes, a full sky, and a round earth pavilion. Even if he is not expensive, he is still rich. If his nose is full of courage, his life will be full of wealth. If his mouth is filled with elixirs, his body and house will be nourished. His ambition will connect the past and the present!"

The person in charge of the village and the people nearby all clapped their hands and said: "Not bad!"

The old scholar picked up the wine glass with a smile on his face. The baby smiled at the old scholar in his mother's arms and clasped his two little hands on his chest, as if thanking the old scholar for the gift of his name.

Wu Ming looked on and said with a smile: "Look at how beautiful this little guy is!"

Several people in the village laughed and said, "This child is so clever that no one in this village has ever seen him! He must be cultivated well in the future."

Wu Ming toasted these people.

The conversation in the room quickly spread among the people drinking in the yard. The one said: "Well, the old scholar has figured out the child's face by reading his face. This child will never be wrong in the future."

Some people next to me said: "That's not necessarily the case. A person's life will still depend on his own efforts. Appearance is just a way of saying it. It mainly depends on himself."

Another person came over and said, "With a family like this, if we cultivate it properly in the future, it's hard to say that the child's cleverness will be bad."

Some also said: "Look at that child. It's his first time seeing such a big world. He doesn't recognize life, doesn't cry or make trouble. He looks like everyone at first sight!"

A woman next to her said: "Who is like your child? He will cry when he can't see anyone. When he is older, he will run away when he sees someone. He can't even say hello and will act nonsense. What will happen in the future!"

The man who was robbed of his virginity said: "Go away, this is none of your ladies' business. Just go home and take the baby. What do you ladies know?"

This enlightened woman laughed and scolded: "You know, without the support of the ladies at home, your life may not be as good as that!" (To be continued)