Death Knight

Chapter 32: landscapes of the world


Spinach, cucumber, eggplant, leek, cabbage, green vegetables, carrot, white radish, pineapple, apple, banana, pineapple, pomegranate, etc., these dishes with refreshing color and attractive taste fill the entire wooden table. The surrounding atmosphere in the open-air environment stimulated the appetite of the guests even more, but it was a pity...the plates were all vegetables and fruits, but there was no meat.

"How is my handicraft?" Flora turned her head to one side and quietly asked Katori beside her.

"It tastes good, and it's all vegetarian, so you can eat according to your appetite without worrying about your weight. But maybe I should increase my milk intake, which will be good for my body... no, it's good for my body. "The girl is still bitter about being stimulated in the bathroom.

"It's exactly the same as Jiu Yuan. Do girls of this age think so?" The guardian pursed his lips and chuckled, "Recalling the situation nineteen years ago, those guests kept yelling that they didn't have enough to eat."

"Grandma, do you mean Roland and his party?"

"Yes, the capital of the stars happened to be in crisis at that time, and their arrival helped a lot. Not only that, but it was also a happy time. I still can't help laughing when I think of Roland and Muradin's bickering." Flora's tone "Although I don't know if such a question will trouble you, I still want to know what your opinion of Roland is."

"I don't know how to put it... Yes, I hate him very much, but this kind of emotion carries a fatal contradiction. It will make me the same existence as the Dark Eagle. So I always remind myself from time to time, we must persist Only in this way can I prove how stupid that person's choice is, and I can truly defeat the Dark Eagle." Katoli's soft eyes contained firmness and determination, "Defeating Roland in terms of belief is the only thing I want to do now."

"What a gentle and strong girl," the other party gently held her hand, "I hope everything can be kept like this. But... If there is such a day, Roland will no longer be the phantom in the rumors, but the real Standing in front of you truly... At that time, child, I hope you can still stick to your purity and faith."

"... Definitely~!" Katoli paused, then nodded vigorously.

"Mother-in-law, can we discuss the request of the alliance envoy now?" After dinner, holding the hot tea brought by the clay figurine attendant, the high-ranking mage asked—he didn't want to discuss the mission impatiently, but he couldn't wait to look forward to it. Want to end the discussion of the task.

"Of course," Flora nodded, "This demon hunter has already explained the general problem to me yesterday—your goal is to find the World Tree, and Luvis' prophecy guided you to the capital of stars. But unfortunately, the world tree is not a creation of this domain. It grows in a deeper place-there is the intersection of the spirit world, the ghost world and the present world, but it is separated from the realm where the gods live. There is an insurmountable barrier, like a closed cocoon."

"A field that even the gods can't touch?" Ren shook his head, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, in fact, from the perspective of Star City, it is very easy to reach that area. Because in the center of this city, at the dot of the spiral layout, there is a red spring—we call it Xuedai Spring —The blood of God can cause it to resonate, and then the spring water will use its own power to open the way to the World Tree, and you can reach there through the spring."

"It's that simple?" Xiu Yin couldn't believe it, "Is that field dangerous?"

"There were originally some related books in history, which were the journeys recorded by the heroes who found the World Tree. But it seems that no god is willing to leave these things-for them who have become gods, it is probably a kind of Threat? So, now we don't know what the domain of the World Tree is like. But from a theoretical point of view, since even the power of God cannot pervade, there must be no other creatures there Multiply." The guardian replied in an affirmative tone.

As long as you rely on this power, the door to the world tree can be opened, and the task can be completed. The girl put her hands on her chest, feeling the rhythm of Luvis' blood, and then she secretly glanced at the death knight beside her.

If we can find a way to keep Kaos here... that way, we won't have to confront each other...

"It seems that the only thing we can do is to explore by ourselves, there is no other way." The mage shrugged, "Captain Katoli, when shall we set off?"

"Ah, don't be so impatient, we haven't finished talking yet." Elena interrupted the other party suddenly, with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, "Although the people in Star Capital are always hospitable, that doesn't mean we will I will be your guide in vain.”

"What does this mean?" The girl was a little confused by the sudden change.

"Because... In fact, I really want to borrow your strength." Flora sighed, "Although everything seems to be peaceful now, in the north of the Lake of Mirrors, demons from the Twisting Nether have invaded this place. Domain. We cannot negotiate with those creatures, but believe that as before, their goal is the star capital."

"Devil~!?" Katoli, Ren and Xiuyin shouted in unison.

"This crisis has nothing to do with Katoli, it's because of the Star City itself. Because it has knowledge and energy that ordinary people can't imagine. Take Xuedaiquan as an example, although it is only a passage for everyone who is human , but the spring water itself actually contains extremely strong magical powers - so tempting enough to make demons attack desperately."

"Since the existence of the star capital, demons have continued to invade. We have overcome countless difficulties in the millennium. But this time the enemy's situation is extremely abnormal. We repelled six waves of attacks by demons, but their number There is still no reduction, and the soldiers of the star capital are gradually being exhausted in the war of attrition. You are all experienced fighters. If you are willing to help, I think it will buy enough time to find out the reason for the abnormality. "

"However, we must race against time..." Rennes was the first to protest.

"If you are worried about the death knight who has the same mission, then there is no conflict with this request." The blood clan seemed to have guessed the paladin's mind, and immediately explained, "Even if he has the power to enter this field, it doesn't matter. We can sense it right away—whether he is immune to your magic or not. Without the permission of Star Capital, it is impossible for anyone to approach Xuedaiquan without permission."

The death knight with the same mission, that person is Kaos... Katoli's eyes were suddenly covered with imperceptible dark marks.

The girl naturally glanced at Roland on the opposite side, and then made up her mind to make a choice: "Since Roland, who was still a paladin nineteen years ago, was willing to help the people of the Star Capital, there is no reason for us to refuse. I am willing to accept this condition."

"Then it's settled." The Guardian said and stretched out his hand, "Please advise, Catori Orlander."

"Next, let's talk about the profound meaning of prayer—that is, the miracle that people in this world call magic. This mage seems to be impatient." Flora turned her gaze to Xiu Yin.

"Of course," the young mage's expression was very serious, "Pursuing the essence of the world is the principle that every mage keeps in mind, and after countless years of exploration, we found that only magic is the key to solving all mysteries."

"I believe that your three companions must also want to know more about this aspect of knowledge, so I plan to start from the beginning, so that it will be convenient for me to sort out the specific context of this huge system for you—because what I will teach next is Star City. The landscape of the world depicted in these millennia. I cannot predict what kind of impact these words will have on your worldview and future, but I think that the more truth a person knows, the more truthful he will be when making a choice. The less you will be blinded by illusions."

"As we all know, this world is composed of three worlds—the spirit world, the ghost world, and the present world. The spirit world is the source of natural forces. The elemental elves living in this world not only have no body, but also have very weak self-awareness. Creatures are rather energy bodies. And in the depths of the floating elemental clouds, there are still some powerful condensed bodies that are called the kings of elements by the world. Although their power is far inferior to that of gods, that But it is the real power of the elements, because every time the Elf King appears in this world, it will bring miracles handed down from generation to generation, or disasters that will never disappear. People are in awe of this power, and as a manifestation, they endow those with powerful elements A powerful magic weapon with a title: 'Jing Wang'."

"The weapon of Uther, the guide of light, 'Jingwang Sword Red Lotus'." Katoli recalled the recorded attack and defense of the Fortress of Flame.

"There is also the weapon of the death knight Alsace, 'Jing Wang Jian Yunyao'." Xiu Yin added on the side.

"The Nether Realm is the birthplace of the power of the soul. All souls... of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, and northern spiders, etc. are conceived in the bottom of the Nether Realm, Yinghai. But at the same time, Some cursed or too evil souls could not complete disintegration and reorganization in Yinghai, so they gradually gathered together, and finally formed a sub-world—the Twisting Nether, and the greedy demons in it. In some closely connected fields , For example, at the meeting point between the present world and the Netherworld, demons not only have the ability to sense the very tempting bait from the other world, but they can also act across the boundary, which is why you have worked so hard along the way. Say, the aura emanating from the long-lasting blood is as conspicuous as a torch thrown into the darkness, right?"

"But they don't have the strength to stay here for a long time. The oppression of the spirit world will force them to return to their own domain in a short period of time. The strange thing is that this time is completely different..." Elena sighed very rarely, "Those guys are even constantly recruiting reinforcements from the Nether Realm, which is really abnormal."

"Don't we have reinforcements now?" Flora replied with a smile, "We will find out the truth. Until then, Elena, you have to remember to be patient."

"The last is the present world. Needless to say, this is the field we are most familiar with and the most critical part of the whole world. The elemental elves in the spiritual world merge with each other, and finally form the substances in the present world—human bodies, metals, mountains, Trees, wind, water, etc., of course, also contain magic power for mages to manipulate. When these substances are destroyed, the elements will escape back to the spirit world, until the next time they are recombined into matter. And this cycle across the two worlds is This is what we call the law of conservation of mass and energy."

"The souls in the Nether Realm will come to the present world along with the life being born, and after death, the souls will return to Yinghai, where they will complete their own disintegration and reorganization. Although the population of the present world is on the rise, that only It just means that more souls have come to this world, not that souls are created out of nothing. This cycle is also conserved, and we call it the law of conservation of reincarnation.”

"In addition to the two major circles and the three worlds, there are also some secondary derivative fields. For example, the place where the capital of stars is located is formed by the overlapping of the spirit world and the present world, and the fantasy forest where nightmares thrive is composed of the spirit world and the ghost world. As a result of the interaction, the meeting point between the two worlds is not only a channel, but also a new overlapping domain may be formed in the distant future."

"There are many such domains in the world, and they have no communication with each other. But there is only one world formed by overlapping the spiritual world, the present world, and the ghost world. It is the domain of God, unique, and has the same vastness as the world. The earth, and the starry sky must be more colorful than today's night?" Flora said, raising her head and looking up at the stars with emotion.

Due to the power of the spirit world, the sky seems to have washed away the deep indigo, and the stars that only emit silvery white light in this world are also showing dazzling bright colors at this moment, as if they are fragments of a rainbow embedded in the night.

The scenery was more beautiful than the painted paintings in front of him... Roland stared intently, as if fascinated. One day, Ishutori will also appreciate that kind of sky from the castle in the clouds, right? Because... that is not only the agreement between me and her, but also the change that the world expects.

"In this way, the general context of the knowledge system has been sorted out. Of course, most of them are things that the mage has already understood, and these alone cannot explain the profound meaning of prayer. So next, I will tell you Facts that those people don't know."

"No matter how hard people in this world try, they can't find out the truth. On the one hand, it's because they only rely on materialism, and on the other hand, it's because of the interference of the gods. Yes, whether it's Luvis or Reinas, Or the gods earlier, none of them seem to be willing to let people get in touch with the truth of the world—that is the fourth realm outside the three realms, the realm of consciousness."

"If you use terminology to call it, it should be called 'Sea of Thought'." Flora's voice carried an ancient and long-lasting breath.

The surrounding air stopped flowing as if frozen, and the sound of the trembling leaves sounded extraordinarily crisp, like fine ice flakes falling on the skin. Even though they knew very well that they, as believers, could never question Luvis' behavior, Katoli, Ren and Huin couldn't help pricking up their ears and listening intently, for fear of missing a single word from the narrator.

Who dares to refuse when the world that mocks and ridicules human beings occasionally shows kindness and bestows the truth to the tiny beings

"Before the discovery of prayer, no one knew the existence of the sea of thoughts. The reason is very simple-it is a field outside the cycle. As the name of the consciousness world states, love, hate, life, death, joy, sadness , Pride, Loss, Hope, Despair, Human endeavor, Elves' purity, Dragon's wisdom, Demon's greed, and Elemental King's pride... All obsessions are gathered into the water in the vast and deep ocean. Even today, no one knows how deep that ocean is, because it has always quietly accepted the stream of consciousness that seeps in from the Three Realms, but never returned any drop of obsession."

"And the only way to make the sea of thoughts move is to use our own consciousness to communicate with it. We call ourselves prayers, but we never pray to any gods throughout the ages. The object of prayer is the fourth realm—the sea of thoughts. As a feedback, the sea of thoughts will apply the power condensed by the consciousness to any realm that the prayer wants to exert—whether it is the spiritual world, the present world or the ghost world , Prayer will never fail."

"You mean... Do you mean that you don't need to use gestures and mental power to guide, just expect some miracles to happen, and the sea of thoughts will make them happen?" Xiu Yin questioned tremblingly.

"That understanding is indeed correct," the guardian nodded. "In other words, it is to some extent what you want."

"All wishes come true~!? How is this possible~! This is absolutely impossible~!" The etiquette was immediately left behind by the mage, and his voice raised an octave, "I am a firm materialist~!"

"As far as materialism is concerned, wishful thinking is indeed a very ridiculous fallacy." Flora sighed, "It's a pity that I can't come up with a more convincing theory, because the capital of the stars has only mastered the sea of proof thoughts so far. Evidence exists, but the principles are still vague. However, I believe that the miracle that you call magic is not based on simple spiritualism. For prayer does exist, and many people in this world have witnessed it , isn't it?"

"Yes, magic or praying, this thing does exist. But if I explain it with my heart, I really can't accept it... No, it's not that I can't accept it, but I can't understand it at all~!" The mage said in a disappointed tone , this basin of cold water finally woke him up from the frenzy, "Maybe there are other mysteries in the sea of thoughts that you don't understand, and that happens to be the key to the connection between the consciousness of the prayer and the fourth world. This hypothesis also How?"

"In fact, there are still a lot of puzzles waiting for us to solve, but this is also a kind of fun. Because the so-called prayer technique is actually just a by-product of studying the sea of thoughts, the purpose of every prayer is to keep in mind Explore the myriad phenomena of the fourth world, and thus reveal the hidden truth in the whole world." Flora replied seriously, "If you are interested, Lord Xiu Yin, you can refer to the Star City at the right time. library, I believe the books there will interest you."

"May I refer to the information about the magic in Li? Is it true?" Xiu Yin's eyes radiated a scorching brilliance again.

"The Star City will not reject the request of any good scholar, but this is also conditional—I hope that Your Excellency Xiu Yin can swear that he will never disclose any knowledge about prayer or the Star City to the outside world." According to Yi Lena cuts in.

"Of course, of course, this condition is not a problem." The mage kept nodding, "I have another question, and I believe you can give me an accurate answer."


"Prayer... is it a mystery that can be mastered as long as you know the method?"

"No, ordinary people are completely unable to master the skills of communicating with the sea of thoughts. Becoming a prayer requires extremely sensitive talent and long-term rigorous training." The guardian shook his head, "In fact, I have done statistics, no Of the population of the Star City itself, among the people who have come here from this world for a hundred years, there is only one person who is qualified enough to become a prayer—his name is Roland. But... he has no way to choose a new path now... "Flora said , gave the witcher a meaningful look.

The death knight was just silent.

"Sure enough, only those chosen by fate can achieve that level..." Xiu Yin showed a self-deprecating smile, "But it is true, if everyone can become a prayer, then the world will probably be in chaos... Every day Individuals hope that their wishes can be realized, but these conflicting ideas and interests, even God can't coordinate them?"

"Perhaps... it is for this reason that the Sea of Thoughts becomes a container for people's obsessions..." The guardian's eyes were full of melancholy.

As soon as the evening dinner was over, Xiu Yin couldn't wait to go to the library. According to the agreement, tomorrow they will go to the battlefield as reinforcements from the capital of the stars, rest is the best choice, but the mage obviously does not want to miss any opportunity to learn about the magic. Katoli and Ren, who were not so fanatical about this aspect, both returned to their rooms, but Roland was left alone—according to Flora, "I hope to use the observation results of this demon hunter to study the current state of the Nether Realm." movement", but that was obviously just a pretext.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" After arriving at Flora's study, the death knight was a little strange.

"Frankly speaking, I don't want Elena to assist you in that way." The guardian stared at the other party's eyes and said word by word.

Upon hearing this, Roland couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Elena, didn't you promise me not to tell anyone about it?"

"I swear I didn't tell anyone that there is no way for the teacher to read my mind. I thought I would last until tomorrow. Roland, this only shows that our luck is worse than imagined." The beautiful vampire The face is innocent.

"Anyway, now that plan has been exposed, that's the truth. If you want to pursue responsibility, you can discuss it in private." The guardian interrupted the conversation between the two, "The girl acted in a way that we don't want to see Inherited the ancient blood, so she became a pawn of the gods and was involved in the vortex of disputes. But from our standpoint, it is not a kind of fate. Although it is only a short day of contact, I feel that Katoli must be a sensible and gentle girl. On the other hand, Roland, you once told me that it was because you were attracted by that pure soul that you made such an abnormal choice, didn't you?"

"Yes, she is very understanding and strong." The death knight subconsciously avoided the other party's gaze.

"Then, why do you plan to do that now? Why do you ask Elena to drop the blood of Luvis?" Flora asked a little excitedly, "Catoli trusts you very much. After arriving in this strange place, her Her eyes often stay on you. Obviously she wants to get help from the demon hunter Kaos, not the mage or the paladin, which means that she regards you as the most important companion. If you really do that, then It is tantamount to... betrayal... "

"Betrayal?" Roland's expression darkened immediately, and he shook his head lightly, "That's something that can't be helped, because even if we abandon our personal identities, sooner or later I will have conflicts with her."

"I'd rather you fight her face to face, then maybe both of you can accept it, at least emotionally." Flora retorted anxiously.

"Maybe, but the cooperation of the three of them is very tacit, it is very difficult to capture alive, and I don't want to make any mistakes in the middle, I don't want Katori to be hurt... although doing so will definitely break her heart. "Roland smiled self-deprecatingly, "And more importantly, I must not let the world tree be destroyed by Luvis' conspiracy. It is an agreement between me and her to make Ishutori the god of this world. It is also Roland's greatest wish now, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it, no matter what happens."

"Not only Roland Strife, but even the demon hunter Kaos will be resented," Elena finally couldn't help interjecting, "Although I promised to help you, I still want to ask, Is it really worth it?"

"The Star Capital's position should be consistent with that of Ishutoli, shouldn't it?" the death knight asked back.

"Yes, but that's just to say that the capital of stars will always support the forces of revolution, that's all." The guardian replied, "Two hundred and thirty-five years ago, we also supported Lu Weisi's apotheosis. But now? Everything It's all the same, the world ruled by Luvis is no different from the world ruled by Reinas, maybe in a few hundred years, new forces will appear to overthrow Ishutori... "

"Absolutely not like that~!" Roland's emotions suddenly became agitated, and he interrupted Flora's discussion loudly, "Ishutori is different from Luvis, Reinas, and all those old-fashioned gods of~!"

"Because her face is exactly the same as Jiu Yuan's?" The blood clan asked curiously.

"Please, Elena~! Can't you use normal thinking to ask questions?" The death knight didn't know that his face had turned red—this was also one of the side effects of the ring.

"Then why is it so certain?"

"Because a lot of things have happened in these eighteen years." Roland's eyes gradually melted, no longer transparent ice, but like clear spring water, "It stands to reason that God should always expand the territory he can directly influence , and to recruit as many believers as possible, but Ishutori never did this. The war we waged in Nordson was mainly for strategic resources, and the invasion of the spider kingdom and the white dragon's domain was only because The source of troops, when attacking Alazea and Storgard, the undead army had many opportunities to drive straight into other parts of the alliance, we could have expanded our power, but Ishutoli rejected that strategy."

"I have read the history book of the capital of stars, it said that when Luvis came to this continent, in the name of 'liberating the people', the flames of war burned all over the South Lorentan continent. The foundation that can be built. I don't know the reason why Ishutori is unwilling to expand the territory, maybe it is because of the guilt caused by starting the war, maybe she is not interested in these, but in any case, she is completely different from Luvis of. And…”

"And?" the guardian continued to ask.

"In terms of personal feelings, Ishutori doesn't seem to want us to become her followers." Roland couldn't help showing a gentle expression, "Death knights are the product of the contract, the goddess gives us strength, and we become her." In her name, she declares war on the enemy. In fact, our connection with Ishutori is far closer than the connection between paladins and Luvis, but she allows... No, it should be said that she wants us to put ourselves It’s weird to put your wishes above hers, isn’t it? But, that’s the truth, and it’s definitely not a rhetoric to win people’s hearts.”

"Eight years ago, during the Battle of the Erazai Plains, I was robbed of my sanity by the heart of vengeance. I forgot the crisis of being attacked by the Frozen Crown and wanted to enter the enemy's line and take down Wendam's. First level. Thanks to Richard at that time, without him, I might have made a decision that I regret for the rest of my life. But after the battle, Ishutoli did not accuse me of my stupid behavior at all. Not only that, she also rescued Saved the surviving paladins of the alliance, and brushed away my confused mood."

"The Knights of the Ice Crown is an elite unit with strict discipline, but the personal goals of the undead are always different from the goals of the knights, and then there will be some stupid guys like me who want to desert—sometimes Leaving the army to kill their enemies, sometimes plundering classics because of their desire for magic, and sometimes immersing themselves in their memories and forgetting reality. At that time, Ishutoli would always condone their behavior, It feels like a kind but indifferent little princess." Roland, who was immersed in the past, chuckled, "Fortunately, the Knights are not the result of conscription, so this level of connivance will not leading to the collapse of the system.”

"Ishutori never followed the track of those gods in the past, so what exactly is she looking for? I asked, but she always asked, 'What is Olin's belief?', I can't respond, so I still haven't got an answer. But that's not important, because I saw Ishutori's persistence..." The death knight's water-colored eyes looked at the far north, although the colorful night sky shielded the end of the horizon, But Roland seemed to really see the beautiful figure in the dress.

"It's like the persistence of the death knight, maybe even more so. Although she possesses unparalleled power, she never loses her direction because of it. Ishutori is very clear about the reason she is fighting for. She She only has her own wishes in her eyes, unlike the self-styled Luvis who always repeats the behaviors that have been proven to be the shackles of history."

"During the time I lived in the Ice Crown, I saw all this in my eyes and kept it in my heart. That's why I firmly believe that Ishutori will definitely bring about a world that is completely different from the rule of all the gods in the past. In different eras, her dawn will definitely bring unstoppable progress to this world."

"Yes, I have to admit that I have been attracted to Katoli and I am deeply involved, so I will try my best to avoid confronting her." Roland's eyes returned to his usual firmness, "But this is the only thing There is absolutely no compromise, I must ensure that Ishutori becomes a god smoothly, that is not only an agreement, but also a requirement of this world. Mother-in-law, please don't stop me, okay?"

"If that's the case, then fine. I won't meddle in your affairs anymore, but... promise me one condition, Roland." Flora held the warm palm of the death knight.

"What is it?"

"Don't let Katoli be tempted by hatred, no matter what happens after that, you have to do your best not to let her become an existence like you~!" There was uncontrollable pain in the guardian's eyes, "For this world Even a single Dark Hawk would be too sad for me."

"I've already realized it, and it would be better if I made a promise now." Roland nodded, and then replied solemnly, "Roland Strife hereby swears that he will definitely make a promise for his betrayal." corresponding compensation."

"The price of compensation will be very high..." Elena murmured softly.

"Yes I know."

"Shut up, you idiot don't know anything~!" The beautiful vampire sighed heavily, "That innocent little girl has fallen in love with you~!"

In love with a death knight? No, what Katoli likes should be the demon hunter Kaos. But even so, the matter is too entangled and complicated, which is beyond the scope of my control~! Even after finishing the discussion and leaving the study, Elena's words still lingered in Roland's mind.

It turns out that I not only allowed myself to abuse the power of the ring, but also didn't even notice Katoli's mood, what a stupid and selfish guy~! The death knight clenched his fists remorsefully, but then he told himself that now is not the time to review the past, but to come up with a way to restore everything.

Perhaps the demon hunter Kaos should be turned into a lecherous and uninterested bastard, so that her love will disappear automatically... Roland remembered the tricks often used by the playboys in the Holy Capital, just as he was seriously considering the method When it was feasible, a young child's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"The front is a 'forbidden area', not just anyone can enter~!" The owner of the voice is a cute clay doll, with a handful of green grass swaying majestically on its head, and on the table beside him is a Zhang wood carved chessboard, "However, my uncle is in a good mood today, so I am very merciful. As long as you can play black and win this endgame, I will let you go. How about it? Do you want to give it a try? But by the way In the front, if you lose, you are not allowed to cry."

Roland was stunned, then laughed dumbly, and the warm current of memories flowed into his cold body along with the clay doll's words. The death knight remembered clearly that at the end of the spiral staircase was the astronomical observatory, located on the top floor of the Spirit Tree Pavilion, in the center of the huge canopy.

It was also Jiu Yuan's favorite place to go.

The girl with black hair and green eyes once told Roland that whenever she was depressed, she would go to the observatory to look at the colorful stars. The vast and silent night sky would make all troubles disappear without a trace. And nineteen years ago, when the young and passionate paladin came to the capital of stars, there was one more figure sitting on the lawn looking up at the sea of stars. Then, their fates were chatting and unknowingly entangled. together.

Make all your troubles go away, huh? The death knight smiled knowingly: "Okay, little guard, let's compete."

In a few minutes, Roland made the other side give up the throw cleanly - not because of his high chess attainments, but because Jiu Yuan told him about the flaws in the mud doll's thinking mode.

"Your skills still haven't improved. Let your mother-in-law change your head next time." The demon hunter patted the other's smooth head, then walked up the stairs, and finally slowly pushed open the wooden door at the end of the stairs. .

The vast sea of stars is still the same, dotted with colorful stars, either far or near, bright or dark, and among these never-extinguishing lights, the deep darkness seems to attract people's sight and perception magnetically. Roland held his breath and stared intently at the sky that had brought him countless happy memories. After a while, he let his eyes fall on the observatory on the treetop.

However, in an instant, the sight that caught his eyes caused the water-colored pupils to contract violently.

The girl in a pure white dress was looking up at the sky. The soft night wind ruffled her fine black hair, and the cold moonlight depicted her graceful figure, which looked like a swan swimming on a clear lake.

... long ago

For a moment, Roland felt in a trance that the hourglass of time had turned back to nineteen years ago.