Death Knight

Chapter 38: reality


The strong pressure binding her whole body disappeared in an instant, and the numbness disappeared at the same time, and Katoli finally regained control of her actions. The girl stood up slowly and stared at Roland intently. Her pale lips were tightly pressed as if frozen, but countless icy undercurrents surged in her emerald pupils.

Was it me who was betrayed? The moment this thought occupied her mind, the girl only felt that her heart was being stung fiercely, and she had to subconsciously press her hand on her chest.

But why? Why go to such lengths to deliberately adopt this method? Why didn't you raise your sword directly at me in the first place, but expose everything now

"Why, Kaos?" Katoli finally murmured out the question in her heart. The blue river separating the two sides had disappeared without a trace, but the distance between the two remained the same, and it was still unable to The suppressed tendency expands.

"'Kaos' is just a meaningless pseudonym. I am neither Kaos the demon hunter nor Kaos the death knight." Those burning eyes did not avoid the girl's sight. The knight paused, and then began to answer in a resolute and unfamiliar tone, "The former is a mask worn by an undead to enter the crowd, while the latter is a perfect phantom in your mind, neither of which can represent the current situation of standing This person here."

"no matter who… "

"It doesn't matter who it is? But what if it's the death knight? If it's... the Dark Eagle..."

Katoli froze for a moment, and her emerald pupils shrank suddenly, while Ren and Xiu Yin, who were separated by a distance, seemed a little at a loss. Then, the short silence was instantly pierced by the girl's sharp shout: "You're lying~! Stop joking~!"

"Search your memory carefully, you should still remember these burning pupils?" Roland's voice was soft, but it was like a thin and sharp blade, cutting the air between the two, "Because I still remember that volt Fell on Dilicia, protecting her little girl with her body. It was that moment of hesitation that completely changed the fate between you and me... No, maybe it was like this, no matter the wavering at that time or the entanglement at this time , everything is an irresistible fate, right?"

The girl stared at Roland's water-colored pupils in disbelief, as if she was trying to determine who was standing in front of her. The long-lost memory was revived again. In the deepest part of the darkness and nightmares, a pair of eyes with the same water color and fire opened—perhaps a little different. Eight years ago, the figure was surrounded by the breath of death and hatred. The obsession, but now it seems like a deep pool that cannot be seen through at a glance—but even so, the two can still overlap perfectly.

"Do you remember? That fanatical burning soul, and that blood-stained Frost Lament." Sensing the fear and shake in the emerald pupils of the other party, the indifferent voice sounded again, "There is no doubt, I am Roland Strife—former leader of the Ice Crown Knights, Orin of Ishutori, the death knight who killed Windham, and the Dark Eagle you hate."

"Cheat... people..." Katoli's beautiful face lost all color, and the girl felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the world around her, together with the belief enshrined in her heart, let out an unforgettable cry of pain, trembling and began to collapse.

It turns out that the person in front of me is my bet on my life and dignity, and I will negate and defeat it at all costs... The enemy

"Why are you traveling with me? Why are you saving me again and again? Why are you betraying me in such a cumbersome way?" Before the girl woke up from her fear and confusion, she walked towards each other subconsciously step by step. Halfway through, he finally couldn't help but bowed his head and cried, "Roland Strife... why don't you just kill me?"

"Katori~!" When tears were streaming down the girl's face, the furious Ren finally pulled out his bright sword, but at the moment when the paladin rushed towards the Dark Eagle, Roland's hand suddenly released A death entanglement hit him precisely. The experienced Renn has blocked several similar attacks with the Holy Light Aegis, but this time the impact is much stronger. The body of the paladin was bounced tens of meters away under the action of this force, and his arms Also almost completely unconscious.

"This is between me and her, get out of here." Roland warned in a cold tone, and turned his gaze to the girl again. The death knight accompanied by ice shards hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked towards the thin crying figure, and finally stopped and waited quietly one step away.

"Roland..." Katoli whispered the name, savoring the bitterness and despair in it, "Isn't your hatred still unquenchable?"


"Even if you killed your father, you still don't think it's enough, that's why you found me, right?" The girl suddenly raised her head, staring at him with red eyes from crying, "Windam's selfishness made Roland lose everything, so, The Dark Eagle will do the same to make me lose everything, right?"

The death knight trembled, and took a step back subconsciously.

"You have completed your final revenge, because I have been robbed of everything," Katoli clung tightly to her heart with her slender fingers, her expression twisted in pain, "Are you satisfied now? Or do you plan to use The sword that has killed countless people is the final end?"

How is it possible~! That's not the case, I don't have that kind of will at all~! Roland's lips parted slightly, but the words on the edge of his mouth could not be uttered—no matter how much he explained, the result could not be changed. Katoli's heart was already broken, and she would never be able to get back the words that were forced by the undercurrent of fate. Devoured fragments.

Windham's selfishness made Roland lose everything, so the Dark Eagle will make me lose everything in the same way, right? The girl's question pierced through the death knight's carefully constructed defenses, violently shaking his soul.

So in your eyes, am I the same as the person I hate

"That's not the case." Roland sighed deeply, "Katori, you have a certain quality that I don't have in you, that's why I want to travel with you, and that's why I go save you."

"Now you still..."

"As evidenced by my loyalty to Ishutori and my long-lasting love, what I just said is true." The deceased swore word by word, without avoiding the girl's broken gaze, "And I also Curious to know... what would you think of Roland Strife—not the dark eagle who only left a shadow in his memory, nor the death knight that people feared, but the cruel man who stood before you Substance of discourse."

The girl's slack eyes closed in an instant, condensing into a blade that shone with cold light.

"It doesn't matter if you can't answer now. If you force yourself, it may not be the best answer. I can wait." Roland repeated the words that the girl's lips had rubbed in a gentle tone, and then he took a step back. , raised his right hand, "Look there."

Katoli raised her head subconsciously, looking at the huge canopy hidden in the clouds.

"The World Tree is an immortal existence, an absolute being that cannot be hurt by any blade in this world, and even the power of a god cannot reach it. Luvis has no choice now, and the final battle at dawn is inevitable. At that time, I will guard Ishutori's soul stone in the center of the canopy and wait for your arrival." With the howling of the sudden strong wind, the death knight's words drifted far into the girl's ears, "To reach Ishutori The place where Shutoli is located is by no means easy, so get familiar with the 'Bauhinia', it is a good sword. I believe that when you meet again, you will definitely make the right choice."

The words echoed in the empty wilderness, and when the last ray of sound was swallowed by the manic airflow, the figure of the Dark Eagle disappeared among the mountains, and only the ice chips flying in the air proved the phantom existence of the deceased.

Roland deliberately bypassed the flat canyon opened by the World Tree, and instead took the rugged mountain road to embark on the return trip. The power that the death knight has suppressed for a long time has been fully manifested at this moment. For a whole day, he swept over the rocks and mountains like the shadow of a floating cloud, advancing silently and quickly. The first ridge of the mountains was in sight.

It wasn't until this moment that the cold figure stopped for the first time—it wasn't for rest, but for the waiting person who came into sight.

"Richard?" Roland softly called out his name.

"Great, Roland, you did it perfectly." These were the first words of the Lich, and he hugged each other vigorously as if seeing an old friend, and heartfelt joy and joy danced in those ice blue eyes. Admiration, "It's really an incomparably gorgeous aurora, the World Tree has finally awakened~! The moment we've been waiting for is coming~!"

"Of course there can be no mistakes. Ishutori must become a god... This is the purpose of my existence." Richard's appreciation is very rare, but even in the face of such a warm welcome, Roland is still not happy, He could only answer with a wry smile.

"Then why are you frowning?" Sensing the strangeness in his colleague's tone, the sensitive mage guessed something, "Because of that Catoli Orlande?"

"Maybe… "

"Remember what I told you when we met last time? Go and have a good talk with Ishutoli, it will be rewarding." Richard blinked, then sat cross-legged next to the death knight, "But in Before that, let's take a look at the results I have obtained in the past few months." The Lich skillfully changed the topic, "I already know the layout of all the facilities such as the important military sites and logistical routes in Fahdod. The internal weaknesses of the country are also clear... To be honest, there is no need to cause civil strife, and the undead army can still capture any city in this country within a day."

"I hope to pass here with the least loss. Time is not the most important thing. After all, the alliance army will not launch an attack rashly." With the last ray of sunlight, Roland focused his eyes on the big map opened by the opponent.

"Don't worry, because I verified a very interesting piece of information - the whereabouts of the head of the Fahdoud Knights disappeared during a certain sniper mission. Now the knights are in a mess, and only a poor necromancer is supporting the situation. For For a cautious and invincible death knight, an army without a leader is nothing to fear." Richard smiled, and then joked knowingly, "Then who did it, do you have any clue?"

"No matter who it is, it has helped us a lot." Infected by the relaxed atmosphere, Roland's tone gradually became lighter.

"So now it is easy to capture Fahdod. I believe that relying on you and Alsace's command, the loss will be controlled below 2,000 ghouls, and there are still a large number of skeleton soldiers available to stop the alliance's pursuit. The only one The only thing to worry about is the battle at dawn."

"After nearly eight years of war, God's Way is finally about to usher in the goddess's arrival." The death knight leaped up, jumped onto the protruding cliff, and looked at the huge straight canyon in the mountains. Beyond the horizon of the world, after crossing the entire Fahdod, there is a large piece of land opened up by the army of the undead for eight years-the territory called "Shinto" that was heavily guarded in order to allow Ishutori to reach the World Tree safely. .

"That's right," Richard carefully took out a fist-sized blue crystal—the magic power contained in it was enough for him to construct a teleportation circle leading to any corner of the world, "Let's go back to the Ice Crown, Ishto Leigh is waiting for her Orin, and the times will change from there."

Accompanied by a low and pleasant whisper, the bright blue magic light enveloped the two of them, and finally slowly melted into the cold moonlight.

In order to return to the alliance-controlled area as soon as possible, Xiuyin used the long-distance transport phalanx twice in a day. Relying on the magic map drawn during the journey, the team successfully escaped from the Yahewei Mountains. At this moment, under the moonlight, the clear Glendale River meanders from the invisible darkness like a deep blue ribbon, and the gurgling water is still singing cheerfully, but the mood of the listeners has long been Blown to pieces by the icy cold wind.

The young mage curled up by the fire, flipping through the scrolls casually, without saying a word. Using the teleportation spell twice in a row made him feel exhausted, but compared to the blow of mission failure, the exhaustion caused by the dryness of mana was almost negligible. If he could have noticed Roland's identity earlier, or guarded against the opponent's tricks earlier, it would definitely not have such an unfavorable result~! Thinking of the price the Alliance will have to pay for the Battle of Dawn, Xiu Yin subconsciously clenched his lips.

The paladin wiped the long sword nervously on the other side. The firelight reflected on the sharp blade, reflecting a bright red color, which made Ren's eyes sting—like the sting in his heart when he saw Katoli crying Same.

The power of the Dark Eagle's attack made him understand the insurmountable gap in strength between the two sides. If Roland continued to attack after using Death Coil, he, who was stiff and unable to defend himself, would undoubtedly die. But if I had a choice, I'd rather die than let that cursed guy hurt Katoli~! If there was another chance... Ren held the two-handed sword tightly, let it go after a few seconds, then held it tightly, and let it go again, and it continued mechanically like this.

The girl avoided the bonfire and her companions, and sat alone in the silent forest. The cold moonlight sifted through the leaves and fell on her thin shoulders, like a silver gauze. The scenery of the night sky is no longer colorful, but has returned to the simplicity of the past, but this reminds Katori of the scene of looking at the Shrine of Spirits from the window with Kaos a few months ago - that was the first time between the two Chatting is also the starting point for girls to desire further contact.

When he was seven years old, his caring and careful mother died in an accident. Three years later, his doting father also died in the Battle of Dharamla. In the years that followed, the last bloodline of the Alazea royal family was branded as the son of a sinner, and her emerald eyes and long black hair became a symbol of shame. Even with the thoughtful protection of her adoptive parents, she still Need to face endless suspicion and suppression. Catoli Orlande quickly understood one thing - she had to do her best to strengthen herself, so that she could survive the crowding out of various factions in the Holy Capital and become an outstanding existence.

She needs a goal, and "defeating the Dark Eagle" is undoubtedly the most suitable—before knowing her father's crimes, hatred can support Katoli; but after knowing the truth, reason still makes her choose Roland. The ominous man with pitch-black feathers is too similar to himself, so if he can deny the path he has chosen, it is tantamount to affirming the path he has chosen.

However, the appearance of Kaos changed everything. The girl originally only thought about one thing: how to fly to the highest sky, and then shoot down the Dark Eagle. But the man with gentle eyes made the pure sword in Katoli's heart gradually sluggish—the girl began to desire to protect and be protected, instead of just focusing on affirmation and negation.

She is no longer reconciled to just being the weapon of a goddess, but yearns for the happiness that belongs to mortals.

But now, Kaos has completely disappeared from this world. The person he fell in love with is just a glass-like fragile dream. Burning pupils. From birth to growth, from hard work to awakening, from wavering to longing, it turned out that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the shadow cast by the Dark Eagle.

"What should I do..." Katoli wrapped her arms around her knees, curled her whole body into a ball, and then just sat there silently, as if petrified.

"...what on earth would you think of Roland Strife—not the dark eagle who left only a shadow in his memory, nor the death knight that people feared, but the one who stood before you and spoke cruel words Entity." Roland's words echoed in the empty mind again.

What do you think of Roland Strife? Is there any other option for a man who has nothing left again? If there is a moment to meet again, isn't the Dark Eagle waiting for the already certain answer at the peak of the World Tree? Thinking of this, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

"Now I only have you left, so I can only use you as the standard and you as the final answer." Katoli pulled out the Bauhinia dormant in its sheath, rubbed the smooth blade, and the current flowing on it Touching the girl's slender and white fingers, it feels like a flame burning the soul.

Even relying on the advanced transfer phalanx, the return journey is still very long - due to the many dangers encountered on the way, there are several errors on the road sign map; in order to avoid being attacked by demons, the team must rely on magic once Pass through the meeting point of the Nether World and the present world; plus, Xiu Yin cannot afford this level of magic power extraction for a long time. Combining various factors, the journey from the Glendale River to Belial Village took the three of them a full two weeks, until July 4, 235 in the Luvis calendar, the place in Fahdod and Luwei The village at the border of the Silk Alliance finally appeared in front of Katoli and his party.

"Finally back." The girl sighed softly, and the breeze playfully raised her shoulder-length pure black long hair, reminding people of the passage of time.

The mission related to the fate of the entire alliance unfolds from here, as does the encounter with Kaos, and the fate with Roland...

Probably recalling the same content, Ren subconsciously clenched the long sword at his waist, while Xiu Yin wiped the fine sweat from his forehead while pouring water into his mouth—the team couldn’t be in this place where demons might appear. If you stay for too long, the mage must recharge his energy to prepare for the second use of the transfer phalanx.

"Anyway, let's take a rest in the advanced village." Seeing the tired appearance of the high-ranking mage and the lingering shadow in his eyes, Katoli made such a decision and walked towards Belial, but the next moment, reflected The sight of the two extremely familiar figures made her whole body tremble uncontrollably.

"Father? Mom?" The girl rubbed her eyes vigorously. The moment she confirmed that it was definitely not a phantom, she ran over with her arms open, "Dad~! Mom~!"

Katoli flew into Dilicia's embrace, and then leaned her head on Nuan Nuan's shoulders. The latter also hugged her long-missed daughter tenderly, while Kadar watched and embraced silently with kind eyes. of two people. The mother's body is warm and soft. Although it is not harsh at all, it can easily break down the last line of defense in the depths of the girl's soul. The pain and troubles, fear and sadness that have been biting her heart these days can't be suppressed in an instant. Gushing out, Katoli began to cry.

"Okay, okay, nothing will happen, honey, don't worry." Dilicia patted her daughter's back and said softly.

"I, I messed up everything... The mission failed," the girl was still sobbing, "The undead will go to snatch the World Tree, what should the Knights and the Alliance do next? And it's not just that, not just the mission failure …”

"While crying and talking about missions, it's not appropriate." Kadar approached the two of them and interrupted each other's words pleasantly, "Just act like a baby at a time like this, the one standing here is Your parents are not His Majesty the Pope."

"In short, I'm afraid that sooner or later there will be a battle with the undead army. It's useless to worry about it now." Dilicia let go of her daughter, stared at the beautiful eyes that were red and swollen from crying, and then wiped the tears on her cheek lovingly , "There will probably be a lot of pressure and blame from the Holy Capital, but no matter how others criticize, we will forgive you, my dear."

"So, don't cry anymore, you are already eighteen years old, right?" The sage's tone was full of kind fatherly love.

"Dad, Mom..." After hearing these words, Katoli couldn't help crying even harder.

"Sorry for interrupting the reunion of the three of you." Xiuyin slowly walked forward and bowed deeply to the supreme leader of the Magic Association, "But I personally think that Mr. Sage came here specially to welcome you, not for the sake of getting stuck. Is Tori alone? Two full weeks have passed since the aurora of the World Tree appeared, and the Holy City should have decided on our treatment, right?"

"Yes," Kadar turned around and carefully examined the remaining members of the team, "By the way... where is Josephine?"

"He died heroically in the battle with the Fahdod Knights, and we buried his body in the hills of Stantyr." The mage's words dimmed the eyes of the other four in an instant.

"Is that so... The Son of the Forest should be very satisfied with his final destination." The sage sighed deeply, then shook his head, "It's better to go back to the Holy City, the Pope is waiting there. But we can't rely on the help of the Pope." The Luzhi Temple in Riding City, because the fortress known as "Storgard's last line of defense" has been breached, and the undead have broken through the territory controlled by the entire alliance. Now even the Holy Knights cannot stop the formation of Shinto …”

"How could this be~!?" Katori, Xiuyin, and Renn shouted almost in unison.

"No way, but it seems that the Goddess Luvis has also announced a new prophecy from the Listener. Let's talk about this matter after we go back. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Death knights may appear at any time." Kadar gradually gathered magic power in his palm. Guang Guang, "Use the transfer phalanx to jump to the border of Mitlan, where there is also a Temple of Journey available."

The returning soldiers did not have time to rest. Three hours later, when they arrived at the holy capital, they received an order from the Pope himself—to accept the arbitration given by Julian August in person, and the location was still in the Pope's The office, the starting point where they were once entrusted with tasks.

Just like six months ago, when Dilicia pushed open the sandalwood door, the Pope himself was sitting at the large desk, and the listener, Loren August, was resting with his eyes closed on the bench beside him. When all five entered the room and closed the door, the supreme ruler of the alliance spoke.

"Huin Werner, please state the whole process of this mission, and then I will make a judgment on everyone based on this." Julian's sharp eyes scanned the young paladins, and then drifted away as if he had discovered something. Next, "It also includes the ruling given to the 'son of the forest' Josephine who was not present... As his old friend, I believe that person will never let down his reputation and courage."

The pope's words were concise and clear, without any politeness—if the mission was successfully completed, the ceremony to welcome everyone would be another matter, but under the harsh reality of mission failure, the Hall of the King of the King must focus on the upcoming war rather than personal issues Everyone in the room is very aware of this.

"Yes." The mage who was named also answered straight to the point. Being bound by the holy circle, no one can answer the question with a lie. In fact, Xiu Yin didn't mean that at all. His only plan was Said everything mechanically and without emotion, and then let it go.

The thrilling battle in the village of Belial, the sniping of the Fahdoud Knights, the heroic sacrifice of Josephine, the joining of the demon hunter Kaos, the danger of avoiding the devil hunting, the tragedy in the village of Enoch, the tragedy on the Glendale River The confrontation, the mystery of the star capital and the overwhelming power of Melukidik, the formation of the World Tree and the conspiracy of the Dark Eagle... The plain tone of the high-ranking mage made the listeners who created all these experience their unforgettable past again, Until the moment when the narration ends.

"It's over?" Julian confirmed.

"Yes." The mage bowed his head again.

"Then I want to ask a question, Hugh. How far would you have gone without the help of Roland Strife?"

"We will probably die in the battle of Belial Village," Xiu Yin pondered for a while, and then added, "If His Majesty means that the Dark Eagle will not be allowed to join the team, then we will die in Lubis Mountain, The area where the present world and the nether world meet is too large, and it is difficult to escape the pursuit of the devil. Even if they escape by chance, the next hunt by the Fahdoud Knights will catch everyone."

"In other words, without that person, you wouldn't be able to reach the capital of the stars anyway, isn't that true?" the pope concluded.


"Sure enough, it is a choice that is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong... But even so, the ruling will still be very severe." The ruler of the King's Hall stood up from his chair, and walked towards the three people standing there. The close inspection made Ren also lower his head , but Katoli still endured those two stern gazes. The girl pursed her lips as if she had made a decision, and finally spoke.

"Your Majesty, as the captain, I am willing to take full responsibility for the failure of the mission."

"Very good answer, but you don't need to wake up now, because I only said half of what I said." Hearing the other party's words, the corners of the pope's mouth couldn't help raising slightly, "Due to the current emergency situation, the next war will urgently need your support." ability, so the punishment for the three of you will not be announced until after the War of Dawn, and the memorial for Josephine is the same. Now that the World Tree has appeared and the army of undead is about to move, everyone should focus on deciding the alliance At that moment of fate."

These words relieved the tense three people, but then Julian's words suddenly changed: "However, the Holy Knights are a pure sword belonging to the goddess, and they must not tolerate 'impurities'." Exist. Even if the enemy is present, those who shake their faith still need to be punished. Therefore, Katoli Orlande, your status as a sea blue paladin will be stripped, your title will be revoked, and you will also I am forever disqualified from becoming a paladin, this is my verdict, effective immediately. Do you have any objections?"

"This trial is too merciful for me." The girl lowered her head quietly and answered briefly.

"Well then, the three of you can retreat first. The military dispatch orders for Huine Werner and Rain Brent will be issued tonight. As for Catori Orlande," the Pope thought for a while. He said, "Since you are from Alazea, you should be able to be incorporated into the ordinary troops of the Knights of the Holy Sword and be managed by Delicia..."

"Your Majesty, I know that as a sinner, the chance to fight for the alliance is the limit," the girl suddenly knelt down on one knee, then raised her head and stared straight at Julian. The eyes of the other six people in the room Immediately, she focused on her thin figure, "But... please forgive me for making a request~!"


"I hope to become a member of the Alliance Griffon Knights~!"

"Why?" The pope's tone was more strange than reproachful.

"Roland and I had a private conversation under the World Tree, which was something that Xiu Yin didn't understand." Katoli's face was very pale, she paused, and then continued with a serious expression, "Dark Eagle claimed that he will A challenge awaits me at the crown of the world tree during the War of Dawn, so as a knight, I hope to settle the feud with him in my own way, and becoming a Griffin Rider will improve my contact with him chances... Of course, everything will be in the highest interest of the alliance, on this basis, I hope to achieve my wish~!"

"As far as I know, the undead army's anti-air defense system is very complete. Even relying on the speed of the griffin, it is very difficult to rush into the enemy's line. Are you planning to self-destruct?" Julian frowned.

"It definitely doesn't mean that. Besides, creatures like griffins are also an important force of the legion. I will not damage the strength of the army for personal purposes." The girl's clear eyes contained a kind of persistence that the Pope could not ignore. It was as hot as a burning flame, "But since my whole life has been entangled with Roland Strife, there is no reason to run away from him in the final battle~! Your Majesty, I hope to fight against the dark Eagles face to face, one-on-one duel~!"

For the first time, Julian turned his gaze to the two people on one side, Kadar and Dilicia. The couple, who are close to Catoli, have remained silent since they entered the room—it was agreed in advance that the decision would be made by the Pope alone, and no one else had the right to make rebuttals and suggestions unless the Pope himself asked They suggested—and now, indeed, Julian was asking Catoli's adoptive parents for advice with his eyes.

The three of them exchanged glances, and finally, the pope sighed deeply: "Okay, I approve your request, Catori Orlande."

"Thank you very much." The kneeling girl bowed her head deeply until her forehead touched the soft carpet.