Death Knight

Chapter 4: bloody sky


At this moment, it is the time of sunrise, the morning sun is flying in all directions under the refraction of dewdrops, and the crimson morning sun is gradually rising with the faint mist and warm red clouds. And in the magnificent sunlight, the slender tower is like an illusory silhouette, firmly attracting the sight of the dead.

The four towers abandoned the rigidity and dullness of the rock, gathered towards the center from different directions, and then subtly merged into one, like soft and resilient vines. Even against the bright background of the Naga Mountains, the spire piercing into the clouds still looks magnificent.

This is the most outstanding work of the great craftsmen of the dwarves in the past hundred years-the star-seeing magic circle of the city of flames.

Legend has it that a long time ago, a huge star crashed into the Naga Mountains that traverse the plain. Under the action of that strong external force, a gap was finally opened in the sky-like wall. And because of this, the Nilu River, which originally passed through the ground, also showed its own veins, and with the patience of consistent water flow, he smoothed the gap into the current flat land.

"This is the only channel that connects the east and west of the Great Plains of Alazea, the Grand Canyon named as the Land of Stars by the world. For hundreds of years, before the alliance was established, this was the battleground for military strategists, until Luvis It took 2067 for people to build the city of flames," Richard narrated the history in a consistent scholarly tone, "I have already sent people to accurately survey the geographical data. The width of the entire canyon is 20 kilometers, of which Ni The Lu River takes up most of it, and it is the section where the water flows quickly. The real passage is the six-kilometer section occupied by the City of Flame Citadel."

Probably smelling the blood hidden under the beauty of the sunrise, Alsace's tone subconsciously became excited: "There are towering mountains on both sides, and a vast plain in front. The city wall is safer, and the three agricultural cities in the western plain can provide all the supplies, which is a masterpiece that is difficult to attack and easy to defend. If you can win such a magnificent fortress, it will definitely be a great sense of accomplishment, right?"

"I remember that many people have said this in history, but the Fortress of Fire has only changed hands once." Roland glanced at the other party.

"Then this time will be its second change of hands, isn't it, my genius sir?" Alsace said not to be outdone, "and this knight known as 'The Pride of Alazea' was once in the city of flames. Having stayed in the center for a year, you must be familiar with its troop deployment and defense structure, right?"

"I have already declared my name to the outside world, and they will definitely make major adjustments." The other party replied noncommittally, "On the other hand, it's hard to imagine that you would actually place your hopes on such a boring thing, are you afraid? ?”

This provocation had an immediate effect, Alsace's face darkened, and he was about to explode, but before that, the Lich interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"If you are so energetic, you might as well plan your tactics again. This battle is of great significance to us. If you can't capture the Fortress of Flame at once, all the strategic plans in the first phase will be ruined. The eastern plains will be wide open, completely exposed to the range of human attack. I think you all know this military common sense." Richard's face gradually became serious, "According to the latest information, the main force of the alliance will be within a week. The internal assembly was completed, a full five days faster than my original estimate~!"

"My tactics can give full play to the advantages of the undead, one week is enough." Roland pouted.

"It's not enough, my leader~!" Richard replied blankly, "In order to break the star-seeing magic circle, the first six days must be used to summon a demon-gathering tower. The only thing that can really be used for combat is the Just one day...just one day~!"

"One day... is really a harsh condition," Alsace showed a confident smile, "How about it, Lord Roland, can you capture the city of flames that has stood for a hundred years in one day? And don't forget, the defender in charge But that famous guide of light, Uther."

When he heard the name "Uther", Roland's expression shook uncontrollably, but he quickly suppressed the tremor caused by the memory—at least on the surface.

"We have no other choice. If Richard only gives us one day, then we have to take the fortress in one day, no matter who is guarding the top of the city." The head of the death knight shrugged his shoulders , and then reined in his horse and turned around, "Let's go, Alsace, let's redeploy, this time we have to use all our troops."

Standing erect for nearly 150 years, as well as the countless bones buried under the city walls, the reputation of the City of Flames has reached its peak. Although the alliance's war has never stopped, almost no one is willing to face the city wall wide enough for eight horses to run side by side—except for the undead in front of them.

The two ends of the fortress are respectively connected with near-vertical cliffs and the endless river, and there is a sufficient and safe supply line in the rear, no matter from a tactical or strategic point of view, there is no flaw at all. But even so, the vigilance at the top of the city has not been relaxed.

The soldiers on the watchtower carefully observed the surrounding movements, and from time to time they could see knights leading mixed teams patrolling everywhere. And under the fortified appearance, there are ten times as many soldiers, ready to go in the fortress building, and if any abnormality occurs, they will immediately rush to support.

"The entire Holy Sword Knights are here. Among the 4,000 paladins in the entire alliance, 1,500 are guarding this fortress, and 400 of them are high-level silver paladins. Are the undead fighting?" Even Maisis, the deputy head who is familiar with Uther, felt that the former was overly worried.

Uther did not make any answer, still staring into the distance. The camp of the undead army was ten kilometers away, but the bright black frozen soil crossed the barrier of distance, reflecting the dazzling scene into the eyes of the soldiers. And in the middle of that blackness, a tall tower has pierced the earth and poked straight into the sky, as if trying to grab the sun's clutches.

"Will they have the power to break through the Xingjian magic circle?" Recalling the speculations of the mages in the army, Usel couldn't help but muttered worriedly.

"Is it possible, that kind of power? It is said that the Xingjian magic circle can even resist the attack of magic, let alone the tricks of that small group of liches."

"No, we must be prepared in all aspects to avoid chaos in case of an emergency. The number of undead is more than double that of ours, and it has been confirmed that they are not waiting for backup. There must be a reason for not attacking now." He said The tone of his voice suddenly changed from indifferent contemplation to an orderly tone, "Let the commanders immediately plan a backup action plan, and let the mages estimate the impact of the damage to the star circle on other defense facilities. "

"Yes, my lord." Methis was about to leave.

"Also, tell Archmage Antonidas that it's time to fulfill that contract." There seemed to be a hint of helplessness in Uther's majestic voice.

The young paladin didn't react for a while, but in the next moment, Mysis immediately protested loudly, showing an incomprehensible confused expression: "Please forgive me, we are not fighting with our backs, is it necessary to do that? To be honest, I simply don't understand why such a boring mechanism is necessary for such an impregnable fortress~!"

"It is precisely because it is too strong that it cannot be easy for opponents. I believe that whether the contract is fulfilled or not will not affect our tactics, and it is also what the guardians of the flames of the past must follow. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is destiny." Uther's eyes returned to the distance, the black that was incompatible with nature, "Or, Methis, do you think I can't survive the battle?"

"Of course it doesn't mean that... Since your lord is so determined, then I will immediately notify the chief mage." Mysis's voice gradually dropped, but before he left, the paladin's expression was suddenly full of firmness: "But, You Sir Sir, absolutely no one will be able to capture the Fortress of Flame guarded by the Knights of the Holy Sword~!"

"I believe in your strength, work hard." Usel nodded with a smile, but when the young deputy left, the smile was quickly replaced by a helpless serious expression, "Maybe it's really a human being." Destiny above wisdom, but looking at it from a warrior's point of view, it's a kind of luck to be able to participate in such a battle..."

In the past two months, since the end of the battle, the undead army has spread like a big net, taking the entire Eastern Alazea Plain into it, and the 150,000 army has dispersed into countless branches to plunder the city and resources. No matter how much human beings resist, they can't stop the overwhelming pace.

Today, the protruding branches gathered again to form a whole, and what the spearhead pointed at was the magnificent and majestic scene in front of me.

In order to delay the advance of the undead army as much as possible, the Knights of the Holy Sword placed a large number of obstacles in front of the city of flames in advance. Before the arrival of the death knights, the mages created a huge swamp with magic power and planted all kinds of magic traps in it.

During the period when the Liches summoned the Demon Gathering Tower, the vanguards of the two armies had several tentative confrontations in front of the City of Flames. The shadow of the abyss possesses extremely strong magic power. Under the cover of the death knights, they patiently disintegrate the obstacles of the alliance. At the same time, the Knights of the Holy Sword took the initiative to attack and harass the undead troops that were working. After six days, the masterpieces of the mages have basically been cleaned up, and the hard rocks at the bottom of the swamp once again came into people's sight. The casualties of the two sides in the confrontation were not large, but their nerves were tense.

The sun of the seventh day shines on the earth and awakens all things.

The long black line spreading like a tide occupies the entire horizon, the blades of sophisticated weapons catch the cold light from the sky, and the undead's general attack is about to start.

The green tulle that wrapped the new tower has faded, and the black demon-gathering tower stands abruptly on the plain, cutting the golden sunlight into countless thin lines, and constantly spreading a magical aura around it.

"Is it finally going to start?" Yusel, who walked up the city wall again, muttered to himself, and involuntarily clenched the giant sword behind him.

Like a giant with tensed muscles, every joint in the fortress was active, the soldiers arrived at their posts quickly and orderly, and the knights were already ready for battle. No one thought that the city of flames would be captured. As the leading Holy Sword Knights in the alliance, the only thing they had to do was to continue the 150-year undefeated legend of the city of flames with their lives and honor.

But the permafrost filled with cold and black was silently silent at this moment, and the tireless undead had deployed their formations before dawn. They seem to ignore the tall barriers of the Fortress of Flame at all, and they adopt a clear charge formation-the main assault formation composed of nearly ten thousand death knights in the center, and the huge spider warriors on the two wings, eating corpses. The army composed of ghosts shouldered the role of the main force in the melee, and was arranged in the center of the entire phalanx, while the corpse golems and phantoms as the reserve team gathered at the rear.

The 150,000 undead army is like a spread carpet, covering all the green, freezing life and hope in the darkness. And behind them, the tall black tower pierced into the sky, ostentatiously competing with the snow-covered mountains all the year round for the title of grandeur.

Contrary to the concept of the living, the undead with infinite energy and immortal bodies will always leave the charge position to the superior. Therefore, Roland and Alsace, who are the head and deputy head of the knight order, were in the row closest to the enemy. But this does not hinder the command of tactics - with the help of the power of the magic gathering tower, the liches have already built a consciousness communication network, and the death knights wearing special jewelry can get judgments on the overall situation from the rear while fighting, and then rely on This is to act correctly and strike the enemy's weak point at the first time.

"Ah, it's today. Imagine the future. All the bards will use their tongues to praise the great achievements of the undead in taking down the city of fire in one day... No, it should be said to be a miracle~!" Al Seth's voice was full of expectant joy, and then he asked Roland, who was silent beside him, "What about you?"

"What's wrong?"

"The defensive general, the titles he holds may be counted with two hands - Guardian of Flame, Pride of Draenor, Painter of Red, Guider of Light, Leader of the Holy Sword Knights... And..." As if to bring back memories deep in the other party's mind, Alsace's voice suddenly slowed down, "Dark Eagle's former teacher..."

"I never said that I would sever the master-student relationship with him." Roland smiled hard.

"Really?" Alsace's tone was filled with surprise, "Then what is he thinking? Does he know why you are fighting and why you are taking revenge?"

"So what if you know? It's been a full ten years, and no matter who you are, they will change unknowingly with the passage of time." The avenger's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment, "The paladin betrayed his goddess , to join Ishutoli's command, since even this kind of thing can happen, then other things cannot be speculated, the only way is probably to meet once."

Roland paused for a moment, but he didn't return to his usual indifferent expression: "The Jingwang sword 'Fei Lian' used by master is also a big sword." Swords are basically used for beheading people. The only thing you need is Power, so the best choice is the big sword~!' This is how he educated me."

Perhaps because of the relationship Alsace asked just now, the narrator's tone added a certain flavor of nostalgia, "So at that time, under such instigation, I recklessly chose that kind of heavy and Things that are difficult to manipulate, although I couldn't master them at all when I first practiced, but gradually, I fell in love with such weapons... The great sword made me survive the harsh battlefield in the Northland. Not only that, but this way of fighting also Let me develop the concept of thinking positively and never running away from difficulties."

"I don't know if it's a coincidence or fate, but Frost Wrath is also a great sword, which suits me very well." Roland inserted the lance in his hand into the soil, and pulled out the great sword behind him, the thick and cold feeling immediately spread It spread all over the body, "However, it's the complete opposite of flame coldness."

"So, you mean you don't know how User will react after meeting? Don't you plan to communicate with him?"

"Master's character is not so extreme," Roland just shook his head, "Besides, as an aggressor, I have no position to persuade."

"So, do you regret it?" Alsace continued to ask, staring at him with red eyes, as if trying to see through Roland's heart.

If it weren't for the hesitation in my heart, maybe I wouldn't miss that time, right

Roland's lips twitched slightly, but the indifference returned to his eyes immediately: "I've come to my senses, if a sword must be used to decide the outcome, then I hope to have an uninterrupted duel, that's all. "

Compared with the thoughts of the death knights, the Lich far behind at this moment has no extra energy. Because the battle to attack the Fortress of Flame has quietly begun amidst the whispering of that spell.

Just like black basalt inlaid with shiny fairy powder, the huge seven-pointed star array built around the magic tower is constantly emitting dazzling light, guided by incredible power, the invisible but qualitative magic in the air , under the guidance of each corner of the phalanx—a small seven-pointed star array composed of seven high-ranking liches—gradually gathered towards the center. It was almost as if an invisible hand was squeezing it.

Over time, the clouds in the sky gradually deformed, forming a huge vortex in the sky above the top of the tower. At this time, the energy gathered in the giant's hand finally reached a critical concentration. On the tip of the tower, the space suddenly twisted and bent, and the scene in the line of sight suddenly trembled chaotically. Out, the lasing shot towards the center of the vortex.

The alliance soldiers who were watching the strange scene tens of kilometers away made the same action almost at the same moment: they subconsciously covered their ears. As if a gust of wind passed by the ear at close range, some kind of force aroused by the dazzling thin thread pierced the air barrier at high speed, and the sharp screams produced by the friction followed through the human mind.

"All troops stick to their posts~! Keep the horses quiet and don't disturb the formation~!" Usel issued an order loudly, but when he turned his eyes to the sky again, he suddenly found that the color of the sky was much more dazzling .

The bright line sank into the center of the vortex in an instant, and a moment later, a strange scarlet light burst out from the depths of the cloud. The flames burned violently, like fresh blood on a white cloth, quickly spread to the surroundings, and then filled the entire sky. In just the blink of an eye, the fresh sky reflected in the countless pupils looking up at the sky has been replaced by the blood-like color. And in the vortex sky, amidst the reverberating sound, a gap that continuously radiated white light was cracked.

"That's... a channel connecting the star world~!" Antonidas finally recognized the spell used by the other party from the breath revealed by the vortex-like crack. "They are calling for the Crimson Star~! Hurry up, let all the troops on the first city wall come down, and start evacuating immediately~!" Seeing the mage's gaffe for the first time, the orderly didn't even have time to think, and immediately ran at the fastest speed rushed out.

"Will it still be breached? Xingjian Magic Circle... The name is really ironic, it seems that there is only hand-to-hand combat." Usel on the side showed a heavy expression.

"Since there is such a name, it will still be unreasonable if you don't know the real shape of the meteor?" Richard looked at the chaotic scene above the fortress mockingly, and smiled with satisfaction.

In the sky, the blood-colored curtain was licking at the edge of the flames, but the Lich turned his attention to the tower behind him, and then he only had to wait for the meteorite to come and the spell would be completed, and as he expected, the demon gathering There is also enough mana left in the tower to use its full power in later battles.

"Everything is under control, even the city of flames can't resist the power of progress..." The corner of his cold mouth curved into an arc, and he began to chat with his colleagues in an old-fashioned preaching tone, "Once you have experienced Over a long period of time, knowledge itself will become a huge and incomparable power, and that will always be the truth."

Almost at the same time, the Destroyer from the Astral World revealed its flaming figure. In the endless bloody sky, the huge meteorite oppressed the senses at a seemingly slow speed, burning the sight. Before people's consciousness broke free from the shackles of shock, it had already run over a distance of tens of kilometers and fell towards the fortress's city wall.

At the moment when it was about to fall, the Xingjian Magic Circle finally appeared in the form of power visible to the naked eye: the empty water-blue dome wrapped the entire fortress, blocking the red impact with a hard shell. The two huge energies nirilated each other at the point of contact, and the tall city wall trembled like leaves in the wind amidst the huge roar. The shell of the red meteorite gradually cracked and peeled off, and the burning fragments slowly fell along the radiant curtain, stirring up a large cloud of dust on the ground.

Even though it was gradually shattered under the pressure of the magic circle, the extremely textured and hard black core inside the Crimson Star still broke through the water-blue curtain, and the barrier was squeezed to the sides like ripples, forming folds. Under the huge impact, the entire city of flames immediately set off a huge sandstorm.

In the almost opaque wind, golden and green light flashed from time to time—clerics and mages had to sacrifice part of their mana to build a defensive wall to preserve their combat power—even so, there were still many soldiers who had no time to evacuate and suffered from death doom.

The roar in the valley gradually faded away, the dust gradually fell, and the magic barrier faded away from the people who opened their eyes again. Through the red dust flying all over the sky, the knights saw the ruined wall that originally belonged to the first city wall—spreading around in a radioactive shape. The impact force caused by inertia not only dented a large area of the rock, but even made the distant The second city wall was also destroyed, and those broken limbs that were not completely buried made terror spread uncontrollably.

"Is that why the undead set up such a charge formation?" Methis looked at the black line in the sky suddenly, "What should we do? Should we use the horse refusal formation?"

"The disparity in strength is too great. The death knights have sawtoothed spear points, which can easily break through the horse-repelling formation. We must use the brakes to let the cavalry troops take the paladins as the center and immediately form a charge formation on the periphery. Silver The cloud army is covering the attack on the second city wall." Usel decisively issued an order, "We must hold on until the city wall is repaired... and then we can retreat..." He turned and stared at the gap in the city wall that collapsed due to the impact of the debris, Antonidas had begun to direct the repairs, but before that was over, the Knights had to pay for delaying the cold invasion of the North with blood.

The silence was like the undead camp in the cemetery, breaking the long silence at that moment. The death knight who had been waiting for a long time finally began to charge. With the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, the six kilometers wide black waves were wrapped in cold and death, and swooped towards the city of flames.

The large cloud of dust raised by the charge was thrown behind the huge waves, while the tiny ice crystal fragments gradually filled the dense formation, and the second spell of the magic tower has come one after another: the armor made of ice seems to have Like life, it spread rapidly on the death knight's body—like a new shell, the thick white froze the huge waves, but the death knights who were tireless and did not need to breathe did not suffer from the extra weight. And there is the slightest sluggishness.

When the crystal armor was completed, the first wave of counterattack from the Knights of the Holy Sword also came at the same time—the silver arrows were hitting the torrent of death with a posture of covering the sky—the number accounted for one-tenth of the Knights , The Silver Cloud Legion, composed of 8,000 experienced longbowmen, has begun to shoot.

The speed of the silver arrow lingering in the sky seems to be slow, but it can't be resisted at the moment of approaching. Even the eyes of the death knight can't catch the dazzling arrow reflecting the sun. The ice fragments exploded and scattered everywhere, and the silver arrows penetrated through layers of obstacles and buried deep in the body of the dead, making the rushing death knights grit their teeth—the long-lost pain was awakened by the silver arrows again, and Deeply stabbed the soul.

Even the frost armor completed with the condensed power of the big magic circle, still can't completely absorb the powerful impact brought by the bright lines that cut through the air. From time to time, death knights were shattered from their ice armor, and then fell off their horses in the torrential rain of attacks, becoming bodies that had truly lost their souls.

After the third wave of attacks, against the backdrop of the shocking ruins that hadn't completely stopped collapsing, the human knights who also charged with lances finally caught the sight of the dead.

"The ten-kilometer road is really difficult..." Alsace and Roland were both in the center of the formation, and they were the most violently attacked. But the two didn't care about the silver arrows buried in their bodies. "Their resistance is very tenacious... But, it's fun to fight like this~! If you don't even feel pain during the battle, it's really unreasonable."

Before Arthas could finish his words, the spells of the liches tore the ice crystal armor, together with the arrow feathers stuck on it, away from the death knight's body. Along with the sunlight, the stardust was thrown behind the black figure in an instant. The aroused large piece of bright silver fragments fluttered and disturbed the cold air under the effect of inertia, as if it really broke into countless waves on the reef. At the same time as the shards of ice crystals flew into the air, two huge torrents finally collided together.

Squeezed by the tyrannical inertial force, the armor is like a toy made of paper, completely crushed in the blink of an eye. The weapons collided with each other to create dazzling sparks, and the sound of metal tearing echoed in the valley with angry roars. The seemingly fragile lance took away countless lives the moment it broke, and even the death knight's body was deformed by it.

More people immediately drew out their melee weapons and began to fight each other. The strong smell of blood quickly spread along the front line paved with sword blades and blood.

Cover up fear with killing intent, this is the motto of the Knights of the Holy Sword in battle. Even though they have just experienced such a powerful magic, even if they are facing undead with extremely powerful vitality, the soldiers can still fight calmly.

The spider warriors on the flanks had tall bodies and thick carapaces, but their weaknesses were quickly spotted—many soldiers cut their fragile waists with desperate stabs, and the undead spiders that were broken in two were immediately lost. Without the possibility of fighting, he was quickly chopped into immobile carrion during the struggle.

The ghouls who came from the rear had to use their bodies to bear the rain of arrows from the Silver Cloud Legion. Although they didn't use silver arrows this time, the amount lost was enough to make the Lich who was several miles away frown—just for the battle. In terms of vitality, the raw ghouls are far inferior to the experienced death knights, not to mention that this time there is no magic protection.

The death knights, who had never stopped their horseshoes in the past two months, stopped their progress for the first time in front of the thorn wall woven by long swords. Although the number of paladins is far less than that of death knights, many high-level knights who also participated in the charge are not inferior to paladins in terms of swordsmanship. With the help of magical weapons in their hands, they counterattacked their opponents powerfully, and the flames that erupted on the battlefield from time to time made the eyes of the undead sting—Holy Light, the knights of the Ice Crown once again tasted The taste of death, and what this time brings will be eternal sleep.

Although the charge was stalled by the explosive counterattack of humans, there was still a force that tore through the steel defense line like a bamboo shoot, and covered the fallen knights with the cold air of the north—when six silver paladins rushed to support At that time, dozens of corpses had been added near Roland and Alsace—whether human or horse, they were all separated.

That was a style of armor that Roland was very familiar with, but what they protected now was no longer himself, but the enemy standing opposite him. Maybe in the near future, I will not only see the familiar armor on the blood-splattered battlefield, but also meet familiar people.

"Don't stand in front of me, or death is waiting for you~!" The avenger warned the other side coldly, although the other side only responded with a sneer, but the death knight felt better—at least when killing the other side, he could feel more at ease .

If I really meet the teacher... I must concentrate on fighting on the basis of "Yunyao" with all my strength, without any hesitation, otherwise I will be the one who falls~! Roland told himself this, and then let his body shoot arrows at the paladins—he wanted to use these guys to get himself into the state first.

Not into a state of concentration, but into a state where I can swing my sword at my teacher and adoptive father.

The large number of paladins used split tactics to separate the two, forming a three-on-one situation: the two fought in close quarters in front, and the other cast the holy light spell, which was the most efficient battle formation. But even so, it still couldn't block the opponent's attack. The offense and defense were switched extremely quickly between the eight people, blood spattered out from time to time, and the burst of light was instantly suppressed by the inexplicable darkness. The fierce battle ended quickly, and when the last paladin was killed, the human defense finally began to retreat.

"Did you win?" On the criss-crossed battlefield, Roland grasped the slack and looked around, but when his eyes fell on the gap in the city wall repaired with boulders and magic, he finally understood that the opponent retreated. s reason.

It's not defeat, it's just that there's no need to stay here to consume.

The neat and indestructible phalanx of the Knights of the Holy Sword confirmed Roland's guess—even though they were retreating, the death knight's raging impact could never open any fatal gap.

Until all the soldiers withdrew to the protection of the high walls of the fortress, the undead army had not been able to grasp the rhythm of the battle. The only thing they could do was to watch the huge stainless steel gate crashing down through the dense arrow rain .

"It took so much time just to get under the city wall..." Against the background of the still crimson, the sun that was gradually sinking westward cast a long shadow on the ground, and Roland's expression sank uncontrollably. There were tragic corpses everywhere on the battlefield. The Knights of the Holy Sword successfully blocked the impact of the black tide, but they paid a price of more than ten thousand people. Among them, the number of holy knights who died in battle reached nearly five. hundred.

"What about the casualties of our army?" Roland turned around, and Richard had arrived on the battlefield at some point.

"It's basically similar. A lot of ghouls died, tens of thousands, but the death toll of the Knights was only over two hundred."

"Two hundred death knights~! It's nothing more than that when fighting the White Dragon Clan~!" Roland almost exploded at that moment because of the other party's understatement.

"The opponent is the Knights of the Holy Sword. If you don't fight with an enlightened attitude, how can you win? Even I, who don't know swordsmanship, know this." Richard just shrugged his shoulders and looked on. general objection. "You are too anxious, is it because of Uther's relationship?" After telling the truth in an emotionless tone, the Lich added this sentence.

"How is it possible? I just don't want to be blocked here... Just like you said," Roland's voice softened, "This fortress must be captured within a day, that's all."

"Don't worry too much, we still have an absolute advantage in combat power, because of the relationship between the meteorite and the war of attrition, the opponent now has less than 70,000 defenders, while we have 140,000, plus we can expand You are good at the wheel-based warfare, no one can compare with the undead who don't get tired." A sneer appeared on the corner of Richard's mouth, "As for the time limit... You know, the battlefield is always changing."

The end of the melee did not bring even a moment of peace, and the undead launched a new round of offensive again. Although the defense of the second city wall is much weaker, the thickness of the city gate is still three times that of ordinary ones. With the emergency falling of the fine steel gate, the strength is absolutely impenetrable. However, to the undead, the towering city wall was not an obstacle at all—the purpose of the attack was not to destroy the city gate—everywhere on the six-kilometer-long city wall became a Shura field intertwined with death and blood.

In order to maintain a stable structure and strength, the base of the wall is wider than the top. And only relying on the tiny angle of inclination, the undead can easily climb up.

The Union soldiers pushed down a large number of logs from the top, trying to stop the Kuroshio's invasion, but it was as useless as a stone thrown into the lake. The swarming ghouls hit the wall wave after wave like a flood breaking a bank. From a distance, the proud wall of the City of Flame is covered by ghouls, like a tombstone covered with mold, disgusting and frightening.

At this moment, the death knights drew their longbows behind them. Guided by the power far beyond human beings, sharp arrows can easily penetrate any type of defense, whether it is a huge tower shield or an armor made of fine steel.

The Silver Cloud Legion did not remain silent. They and the knights of the Ice Crown suppressed each other's positions, and an astonishing number of arrows rained down on the positions of both sides. The longbowmen of the Knights of the Holy Sword counterattacked by relying on their terrain advantages and broad vision, but as time passed, the contest between the two sides gradually widened the gap—unless dozens of silver arrows hit a death knight at the same time, otherwise even if they hit a death knight The chest can't bring fatal damage to the burning soul, and any arrow shot by the undead is enough to make the human warrior fall forever.

From time to time a soldier fell from the towering walls, and before the screams that echoed in the valley died away, the ghouls swarming at the bottom would tear him to pieces.

Human beings used courage and blood to prevent the cold current of death from spreading everywhere, but once they stopped to examine the bleeding wound, the tireless cold air would sweep over again. When the last ray of sunlight melted into the blurred horizon in the distance, the Knights of the Holy Sword had to replace those soldiers who were almost numb fighting on the city wall with a reserve team. And it wasn't until this time that humans discovered that the charge of the undead was not foolhardy—there would be a one-meter passage for every five meters of their attack front, for those ghouls who were injured and unable to fight to retreat—this discovery The soldier's face was involuntarily cast a shadow.

Death is still unable to stop the pace of the undead, let alone darkness. The fighting at night did not ease at all, on the contrary, it tended to intensify. A large number of torches cast a bleak figure on the city wall, while the position of the undead is pitch black—death knights have excellent night vision, while ghouls have sensitive senses of smell and hearing—the undead do not need any possible Auxiliary combat of the target. The attack of the ghouls was as fierce and fierce as ever. These tireless undead creatures brought hoarse roars to all parts of the city wall, and as their physical strength declined, the defensive forces of the Knights of the Holy Sword gradually changed frequently.

When the battle was at its peak, several squads of death knights rushed forward in the dark, and the black mount galloped on the upright city wall with unimaginable power, swift and light. And when the death knight on horseback leaped onto the top of the wall, the defending soldiers were decapitated before they could even cry out in surprise.

The entire city wall immediately became commotion, although the paladins and priests who arrived in time suppressed each other's surprise attack in an almost crazy way - some knights even dragged the death knight and jumped off the city wall together desperately - but the breath of despair had indeed gradually faded away. It diffused.

Even the elite fighters began to doubt their physical strength and the accuracy of time. Noisy and cold filled the entire battle line, making it impossible for those fighters who got precious rest to sleep. Although their minds were clear, their numb bodies could not listen. Don't dare to rest. And the condition of those who are fighting is even worse, they don't even have time to care whether their companions are alive or dead.

That was an unprecedented way of siege. Forged by the cold and harshness of the North, the huge war machine is hitting the defensive formation on the city wall time and time again with its unique ruthlessness and tirelessness. Every steel-hard attack contained another steel-hard attack, apparently endlessly. And under such an attack, no matter how strong the shield is, there will be cracks—the human defense line is gradually slipping to the brink of collapse.

"How many people do they have? How can they continue such an onslaught all day and all night~!" Methis murmured to himself in disbelief. Since yesterday afternoon, the paladins have been divided into several groups to support and reinforce the weaker parts of the front line. Not long ago, the death knight's assault has seriously damaged the vitality of the knights. It is only now that they have a precious rest time. It is still impossible to relax the highly tense nerves. Fortunately, Usel closed his eyes and meditated, which made the deputy head somewhat feel the calm atmosphere.

"We will definitely win. Even if it is the tireless undead, the potential of human beings is much greater than imagined. Moreover, the tactics are absolutely correct. As long as the reinforcements arrive, the opponent will become a dead end." You Searle got up slowly, and held the long handle of the well-known "Fei Lian".

As if in response to the words of the guide of light, in the far east, the dark sky suddenly opened, sharp golden threads swarmed out, and the magic tower of the undead showed a strange figure under the reflection. Even though it was subtle and separated by a layer of indelible darkness, the bright line attracted everyone's attention like a prayer of redemption, and guided their eager eyes to the water-colored horizon of the sky—the swaying light and The hot object, the sun, has finally risen.

The hundred-year-old flag of the Knights of the Holy Sword with a green background and a gold border is flying on the top of the city, which is particularly dazzling at this moment.