Death Knight

Chapter 47: sword


When Roland came back to his senses, his hands had pulled out the big ice-like sword by mistake. The biting cold from the palm of his hand surprised him, but the weapon was firmly stuck to his palm like an extension of his body, and the young man couldn't lose it no matter what. Then, Roland suddenly felt that the blood in his body boiled instantly, and some kind of violent power sleeping in his body woke up. This power poured into the sharp sword along Roland's arms, resonating with the cold metal, shaking His mind and will.

Exactly the same as the one on Steamwheedle.

No, this time the throbbing of the soul is even stronger and hotter, as if there is a real flame burning violently in his chest~!

The next moment, Roland shot at the opponent together with the sword in his hand. The buzzing sound of tearing air poured into people's eardrums, and the icy blue light flickered. This vertical slash was unimaginably fast. What can be done is to raise the gun to block, and then abruptly receive all the impact.

The unbuffered collision made the black knight suddenly lose his balance, and then he fell backwards and fell off his mount. The young man with a cold look in his eyes didn't let go of this opportunity. The sword sharply raised, and then cut down again with the inertia of the whole body. The horse separating the two suddenly galloped two steps forward, and broke in two at the waist. In the flash of blood, the crimson spear and the ice blue epee overlapped each other. The owners of the weapons looked at each other wordlessly, and then were involved in the slashing and stabbing again like a gust of wind.

Fapello had a serious expression on his face, with uncontrollable surprise in his eyes. Compared with just now, Roland is completely different now. What surprised him even more was that each of his swords was changing, becoming faster, more ingenious, and more deadly~! Now, the black knight must do his best to suppress Roland and at the same time resist the cold arrow shot by Aurha. If the mages hadn't restrained the magic swordsman, he might not be able to retreat now.

It's the best way to get out before you get into a one-on-three situation. However, Fapero did not obey this choice. A sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, and then he continued to charge forward with more violent spear stabs, without any intention of retreating.

The black knight will never back down~!

Fapello looked at his opponent, staring intently into his eyes, and time seemed to freeze.

Roland's eyes were burning with dazzling flames, the eyes that only death knights would have, both cold and fanatical. The black knight knew very well that he was neither afraid nor fearful now, and all his feelings had been forgotten in his mind, and the only thing he could hear was the heartbeat like a countdown and the cry of cutting down the sword desperately.

However, from within this pale flame, the black knight saw a gap.

There was a lack of persistence in those eyes. Not nothing, but not enough. Without proving the purpose of his own survival, no matter how powerful he is, the sword in his hand is still dull. If the belief is not strong enough, there must be a weakness under the strong appearance~!

By the way, this is the decisive gap between you and me, just like those death knights who trade their lives for strength, people like you will never be able to defeat the warriors who vowed to regain freedom~!

Four fingers slowly swept across the gun body, the tip of the gun sank slightly, the rising flames swayed away the flying arrows and wind blades, and the sharp eyes lined up with the long front. The black knight rushed forward in one go, and the Jing Wang Spear, Long Guan Gui Zhan, thrust out roaringly, drawing a slender track that was bright red like blood in the air.

Roland used the sword as a shield in an instant, and blocked the blow with the broad blade. Although his hands were numb from the opponent's stabbing, the young man didn't care. He seized the opportunity to flip the weapon, and the blade of the sword slashed against the barrel of the gun like lightning.

"Don't try to stop me~!"

Fapello yelled and turned the barrel of the gun, a violent ring force was fired along the metal surface, and then the whole spear shook violently, vibrating like a string of a piano. Roland never expected that when two heavy weapons were attacking, , unexpectedly received a strong impact from the side, but just lost his mind, the giant sword in his hand flew several meters away in a circle, and plunged obliquely into the ground.

The flames in Roland's eyes were instantly extinguished, and he stepped back in despair, while the black knight tightened his lips, and slammed down the spear in his hand. Oluha covered her mouth and screamed, and rushed towards the two of them recklessly, but at the moment when the spear broke through the wind, how much could the galloping horse shorten the distance

The next moment, three streaks of purple-gold lightning suddenly struck head-on from mid-air. In the burning of the dazzling light, Fapero retreated tens of meters, but even so, he was still swept by the long snake twisted by lightning on his shoulder. A line of blood shot out, splashing high into the air, the cut wound was deep, under the torn armor and the turned flesh, even the white bones could be vaguely seen.

The black knight frowned, held the gun in one hand without saying a word, and put on a defensive posture. Opposite him, a dangerous bird of prey was planing impatiently on the ground, its four sharp claws immediately cut out ditches, and the beating of its huge wings created gusts of wind that made it unsteady to stand—it was an adult bird Griffin, the nightmare of all warriors.

However, it wasn't the beast that made the black knight tense, but the man who was driving it.

The slender rider covered his face with an eagle feather helmet, only his piercing eyes were exposed, coupled with the long snake-like nine-section sword in his hand, it revealed an even more strange atmosphere . The short confrontation just now didn't make Fapello understand too much. Judging from his own injuries, the opponent obviously has a proficient "Yun Yao" introduction technique, and the power of that sword is also obvious. But apart from the information he exchanged for the pain, he knew nothing about this Griffin Knight.

The Gryphon Rider wasn't even mentioned in the intelligence at all.

What's next? The painful shoulder forced Fapero, who never looked back, to be quiet and rethink the next tactics. The Blood Rose Knights had lost more than 5,000 soldiers on this battlefield, but even so, they could only watch helplessly as the death knights fled farther and farther. The general rebel army even saved nearly half of its troops, and at this moment they are desperately charging along with the undead.

This record is really worthy of the title of playboy... A bitter smile froze on the black knight's face.

However, even though he had to face two swordsmen who knew Yunyao at the same time, Fapello still had no intention of retreating. The 5,000 soldiers who died in battle fell for themselves, if they can't capture the Kailina ruby, then everything will be their own fault~!

The next moment, the strong killing intent in the black knight's eyes made the griffin back away vigilantly, and the rider also felt the obsession from the opponent at the same time - the spear that was leveled again and was about to be stabbed was the best proof.

"Follow up with the main force immediately." The crisp and clear voice brought Roland back to his senses, and the young man subconsciously looked at that beautiful figure, feeling a strange familiarity in his heart.

"It's up to me to deal with it here." The Griffin Knight shook his wrist, and the purple-gold long sword suddenly brought out a dazzling thunder, blocking the black knight's attack again.

"Roland~! Hurry up~!" Oluha's shout came from a distance, making the mysterious Griffon Knight tremble, but the young man whose name was called didn't notice this detail. In the chaotic battle situation, he only had time to quickly pull out the great sword that fell into the ground, and then briefly thanked the savior.

"Thank you, please be careful~!"

Then, Roland and his companions gradually merged into the jungle of swords and blood.

"You didn't join hands with the death knights to protect yourself. Why do you do this as a mortal?" Fapello asked the other party palely, his words were slightly panting due to the massive blood loss, but those eyes Still killing intent, "It's a pity, an excellent fighter like you should have been an example to push the world forward, but now you are willing to become Ishutori's lackey..."

"Everyone has their own reasons to fight, but I have no obligation to tell you." The other party interrupted him coldly, "As for the old-fashioned preaching or persuasion, I'd better leave it to you~!"

As if feeling the master's will, the radiance of the nine-section sword instantly increased, and the whole weapon flew in mid-air, like an enraged poisonous snake, trembling and spitting out deadly lightning, and then slashed down in the air like a long whip. The black knight hastily jumped back and quickly raised his gun to block, but the expected impact never happened—the sharp edge wrapped in lightning was retracted halfway through the cut.

"What~!?" Fapello looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The black knight was puzzled at first, then stunned, and finally his handsome face turned purple—the bastard who cut him actually manipulated the griffin into the air and escaped after a feint~!

"Shoot, shoot me down, shoot to death~! That damn bastard~!" The angry roar of the head of the Blood Rose Knights swept across the battlefield, and a team of experienced crossbowmen immediately responded. But even the magic arrows with the most penetrating power in the entire empire can't appease the knight commander's roar at this moment—when they are several meters away from the griffin, these arrows will be killed by the snake-like long sword one by one. Missed, there is no deterrent at all.

Under the baptism of the opponent's angry eyes, the Griffon Knight circled over the chaotic battlefield mockingly, and then disappeared into the darkening sky. But when Fapello, who was thrown away, turned his attention back to the ground, he could only watch helplessly as the undead easily broke through the last line of defense of the Blood Rose Knights, and then walked away.

"Master Fapero, the troops ambushing in the dark forest have arrived, please give me an order." A high-ranking knight shouted and ran over, his face covered in sweat.

However, his officer didn't seem to hear it at all, he just stared fiercely at the direction where the enemy was going away, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce through the dust all over the sky. After a while, the young leader finally sighed.

"Unfortunately, even chasing now will only cause more losses, so immediately stop all actions, switch to defensive mode, and start to rest." The blood rose knight briefly issued an order, and then laughed at himself.

"My lord..." Looking at the lonely figure, the adjutant didn't know what to say.

"This time, we lost."

Fapello started to walk back hard, his hands tightly hugging his weapon, without the support of Jingwang Spear, he couldn't even stand still. The shoulder injury was more serious than expected. Unknowingly, half of the armor was stained red with blood, and with the end of the battle, the will that had been supporting him slowly disappeared along with the blood. The black knight felt dizzy, as if he had lost control of his body, and his whole body and mind were shrouded in numbness and exhaustion.

"But next time, I must..." Fapello muttered to himself in a trance, "I must end all this with my own hands."

In November of the eighth year of the Ishutoli calendar, a short battle that directly or indirectly involved various forces finally came to an end near the dark forest. The Blood Rose Knights lost 6,300 people, the Sophia Freedom Army was wiped out 2,100 people, and the mysterious death knights lost 52 companions including the leader Hader—this is an unwinnable battle. In the struggle of the dead, only the earth can taste the bitterness of the blood of the dead.

Dawn is approaching, and the waking morning light lifts the blue sky. Compared with the impenetrable dark forest, the sky above people's heads is extremely high and very light, giving it a pure and transparent feeling. The sound of gurgling water and the chirping of birds not far away added a bit of comfort and leisure, and for the soldiers who had just finished the bloody battle, this represented perhaps a short but incomparably precious peace.

Although they successfully broke through the encirclement of the Sophia Empire yesterday evening, none of the fugitives dared to stop—the enemy had just gathered 25,000 people in an ambush, and the total number was nearly 40,000. Unbelievable.

And after marching together for an hour, those incomprehensible death knights obviously believed that they had fulfilled their obligations to the temporary allies. They didn't even say hello, they just made a gesture from a distance, and then all the undead galloped and disappeared into the night within a few minutes.

The lonely Sophia Freedom Army had no choice but to move on. They were able to enter the dark forest from the safe area at the zenith of the moon, and spent the rest of the night on first aid to the wounded. It was only now that they were able to Take a breath.

But Oluha hasn't rested yet. When others are taking a nap, she has to take on the heavy responsibility of a sentinel, lurking alone under the shadow of the tree canopy, expanding her consciousness to the dense branches and leaves, feeling the entire changing environment, acting as the eyes and ears of the entire army. Originally, Roland insisted on guarding with her, but the prayer man just used a hypnotism casually, and the young man immediately passed out on the ground and fell into a deep sleep, without even being able to say "No".

He was obviously so exhausted that he couldn't even resist hypnosis, but he still stubbornly wanted to serve as the whistle, and he refused to listen to what he said. How could there be such a brave person? Thinking of this, Oluha couldn't help but smiled softly, and her curved eyebrows stretched like crescent moons.

It's because of protecting me that Roland is so tired... As soon as he closed his eyes, yesterday's battle quietly came to mind. The elf's eyes always follow that young figure, so his every move is also vivid - how Roland blocked the death knight's attack for himself, how Roland silently assisted Alberta, how Roland marched Opening the way for himself and how Roland fought the powerful blood rose knight... the girl remembered every detail.

But what happened to that great sword? When it fell from the sky, Oluha immediately recognized the weapon used by the Dark Eagle - Frost Lamentation. And at that moment, the flames in Roland's eyes were so similar to the sad death knight in his memory~!

What kind of existence is Roland in front of him

Is it really this young man who is by my side that I like? If it is just because of nostalgia for the past years, and subconsciously regards the person who desperately protects himself as a substitute for the Dark Eagle, such a self must be ugly, hateful, and unworthy of love.

But... how to get the real answer

Oluha sighed lowly, with a faint haze in his eyes. The elf is now eager to find the Griffin Knight and ask for clarification - he gave Roland Frost Lament, and then left with the death knights when he evacuated. Everything is very logical. But the question is, how can we find the Griffin Rider who comes and goes without a trace

At this moment, the slight rhythm from the forest broke the peace, and the restlessness was transmitted to the prayer man's heart along the sensitive branches, pulling her back from contemplation to reality.

Someone has invaded here~! Oluha's pretty eyebrows frowned slightly. The magician quickly picked up the magic longbow beside her, and was about to contact her companions in the camp, but before that, she suddenly felt something strange—the intruder was alone, and he was moving too fast , far surpassing ordinary people, even death knights can't compare with it.

He was flying, not galloping on the ground—it was the Griffon Rider~! Thinking of this, an inexplicable tremor suddenly surged in the elf girl's heart.

A minute later, the winged figure finally came into Oluha's sight. The griffin moves and jumps in the intertwined forest, vibrating its wings violently from time to time, allowing the strong wind to support itself through the dense branches and leaves. And the petite rider on its back didn't seem to care about the dizzying bumps at all, and lay firmly on the saddle until the mount suddenly stopped under the tree where the elf girl lived, and the Griffin Rider jumped up and jumped lightly Climb up the branch and watch Oluha coming out of the shadows.

Now, the prayer finally got his wish, and he could carefully look at Roland's savior.

"I'm Oluha, Oluha Chasali. A member of the Sophia Freedom Army, a magician." The elf girl introduced herself in a delicate tone, and also jumped onto the branch lightly and delicately, and finally stood opposite the humans .

"My name is Falohide..." the rider said as he took off the eagle feather helmet, and the wind blowing, the long golden hair fluttered immediately, as bright as a bright banner. There was a trace of hesitation in her blue eyes, but then it turned into a firm light, "I'm here to find you, Prayer."

"Come to see me?" Oluha put her hand on her chest and asked in surprise.

In fact, the sensitive elf had already discovered the other party's gender, and also vaguely felt that the relationship between the Guardian of Frost Lament and Roland was unusual. But she didn't expect at all that Faroshida was talking to herself instead of Roland herself~!

"I think you must have a lot of doubts in your heart." The other party's eyes returned to the clarity of water, "Why does 'Roland' have no memory of the past? Why does he have the eyes of a death knight despite being a human being? 'Roland' and eight years ago What is the relationship with the Dark Eagle that disappeared before?"

"That's right... I want to know..." the elf girl raised her head and said seriously.

"I can tell you everything." Faluoshidai's tone was slightly sad, "... because, you are qualified."


"I have learned about Roland Strife's past through some means, including the part about you. In addition, I have been secretly following the Freedom Army for nearly a week. If it weren't for the attack of the Blood Rose Knights, Maybe it will continue to follow…”

"But now I finally understand that it's not okay to look at it from a distance like that." Faro said, looking at the Freedom Army camp from a distance, although there were only dark green and dark green leaf shadows in front of her eyes, there was something in her eyes. There were bursts of water mist, "If no one took care of him, protected him, and carefully accompanied him to avoid dangerous areas, I am afraid that the current Roland will be lost in aimless battles for the rest of his life."

Oluha nodded wordlessly, subconsciously stroking the hair hanging down her shoulders.

"The death knight Roland disappeared in the Battle of Dawn eight years ago, but everything did not end there. The ignorant young man in front of him is the continuation body created by Ishutoli with the help of the sea of thoughts. Inherited one part from Roland Strife, while discarding another."

"What is it?" asked the listener anxiously.

"Inherit personality and experience, but discard past memories. If you want to compare it, it is a chance to start over, and once again get a chance to stand on the initial point of fate. Now Roland has forgotten everything, Whether it's pain or joy, sadness or happiness, even Jiu Yuan can't recognize it." Fa Luo subconsciously touched the hilt of the Bauhinia sword, and sighed softly, "This result may be Yixiu Toli did it on purpose, but it's more should be the death knight Roland's last will... "

"I've lived too long for a death knight whose wish came true. Farewell, Katori... Farewell, Ishutori."

The man with the sad eyes came to Gryphon Rider's mind again, forcing her to close her eyes. It seems that only in this way can the tide of emotion in the heart that is violent to break through the reason be restrained.

On the opposite side of Faro, the elf girl was stunned. Silence spread wantonly between the two, like the coldest current in the ocean, sending bone-piercing pain to the depths of the soul.

"Maybe... maybe for him, this is the best choice." Oluha said, her vision gradually blurred. Then, the strong prayer man finally cried in a low voice, the voice was very soft, but it seemed to hurt his heart.

How much I want you to see me who has grown up and who I am strong... But it is no longer possible. When you leave the Ganges, your fate is destined to be like this, and you can no longer grasp it.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." The elf apologized intermittently, "What's wrong with me..."

"No, I understand." The other party replied softly, putting his hand on Oluha's shoulder.

Then, Pharoside continued to look at the elf in silence, without saying any words of comfort. A few months ago, when the girl learned of this from the mouth of the goddess, she also sobbed like this; a few weeks ago, when the girl finally traced the figure of her lover, she also sobbed like this—this is not something that words can heal The wound, perhaps, even the washing of time cannot make it heal.

"But... a person should be the overlapping of memory and personality. If one of them is missing, it will not be complete." After a long while, the voice of the blond beauty sounded again, "Although there is nothing to the individual itself, But if placed in the harsh reality, Roland, who lacks memory, is very fragile. And... our own existence is also one of the factors that threaten him."

"How could this be?" Oluha slowly raised her head with red and swollen eyes.

"Because, although Roland has 'reincarnated', we have not. In this world, he is the only one who has changed. The Dark Eagle wanted to reshape his past self, and the sea of thoughts fulfilled his wish. But, about the darkness The memory of the eagle still remains in our will and has not been erased, and these memories will in turn affect Roland himself."

"You are familiar with the knowledge of the four worlds, so you should understand this truth. The memories hidden in our hearts or all other consciousnesses related to the death knight Roland will affect the sea of thoughts, and finally act on the current Roland, making the existence in this world He once again incarnated into the Dark Eagle that has disappeared in history." Faro explained carefully, "If I must say it, this is the prayer we cast on him."

"And when approaching a strange object with strong emotions, Roland, who has become incomplete due to abandoning his memory, is particularly susceptible to interference, just like the moment when the frost fell yesterday."

"And when we were in the Great Lourdes Arena... Legend has it that it is the place where the heroic spirits sleep." The elf added in a low voice.

"That's right. But don't worry, the impact of this is only one-time, and it will not cause danger. The important thing is," Faluoxidai suddenly grasped Oluha's hands tightly, with a strange look in her eyes Seriously, "He can't be made to embark on the road of revenge again, and he can't be allowed to repeat the tragedy of the Dark Eagle~! Otherwise, all the efforts of Roland Strife and even Ishutoli so far It's all in vain~!"

"I understand, we both understand." The elf girl gently hugged each other and replied gently.

"If possible, I really hope that Roland can stay away from the battle itself. Although judging from that personality, he is always a restless adventurer." Faro sighed lowly, "Promise me, guide him away from danger, and then …live the rest of your life like a normal person.”

"This~!?" Oluha suddenly pushed the blond swordsman away due to surprise, "Is this really what you hoped for?"

"Yes~!" A few seconds later, a resolute answer came.

"Now, it's time for me to go." As if suddenly realizing something, Faro added in a hurry, turned around and was about to jump off the branch, but then her movement stopped - the elf girl grabbed her hand .

"Don't you want to see Roland?" The short question made Faro's whole body tremble, and it took her a long time to ask back.


"Although I don't know what happened between Farrow and Roland, I know you like him." Having said that, Oluha's fair face flushed slightly, "Although, from my standpoint Looking at it, it seems dull and stupid to make such a proposal, but I have experienced... the sense of despair that I can never capture the other person's figure even if I am close at hand, and that kind of heart-wrenching pain is still imprinted in my memory. in, so…”

"What a gentle person, but I don't have the qualifications." The blond swordsman said, subconsciously pressing his hand on his chest, the dark blue eyes that could not be dispelled condensed, and the original crisp Words also turned into fragile and fragile blades in an instant, "Because..."

"I'm the one who ended Roland Strife's life."

Before Oluha could answer, her expression suddenly changed from sadness to nervousness. The swordsman quickly lowered his stance, and the Jingwang Sword Bauhinia unsheathed in an instant, piercing through the lush tree crown above the praying man like lightning, and then made a crisp sound of "Dang".

Then, under the force of the impact, a huge sword was swept out from the large expanse of green, with a blond young man in a state of embarrassment beside him.

"Ro, Roland?" Faro's pupils shrank in an instant.