Death Knight

Chapter 49: Bloody roses


The newly formed defense line of the Blood Rose Knights has completely collapsed—the dragons have not yet breathed out the next round of frost, and the fear and despair from the hearts of human beings have shattered their will. In front of these proud and powerful creatures, the soldiers of the Sophia Empire gave up their dignity as warriors, ignored the roars of the officers and even beheaded them, dropped their weapons and started to run away crazily.

Fapero de Litan could only watch this happen in silence, but could do nothing. For the first time in their lives, the Black Knight began to doubt the intelligence network he had trusted for a long time-what made them ignore hundreds of undead dragons, so that they didn't even mention a word? Or is the magic of the Liches already powerful enough to blind the entire Canados continent

But no matter what the reason was, it was an unchanging fact that the general situation was gone, and the Knights had been completely defeated.

"My lord, please retreat with me immediately, otherwise it will be too late." A high-ranking mage hurriedly approached the silent Fapello, his expression was full of exhaustion, and the originally exquisite robe was now covered with gunpowder smoke. "I'll start the transfer phalanx immediately, and go to the nearest temple, and then make plans."

"Do you want me to run away? My soldiers are being slaughtered, but you want me to watch them die, and then hide in a corner hundreds of kilometers away?" The black knight suddenly turned his head and stared fiercely. On the other side, under the pressure of that sharp gaze, the mage couldn't help but shut his mouth.

"In short, you should inform the chief mage Frazi immediately, and he will be the supreme commander of the Knights, and he will be fully responsible for the retreat." The head of the Blood Rose Knights sighed, and his tone eased, "Then we will discuss with other Move to a safe place with your colleagues, after all, mages are the most precious power at any time."

"Then, what about you?" The other party asked hurriedly.

"I will adopt a central breakthrough strategy, even if I am smashed to pieces, at least I will leave indelible traces on those undead~!" The black knight's words contained pride and fanaticism, "Commander must be the one Battlefield, this is the criterion I set for myself, if I give up now, I will lose to those death knights who exchange their lives for power, even worse than their souls... So, I will never back down~!"

The mage stared at his head silently, and after a few seconds, he suddenly bowed, and then replied seriously: "Yes, my lord. I will definitely carry out your orders thoroughly."

Fapero nodded, clenched his fiery red battle gun tightly, and then walked towards the snowy land with firm and unhesitating steps.

The warrior's asura field has finally become a slaughter field for the undead. The death knights have broken through almost all the defense lines. The only place that has not yet fallen is the bunker where the command post is located in the middle of the camp and the defensive belt at its feet. However, even though human beings have the advantage of location, they are still unable to resist the successive attacks from the undead. The magic of the lich is like an invisible but powerful hand, crushing the circular fortifications of human beings little by little.

There are only a thousand soldiers left who are still fighting the death knights, most of them are high-ranking knights of the empire, because they are impulsive, old-fashioned or touching because of defending honor, protecting their companions, and regarding the undead as their mortal enemies , They are still braving the bone-piercing dragon's breath on the battlefield at this moment, desperately defending the last line of defense of the Blood Rose Knights.

Fapello did not order them to retreat—now retreating would only become a living target, not to mention that it is impossible for flesh and blood creatures to escape from the hands of the tireless undead—after entering the front line, the only thing he did was to briefly order his subordinates Give up defense, and quickly form the most traditional knight assault formation.

"Are we going to charge, my lord?" A knight asked urgently. The black knight could feel the fear in the other's words, but what couldn't be ignored was the determination in the youth's eyes.

It is because of their existence that the confrontation between mortals and gods is possible. Fapello thought silently, maybe the next generation of black knights will also have such firm eyes, but... the young man in front of him will fall under the sword of the goddess messenger. No, not only him, but also the thousand people who swore to guard to the end could not escape the cruel fate of death.

Thinking of this, the head of the Blood Rose Knights couldn't help but clenched the barrel of the gun until his knuckles turned white. Then, through the smoke of the battlefield, his voice reached the ears of the knights waiting for orders.

"Everyone, the reason why I stay here and decide to fight the death knight is not for the crumbling empire or the incompetent ruler," the black knight slowly reined in at the forefront, his eyes swept across the entire charging formation, "I have my own reasons, and I believe you have too... although some reasons may be helpless."

"However, I want to tell you that death is definitely not a meaningless sacrifice. The attack we launched at the cost of our lives will be conveyed to Ishutori through the bodies of the undead." Having said that, Fapello The corners of the mouth raised slightly, "Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about now... But, when the world really gets rid of the shackles of the gods one day, this land will remember everything we have given."

"Now," the black knight lowered his stance, pointed his flaming spear at the enemies pouring in like a black tide, and then shouted, "Charge the whole army~!"

The Sophia knights roared out of the ruins, gathered Fapero as the tip into a metal-colored arrow, and then crazily inserted it into the death knight's flank. The three undead dragons immediately attacked from mid-air, but their breath enough to freeze the armor still couldn't stop the human counterattack. Soon, the bright silver armor of the death knight was in sight, and the five-meter-long lances of the blood rose knights were about to taste the dead blood that the undead would not flow.

"Kill~!" Humans yelled, leaving death behind, and only wanted to grasp their final blow. At that moment, their aura even overwhelmed the wind, overwhelmed Blizzard, and swept the entire battlefield.

But the death knight was unmoved, and the formation of the undead was unusually quiet, in stark contrast to the furious enemies. Under the baptism of hundreds of years of war, these burning pupils have witnessed the dying struggle of their prey countless times. For them, the charge of the Sophia knights at the cost of their lives is just one of them, without any special meaning.

After all, compared with the hundreds of years of persistence of the dead, the courage that human beings have assembled for various reasons is just a fluffy cloud.

The next moment, when the distance between the two sides was only tens of meters, the passive death knight finally counterattacked. The "herringbone" array that was intercepted on the side suddenly split apart, like ashes blown away by the wind. But immediately afterward, these shattered forces regrouped into three new frontal arrows, and they rushed forward from three different directions: left, center, and right.

The attack of the undead was like a sharp claw of a tiger. The moment the two armies clashed, the Blood Rose Knights were torn open three huge gaps. The overwhelming gap in strength cannot be made up for by the courage to fight to the death. It was not until the sharp blades collided that Knight Sophia understood what kind of power was contained in the opponent's halberd—most of the five-meter-long iron-clad wooden lances were twisted. Shattered, the vibrations from the magic weapon caused their jaws to be ripped open—this kind of overwhelming slash is definitely not something humans can resist.

For most knights, the only effective way to counterattack is to use their own bodies to block the attack of the undead, and then let their companions take the opportunity to attack. But after the first round of confrontation, one-third of the thousand knights had been lost, and the disadvantage in numbers made this kind of attack of one life for one blow impossible to realize. They could only resist in vain, and then watched the bright arcs fall from the top of their heads, and then fell into an eternal sleep.

However, in this massacre mixed with a strong smell of blood, there is a place that is completely unafraid of the impact of the black tide. On the contrary, the flaming flames even burned a gap in the continuous ice, literally breaking a piece of the death knight's blade.

Fapello shook his spear lightly, letting the enemy's ashes scatter with the wind. Behind him lay the remains of six high-level death knights, either pierced through their hearts or beheaded—the black knight's superb spear skills made these jumping souls sink to the bottom of the sea forever, but the victor himself The whole body is still tense as if facing an enemy.

Right in front of him, the corpses of Sophia's knights were strewn all over the ground, and the land that should have been emerald green was dyed dark red by blood mixed with frost. On the opposite side, the death knights with cold fire in their eyes were gathering rapidly, and soon formed a dark phalanx, occupying Fapero's entire sight like a dark cloud. Nightmare was spraying cold mist, impatiently moving its hooves, preparing to charge, and with just one command, the undead would swarm up and tear the survivors in front of them to pieces.

It's really a big show... But this is what suits my appetite~! Fapello's eyes were bloodshot, and the corners of his mouth curled up unnaturally into a slightly self-deprecating sneer. Although the mount had already been decapitated in the melee, the blood rose knight on foot still raised his spear and assumed the most traditional thrusting posture.

He wants to fight against the death knight's group charge with his own strength.

This provocative move caused the flames in the eyes of the undead to swell up, and the black assault formation stirred up, as if a volcano was about to erupt. However, at this moment, a frivolous and arrogant voice stopped them. .

"The whole army is on standby, this guy is my prey."

The black knight looked at the reputation with hostile eyes, and the first thing that caught his eyes was a sword. The dazzling blade was particularly eye-catching on the red battlefield, and the soft blade moved with the wind like a stream of water.

Yunyao~! ? Fapello's breathing stopped for an instant, and then his gaze overlapped with that of the sword master—a pair of eyes that were as bright as blood and burning with white-hot flames.

"You are... Alsace the 'Mine Abandoner'?" He looked at him with some surprise.

"That was called a long, long time ago. I really didn't expect someone to memorize the history so well." The current head of the Ice Crown Knights shrugged, "But it seems that I don't need to introduce myself. You are Long Guan The owner of Ghost Slash?"

"Black Knight Fapello Delitan." Fapello has returned to his usual demeanor, but with uncontrollable anger in his eyes. It can be said that the enemy is lucky in three lives. But an outstanding person like you, who would not hesitate to become a lackey of the goddess in order to gain power, is really not qualified to use that 'Yunyao'~!"

"Oh my god, you hate Ishutori so much without even meeting him," Alsace laughed noncommittally, "you must have gathered the resentment of a lot of paladins."

"This is not hatred, but a desire for freedom~!" The black knight lowered his posture and pointed the tip of his spear at the death knight's forehead, "Because if you don't do that, mortals will never be able to use their own feet to move forward. Death The knight will never understand, so stop talking nonsense and take the move~!"

Before the words fell, Fapello shot at Alsace with the spear in his hand.

Every moment of the Yunyao master's confrontation is fatal, and the flames surrounding the weapon will only become an obstacle to offense and defense instead of a boost, so the black knight did not awaken the power residing on the Jingwang Spear in the usual way, but It is using a more ingenious method.

The spearhead and front of Long Guan Gui Zhan suddenly turned red, and where it swept, not only the pervasive frost melted in the blink of an eye, but even the green grass on the ground quickly withered. Bai Zhi's weapon brought waves of heat, like an invisible sickle, slashing towards Alsace on the opposite side together with the metal entity itself.

No matter how swift his figure was, he couldn't escape the waves of attacks, because there was no gap between the transparent flame blades. Alsace's cloak was torn to pieces by the invisible heat wave in an instant, and a burst of scorched blue smoke rose from the surface of the armor—the thick blood stains on it had evaporated, and the closer the death knight got to the bearer, he had to The more heat you face, the stronger it will be.

However, Alsace didn't care even if his icy hair was being gradually scorched. It was impossible for a warrior who pursued the strongest strength to react to this kind of intimidating attack. In the blink of an eye, the death knight avoided all the attacks of the long spear at an elusive pace, and at the moment when Fapello's violent thrust was gone, he dodged to the side of the opponent's attack, the long sword in his hand was like satin It shook like a belt.

But before this piece of silver light had time to taste the blood, Long Guan Gui Zhan's spear pointed back. Judging that the opponent's speed was beyond normal, the black knight didn't use all his strength in the blow just now, and there was still room for it to be retracted. With the rapid rotation of the weapon, what the scarlet tip draws is no longer a straight line that runs through everything, but turns into countless circles. The staggered arcs blocked the light splashed from the hands of the deceased, and the crisp sound of metal impacts continued continuously. When only the sound of wind was left on the battlefield, the two of them jumped back at the same time, standing at a distance of five meters. places looking at each other.

"Spearmanship with very changing connotations is quite entertaining." The death knight smiled, and a few drops of blood slid down the ground along the edge of Jingwang sword, which was particularly eye-catching on the withered grass.

The black knight did not answer the provocation, but watched the opponent's every move vigilantly, and at the same time seized the opportunity to inspect the wounds. One was on the arm and the other was on the cheek. They were only minor flesh wounds and would not affect the next battle at all. . However, even knowing that there was no loss, Fapello still frowned—it was just that in a fleeting round, the opponent could find a gap in this attack-defense spear technique and counterattack skillfully. If you continue to use the same method in the future, I am afraid it will not be such a simple result of scratches.

He really deserved to be a legendary swordsman in the Canados Continent. He has already mastered Yun Yao's introduction skills to this point. In his eyes, no matter how fast an attack is, it's probably just a slow move in the game, right? A heavy sigh resounded in Fapello's heart, but then, a stubborn look flashed across his eyes—it wasn't the kind of fanaticism that died together, on the contrary, it was the warrior's desire for victory.

I want to defeat the holder of Yunyao~!

"A beautiful defense, but it was just a warm-up." Alsace raised the corner of his mouth, and then leaped towards the opponent with his long sword behind his back, "I'm going to be serious from now on~!"

"You talk too much." The black knight sneered, raising a thread of red against the sword light falling from the sky. The moment the weapons collided, countless dazzling sparks splashed out, and the two who passed by were once again caught in a fight.

It's just that this time it's a little different. Fapello didn't dare to stay in place anymore, but let himself run along with the dancing spear. Compared with head-on confrontation, the frequency of attacks by both sides in high-speed sports combat will be greatly reduced, and as long as the running footwork is proper, the user of the long weapon will be able to firmly maintain the distance between the opponent and let himself fully exert his strength . Therefore, Fapello immediately gave up head-to-head duels and instead looked for opportunities on the move.

In front of them was a destroyed bunker, and the broken walls and ruins licked by the flames stood silently in front of people, while the dead in the past and the living in this world just ran into the huge tomb full of corpses and swords.

Fapello is still at a disadvantage, and even with the method of mobile warfare, he still cannot reverse the situation. Alsace's actual combat experience is unimaginably rich, no matter how sudden changes in speed and direction, opponents like hounds can always seize the opportunity. The number of times the two sides exchanged swords was not frequent, but every blow of the death knight made Fapello feel dangerous and his whole body tensed up.

There will be no suspense in the outcome if we continue to drag on, but the sudden change in the combat environment has created one and only opportunity for the Black Knight—the ruins are wide enough, and the King Spear can exert its full power, and the key lies in how to seal the opponent's attack. That soft sword.

There is a way~! Fapero's eyes lit up.

He feigned a shot, and suddenly rushed up the stairs to the second floor of the bunker. Under the impact of the meteorite, the entire building was cut off in the middle, and the upper part of the bunker was completely lifted off like a bottle cap, which turned the second floor where the black knight stood into an open-air platform.

"Finally awakened, so you plan to choose this place as your burial place?" Alsace also ran upstairs, looking at his opponent with many wounds all over his body, he paced unhurriedly, the edge of his sword hanging down in the sunlight The flickering light reflected under the sunlight.

"I don't think I can survive, but before that, you will die, Alsace who betrayed mortals~!" Fapello roared loudly, his arm and spear formed a straight line, and he stabbed fiercely A sharp blow.

The head of the Frozen Crown Knights easily passed by, but in the next moment, something unbelievable happened. The black knight who failed to attack not only did not stop, but continued to let the whole person bump into him, hitting the opponent's sword. Before he was beheaded, the tip of his spear suddenly sank and pierced into the hard floor, and then, supported by the Jingwang Spear, Dragon Penetration Demon Slash, the human leaped up from the stunned Death Knight's eyes, and flew across the air for a short time. After an arc, it falls from this six-meter-high platform to the ground.

Impossible~! He wants to escape~! ? Alsace froze on the spot for a full second, and the moment he came to his senses, he quickly chased after him and jumped off the platform with a light posture.

But suddenly, the bright red pupils of the deceased shrank in an instant—it was not the panicked back of the prey that greeted him, but the tip of a long spear that had made countless military exploits and was sharpened with blood.

Fapello finally waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The leader of the Blood Rose Knights, who is familiar with architectural structures, knows very well that if he falls from this angle, he will jump into a narrow passage with solid walls on both sides and the ruins of the bunker behind—this long strip space will allow him to exert his spirit. The full power of Wang Qiang completely nailed the opponent with short weapons to the brick wall.

Even if the death knight's skill of controlling gravity is used, it is too late to pass the wall, because while the undead jumped down, the waiting black knight had already launched an attack. The quick stabbing brought a crimson light, forcing Alsace to the end of the dead end, and then Fapello finally gave his best blow with all his strength.

He took three steps forward and launched the Dragon Penetration Ghost Slash. The power of the whole body poured into the body of the gun like a stream of water. At the end of the third step, the inertia of sprinting and the force of pushing the gun were completely integrated. When the arm was fully stretched, the fiery red spear point would penetrate the heart of the undead. ~!

But at this moment that was enough to freeze the soul, the flames in Alsace's eyes shot up suddenly, the dazzling light even overshadowed the flame of Dragon Penetration Ghost Slash.

When the spear point was about to reach his chest, the death knight jumped back lightly again. One meter behind him was the towering outer wall of the bunker, and there was no room for retreat at all. But immediately afterwards, Alsace kicked his feet on the hard wall, retracted his body to gather strength for a moment, and then shot out suddenly, like a ray of light piercing through everything.

And the tip of that ray of light is Yun Yao's silvery edge.

The arms finally tasted the blood of the losers.

The thin and long Jingwang sword protruded from Fapello's back, bringing out a line of bright red blood. Its edge is still dazzlingly bright, and it looks like the coldest and sharpest ice in the Northern Continent. And beside Alsace's shoulder armor that was burned red, the flame of Dragon Penetration Demon Slash was extinguished, and the crimson light was gradually dimming.

"You..." The black knight had an unbelievable expression on his face, he couldn't accept the facts before him for a long time. It wasn't until the opponent drew back the long sword and thick blood gushed out from the body that the gunman finally realized that the result of the duel was irreversible.

"Excellent Yunyao, excellent swordsmanship~! I should pay you all my respects..." Fapello's mouth was covered with blood, but his eyes were unexpectedly calm, "But don't think...don't think that this This level can make the black knight succumb. Fapello Delitan will die, but the black knight will not~!"

He said, looking up and looking around.

At some point, the death knights had already filled the entire line of sight—on the ruins of the bunker, on the second-floor platform, on the towering walls, and even behind him. They are like a flock of black crows, perched quietly on the withered trees burned by the war, watching with cold eyes, waiting for their prey to take their last breath.

"Through the ears of the death knight, Ishtoli, listen to me~! My voice is the anger of the innocent~!" Fapello roared in a hoarse voice, glaring at the speechless undead with his last strength They said, "The decay and stagnation, sorrow and hatred of this world are all because of you~! Until the mortals get everything back from the hands of the gods, our battle will never end~!"

If it is that person, he will definitely be able to correct the distorted world. But, I can't see that day anymore. No, judging by the short lifespan of human beings, maybe even if you live your whole life, you still won't see that day

It's a pity.

But anyway...

"We will definitely correct the world." The black knight murmured the last words before he died, then closed his eyes, and fell to his knees powerlessly. heavy echo.

Arthas and the death knights behind him consciously dodged, so that the object of the black knight's kneeling was not the victor who defeated him, but the blockhouse that was truncated in half but still standing.

Even though his whole body was gutted and burned, he still stood tenaciously, as if he would never know how to give in. Maybe hundreds of years later, a taller, bigger, and stronger fortress will really stand here again? For the foundation beneath that is as implacable as the hardest rock.

"This is the enemy we will face in the future." The head of the Ice Crown Knights glanced meaningfully at his subordinates, and finally his eyes met the silent Richard, who just shook his head.

"My lord, do you want a generous burial?" After a long while, the adjutant who came back to his senses asked.

"If he is really allowed to sleep under the same tombstone with our sleeping companion, I'm afraid this guy will turn into a wraith and run out of the Ying Hai?" Alsace resumed his usual cynicism, "Prepare a coffin, put your hands together Overlap, guns to chest. Naturally someone will come and bury him in the most suitable place."

The enemy's weapons are always the most valuable trophies, not to mention the legendary Jingwang Spear, but at this moment no one has even looked at the Dragon Penetration Ghost Slash. Although the belief and position are diametrically opposed, the death knight decided to express his respect for the black knight who fought to the last moment with great strength and firm will.

"I underestimated them too much." The Lich shook his head as he walked, "The strength of the other party far exceeded our predictions. Imagine that Fapero, who was lurking in the Sophia Empire, was like this, so the leader behind the scenes who could win his respect and obedience What will it be like?"

"Who knows, if you meet someone, you can talk about it with a sword." Alsace shrugged. Offensives of scale are certainly helpless, as they were this time."

"Yes." Richard nodded, "We must make full use of this, but we must also be prepared to deal with the enemy's core forces."

"What kind of army will it be? It's really exciting." The death knight suddenly laughed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "What is the reason why these people hate the gods so much?"

"Perhaps everyone's reasons are different, just like the persistence of every death knight is different, the two are similar. But no matter what..." Richard looked back at the man lying in the coffin with deep eyes. Shadow, "If you only know how to shirk the responsibility to the goddess but don't know how to reflect on yourself, then one day you will become a stubborn and closed existence, so you can no longer make progress, and you will no longer be able to understand what is true belief."

The Lich said and gestured in the air: "It's as if the black knight was too persistent in fighting us from the front, so that he didn't think about and analyze the real reason for the defeat. Otherwise, it is not impossible to restore the decline."

Accompanied by Richard's calm analysis, hundreds of giant dragons in the sky are gradually decreasing one by one. They quickly fade from realistic entities to thin silhouettes, and finally completely disappear into the air, never to be found again.

There are only five real undead dragons that descended from the sky, and all the others are just masterpieces of phantom magic by the liches. Cooperating with the large-scale blizzard magic and the meteorite magic mixed in it, the bold tactics of the Supreme Commander of the Undead Legion were perfectly realized, and finally the Blood Rose Knights with 40,000 soldiers collapsed completely in their own fear.

"Retreat, it's time to prepare to enter the Moon Capital." Richard ordered briefly, and the five undead dragons immediately chanted dragon law spells and merged into the queue of death knights in human form.

Then, quickly, the black and icy tide disappeared beneath the lush, shadowy foliage of the Darkwood.