Death Knight

Chapter 53: Moon Gate


Roland looked at Zefelice, staring at her eyes with full concentration, feeling as if he had been completely enveloped by the haze in those eyes, and even the fighting instinct that drove the body was frozen. But even so, he still put on a stabbing posture - because there is someone to protect behind him, as a soldier himself at this time, he must not show the slightest timidity.

The edge of Shuang Wai's sword touched the ground slightly, and the sword holder shot out like an arrow off the string. Roland broke the gradually tilting psychological balance between the four, and took the lead in attacking the powerful enemy. Immediately afterwards, several half-moon-shaped wind blades shot out from the elf's long sword, sealing off all the opponent's dodge routes.

If both sides slash head-on, maybe Roland still has a chance of winning, Alberta speculated. But in the next moment, the ray of light brought by Jingwang Sword Chenxi immediately tore all the fantasies of the magic swordsman into pieces—the invisible but sharp wind blade disintegrated into a ray of breeze the moment it touched the girl's sword edge. The sharp arrow shot by Luha was dodged casually, not only that, she even held up the giant sword that Roland slashed with all his strength~!

"What~!?" The young man couldn't help shouting, the thin and soft sword actually deflected his onslaught like a storm.

If this continues, they will all be wiped out... Roland will die~! The pupils of the magician in the elf shrank instantly, and a determined expression suddenly appeared on her face.

"Hurry up and help Roland, no matter what happens, you must entangle your opponent," the girl lowered her voice, "Please."

In an encounter in an unfamiliar environment, it is extremely dangerous to let Oluha, who is only good at archery, defend alone, but Alberta can't refute it, because the opponent's tone is as unshakable as a rock. The magic swordsman had no choice but to nod, and then quickly moved to the side for support.

Time must be bought so that prayer can be used. Oluha took a last look at the three figures dancing in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, and then began to immerse her consciousness into the vast and quiet sea of thoughts.

The combination of two-handed sword and one-handed long sword, the attack driven by metal and magic, Roland and Alberta's desperate continuous attack forced Nightingale to take several steps back, but when Zefelice glanced When she saw the movement of the elf standing in the distance, her pupils suddenly gave off a chill that made people feel creepy.

Prayer~! ? The other party turned out to be... absolutely can't let that finish~!

Nightingale subconsciously pursed her lips, then quickly circled around the oncoming sword wind and cut within the distance of the confrontation—this was the blind spot of the two-handed sword. Although the agile magic swordsman was planning to fight back instead of Roland, Zeferis didn't care at all.

With a flash of her left hand, the dart was thrown at almost zero distance, shattering Alberta's entire right shoulder. With the blood rushing around, the elf's right hand holding the sword immediately dropped limply, and his face was pale. The successful Predator didn't even take a second look, focusing all his attention on the last obstacle.

Roland's great sword cut a semicircle in the bloody air, but that deadly trajectory was full of flaws like slow motion in Nightingale's eyes. She jumped onto the Frost Lament, which was one size larger than the two-handed sword, and the morning light in her hand followed towards the opponent's throat—this is Nightingale's favorite method to deal with long-armed enemies. You can also use the opponent as a springboard to create conditions for the next round of breakthroughs.

However, this time, Jingwangjian only cut off a strand of hair from the prey—Roland decisively abandoned the weapon at the last moment, and then flew up and kicked it.

It was really tricky... Nightingale curled her lips between the gaps. She didn't avoid the blond youth's side kick, but turned her body suddenly when she was hit, transforming the received kinetic energy into counterattacking roundabout kick with the opponent's unimaginable lightness. Roland tried to block it with his arms, but the impact with double power still made him fly out.

Then, that slender but deadly figure leaped up into the air along Frost Lamentation lightly and deftly, and slashed at the standing prayer man with an unstoppable force.

The collapse of the defense, the failure of the counterattack, and the slashing of the long sword, all happened in the blink of an eye, but for the people in it, that moment seemed extremely long. In the frozen silence, there was only a crisp metal impact that shook people's eardrums.

The impact knocked Oluha, who had her eyes closed, out of her meditative state. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Roland lying on her side, whose body was covered with dazzling blood. Then, what came into sight was the enemy's bright long sword and those impenetrable eyes.

At the last moment, the blond youth blocked Nightingale's attack with his dagger. Although the blade that had not been imbued with magic power broke immediately, thanks to the buffer of the weapon, the sharp Jingwang Sword only pierced into Roland's shoulder and stopped. But even so, the severe pain still made him almost lose consciousness.

"Roland~!" The elf girl called the other party's name hoarsely, her vision gradually blurred.

Is it only up to this point? Roland gritted his teeth. The pain enveloped the whole body like a tide, and the limbs had already lost consciousness. The only thing I could do was to try my best to maintain a clear consciousness... until the end.

"Have you already said that?" Zephyris' voice was flat and indifferent, "This will only bring pain."

The blade flowing with bright red liquid was pulled out, and then slowly pointed at the prey's forehead. But immediately after, a silver line descending from the sky interrupted the enemy's movement, forcing Nightingale to jump back abruptly. The attack didn't stop there, one after another sharp arrows rained down one after another, biting the opponent's dodge route tightly.

The next moment, the moment the rain of arrows stopped, a bird of prey that spread its wings and glided across the ground, and a shadow jumped down from above. The long purple-gold snake in its hand sliced through the air, flinging out bright colors and slicing towards Zefei. lis. The tip of Jingwang Sword Bauhinia collided with Chen Xi's sword, causing the soft sword to bend into a bow shape, and Nightingale's stern expression flashed away in the splashing sparks.

Faroshidai turned her head sideways, looked at Roland who was almost in a coma, and then her gaze merged with that of the elf girl.

"Prayer can be used for healing, right? Please take good care of him." Faluoshidai said briefly, and Oluha nodded silently.

The blond female swordsman passed the injured Alberta, raised her sword and confronted the girl in white: "Your opponent is me."

"That one is the Jingwang sword 'Bauhinia', right? Katoli Orlande's sword." Zefelice's tone was full of curiosity and questioning, "Where did your black hair go? And the green hair?" Eye… "

"You really know a lot." Faluoshidai's eyes rippled faintly, but she still watched the other party vigilantly, not letting go of even his every move.

"Because Fapello's report specifically emphasized it, so we will investigate it." Nightingale flicked the blood from the long sword, "Obviously a victim of the goddess' conspiracy, but why help the death knight? What happened at the dawn of Ishutori? You made a deal with the new goddess, right?"

"I have no obligation to answer you." Griffin Knight replied coldly.

"Fapello is very poor, because he died before he could see anything. Although he didn't talk to the black knight, he is still my companion. Now is just the time... I might as well sacrifice it with your blood After a sacrifice, the teacher must be very pleased."

Before the words fell, Zefelis raised his hand suddenly, and the dart made a sharp sound in the air and shot at the opponent. Faroshidai easily blocked the blow, but in the next instant, Nightingale's sword was so close that it could almost touch the girl's eyelashes.

So fast~!

Before Falohide had time to feel surprised and flustered, her body had already started to dodge. Chen Xi's sharp edge brushed the corner of her eyebrows and pierced into the flying blond hair, and a large strand of silky long hair was immediately broken. The moment the two passed by each other, Nightingale suddenly shook her wrist and slashed the soft sword backwards. This blow was blocked by the Bauhinia protecting its master like a long snake, but the tip of the sword still dragged past Falohide chain mail, and a bleeding gash on her left arm.

Gryphon Rider didn't feel the pain right away. The girl continued the dodge just now, and rolled dozens of steps away on the fallen leaves, and then suddenly realized that she, who knew Yun Yao well, was completely defeated by the first sword.

Deliberately let the dart fly at a low speed, and at the same time give the opponent the illusion of contrast, and then deliver a fatal attack. Nightingale's swordsmanship doesn't just rely on speed to win, what's even more frightening is that it can create opportunities to give full play to its speed and never miss it.

I'm afraid it will be an extremely difficult battle... Faroshidai clenched the hilt of the sword, stood up cautiously, and let the Bauhinia shrink into a sword again—the opponent's movements were too fast, and the strength of the weapon alone could not catch it. The blade of the sword will become a burden instead.

Suddenly a sharp arrow shot out of the forest, followed by another. Nightingale used her sword to block at first, but there were more and more arrows, accompanied by several fireballs following the target. Finally, when the sound of horseshoes sounded as dense as a drum, she knew that it would be useless to drag on any longer. significance.

The death knights are coming.

"It's disgusting." Zephyris frowned, then pulled a gem from his belt and threw it into the air. The finely cut gems drew an arc in the air, flashing various dazzling colors while rotating, and suddenly burst out a strong light at the moment when it reached the highest point, illuminating the dark forest at night as if it were daytime.

And when the light faded, the nightingale had already disappeared without a trace.

"Have you left?" the loser muttered to himself, subconsciously relieved.

"Losing?" Alsace jumped off the tall branch, looking at the girl with disheveled hair and damaged armor with interest.

"I lost." Faluoshidai didn't hide it, and then ran to the adventurers' camp without looking back.

"How is he?" Faroshida asked, but it was not Oluha who answered her.

"It's nothing serious." Roland's tone was self-deprecating. The young man struggled to sit up from the ground, but the elf girl quickly stopped him.

"No, the wound will open again~! The curative effect of the magic here is not as strong as that of the Holy Light, so don't mess around." Oluha complained, and then thoughtfully helped him stand up.

"Thank you, I feel better now." Roland said to the elf first, and then turned to the Griffin Rider, "Thank you for saving us too. But... sorry, can I stay alone for a while?" Roland deliberately avoided the two. He gently but resolutely pushed away the girl next to him, and then slowly walked towards the dark forest. The flickering helplessness in those water-colored pupils made the prayer man's heart tighten, and he looked at the female swordsman beside him as if asking for help, but the other party just shook his head slightly.

"It's really worrying." Faroshidai stared at the retreating figure intently, with deep worry in her eyes, "But this is his fate, so the choice can only be made by him alone. No one else can help."

"Can't help..." Oluha repeated the other party's words, bowed her head and said nothing.

Roland ignored the curious gazes from the lich and the death knights, avoided the light of the campfire, and walked into the dark forest. Under the cover of the towering branches and leaves, the moonlight was cut into mottled fragments, and the intertwined light and shadow formed a strange picture. The young man thought he was the only one here, but then, the voice from behind startled him.

"If Roland Strife had expected that he would become like this back then, perhaps he would not have made this choice of escape. Right, Richard?" The tall man with red eyes The death knight asked casually, not minding that the subject of discussion was right in front of him.

"The word if doesn't exist in reality, and I can't make a decision for Roland." The Lich shrugged, and then approached the confused young man, "I'm Richard Barres, the commander-in-chief of the Undead Legion, then Beside him is Arthas, leader of the Ice Crown Knights."

"I'm Roland Strife." Even though it was clear that the other party knew his name, Roland insisted on reporting it again, and then he looked at the two undead with some uncertainty, "You... once fought with 'me' ?"

"That's right." Richard nodded and continued to observe humans closely.

"The Dark Eagle is very powerful, he has mastered a very high-level Yun Yao, and..." the young man said, subconsciously stroking Shuanggui, "I really know how to use this weapon, is it like this?"

"That's right." Richard nodded again.

"But after losing my memory, I have no goals." Roland stared intently at the burning eyes of the undead, as if fascinated by the rhythmic flames. "What are the necessary conditions to become a real warrior?"

"Don't ask such extremely stupid questions~!" Alsace's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and his tone became extremely cold in an instant, "Your destiny can only be controlled by yourself, and you want to imitate others It's a waste of effort~! If what you want to imitate is your past self, then you might as well just drag yourself along~!"

These words caused Roland's water-colored pupils to dilate in an instant, and his whole body was frozen in place like a stone statue, motionless.

"Hmph~! I was expecting a little bit, forget it..." The leader of the death knight waved his hand, turned his head and left.

"Let's talk about the specific matters on the way. In short, you should come to the Knights' station as soon as possible. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Richard patted the other party's shoulder, and then caught up with his colleagues.

"What exactly is Ishutori thinking?" Alsace stared at the Lich with his red eyes, as if trying to pick out something from the lich's eyes, "Erasure Roland's past, and find another time when the war is in chaos Throwing him out, is this the so-called 'happiness'?"

"Happiness is always something you have to fight for with your own hands." Richard replied lightly, "What Ishutori gave Roland was just a chance to choose again. As for whether he can grasp the things he has not grasped, it depends on the He himself."

For the undead who are tireless and don't need supplies, setting up camp is quite a rare act. In this hostile land, even a well-equipped fortress is not as safe as an all-night march. Unless necessary, the pace of Nightmare will never stop. But now, apparently, that's the time.

A thousand death knights established a semi-permanent position in the valley of the dark forest. The stone bunkers stood out against the green background, and the cold breath of the undead turned the entire land into an ice field in the north. However, the most eye-catching What stood out was the huge door standing in the center of the position and the seven pentagram circles centered on it.

It looks very much like the "Dark Portal", the highest magic technology of the Liches. They once used this technology to send hundreds of thousands of troops from the northern continent to Alazea overnight. However, in fact, the building in front of them But it is not based on the magic of the present world, and its function is completely different from that of the Dark Portal.

This is a gate used to connect the present world with the Moon Capital, and all its power comes from the Carina Ruby. The death knights will use the resonance generated from the gems to open a passage to the overlapping realm of the world and the spirit world, and rush there to find the last child of the star—the "end" of Ishutori.

But before this door could be opened, the enemies that followed were already lurking in the depths of the dark forest and watching everything.

"Just a scout who knows high-level Yun Yao, and uses the same soft sword as this one... What will her master be like?" Alsace rarely put on a serious expression at the military meeting , "I'm afraid it will be more troublesome than we expected."

"Obviously, the enemy has also gathered nearby, but their number should not be too large, otherwise the surprise attack will not be possible." Richard chanted a spell, and the magic sand table on the table suddenly lit up, "Alsace , if it were you, what would you do?"

"It will definitely attack when the Liches maintain the magic circle and the troops are about to enter the passage. That is the weakest link."

"That's right. If we enter the Moon Capital in a hurry, most of them will be wiped out here. Therefore, the primary goal of this battle is to wipe out the trailing enemies. In this way, not only can we enter the Moon Capital without interference, The tasks in the future will be much easier." The Lich nodded, and glanced at the standing death knight captains with piercing eyes, "The ceremony to open the passage will be held tomorrow, but there is no need for everyone to go in. your weapons."

The pupils of the deceased instantly ignited a flame of excitement.

At the same time, at a certain bird's-eye view point not far from the undead camp, another spellcaster with the same longevity also made exactly the same suggestion.

"Should we attack when the opponent opens the moon gate?" Sunwalker watched the gradually setting sun and asked the elf mage beside him, "Although it is a very correct tactic, the opponent must have expected this."

"There is a difference between being able to predict and being able to make up for it." Motidal replied, "It is impossible to skip this link in order to enter the Moon Capital. We just need to wait quietly."

"How many death knights are stationed here?" the blood race asked again, this time the voice was clear and sweet.

"About a thousand, fifty liches, and... the Griffin Rider and three adventurers we encountered yesterday are also inside." Nightingale replied seriously.

"So there are another thousand death knights lurking out of our sight." The black-haired vampire turned to the last person beside him again, "Jack, how is our restless ally now?"

"Walt only hangs out in Freeport now. Although the 'Monopoly Game' did make a lot of money, he spends it faster..." The former leader of the Thieves Union was dejected, "If this continues, it may not even take half a year. , the Bamarin Thieves Guild will be completely disintegrated."

"I understand." The blood race stopped asking questions, but fell into deep thought. Those jewel-like eyes looked into the distance at this moment, the setting sun had already been half covered by the black forest, and the stone bunkers of the death knights turned into huge shadows under this dim light, almost occupying the entire sight of the observer.

After a while, the leader finally made a decision: "Retreat immediately."

"Retreat?" Even though this decision came from a leader they absolutely trusted, Mortidal and Jack Weir still couldn't hide their surprise. Even Zephyris tilted his head slightly, as if asking "why".

"Our current tactical goal is to prevent the undead from entering the moon capital, so they deliberately revealed this weak link, but I am afraid that another thousand death knights hidden will attack from behind while we attack. Why don't they gather Do you want to use all your strength to find and protect the 'end'? The answer is that they don't plan to find it at all now, what the prey want to do is to kill the trailing hunters." The blood race elaborated their speculation carefully, "In addition, Walter Hua I am also very concerned about Te’s movements.”

"You should know something about him, right?" When mentioning the big red-haired man, Sunwalker's tone suddenly became very serious, "The only thing Walt is really afraid of is prayer. So the only thing he really wants to destroy is Only prayer. Now that he has allies, he has no interest in entering the Moon Capital... I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid something has happened in the capital of the moon that we don't know about, is that true, teacher?" Zefelis took the conversation.

"That's right, so our stage goals must also be changed. When the situation is unclear, we should not launch an attack rashly."

"So what to do now?" asked the elf mage.

"It's impossible not to see it with our own eyes. Let's enter the moon capital too. Kailina's ruby is not the only one." The blood race's eyes flashed fleeting emotions, and after that moment, the commanding The voice returned to its usual calm, "Let the direct troops get ready, I know there is another place that is also suitable for opening large passages, and we will make plans after entering. The peripheral forces continue to block the Whitestone Mountains and Dark Forest, the entrance of the Whitestone Hall Also pay more attention."

"Yes." The three nodded at the same time.

"By the way..." Daywalker suddenly remembered something, "What are the identities of those three adventurers?"

"It seems to be connected with the Sophia Free Army, but the specific details have not been investigated." Jack Weir shrugged.

"Pay a little attention." The vampire replied briefly, and then showed an unimaginable lightness with its tall body, and used the exposed branches to swipe down the towering tree in an instant, as if it didn't even have time to cast a shadow.

When the sun of dawn awakened all sleeping things the next day, Arthas also had an unconcealable smile on his lips. Thinking of the powerful enemy he might encounter, the deceased who was obsessed with power felt excited all over his body. He believed that today he would make his beloved sword drink the blood of the enemy.

However, as night fell, not to mention the elegant smile on the corner of the mouth, even the flames in the eyes of the death knights were almost extinguished—the liches pretended to run the magic circle for a whole day, and the death knights were also inside the door I went in and out of the door several times, but nothing happened at all~!

On the evening of the third day, the lonely Alsace finally couldn't help himself and led the scouts out for reconnaissance. After a whole night of high-intensity galloping, the death knight came to the only conclusion that there were no enemies within a hundred miles. Although it was not clear what the reason was, the opponent had indeed retreated silently.

Richard was stunned by this conclusion for a while, and then, the wise commander-in-chief of the Undead Legion made an obvious decision: immediately enter the Moon Capital.

"After entering, it's not so easy to come out." In front of the opened moon gate, Faroshidai stared at the young man with a huge two-handed sword. The column of death knights silently passed by the girl's side, which looked like a black curtain like the background, against which Farrow's azure blue pupils and long golden hair stood out.

The two of them haven't spoken much in the past few days. As the few survivors who act together with the undead, everyone who needs food is busy stockpiling various necessities—maybe this is just an excuse to escape, but It can make Roland think and breathe briefly. As for what kind of conclusion the Dark Eagle came to after abandoning the past, neither Faluoshidai nor Alluha knew.

So, the female swordsman is now asking.

"Yes, it might be very dangerous." Roland stopped, and his eyes met the girl's. "But if I go back, where will I go? There is no room for me in this world."

"From Frost's Lament, I felt the Dark Eagle's mood, so I thought that I might find something here. But when I really talked to the death knights, I found that everything I heard seemed to be someone else's deeds... I have lost everything that Roland Strife cherished, about Oluha, about Katoli, and... about Jiuyuan and Ishutori. The Ice Crown Knights are still not my destination. "

Falohide was at a loss for words. An uncontrollable sadness appeared in the eyes of the elf prayer.

"The Dark Eagle is very confused, because it is difficult for him to make a choice." The young man continued to narrate in a flat tone, with no waves in his water-colored pupils, "But for me, who is a blank sheet of paper, there is no choice at all. "

"I'm not qualified to protect others, am I?" Roland smiled self-deprecatingly, "Fortunately, the persistent ones are extremely powerful, so you don't have to worry about Oluha being in danger. The death knight's camp is the safest The place."

"Roland~!" The elf girl couldn't help shouting.

"So I want to cross over here, fight with the death knights, and continue to search in the blood and flames." The young man continued, with a determined but helpless light in his eyes, "What lies ahead is an unknown field, But there’s definitely nothing I want behind me.”

Roland walked into the Moon Gate without looking back, and the milky white light at the fusion of the two worlds swallowed his whole body in an instant, leaving only ripples that spread one after another on the water-like surface.

On the other side of the door, a completely different landscape unfolded before the eyes of the deceased. The haze of the dark forest was swept away, and the Baishi Mountains at the end of the horizon, which meet the sky like a screen, also disappeared without a trace. Against the jagged peaks in the distance, there are undulating emerald hills in the field of vision, and the mist in the morning makes everything hidden in it look mysterious and beautiful.

However, in the next instant, the death knight's pupils shrank in an instant—the center of this emerald landscape was a huge and shocking black piece, which looked like a canvas burned through by fierce flames.

"Go and have a look." Richard's brows were furrowed together.

Alsace nodded wordlessly, and the column that was convenient for marching was changed into a charge formation suitable for battle under the order. No one asked why, because the silence shrouded in black was stronger than the chill emanating from the undead. Death, this silence represents only death.

And when the waiting death knights finally arrived at their destination, what was reflected in their pupils was a piece of completely destroyed ruins. The few ones below have already been vitrified in the intense heat, and now they are fragmented and reflecting the sunlight, looking like giant tombstones surrounded by innocent souls.

"It's still not sure what this place is..." Eleka hastily denied.

"This is the capital of the moon." Richard interrupted the other party's words quietly, and then pointed not far away, "Look there."

The Lich's finger is the only place that has not yet been reduced to scorched earth. A clear spring is flowing, and the mirror-like water surface is incompatible with the surrounding death atmosphere.

"Like the Xuedai Spring in the Capital of Stars, there is also a spring here, the entrance to the intersection of the three realms, a passage that will never be destroyed." The Lich sighed, "But this also just proves that this place must be the land of the Moon. the wreckage of the capital."

"It seems that these ruins have existed for at least a hundred years. It's not a matter of whether it's late or not." Alsace approached the vitrified building, stroking the rough surface. Under the hammer of wind and rain, these melted mirrors have long been blurred, and it is absolutely impossible to form them recently.

"I know the traces..." said Falohidea tremblingly, "this is..."

She scanned the surrounding ruins wordlessly—some seemed to have erupted from a crater, some seemed to be the result of a shock wave, some seemed to be bombarded by thousands of fireballs, and the most conspicuous ones seemed to be destroyed by giants. Split into two like a sharp sword.

"There is no mistake, this is the ruins left behind by the destruction of Flame Dragon Melikidike." The girl concluded with a pale face, and the memories that emerged from her mind filled her pupils with despair for an instant.

"But Yanlong was defeated by Emperor Jagasi before he had time to enter the Moon Capital~! Everyone knows this fact~!" Richard stared at the other party with incredulous eyes.

"He can make a comeback after he recovers." The head of the Ice Crown Knights replied naturally, and these words made the cold fire in Lich's eyes dance wildly and frantically.

"This..." Richard felt that he even lost the ability to speak.

It turns out that the capital of the moon was completely destroyed by the master of flame hundreds of years ago

This place has become a dead place, it is impossible for anyone to notice the arrival of the Star Child~! Ishutori's last power lost in the world has never been adopted by anyone~! No, whether that young life can survive in the overlapping domain of the world and the spirit world is even a question~!

Perhaps more than a decade ago, the "end of life" that was left unattended had become a natural bait. The entire strategy that I had perfected was completely shattered because of Yanlong's revenge on the prayer technique, and I couldn't even find a piece of it~!

what to do

"Wait, I seem to hear singing?" Roland's hesitant voice suddenly broke the frozen silence.