Death Knight

Chapter 54: Scroll of Poetic Fans


After a day of searching and marching, the Ice Crown Knights finally arrived at the mountainous area north of the Moon Capital—the singing that Roland heard came from this direction. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for the singing to travel hundreds of kilometers. However, now that he has lost his target, Richard can only regard the intuition of Orin of Ishtoli as the last straw.

Compared with the Baishi Mountains that pierce into the sky, the mountains here are much lower, and the relative terrain is also intricate. Cut by the watershed, there are dangerous cliffs and wide canyons everywhere, coupled with layers of rising fog, the whole area is like a maze. The death knights stopped in front of the two intersecting watersheds, quietly waiting for the distribution of search tasks, while the head of the knights jumped up the cliff, trying to look at the terrain near and far.

"This place is no different than the hills. It may take a lot of time to search the entire mountain. If the enemy launches an attack suddenly, it will be very difficult to gather and support. It's really tricky." Alsace frowned.

"But even so, we have to search." Ever since he witnessed the ruins of the Moon Capital, Richard's eyes were filled with inexhaustible anxiety. "Assign by grid and start as soon as possible."

"Wait." The death knight suddenly reached out to stop the opponent.

"What?" the Lich asked impatiently, but the other party didn't answer, but just handed over the halberd in his hand wordlessly. Through the body of the halberd that is in contact with the rock, one can clearly feel the obvious vibrations from the grip. It was completely different from the continuous impact of the knight's charge, as if a sledgehammer kept hitting the ground, with a slow and obvious rhythm.

"Earthquake... No, it doesn't seem to be." Richard shook his head. Just as the Lich was trying to find more clues, he was surprised to find that not only the weapon in his hand was trembling, but even the mountain at the foot of Nightmare began to follow suit. With a heavy drumbeat trembling slightly. It is as if an unimaginable giant is marching slowly but unstoppably.

Then, he discovered that it was really an unimaginably huge beast.

A flock of birds flew into the sky in shock, and the tightly wrapped clouds were suddenly torn apart. The next moment, a stone lion with a shoulder height of more than 80 meters walked into the sight of the death knights. Every step of the behemoth was concentrated with great strength, and the valley suddenly aroused a howling wind and ear-piercing echoes, scraping the cheeks of the deceased, and the echoes could not be dissipated in the ears for a long time.

Then, when the lion, whose shadow was enough to cover the entire canyon, completely waded through the sea of clouds in the mountains, the tall tower standing on its back also emerged from the white expanse. Observers looking down from the cliffs are not completely blocked from sight, but the mountain eagles circling around the tower and the curling clouds remind people all the time how magnificent the scene in front of them is.

"Moving City?" Even Alsace had to admit that this lion who used the canyon as a stream is indeed eye-catching, and the mysterious owner of the tower will surely bring some surprises to the undead who have lost their target—whether it is Good and bad.

"Only the power of prayer can drive such a thing~!" Richard's pupils glowed again, and he immediately turned to stare at Faroshidai, "Tell me, is there a mobile tower like this in Star Capital? "

"It's a completely different style." The girl just shook her head, "The concept of the prayers of the Star City is based on being close to nature, but this behemoth is obviously incompatible with everything around it."

"Really? It seems that we are going to deal with a prayer man with an unknown position." Lich nodded, restraining his joyful expression, "We must carefully guess the other party's intentions..."

Richard hadn't finished speaking, but the stone lion had stopped and was lying right in front of the watershed. The death knights who served as the vanguard leaned over the hillside cautiously, but still cautiously maintained a distance from the behemoth—after all, they couldn't even squeeze each other's teeth. However, at the next moment, the ferocious beast carrying the tower really opened its mouth, and a translucent staircase formed from the air, connecting the ground with the lion's bottomless throat.

"It looks like he wants to invite us." The head of the Frozen Crown Knights smiled, but his eyes were filled with the challenge, "He came out of the mountain and opened his mouth to welcome us. Reasons to refuse."

"I'll go too." Roland tightened Shuang Wai's straps, "And I must go."

"I have to go? If this is the feeling, maybe the 'end' is there." Richard nodded, "As the saying goes, 'If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger'." The always cautious Wu Said the demon, and strode towards the magnificent mobile city.

Alsace was undoubtedly at the forefront, followed by Faroshidai and Roland, and Richard and Oluha at the end of the team. When the elf girl stepped up the crystal staircase, the last step immediately rose slowly, like the tongue of a beast, sending the five walkers into the dark unknown.

It's completely different from the Spirit Tree Pavilion... Standing in the narrow and long arched passage, the blond female swordsman subconsciously compared the scene in front of her with her previous memories. If the treehouse style in the capital of stars can reflect Flora's amiable, close to nature, and uncontested personality, then the owner of this tower is obviously much more difficult to figure out—because the themes of each painting on both sides of the wall are quite different , there are beautiful female profile portraits, bloody battlefield sketches, mysterious geometric calculation diagrams, and even ancient weapons on display. It seems that the decorator deliberately made the entire corridor nondescript.

However, between these seemingly irregular decorations, there is a firm connection that cannot be broken.

"It's all about the gods." Richard had a serious expression on his face. "Have you seen the badge on that shield?"

"Is it the logo of the 'Knights of Truth' in the era of Reynas?" Falohide speculated that the coat of arms on it seemed quite unfamiliar to her, so it could be seen that it did not originate from the Luvis Alliance. Apart from this, the only one who can connect with the gods is probably Reinas.

"No, it's something from an earlier era." The Lich denied the other party's judgment, and then leaned over to an oil painting next to the shield. At the lower right foot of the oil painting, the burning eyes of the undead saw the author's signature—Seldos , painted in the 014th year of the Brunnhill calendar.

"It seems that the owner of the tower has a relationship with the gods, at least the research data is quite rich." The commander-in-chief of the undead army narrowed his eyes, "What kind of prayer is he?"

As if answering this question, the door at the end of the corridor was slowly opened under the guidance of an invisible force, and the originally depressed space expanded instantly. Estimated from the distance traveled, the current location happens to be the belly of the stone lion, a vast and huge round hall. When the visitors walked in, they found that the structure of this round hall was very familiar—not only the white stone The battlefield, including the auditorium around it, is like a smaller version of the Great Lourdes Arena.

"Welcome to Moonlight Continent." A crisp and clear voice came from the opposite side, and at the same time the door of the passage was closed again.

Arthas didn't care that his identity had changed from a guest to a gladiator, but when the figure on the other side of the arena came into his eyes, the supreme leader of the death knights froze in place, with an inescapable and irrepressible passion in his eyes. A tide of memories.

The owner of the voice is an elf woman, wearing a pleasant emerald green casual dress, with striking blond hair, and elegance and arrogance in her eyes, but these are not the reasons why the deceased was shocked.

"I am Lycecil, the owner of this tower." The emperor's lover smiled slightly, his gaze swept across the five visitors, and finally settled on the saber around the death knight's waist, "Long time no see, Arthas , it has been about two hundred years now, right?"

"Exactly two hundred years." The death knight recovered from the rare shock, and replied neither humble nor humble, "I really didn't expect to meet an acquaintance in this kind of place, is it fate?"

"Fate is not something that ordinary people can see." Lycesil turned her attention to the other four people, "You might as well put aside the past for now, as Ishutori's messenger in the present world, the purpose of the death knight entering the Moon Capital is me. You can sort of guess... you're here for the 'end', right?"

"Since your Excellency is the closest person to the famous emperor, and you have mastered advanced prayer skills, it will be much easier to explain." Richard stepped forward, pushing Alsace with a serious face behind him , "Late introduction, I am Richard Barres, the commander-in-chief of the Undead Legion."

"Although these three are living beings, they are also inextricably linked with us. They are Roland, Falohide, and Oluha." The Lich finished the introduction with a calm expression, then changed the subject and cut topic.

"As you judged, we are indeed here for the last Star Child. So I hope..."

"Ishutori's 'end' is on Moonlight Island." The elf interrupted impatiently. Her voice was quiet, but it made the undead's eyes ignite with uncontrollable flames in an instant.

"What~!?" Richard's tone trembled visibly, "Then..."

"Although your purpose is to protect and guide the Star Child," Lycesil interrupted the Lich again, "but I cannot hand her over to you."

"But, but why?" Lich's head lost its ability to think after the ups and downs, and could only squeeze out this sentence dryly.

"Because there is no reason to waste time on people who are weaker than you. Pass my test first, and then you can start a formal conversation." Ricesil raised her eyebrows and stroked her dazzling long hair with her hand, "Look around, The place where we stand now is not a negotiating table, but an arena~!"

The elf woman's words made Alsace's eyes ignite with crimson flames: "The arena...? That's right, on the hot sand battlefield, everything is spoken by the sword, and," the corner of the death knight's mouth A cold smile appeared, "It's not that I don't like the so-called robbery~!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jing Wang Jian Yunyao had already unsheathed with a "shua", skimmed the ground together with his master, and shot out.

Alsace had never fought Jagassi's only relative, and in fact, the words he had spoken to Richesier had only been in single digits. But the death knight knows the horror of prayer - once it is launched, it is absolutely irresistible - and the opponent in front of him is one of the most powerful prayers in history. This reason is enough to make the deceased use all his strength in the first place.

However, after several long seconds, the predicted confrontation still did not start. The undead suddenly found that no matter how hard he ran, the distance between him and the opponent did not change, as if frozen.

what happened? Alsace stopped abruptly, but the sight in front of him made his pupils shrink instantly—from the beginning of the battle until now, he was still circling in the same place~!

The four people watching the battle stared straight at five meters away, their eyes full of disbelief.

"If you think that the prayer technique can only manipulate the power of the four elements, you are completely wrong. Is Yunyao's two hundred years of experience only at this level?" The opponent's voice came from afar, with a harsh sneer.

Accompanied by her sarcastic words, the shadow under the death knight's feet suddenly twisted, and another black Alsace rose from the boiling black water, with blood-red eyes full of ashes of despair.

"Have you said it a long time ago? With your talent, it is absolutely impossible to become the master of the highest level of Yunyao. No matter how hard you struggle, the only thing waiting at the end is failure." The mirror image's voice was empty and sad, "Look Let's be real, that Roland who only has revenge in his eyes, that Roland who has only lived a tenth of your age can comprehend such a powerful fighting technique, but you who think you are obsessed with strength can't."

"You, who use the pursuit of power as an excuse, actually have no need to exist at all."

"Shut up." Alsace responded with a sneer to the shadow that was approaching him, "This kind of psychological trick is a waste of time, hum~!" He said, and the long sword in his hand stabbed out like lightning.

The oppressive blackness around him was swept away, but the death knight suddenly discovered that the person pierced by this lightning strike turned out to be himself~!

Jingwang Jian Yunyao's sharp long front pierced through Alsace's chest, and protruded from his back. There was a dark red blood of the undead on the dazzling blade, which looked shocking.

"What... how is this possible..." the deceased whispered to himself in disbelief, the flames in his eyes trembling slightly, "what the hell am I doing?"

Then, as if he was suddenly deprived of power, the proud death knight knelt softly on the ground - the sword just now damaged the spinal cord, although the undead would not be destroyed by this, but the control method based on physiology made this creature The body was immediately paralyzed.

"If the other four are not as good as him, I think you can go back the same way." Richsil replied flatly, looking at the loser with cold and cruel eyes. From the beginning of the battle to the present, she didn't even need to move a single step.

"Wait~!" Roland took a step forward, and Shuang Wai's sword pointed to the ground, "It's not over yet."

"Prayer is not illusion magic, and it is not a force that can be easily resisted with a firm will." The blond elf looked at the opponent with a half-smile and made a stabbing gesture. "However, it doesn't hurt to prolong the battle." As the prayer man said, a ray of light flashed across his blue eyes.

The next moment, Roland was already in the deep darkness that could not be seen through.

Hallucination? Be patient, don't attack at will. The young man warned himself that it was precisely because of this that Alsace lost just now, and he must not repeat the same mistakes.

But the darkness began to gradually fade away. They were not washed away all at once, but slowly and softly flowed to the horizon at the end like an ebb tide. At the same time, the soft light floating above the darkness gradually spread throughout the entire world. space.

In the end, the enveloping darkness dissipated completely, and the earth stretched out in front of Roland. Numerous slender and smooth stems gracefully slant the solidified white crown, shaking their heads lightly in the breeze. The junction of the sky and the earth is a hazy white, like a continuous wave.

Moonflower? The young man was a little surprised, but the inexplicable warm current made all the uneasiness fade away without a sound.

Then, a gentle and familiar voice sounded behind him.

"You finally came."

Like a drop of water falling in the silence, these words stirred up thousands of ripples in Roland's heart, making the soul sleeping in the deepest tremble uncontrollably. The young man didn't understand why, but he knew it was the feeling of coming home.

Roland put down his sword and turned his head. The dream-like scene disappeared suddenly. His eyes passed over his companions behind him, across the battlefield made of rocks, and finally stopped at the high auditorium—

There, a girl with black hair and blue eyes was staring at him curiously. The moment the two eyes merged, time froze.

That's~! ? Roland opened his mouth to shout something, but before the young man could speak, Lycecil's hand knife had already slashed his neck precisely. Under the violent impact, the soldiers with their backs to the enemy were once again completely shrouded in endless darkness.

"Can actually make my prayer spell invalid, who is he?" The elf frowned, and looked closely at the comatose Roland, not caring at all that the other three opponents were beside him. Oluha and Richard on the opposite side tried to fight back, but their eyes were clouded by the infiltrating powerful force, and even the control of their bodies was taken away, making it impossible to move an inch as if they were frozen.

Only Faroshida had room to act—the necklace on the girl's chest was making a slight ringing sound at this moment, and it was emitting mist-like light in all directions. However, even with the protection of the "Eternal Light", Faluoxidai still couldn't complete this attack - Jingwang Sword Bauhinia betrayed its master when it was half drawn, and could no longer draw even half an inch.

"There seem to be more surprising things today than expected..." The legendary prayer man glanced at Faroshidai, and then focused his attention on Roland again. After a while, her voice sounded again.

"Olin of Ishutori...?" Lycesil stood up, the imprisoning force was withdrawn without warning at the same time, and the three who regained their freedom hurriedly stepped back, but the prayer man in green just smiled laugh.

"That's it for today, you can stay." The originally cold tone finally brought a trace of warmth.

"Why, why?" The Lich heaved a sigh of relief, but had no intention of remaining silent.

"Because the test is over. Orin still exists, which means that Ishutori is not lying." Richesier briefly explained, and then the subject suddenly changed, "However, this does not mean that you can Take 'End Moment' out of here." She said, turning her eyes to the place the young man was looking at just now, "Shifan, come here."

It wasn't until this moment that the embarrassed visitor finally realized that there was an uninvited spectator in the arena. And when they saw the girl slowly falling from the box, everyone's eyes couldn't help but freeze for an instant.

With short hair like the night sky and bright eyes like jasper, it looks like a human figure carved out of the same mold as Jiu Yuan and Meng Liu. Every time the girl takes a step closer, the "long-lasting light" on Faroshidai's neck will pulse once, as if jumping with joy because of the return of the master.

"The 'End' of Ishutori."

Richard's muttering voice finally broke the silence, his tone was trembling uncontrollably, and the cold flames in his eyes burst out with joy.

"Didn't they tell you to wait in the tower?" The Lord of Moonlight Continent said with reproach in his tone.

"However, I always feel that this person is a bit special." The girl's eyes still stayed on Roland. She walked up to the lying young man as if no one else was there, leaned down and poked his sleeping face with her slender fingers, "So I want to come Take a look."

"By the way, there's that one too..." She suddenly turned around as if remembering something.

The next moment, accompanied by Shifan's silver bell-like voice, the jewelry on Faluoxidai's neck suddenly flew out from her neckline, pulled the chain and hovered in mid-air, making a slight ringing, and flowing warm and moist air to the surroundings. Transparent shine.

"I see..." Richisel seemed to understand something, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It feels familiar and intimate, very similar to my book." The short-haired girl's beautiful eyes glanced at the owner of the necklace. However, the next moment, the girl's expectant gaze quickly turned into obvious disappointment, "It's different, it's not right at all...wrong, it's not yours." She shook her head, and the light in the teardrop-shaped pendant went out immediately, and once again Fall back into the grip of gravity.

"If you look at it from the perspective of bloodlines, maybe it is true. At least Falozide has no connection with the 'Eternal Light' at all." Falozide replied lightly, carefully hung the pendant, and then greeted The other party's gaze, "But... this necklace has inherited the wishes of many people, including mine."

"Sorry, I don't quite understand." Shi Fan looked at the other party in confusion, as if he wanted to ask something, but a clear applause interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Okay, okay, let's stop here for the time being. If you have something to say, go to the tower and talk. The arena is not suitable for chatting. Shifan, take him to take care of him first." Lycesier said, and took him there. The hilt of the long sword still worn on Alsace's body skillfully returned the cold weapon to its sheath.

"En." The girl nodded, as if she took this arrangement for granted.

Several strong winds suddenly formed in the stagnant air around them, intertwined with each other like long lines, and finally condensed into a translucent sika deer. Under the surprised eyes of the onlookers, Shifan whispered something to the embodiment of the power of wind, and the summoned beast carefully lifted the young man with his eyes closed, followed his master to the delicate door on the side of the arena, It quickly disappeared around the corner.

"Then we too..." Oluha wanted to catch up, but another elf prayer stopped her. Aoluha hurriedly turned her head and looked at the female swordsman as if asking for help, her eyes were also full of worry.

"Don't worry about Olin of Ishutori, he will wake up soon." The owner of the tower saw the girl's mind and replied with a smile, "You four, please follow me this way first." Richer Seale hands everything gracefully, making an inviting gesture, and walks to the other side.

"How, can you stand up?" Richard sighed, bent down to support his comrade-in-arms for many years, the other party seemed to have not heard the question at all, just nodded numbly, and then got up with crooked movements.

"...Damn it, it turned out like this." Alsace stared at his stiff hands, gnashing his teeth and muttering to himself.

"Even a warrior who has mastered Yunyao has no power to fight back before this kind of prayer, so don't pay special attention." Licesil led the team up the stairs unhurriedly, and happened to see the death knight when he turned his head poker face, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to comfort you, I'm just telling the truth."

"Hmph, what about Jagasi?" the loser asked coldly.

"He's different." The elf laughed noncommittally, and his eyes changed subtly.

"Because of those gemstone pupils, is it possible for the emperor to resist this phantom-like prayer?" Richard asked curiously, "Or is it because the will of Yunyao's creator is stronger than the knights of Ishutoli?" firm?"

"My prayer can't be resisted by will alone." Lycesil said, turning her gaze to the human female swordsman, "No, not to mention will, even the amulet of 'Siyuan' can't resist … Of course, there might be less pressure, but that doesn't mean anything."

"It seems to be so." Falohide pressed her hand on her chest and replied with a wry smile.

The emperor's lover began to narrate on his own: "You should know that the power lost by the goddesses in the world will be called 'children of the stars', that is, 'beginning' and 'end'. They are born with the ability to communicate with the sea of thoughts. Communicate, and thus become the most outstanding prayers."

"However there is a difference between the Starchildren as well, the power of 'Original' tends to be auxiliary - the death knight's ability to manipulate gravity is based on this, but the power of 'End' is extremely destructive," explained The reporter glanced at the guests of the same race as him, "This Miss Oluha also understands the profound meaning of prayer, and she should be very clear about what the sika deer formed by the force of the wind means."

The elf girl who was named lowered her head: "Well...that's a level I can't reach."

"Ordinary prayer can only transform one's own consciousness into the power that drives the sea of thoughts, so the final things appear to be indistinct. Most of them are elemental attacks with a wide range, such as floods, storms or glaciers, no matter how powerful they are. , their essences are the same. But the prayer technique of 'the end' is different..." Richesel paused, "For Shifan, the feeling of Nian Zhihai is very clear, when she drives the fourth world's When you have strength, it is equivalent to using your consciousness as a carving knife to sculpt what you think in your heart."

"The result is so precise, it's like a work of art, isn't it?"

"In short, in this world, the power of 'End' can only be countered by 'End' itself." The other party concluded in a proud tone of course, "Yagashi has always carried the amulet I gave him, so he can resist Luvi. Silk's 'end' prayer."

"Luvis's 'End'~!?" Except for the death knight who didn't care about it, the other three couldn't help shouting.

"Well, that's me, a star child abandoned by God." Lycesil's tone darkened, "Maybe it's because the power of 'the end' is too strong, so maybe it was rejected. I'm afraid My awakened Luvis tried to kill me with the help of mortal hands, if it wasn't for Yagasi, I would have been shot through the heart by the arrow feathers of my kind."

"But now... in the era of Ishutoli, my Star Child status has completely lost its meaning. Simply put, it's 'expired'." The cold tone was like the cold wind of the northern kingdom.

The atmosphere was unknowingly mixed with dullness and depression. Everyone pursed their lips and concentrated on walking the seemingly endless stairs. After a very long minute, the destination finally appeared in front of everyone—a spacious room. Comfortable lounge. After the guests sat down in the room, the voice of the tower lord sounded again.

"To be honest, I'm really envious, maybe a little jealous. Because at this moment, the death knights are looking for the end of Ishutori like they are looking for a princess, and the connection between Orin and the Star Child is also very delicate. .”

"But the current Roland Strife no longer has the memory of the past. With the power of Ishutori, he abandoned the past and gained a new life~! Besides, the only lover of the Dark Eagle is Jiu Yuan. He can't be to Shifan... Before she had time to think about it, Faroshida blurted out a slightly excited rebuttal, but halfway through the speech, the girl stopped her mouth as if awakened.

How come... why do I want to rush to deny everything she said? Faroshida lowered her head and asked herself, trying to hide her conflicted expression with her long hair. In fact, it might not be a bad thing to have some kind of continuity with the end. If Roland can find his goal now, then...

But... I'm really not reconciled...

"Although I don't know what happened to that young man, there is indeed a connection between him and Shifan." The other party explained slowly, "I have emphasized just now that the power of 'End' can only be resisted by 'End' If it wasn't for Shifan's unconscious protection, that guy would never be able to exempt me from my prayer."

"However, if you are worried about love issues, then there is no need." Sensing the feelings of the two girls, the words of the emperor's lover revealed the thoughtfulness of someone who has experienced it.

"Why, why?" Faroshidai asked guiltily, and two blushes had already appeared on Oluha's face beside her.

"She is not the girl you imagined. Shifan is different from "Siyuan" who was adopted by the Star City, and also different from me who went into exile with the elves." Richesier replied lightly.

"According to estimates, Shifan is about fourteen or five years old now, and she was adopted by me five years ago. She never mentioned the experience before that. No... It's not so much avoiding it deliberately, it's better to say it's giving up But what is certain is that Ishutori's End has entered the present world, contacted many people, and received a high level of education."

" is it possible?" Richard's body couldn't help shaking.

"For sure. At that time, the focus of the world was probably on the struggle between the goddesses, so I didn't notice the existence of the end. But Shifan learned a lot of lessons from the human world, and became indifferent in order to protect herself." The elf's tone is unquestionable, "If I wasn't a prayer priest, I might have been killed by her the first time I made contact."

"What about now?" Falozide asked cautiously.

"Now?" Richer smiled with a sense of happiness, "Maybe she can be regarded as my adopted daughter."

Wouldn't it be true happiness if Jagassi was here? Sadness flashed across the prayer man's eyes, but was immediately covered by impenetrable darkness.

"But even so, she doesn't care about things other than Yueguangzhou." The elf changed her subject, "During the five years I lived with me, Shifan basically spent her time on praying and reading. .As the end of the current goddess, it is only a matter of time before she becomes the strongest prayer. And for her, having prayer is enough."

"I don't want to interfere with how you undead plan to persuade her to leave the Moon Capital." Ricesil stood up and said that the conversation is coming to an end, "But before that, I'm afraid the pursuers must be dealt with first."