Death Knight

Chapter 56: Destroyer


There is no need for any extra declarations or shouts. The mortal enemy who met for the first time has already understood everything from the eyes of the other party reflecting the shadow of the sword. The human knights took the lead in forming a neat charging formation, raising their lances to attack. The horse in heavy armor stepped on the rising dust head together with its owner, and rushed towards the black iron wall opposite like the tide breaking the embankment.

Under the manic blow of the iron hoof, even the earth made of mountains and rocks trembled slightly, but the death knight remained motionless, and there was a strange tranquility in the pupils of the undead who were burning with cold fire. It wasn't until the moment the enemy rushed in front of them that the deceased suddenly changed the formation, from the square formation to the trapezoid - as the defensive side, the commander's purpose is not to break through the formation, but to seize every opportunity to annihilate as many enemies as possible. The effective strength of the opponent paves the way for the future—the echelon formation with a wide attack surface can just meet this kind of attack aimed at killing.

However, the expected strong collision between the bad waves and the reef did not happen. At the last moment, the sharp charge of the human knights suddenly separated from the middle, brushing against the undead's halberd and drawing two huge arcs. Looking down from mid-air, the Death Knight is like the bow of a ship riding the wind and waves, the Moonlight Continent is the stable hull, and the mortals who resist the gods are the waves rising and falling beside the ship's side.

There was only a slight friction between the two armies at the edge, but the bloodstains obviously couldn't satisfy the neighing blade.

"A bunch of cowards, they just want to delay time~!" Alsace roared angrily. According to the usual practice, the position of the head of the Knights is the center of the entire formation, the most dangerous and sharpest part, but now it has become the most deserted place, and the weapons in Alsace's hands have not even touched the shadow of humans. half point.

"If the other party dares to entangle with the tireless undead, it means that they may have planned something." The lich narrowed his eyes and looked back cautiously at the enemies hovering on both sides of the battlefield. "The best choice is a quick battle."

"Shut up, I don't need you to talk too much, I know." The enemy's delaying tactics made the death knight's mood worse, and the crimson pupils shone with a dangerous and cruel light, "Since those cowards dare not confront them head-on, then Let's get this done."

Alsace said with a sneer: "Let them experience the power of Jianfeng who survived the Battle of the Goddess Dawn~!"

Contrary to the normal way of thinking, the Ice Crown Knights have no idea of concentrating their strength to break through. After discovering the opponent's roundabout tactics, the undead immediately split into countless small teams to attack in all directions, spreading out like a big net.

Every five-man squad of death knights is a cluster of barbed arrows, once inserted into the human line, it cannot be pulled out again. Although the rebels still strictly implement the idea of flank attack, with the intrusion of more death knights, the charge formation has become fragmented, and the fighters of both sides finally fit together in a criss-cross pattern, and it is impossible to tell which side is their own. position.

Now, warriors eager to break free from the Goddess' bondage are forced to face the one thing they've done their best to avoid - brutal dogfights.

In the field of Shura, where iron and blood are mixed, the only thing that can determine the outcome of life and death is strength. Whether the weapon is sharp enough, whether the swordsmanship is strong enough, whether the warrior's will is strong enough, all these elements will eventually converge into a source of strength, which is reflected in every dodge and beheading.

But that's just "strength" for duels. There are far more factors to consider when engaging in a swirling melee - enemies will swarm from all directions, leaving you with no chance to breathe; arrows may fall from mid-air at any moment, and then relentlessly penetrate the back; Even worse is the threat from Moonlight Continent.

It wasn't until at the foot of the stone lion that humans finally discovered that the beast carrying the tower was not just a simple moving tool. Its manipulator is ruthless and cold. Whenever the two sides get entangled in a certain part of the battlefield, the giant palm of the stone lion will fall from the sky and press down like a mountain. And when it raised its palm again, it would inevitably bring about a thick bloody storm, mixed with metal fragments and deformed human faces.

Even warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles will still have distorted expressions when witnessing such a terrifying and abnormal scene.

Mortidal has put the orc warriors and dwarf commandos as backup into the battle, but the balance of victory is still slowly and fatally tilted to the side of the undead—the death knight once embraced the real death and once fought against the apostle of Luvis , once bathed in the flames of the Goddess Sword. And what about their enemies? Although the level of swordsmanship is no less than that of a paladin, but he can't even use the holy light technique. It is almost impossible to destroy the persistent deceased with just the sharp blade in his hand.

At this moment, the elf mage finally realized the real sense of despair—even if he assembled the most elite team on the entire Canados continent, he still couldn't stop the devastating black tide.

Are mortals so powerless before the power of gods? Even with that man leading, are we still left to taste only defeat on a real battlefield? Witnessing his companions splashing blood on the battlefield one after another, Mortidal felt that he could no longer restrain his anger and sadness.

"Hold on, old friend." A strong hand suddenly put on the elf's shoulder, waking him up from the surging emotion. "Look there." Jack Weir said, pointing to the other side of the battlefield, where A lich was muttering something silently, but there was no fluctuation of magic power around him.

"He is manipulating the magic communication network, and that undead is the commander~!" A few seconds later, the head of the mage council suddenly realized.

"That's right. Now I'm going to kill him. Even if this Lich isn't the highest commander, it's enough to cause chaos among the undead, and you can take the opportunity to regroup." The man in black nodded, then smiled relaxedly, "Although it seems too much to say this, in the overlapping domain of the world and the spirit world, mages are indeed the easiest targets to kill instantly."

"In addition, when I'm not around, pay attention to your own safety." Jack Weir's tone turned serious, "I attacked to destroy the leader of the other party, so you don't want to die at this time."

There was a flash of relief in the elf's eyes: "Don't worry about it, the highest authority of the Canados Mage Council is not as fragile as you think."

Jack then waved his hand, and in the next moment, his vigorous figure had already melted into the bloody battlefield together with the black shadow.

Thieves, synonymous with assassination. When these two words are mentioned, people always think of dark alleys, dark nights and a bright dagger that tears the night. However, as the true leader of the Bamarin Thieves Guild, Jack Weir has proved one thing - even on a chaotic battlefield, thieves are still unambiguously powerful characters.

The two scimitars in his hand have at least dealt with the high-level death knights of two teams. The undead couldn't resist the bright line drawn by the blade in the air. Before they had time to fight back, the blurred shadow of the knife danced by Jack cut into the distance of their confrontation, and finally became a cold light on the heart or forehead.

In just a blink of an eye, the leader of the thieves had crossed half of the battlefield. But the opponent standing in front of him now is the commander of two hundred death knights, a captain of the Ice Crown Knights. This time, the flying scimitar failed to find a gap for the prey to move, and immediately froze.

The formidable opponent made Undead's eyes blaze with excitement. He forced Jack away with a wide cross-cut, and then he was about to use his best stabbing sword. However, the four-foot-long narrow sword just made its first stab, and stopped in mid-air as if frozen.

"What... what?" The death knight looked down at his body in disbelief, a pure black long blade with no thickness was inserted from his back, pierced through his heart and came out through his chest.

"Even on the battlefield, thieves still behave like thieves." Jack Weir stood motionless, with a cold sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

For the first and last time in nearly a hundred years, the clinging dead man failed to hold death in his hands, but let it conquer him. But the undead couldn't figure out why a knife grew out of his chest for no reason~! So he turned his gaze to the back.

The owner of the Assassin's Blade was completely condensed from darkness, but the sneer expression on his face was exactly the same as that of the thief in front of him. The death knight finally understood everything - it was the shadow of Jack Weir. Then, the scimitar of the leader of the thieves guild swirled in a deadly dance again, cutting off half of the undead's head in one stroke, and the soulless body slowly fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

There was nothing that could stop Jack now, the lich with ice blue pupils was right in front of him. Although the opponent has already raised three or four layers of defensive barriers in a row, when the concentration of magic power is halved, this can't pose any obstacles to the leader of the thieves.

But immediately after, the warrior who was good at manipulating shadows didn't choose to charge forward, but jumped back quickly. In the next moment, a heavy ax slashed at the place where he was standing just now, with such force that it even split the hard rock. The ax bearer was a tall warrior wearing golden armor. Although he was also undead, his eyes were clearly different from those of the death knight.

"Long time no see," the golden armored warrior said in a soft and deep voice, his pupils radiated a icy light, "Saxi Solik, the king of shadow dragons."

Jack Weir, whose real name was called out, couldn't help being stunned at that moment. However, he soon came back to his senses, with a fake smile on his gloomy face: "Hey, although I've heard about it, I really didn't expect to meet you here. Klaferig, the king of white dragons, … No, it should be called the 'King of the Dead Dragon' now?"

"There's nothing wrong with being an undead." The other party replied coldly.

"Nothing wrong? Isn't the White Dragon clan reduced to Ishutori's cannon fodder because they were conquered by the death knights?" Shadow Dragon asked, "Could it be that the proud White Dragon King has forgotten all this and willingly Acting as the lackey of the goddess?"

"Compared to what you have done in Freeport these years, I am much more fulfilled. The leader of the thieves' union who chanted the slogan 'Freedom'." Klaferig confronted.

"Sophistry~! Hmph, it's a pity that I couldn't kill you in the dragon war." Susi Solik took a step closer, revealing a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Dragon War... You guys who don't even deserve to have the color, dare to mention that word~!" The pupils of the undead dragon shrank in an instant, and the next moment, he suddenly launched an attack without warning. The tall body of the golden armored warrior suddenly leaped over a distance of tens of meters, and the heavy ax in his hand slashed down with overwhelming force.

The double knives in Jack's hands turned upwards, resisting the blow head-on. The two giant dragons abandoned their usual tactics and stubbornly began to fight with swords. It seemed that only this brutal fighting method could pour out the anger of their enemies when they met. As the power continued to intensify, the humanoid body constructed by magic began to gradually disintegrate, and densely packed scales of dragons faintly appeared on the originally smooth skin.

When the confrontation reached its peak, a burst of dazzling light finally exploded between the two. A cloud of dust suddenly rose on the battlefield, and Klaferig tore open the earth-colored curtain with his wings spread, and shot straight into the sky in an instant. Then, the undead dragon turned around with an agility that was not commensurate with its huge body, and spit violently at the position just now.

The area with a radius of hundreds of meters immediately froze into transparent solid ice, but the attack was missed—Jack had already avoided a safe enough place before Klaferrig launched the attack. The Shadow Dragon spread its wings and skimmed across the ground. Wherever it passed, it brought about a violent blast that knocked dozens of death knights off their mounts.

Suzy Solik was like the swift current in the ocean, dashing and crashing recklessly in the low air, and there was always a long black trail trailing behind him, which was particularly conspicuous on the blood-splattered battlefield. It wasn't until Klaferig's third spit failed that the shadow dragon suddenly pulled up its body, drew a tight arc, and then hit the undead dragon in midair again with huge kinetic energy.

While the two legendary kings were engaged in savage hand-to-hand combat in dangerous high-speed flight, more rays of light erupted on the ground battlefield, rising and falling like waves-seeing the leader's original form, the dragon clan dispelled the magic one after another, catching and killing each other stand up.

Under the glare of the sun, hundreds of giant dragons cast large shadows, making the originally chaotic battlefield gradually evolve into an endless bloody hell.

Among all dragon races, white dragons have the best mastery of power and magic. They can easily find a balance between the two and consciously adapt themselves to opposite aspects at the same time. After being reincarnated as an undead dragon, whether it is melee combat or magic confrontation, the advantage of balance has been greatly strengthened-the tireless body allows the white dragon to hover in the air forever, and the painless nerves make it impossible for any attack. Break their magic.

If the white dragon is equivalent to a magic swordsman, and the red dragon is equivalent to a berserk warrior, then the colorless dragons who can only be named after shadows are killers hidden in the dark—this is why the humanoid Sasi Solik chose to become the Thieves Guild. The main reason for the leader is because the profession of thief is too similar to the talent of shadow dragon. Of all the flying creatures in the world, they have the fastest speed, and it is said that they can even surpass the sound. Not only that, Shadow Dragon is also good at manipulating his own shadow as an extension or defensive barrier. This talent, which has nothing to do with elemental power, is also a headache for the enemy-including other dragons.

But now, the battle between the white dragon and the shadow dragon is completely different from the dragon war described in history. There is no spectacular air-to-air charge, no shocking spray salvo, only the bloody tearing of dragon claws, the barbaric roar of dragon teeth, and the cruel and ruthless zero-distance spray.

Tiny ground troops can hardly survive in the melee of behemoths, because the dragons did not forget to destroy the enemy army by the way when they fought against their own kind. The giant dragons even gave up the traditional way of fighting at high altitudes, and they still forcibly fight at low altitudes even if the scales were shot by the crossbow. The breath may not cause serious damage to the opponent, but it is fatal to the tiny warriors under their feet. The dragon that broke its wings was simply targeting the knights, attacking frantically until it was stopped by another dragon.

If it weren't for the protective barrier of prayer, perhaps even the conspicuous tower of Moonlight Continent would be broken in this terrifying and chaotic confrontation—in every melee fight in the air, Shadow Dragon always relied on his own speed advantage to fight again and again. slams the opponent into the tower. Then, the undead dragon will entangle with the shadow dragon, trying its best to tear the enemy's wings. In the end, the dragons who lost the ability to fly will fall to the ground together, and end the battle face to face with a violent volcanic eruption.

"However, it's really ugly. Suzy Solik, I finally understand why you nicknamed 'clown'... If you continue to fight like street hooligans like this, you will lose the face of the Dragon Clan." On the cliff , the spectator with flame-colored hair mockingly murmured to himself, and then showed a thoughtful expression, "Enen, if it really doesn't work, I can only choose to change my form."

"Maybe, the title 'Yanlong' has not kept up with the trend..."

The giant red-haired man muttered for a while, diverted his attention from the tired dragon confrontation, and then carefully screened every detail under his feet. The next moment, his pair of fiery red pupils stayed on the other side of the battlefield - there, a beautiful fire phoenix was sending a large number of incoming enemies into the scorching Foehn, and even the powerful breath of the dragon clan was vibrating His wings are also wiped out~!

It's like a flame storm that destroys everything.

"Oh, you've worked hard~!" The current leader of the Freeport Thieves Union, Walter Walter, immediately became interested, "Even a pacifist like me is tickled by you~!"

If the fire phoenix's summoner suddenly finds out that his long-trusted comrade-in-arms will turn against his master, the expression must be very funny, right? A cold and merciless light flashed across Walter's bloody eyes, and a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then, the giant red-haired man raised his hand wordlessly, aiming his palm at the conspicuous elemental creature.

As the master of the flame, he intends to directly order the fire phoenix to attack the summoner.

But the expected betrayal didn't happen—it wasn't that the Crimson King's will was blocked, but that the Fire Phoenix itself ignored his orders~!

Melukidik's expression froze for an instant, and he stared carefully again wordlessly. This time, his gaze was fixed on the person guarded by the fire phoenix—the black-haired and blue-eyed girl and the big sword beside her. blond youth. When the line of sight came into contact with the two, the flame contained in the pupils of the Crimson King couldn't help jumping up, and then an incomparably sharp light ignited in the red, as dangerous as a bloodthirsty blade.

"Hey, I saw something interesting." Walter Walter had a strange smile on his icy expression, "It's expected to meet the Star Child, but I didn't expect that even that guy would be together... This is also fate ?"

The scene in front of me made melukidick's mind uncontrollably bring up ancient memories from a long time ago. Even though hundreds of years have passed, Yan Long still won't forget the surprise, anger and...pain contained in that memory.

If swallowing Ishutori's ring by mistake is a terrible joke caused by his underestimation of the enemy, then the end of the goddess and the warriors who guard her are the real nightmare. In front of Yanlong, who represents the power of elements, the weapons made by mortals are nothing at all. However, Richesill's will gave Jagassi the power to destroy the world itself. No, perhaps it wasn't the Emperor's sword that was changed by the Prayer, but the Emperor himself became part of the Prayer, part of the Goddess's will to destroy at the end.

Isn't the two people reflected in the pupils very similar to that time? The end of another living goddess, and the warriors who guard her.

fear? Melukidick asked himself, trembling slightly. However, the Crimson King knows one thing: challenging fear is one of the keys to survival. If you aspire to gain a place in the cruel world, there is no other way. If he doesn't get rid of his opponent now, he will always have to cower in the endless sea of flames in the spiritual world and spend an endless and boring life.

"Very good." The red-haired giant took a deep breath, "Take this opportunity to kill the Star Child, and take revenge on that stupid mortal. Take a deep breath~! This is the necessary preparation for the brave to go to battle." Walter said , the fingertips immediately gathered a dazzling light.

There was an irresistible breath of death in that ray of light.

Even in such a chaotic battlefield, Roland was still able to fight with ease - not because his own sword skills had improved by leaps and bounds, but because the death knight focused all his attention on Ishutori's End. The undead carefully placed the girl in the center of the circle, and the iron wall composed of swords blocked all enemies including the shadow dragon from the confrontation distance. Occasionally there were fish that escaped the net, and most of them were burned to ashes by the flame bird Fereldo. There were not many enemies that the youth really needed to deal with alone, and there were no powerful fighters who could master Yun Yao.

If we continue to fight like this, there will be no problem supporting us until the end. The blond swordsman made such a judgment, and he suddenly thought of the other two comrades who had the same warm blood as himself.

I don't know what's going on with Faluoshidai and Aulha...

Then, the young man turned his attention to the solemn praying man beside him: "Don't worry, although the battle is fierce, there are powerful death knights leading the battle, and the battle will end soon. The enemy is already showing signs of fatigue, the dragon It's just a bluff."

"Why are you so slow~!" Shifan frowned inexplicably, "There is an enemy with powerful elemental power nearby, I can clearly feel it. Don't relax at this time, otherwise..."

The girl's reprimand was interrupted in the middle - Roland slammed her head down. At the moment of life and death, the body that once belonged to the Dark Eagle moved at a speed beyond consciousness. The moment the young man lowered his head, he felt an extremely sharp blade passing by the top of his head, and the slender but extremely dazzling white line was cutting off half of him. At the same time as he bundled his blond hair, he swept across the entire battlefield, carving a huge zigzag pattern on the ground.

Then, the sharp buzzing sound in the air filled everyone's eardrums, causing the light of the sword and the breath of the dragon to pause. The ground cut by the silver line was vitrified due to the high heat, and the smooth surface reflected the sunlight, making it look very dazzling. However, on both sides of this scratch, there are countless cut metal and bodies.

Even the two giant dragons fighting on the ground were no exception, each of their necks had a neat cut that was completely charred, and the roaring head fell to the ground, stirring up a burst of bloody smoke. The stiff and weird posture of the entangled huge bodies makes everyone feel creepy, even the undead who are used to seeing death are no exception.

"What exactly is that?" Oluha looked at the cut earth in surprise, "It's more destructive than prayer~!"

"That's the 'Grass Scythe', Melukidick's 'Grass Scythe'." Faloxide replied with a pale face, with ashes of despair floating in her eyes, "Once Roland is found by that guy... what should I do? Who? Can you tell me what to do?"

"Here we come~!" Shi Fan whispered.

Following her line of sight, a tall and vigorous figure jumped off the cliff, performed a few graceful turns in mid-air, and landed on the shoulder of a death knight. The violent impact caused the undead's body to make a series of terrible bone cracking sounds, and all the limbs that got off the mount were broken. But before the nightmare fell to the ground, the red-haired giant had already abandoned the poor springboard and jumped up for the second time, and then fell heavily. It landed ten meters in front of Roland.

The ground under his feet collapsed nearly three inches, and the surrounding rocks were cracked. Behind the giant man, the death knight with collapsed shoulders was gradually disintegrating. The bright silver armor was slowly shattered by invisible gears, and the undead's body was slowly eaten away by the flames from within. In the end, everything was reduced to ashes, leaving only a flash-level weapon smoking green smoke.

"Hi, long time no see. Haven't you forgotten about me?" Walter Walter greeted kindly, "I have done such excessive things to others, now is the time to take responsibility."

The ambiguous words were in stark contrast to the speaker himself, but Roland couldn't laugh. The young man pursed his pale lips, and mechanically raised the sword in his hand, but his water-colored pupils revealed the fear and despair in his heart.

What on earth is he... what is it~!

"Why are you looking at me with such innocent eyes?" The Crimson King was not in a hurry to attack, he was enjoying the moment of teasing his prey, "Last time your lucky trick pierced my stomach, I didn't expect to play it now What a sweet spot~!" Walter said and glanced at Shi Fan who was also tense on the opposite side, "How dare you bring a star child out directly, are you planning to poison me to death?"

"Stupid~~~Damn~~~~~" Melukidick deliberately teased in a protracted tone, and then said the line that had been brewing for a long time.

"The same move is ineffective against the Flame Lord~!"

Lord of Fire, King of Crimson, Flame Dragon Melikidick~! A series of titles swarmed into Roland's mind, making it difficult for the soldier to breathe. The opponent is a legendary existence, the monarch of the fire element, it is impossible to win... It is impossible for us to defeat such an existence alone, even if we bet on the power of the entire Ice Crown Knights~!

While the blond swordsman was suffocating with fear, Walter Walter broke the deadlock unceremoniously. In an instant, the giant man had already covered a distance of tens of meters at a speed that the naked eye could not detect, and slammed down with his fist wrapped in sparks. Roland's only choice was to block Frost's Grief in front of him, but the young man knew very well that although the great sword was strong, it could not absorb momentum itself, and the vibration transmitted to the body through the barrier could still cause huge damage.

However, just as he was about to touch the face of the Frost Lament Sword, the Crimson King's fist was suddenly stopped abruptly—an invisible wall blocked Roland in front of him. The moment Yan Long's invincible fist collided with this transparent wall, crimson ripples immediately splashed in all directions, stirring up bursts of strong winds burning with flames.

The Power of Shifan's Prayer~! Roland's eyes lit up. But the crisp sound that followed made his expression turn pale again—while absorbing this overwhelming blow, the barrier actually cracked several wide and long cracks like glass.

"Come up~!" A familiar voice rang in his ears, and the young man immediately jumped back reflexively.

The next moment, the brilliant stream of light from the low altitude brought him into the air. The fire phoenix Fereldo, carrying Shifan and Roland, uttered a challenge to the Crimson King under his wings, and then shot up into the sky like an arrow from the string, climbing to the colorful sky above the mountains.

"Interesting, very interesting." Melukidik grinned coldly, "But it is inevitable. If I can't even resist this blow, it would be a waste of my feelings." He said, slamming it again punch. Under the second impact, the prayer barrier completely collapsed, countless fragments were lifted by the strong wind, and then slowly fell from midair. Facing the flickering rain of glass, the Lord of Fire raised his head, looking at the scorching red spot on the zenith, where the prey was.

Then, suddenly a crimson pillar of fire rose straight into the sky on the battlefield, like a sharp giant sword that could cut even a god.