Death Knight

Chapter 69: Cyan Hurricane


The emerald green poplar trees were turned into ashes by the scorching wind, the exquisite courtyard was completely swallowed by the erupting magma, and the slender towers fell slowly with the roar. Looking around, the entire elf city trembled and screamed under the wings of the Lord of Fire.

The place where the temple originally stood has now been razed to the ground, the erupted magma gushed out from the surface, and the devastating wind swept away everything on the ruins. Yanlong, as huge as a mountain, just entrenched in the center of the sea of flames, condescendingly admiring the tragedy he directed.

"I feel much more comfortable now." Melukidick exhaled a puff of white smoke comfortably, "Then, you guys too, come dance together."

Accompanied by those words, thousands of fiery snakes spitting out scalding letters jumped up from the surface of the Crimson King's wings, rushed into the sky like fireworks, then turned their heads in unison, and shot vertically to the ground like random arrows. Facing the swarm of fire snakes rushing down from the heavy rain above their heads, even the death knight felt the taste of despair in an instant.

The double defense blessed on the undead makes most of the fire snakes go out the moment they come into contact with them. However, the power of the barrier is not infinite. Many death knights have found that the accessories of the lich are gradually cracking under the pressure of the fire rain. Melukidick's attack showed no signs of easing up.

Since there is no hope of fighting head-on, the deceased can only use his own unique sensitivity to sense the changes in the surrounding temperature, and then dodge to the colder side. But in this way, there is no way to organize a powerful counterattack. Even if a certain soldier can occasionally rush through the sea of flames, he will definitely not be able to pose any threat to Yanlong.

Is it really necessary to use the power of prayer to fight against the Crimson King

Thinking of this, Alsace couldn't help feeling uncontrollable anger and frustration. The leader of the Knights slayed dozens of fire snakes in a row, braved the roaring hot wind, and rushed to the claws of the Yanlong again, and slashed fiercely with the Jingwang Sword in his hand with a cold light.

It's useless, even the inheritance of the famous emperor still can't leave even the slightest scratch on Melukidik's scales.

Shi Fan? The Death Knight calls out to the Goddess' End in the Web of Consciousness.

The other party did not respond.

Although she still held the gem scepter in her hand, the black-haired girl put all her thoughts on Roland who was protecting her.

What Melkidick's fist possesses is not only impact force, what's even more frightening is the pure power of fire contained in it. The raging high temperature has spread to the whole body of the young man, permeating every part of the body like intricate old tree roots. Even for the end of the goddess, it still takes a lot of time to eliminate the power of these elements.

In the eyes of the Crimson King, the current Shifan is simply a living target.

As long as this black-haired and blue-eyed girl is erased, there will be no existence in this world that can threaten her. Melukidick will therefore stand at the top of the world and freely come and go to every place in the Three Realms.

So, get it over with. Then, these mortals who lost the protection of prayer will be completely reduced to my toys.

The Flame Master told himself so.

In the next instant, a slender but extremely dazzling white line suddenly shot out from the sharp horn on Yanlong's forehead. It is completely different from those flame elements that wander around and attack blindly. This light traces a dazzling trajectory in mid-air, piercing through the burning sea of fire and the brilliant knife light, and shoots straight to the end of the goddess.

Melukidick's "Scythe".

It's just that the light beam condensed with a million-degree temperature failed to complete its mission—before it burned the girl's body, the transparent barrier that had been arranged in advance withstood all its energy. Countless Martian powder exploded at the collision point of the two forces, stirring up fiery red Foehn.

The second laser pierces through the hot wind and shoots at the target again.

Then came the third.

But the fourth light was unexpectedly missed.

"You bastard..." The Crimson King turned his head to the side, staring at the man who jumped on his back from the corner of his eye - the sudden blow caused the sharp horn of the Flame King to deviate a little distance, and it was reflected on the "green scythe" , which is a huge error.

Arthas did not answer, his attack was the answer. The death knight deftly avoided the flames rising from Yanlong's body, passed over his shoulder, and then stabbed straight at the enemy's burning pupils with his sword.

This hit was a success~! The blade of Jing Wang Jian Yunyao plunged into Melikidike's right eye without any hindrance, and was firmly nailed to the fiery red pupil.


Arthas didn't laugh, it was the Crimson King who made the sound.

"Idiot, although the eyes and belly of dragons are indeed the biggest weaknesses, do you think that the great King of Fire will be on the same level as those reptiles?" Yan Long said with contempt and ridicule, "In fact, this level of offense I take it as a joke at best, but…”

"You shouldn't use that disgusting 'Yunyao' to play such a dangerous game." The killing intent contained in that deep voice made people shudder.

The next moment, the flames erupting from Melikidike's shattered eyeball sent Arthas flying. That invisible force was like a huge hammer, hitting the death knight heavily, throwing him thousands of meters away, and finally crashing into the collapsed ruins.

Yan Long's right eye healed in an instant, he wasn't even interested in confirming the other party's life or death, he just snorted coldly and turned around, refocusing his attention on the black-haired girl.

The three consecutive shots of "Cang Sickle" melted the surrounding ground, and the surging magma and high temperature made the scene look slightly distorted. But in the middle of this sea of flames, the girl still stood by Roland's side, her emerald pupils were full of unyielding and fearless.

It's really not pleasing to the eye, is the so-called Goddess's End really such a guy? Melikidick frowned secretly.

By the way, maybe what I am afraid of is not prayer at all, because no matter how strong the will of a mortal is, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the great nature. What I fear and hate are gods who transcend mortals, nature, and the three realms.

Although it is impossible to confront the gods head-on, but no matter what, we must obliterate the end that is messing around~!

"Do you like him so much? Well then, I'll make it happen for you." The light on Yanlong's horns was extinguished, he said as he vibrated his wings, and the flaming figure shot straight into the sky in an instant. Melukidick's dazzling body burns with scorching flames, but it casts a gray shadow of death on everything around it.

"The situation is very bad." Elektra murmured blankly. Despite the task of guarding the battlefield, the sight of the city forced all death knights to look up.

Brainas was burning, the streets turned into rivers of flames, the sky turned into a curtain of sulfur, Salamanders and Ifrit attacked in groups, and the hot wind raged through the entire capital. And at the top of the sky, Melikidike, who was emitting a dazzling light, was gathering an unimaginable amount of flame elements in his throat.

"It's worse than expected." Several death knight captains also came over, "That guy is going to launch a shock wave."

"If there is only Melukidick alone, elite battle is a reasonable choice. But now there are too many elemental elves, and sixty high-level death knights can't handle it at all." The Lich said with determination, "We have to go support."

"But, the task here..."

"Under such circumstances, I think anyone can see what is the best choice. Lord Richard also makes mistakes in his predictions." Eleka stared coldly at the colleague who refuted her , "Continue to implement the military order here, or give up the order to help Shifan, you choose."

The harsh words stunned the commanders present, and after a few seconds, the death knight in charge suddenly laughed: "That's right, for us deceased, things like 'orders' are just references after all. .”

"Then, in addition to leaving the necessary scouts, we will divide the main force into three teams and enter the capital of Blainas through three gates to encircle the fire element." Another young commander stood up halberd.

"Be sure to pay attention to the direct attack from Melukidik, that is not something we can handle, just leave it to the end." The third person said, ordering the army behind him to come out of the hiding place and form a charge formation.

"The large magic circle has been built long ago, and I will let the liches activate it now to support the attack of prayer." Eleka nodded, "Please hurry up, because the Ice Crown Knights and the goddess we guard In the end, absolutely cannot be stopped at this place~!"

The cold current gathered by the goddess knights quickly disappeared into the misty forest.

It's a shock wave~! When Shifan felt the power of the elements condensed around him, he couldn't help but tense up all over his body. My wall can resist "Cang Sickle" or "Flame Thunder", but the energy gathered by the shock wave has exceeded the limit, and it is definitely not an attack that can be resisted head-on.

It's not that he didn't think of running away, but even if he summoned the fire phoenix, Roland couldn't take it now. So in the girl's heart, there is no "avoidance" branch of choice at all.

How to do? Shi Fan gritted his teeth subconsciously.

"If we use the method of cutting the shock wave to deal with it like last time, our side will still receive a strong impact." A familiar voice sounded in the girl's ear, "This time, we must keep the location of energy nirvana far away."


The residual high fever was still raging in his body, and his consciousness had not fully recovered. Roland's mind was full of Aurha's voice and smile, full of blame for himself, full of hatred for Yanlong.

It would be great if I could notice everything at the moment when the shot missed. It would be nice to go back in time. It would be great if he could kill Yanlong earlier.

But a cold voice pulled the Dark Eagle out of the rage, sadness and hatred it was immersed in - it was a vibration that would not stop, a metallic chorus.

The young man turned his face and saw the frost mourning in his hand—it was completely different from his favorite sword in his impression. The divine sword that would never wear out was now covered with cracks, and cold brilliance flowed out from the two gaps. Covered the entire blade.

The brilliance also made Roland sober up.

Now is not the time to regret, because there is another person who must be protected. The Dark Eagle who had lost his memory then stood up and drove all the thoughts out of his head, leaving only one obsession.

In any case, I must protect Shifan.

"Although I don't understand what's going on, Shuang Wai is different from before, can you feel it?" The young man collected himself, and then asked the girl beside him.

"Indeed, it seems that a kind of power has been liberated." Shifan looked at Roland with worry still in his eyes.

"You said before, when I'm around, you can exert your power better." Ignoring the other party's silent inquiry, Roland raised the Frost Lament in his hand, aiming the edge of the cold breath at the sky in the sky. A dazzling star, "Now, please release the power contained in Frost Lament too~! Although we don't know if it is enough to resist the shock wave of Yanlong, but we must try."

"En." The girl nodded, stretched out her hands, and hugged Roland tightly again.

Through the tightly embracing bodies, the melodious metal chorus was transmitted to the prayer man's heart, causing the profound meaning of prayer to resonate with the light flowing from the weapons. A vortex wrapped in ice crystals quickly lingered around the two of them, just like a violent hurricane in the Northland.

"Get ready." The young man stared at the enemy at Zenith and whispered.

The condensed flame finally reached its limit, and the condensed light burst out in an instant, turning into an overwhelming shock wave, which roared out from Melikidike's mouth. The space was distorted in an instant, a huge sonic boom oppressed the entire battlefield, and the sky looked like a sea of flames.

Like a reflection in the water, the ice crystals also condensed in an instant, rushing towards the flame shock wave like a fountain.

Two straight lines, one red and one blue, run through the sky and the earth. Where they collide, a huge space crack is formed. Not only the surrounding scene, but even the boundaries of the three realms are distorted at that moment. Then, the two strong lights that could not destroy each other but would never retreat also bent themselves—the shock wave of the flames was refracted to the left, and after hitting the ground, it turned a quarter of the city into a crater full of magma; The shock wave of the ice was refracted to the right, piercing through the floating clouds, and then disappeared into the sky.

There was silence in the ear, except for the rapid panting, there was nothing else. After a while, Roland finally heard the girl's voice.

"That's right, the power that can be condensed has become stronger," the girl's breath came from behind, "In this way, maybe we can fight against Melukidik~!"

"Don't relax, that guy's power is endless." Roland returned to the calm Dark Eagle, "The second wave of attack is coming."

A scorching spot of light condensed on Melukidick's throat again, and a pure blue hurricane rolled up on the blade of Frost Lament's gradually cracking sword.

As more and more metal debris fell off the surface of the weapon, the brilliance inside Frost Lament was released layer by layer, just like the winding bandages were taken off. The force emanating from the blade pushed the entire hurricane to turn faster and faster, and finally turned into a huge vortex.

Two overwhelming shock waves shot out again. The space was once again distorted by the entangled and indestructible energy, and the refracted light was so dazzling that people couldn't look straight at it.

"It's very interesting, but how long can you support it?" Melukidik didn't care about the off-track attack at all, because the current situation was all under control—the other party had obviously risked their lives, but for the For myself, this is just a warm-up with ease, "Then, why not increase the intensity..."

A cruel gleam flashed across Yan Long's eyes.

But then, the roar from behind forced him to turn his head, and the next moment, the Crimson King was completely stunned: "What~!?"

The shock wave launched by Shifan did not disappear into the sky, but turned around and hit him from behind with a howl~!

This is not an unbelievable miracle, but a predetermined result caused by the "great pan-mirror return technique".

Since even the prayer "glacial storm" that can freeze the entire plain cannot hurt Yanlong at all, it is even more impossible for the large magic circle built by mortals to have any effect. The absolute power gap makes the frontal attack pale, so the liches must adopt new ideas to achieve the purpose of supporting the battle.

"Extreme pan-mirror return" is the best choice.

As the highest-level spell in the defense system, "Mirror Return" can reverse the material attack, together with the force and inertia contained in it, by 180 degrees, and the improved spell constructed by the liches with the power of the magic circle , not only the magnification of ordinary mirrors, not only effective for elemental power, but more importantly, capable of refraction.

The shock wave that was going straight to the sky turned a big corner under the effect of this magic. Although the entire magic circle collapsed due to overload operation after only refracting 20% of the energy, the shock wave with one fifth of its power was also enough to reverse the whole situation.

That cyan light beam hit Yan Long with incomparable precision.

Accompanied by the loud sound of the explosion, a cloud of smoke mixed with sparks and ice shards scattered in the sky. Then, from the gunpowder smoke filled with the power of the elements, the flame master who lost half of his wings fell straight down like a meteorite, drew a burning arc in the air, and crashed into the ruins of destruction, splashing A soaring magma.

The roar echoing in the ears finally dissipated, and the crimson gust of wind stopped in an instant.

This is the end

Roland looked around the suddenly cooled battlefield, and subconsciously blocked Shifan behind him. The magma sea where Yanlong fell was still burning with soaring flames, but the crater in the center was so quiet that it was disturbing.

The shining sharp blade in the death knight's hand was also lowered—as if receiving an order, the hordes of fire elementals stopped attacking, slowly immersed in their own flames, and finally disappeared into the air.

Have we really defeated the Lord of Fire

Whether it is the Goddess of the End, the Guardian of the End, the Death Knight or the Lich, everyone has the same question in their minds. However, before they opened their mouths to ask, the scene that suddenly bloomed in front of them turned all their doubts into ashes of despair.

The answer is no.

The distant Canados Continent is still a night with a bright moon and few stars. Nine hours later, the dawn sun will reach this land, awakening the sleeping tower and the city at the foot of the tower. But at this moment, the tower master is still awake—the latest reconnaissance report on the death knight has just been delivered, and Mortidar is carefully reading it.

Mobadi and Zefelis have already gone to the mainland of Lorendan to join the "King". His current task is to integrate the coalition forces of the Riddle Empire and other countries as soon as possible, so as to cut off all sea and air routes. When everything is arranged properly, Mortidal himself will go to the place where the World Tree is located, and fight against the end of the goddess together with the leader he is loyal to.

That will be the final battle, and it will be a battle where you can never take a step back even if you risk your life.

"On the way to Blainas." The head of the Mage Council pulled his mind back to the battle report in his hand, "The action is very fast, it seems that my side must also speed up the pace, and if necessary, some elites have to be dispatched to Los Angeles. Lundane fights."

Mortidal talked to himself. The next moment, the silver candlestick on the desk suddenly went out.

Is it windy? The elf was a little strange, he recited a spell casually, intending to relight the candle with magic power.

It didn't work, the surroundings were still pitch black.

The mage's expression changed subtly, and he repeated the incantation again, each pronunciation was slow and clear, but even so, the flame still did not come out. There wasn't any assassin raid, nor was an anti-Austrian barrier set up, and it was even more impossible for him to make mistakes in his spells, but the candlestick just didn't light up.

Motidal frowned.

If this wise mage could understand the changes in the world at this moment, I'm afraid his reaction would be more than just confusion.

All fire magics are invalidated at the same time.

All furnaces are fully condensed at the same time.

All candles are extinguished at the same time.

Even the pipe couldn't be lit, and the matches all lost their response.

Because all the fire elements were summoned to the same place by that supreme being—Brainas, the battlefield where the Lord of Fire is.

The death knight's field of vision was suddenly filled with white light, and everything around him was distorted by the invisible high temperature. The dazzling white light is radiating outwards from the place where Melikidique fell, the sunlight in the sky, the reflection of the blade, everything around looks cold and bleak in front of this, even the transparent air begins to hum and stir stand up.

If it was said that Blainas was "burning" before, then at this moment, the only suitable adjective is "melting"—under the heat radiated from the body of the master of flames, the crimson lava spread in all directions, and everything seemed to be boiling. Soft like cream into juice.

In the next instant, the blades of two flames rose up in people's sight, the sharp tips covered the sky, and the dazzling light ignited the metal. Then, Melikidick slowly raised his head from the ruins.

The crimson king's dragon scales have all faded away, thick flames seep out from under the skin and flow freely, and the layers of waves of flames make his outline very blurred—except for the majestic wings, the sharp horns on the forehead, and Outside the elegant long neck, Melikidike's whole body is soaked in the evil flames, and she has long since shed the appearance of a dragon.

The form that condenses light and fire is more likely to remind people of another thing——


The scorching roar passed by, and the golden flame swept across everything like a wave in an instant, forming an empty dome of light, devouring everyone on the battlefield, covering the entire ancient Blainas, and filling the world with heavy mist. The forest is completely covered.

Forests were blown away like ashes, emerald lakes evaporated in an instant, and the Ganges dried up in the blink of an eye.

Even the sky-like body of the Naga Mountains still couldn't stop the golden light from penetrating the sky.

On the East Alazea Plain on the other side of the mountains, people stopped their work one after another, staring dumbfounded at the magnificent light reflected from the other side of the mountains.

Even the Canados people on the other side of the ocean have noticed the strangeness of the world, because today's dawn seems to have come very early.

People who are in the center of this sun will not have any possibility of surviving.

But no one was planning to retreat, and there was nowhere to retreat.

Compared with the "seven-colored flower" launched by Lycecil at the cost of his life, the sea of flames formed after Melukidik's rage is not only larger in scope, but also shows no sign of extinguishing in a short time. Even the Death Knight, who knew nothing about prayer, could feel that the boundaries of the Three Realms had been completely broken by this terrifying outbreak, and the surrounding environment was now closer to the Fire Spirit Realm than the real world.

This unbalanced environment can also increase Ishutori's protective power, but the pressure from the Lord of Fire increases even faster—the azure blue light that wraps his whole body is being bit by bit by the flames from all directions It is quite difficult for the dead to even take a step.

For the first time, the feeling of despair entangled the tireless and fearful undead, and the endless sea of flames made the unquenchable cold fire in their eyes shake irresistibly—the Ice Crown Knights encountered an invincible enemy.

In order to maintain this distortion that transcends balance, the Crimson King must also pay a huge price—maybe permanent loss of memory and personality, or permanent destruction of form—but those don’t matter. It's worth whatever it takes to successfully pull off the final act of the show.

Melikidick is determined to conquer the unknown destiny here.

"Do you really think it's possible to defeat me? Idiot~!" The haughty voice sounded in the hot wind, "Then, why don't you swing your sword now? Why is there despair in your eyes?"

"Or, are you looking forward to what miracle the end of Ishutori will bring?" Yan Long's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, "Hmph, then kill your lovely Shifan now."

"Destroying my favorite thing in front of the other party, I have no reason to refuse this kind of sweet enjoyment. Don't you forget the tragedy that Dark Eagle and Oluha played in friendship just now?"

These words pierced the heart of the deceased like a sharp arrow—at this time, it is meaningless to think about the failure of the battle or the complete annihilation of the Knights. The only thing the guardians have to do is to fulfill their obligations —Do whatever it takes to keep Shifan alive.

The death knights lined up in the scorching wind with difficulty, and their target was the center of the sun, where the Lord of Fire was.

"Stay here and don't move." Roland gritted his teeth.

"But..." the girl tried to refute.

"Remember, the purpose of our coming here is not only to make a break with Yanlong, but more importantly, to save Aurha~!" The young man's gaze turned to the side of the black-haired girl.

The elf in eternal sleep still leaned on the blood-soaked throne, motionless. The enchantment of prayer shielded her from wave after wave of catastrophe, but as long as Shifan left the place where the Temple of Stars once stood, Oluha's body would surely be engulfed in flames immediately.

"So, please protect her for me now, Shifan." Roland's water-colored pupils contained a determined flame, he nodded to the girl, and then strode towards the Scarlet King in the center of the high temperature.

Just like other death knights.

Glancing at the insignificant existence in front of him, Yanlong vibrated his wings, and brought a huge bow-shaped body wrapped in flames to create scorching waves in the sea of flames. Then, the sharp horns on the top of his forehead glowed with cold light again, and the white-hot "green scythe" roared and shot out.

In the high-temperature area where the fire element is dense, the Crimson King's favorite skill is no longer a sharp beam of light, but a stormy sea wrapped in the breath of death. Even if the death knight avoided the high-temperature blade with sharp eyesight, the hot wind covering the whole body still tore them mercilessly.

Under the airtight attack, even the undead who have experienced many battles cannot get close.

"It's useless." The condescending man coldly looked down at those desperate enemies, and spit out this sentence succinctly. The next moment, he showed a satisfied smile as if he had discovered something.

"That's not bad, it happens to be three o'clock and one line. Besides that girl, I have a lot of debts to settle with you. Why don't you have a beautiful double-edged sword~!" Melukidick looked at Roland who was rushing in front of him, and Looking at the young girl from afar, "It's good to be a good person once in a while, and I will satisfy your desire to die for love." The Fire King suddenly opened his mouth wide, and then took a sharp breath.

A little blood-red light quickly condensed on Yanlong's abdomen, then gradually climbed up along the elegant neck, and became bigger and bigger as time went on.

"No, that guy wants to use a shock wave~!" Roland yelled in disbelief. The power of the shock wave has already surpassed ordinary people's imagination, but if it is used in such a place where the fire element is extremely dense and the boundaries are completely out of balance, what kind of result will it produce

He desperately wanted to rush forward, but was blown away by the strong wind brought by Cang Lian. The liches tried to use magic, but found that the magic power had been completely squeezed out by the arrogant flames, and there was no energy to control at all.

No matter how anxious they are, everyone can only watch helplessly—including Shifan who was targeted.

When encountering Mobadi, the girl also tasted complete despair, but it was different—a terrifying attack woven by Yun Yao and prayer skills, which was beyond her grasp. But now, it was obviously a very pure energy confrontation, and it was obviously a battle in the field of prayer, but he was still in a situation where he couldn't fight back, and he almost exhausted all his thoughts just to maintain the barrier.

For the first time, the end of Ishutori felt the limit of being a prayer.

Even if it is the power to make one's wishes come true, if it exceeds the cognition of the prayer man himself, he cannot resist it. And the existence in front of him, which is as dazzling as the sun, is the enemy beyond Shifan's imagination.

Who can shoot down the sun

The girl couldn't find the answer.