Death Knight

Chapter 75: born (3)


The spells simply don't exist, and there's nothing to stop the inescapable death.

Alice's life was passing, and she felt her vision shrinking rapidly, and her severe cough made her whole body tremble. The girl's consciousness gradually faded away, but the memories of the past flooded into her mind in an instant. The boy who was still young three years ago has now become a mage who can act alone.

If this idiot doesn't do stupid human experiments, what will happen to me and him? Alice thought. But now that's all in the past...

With her last strength, she turned her head to the mage: "I know you don't care about them, but when the magic circle is completed, go and save these students, okay? They didn't do anything wrong."

Richard nodded.

"The book of magic is given to you, and I will study it carefully in the future... along with my share. Richard must know what I want to do with it, right?" The girl's voice became softer.

The other party nodded again, and Alice's hazy eyes caught the tears in the corners of the other party's eyes.

"Also, don't be desperate to study magic anymore, don't do human experiments, and don't let yourself become numb in politics. I want Richard to remain as he is now, with compassion and a sense of justice. A real man. Make a deal with me, okay?"

"I promise you." Richard replied in a hoarse voice, and his arms sank sharply.

Alice closed her eyes peacefully. The vitality of the whole room seemed to be sucked out in an instant, and fell into a dead silence. Only the cold light on the walking stick reflected the motionless body of the necromancer.

Peggy sat on the square with a dejected face. In ten days or so, the blood mark would cause his body to completely collapse, and if the curse was lifted, the parasitic feather would definitely slit his stomach open. In the end, the high-ranking mage chose to turn to alcohol for help.

"Ma'am, do you want some too?" Peggy raised the wine bottle towards the statue of Reinas, but the next moment, the light of the teleportation circle interrupted his crude joke.

"Richard~!!!" The high-ranking mage woke up immediately, and he stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. The necromancer's complexion was very good, he didn't look like he had been marked by the blood mark for three weeks at all, and his body was surrounded by a light but strong anti-magic barrier. Not only that, Alice curled up peacefully in Richard's arms like a Sleeping Beauty~!

Richard ignored the other party at all, and walked straight to the gate at the end of the college's central avenue. And Peggy's frantic shout sounded behind his voice: "It's Richard Barres~! Richard appeared~!"

The rays of light that transferred the magic circle surged one after another, and the mages rushed to the central square one after another. The public enemy of the academy, the Necromancer Richard Barres was right in front of them, but they couldn't attack him—because The scene told them unmistakably that it was the only hope.

"Have you found a way to deal with Parasitic Ling?" Lacrole asked out of breath. Now the dean of Winfield College has been completely reduced to a street vagrant, because even the fine clothes that represent his identity are already dirty. Dirty.

"Yes, this problem has been solved." Richard replied, and the surroundings suddenly fell silent, "But, I have to negotiate with the Knights of Truth first, so that the demons in the academy can be completely eliminated. In addition, I also need to see Ai Liz's father, Clement Strife."

"But..." Lacrole was a little dissatisfied.

"Are you doubting me?" The necromancer asked loudly, the scorching gaze made the other party turn his head, "If you don't want to have any more conflicts, please make way for me." The surrounding mages used each other With a wink, the wall of people in front of Richard disappeared immediately.

Richard walked straight towards the Knights of Truth along the central avenue. The power of the holy cross lingered on the black clothes, but it didn't make him flinch at all. In a blink of an eye, the necromancer had already crossed the golden circle. The wall of fire stood in front of the Juggernaut.

"Take me to see Clement Strife. Also, let Meredith negotiate with me...if he's here." Richard said coldly, and the other party nodded silently.

Winfield Academy was saved.

The Parasitic Ling incident lasted 22 days, and the death toll reached 436. Among them, nine died from parasitic feathers; two died from the seal of blood; 152 died from civil strife in the college; This was the worst magical accident in the history of the Reynas Alliance.

Reinas calendar three twenty years.

Apart from this black-clothed figure, the cemetery on the outskirts of the holy capital was empty. In addition, there are many tombstones and endless cemeteries. These blue stone tablets record the fate of people, whether happy or sad, but more of them are helpless.

The man in black walked a long way, and finally stood in front of a simple tombstone. He lifted the cloak that covered his face, and greeted softly: "I'm back, Alice."

The autumn wind blew away Richard's short silver-white hair, and the icy blue flames danced tirelessly in his eyes. The corners of Lich's mouth raised slightly, and he sat beside the tombstone, as if he was sitting next to his closest friend.

"The situation this year is really turbulent. The believers of Luvis finally started rioting, and many cities were occupied. She is indeed a powerful god. On the contrary, the Knights of Truth have completely declined, and the sword masters defected one after another. As a result, even the important northern town of Surut fell. I originally planned to go there to search for information about Li magic, but in the end I had to give up... "

"However, your father and younger brother are fine. Although Clement resigned, he did not join Luvis's faction, and neither did your younger brother. The chaos of war and the fanaticism of faith cannot affect them."

"Although the search for the Moon Capital found nothing, I still got some clues... There may be more secrets about magic in the Lorendan continent. I plan to go to that unknown continent to find out."

"I guess you will miss me very much, right?" Richard showed a long-lost smile, "However, one day, I will bring the truth of magic and come here to share with you~! "

"Because that's something we agreed on a long time ago, whether it's in the past or in the future, I will definitely complete it together with you."

"Bless me, Alice."

Death Knight Extra Story Parasitic Ling


Spoiler: Lord of the Soul of the Flame Sword [One Call]

As the name says, there is no vegetation or shrubs in the entire Death Canyon as far as the eye can see. Its surface is almost all black basalt, and the cold rock covers the ground, occupying the entire line of sight, which makes people feel shuddering. Coupled with the extremely violent and strong wind, if a person walks alone in this life-hating field, maybe even his blood will freeze, right

However, at this moment, the deathly silence was torn apart by some tyrannical force. The entire canyon is full of cracks in all directions, some of which are even bottomless. Fragments of basalt are scattered on the ground, and dust is flying in the wind—it's like a beast is digging through this canyon with its sharp claws, but in fact, Not even a giant dragon would be able to cause such shocking destruction.

There is only one force that can tear the Death Canyon apart.

"Sword Fighting Qi... that's right, and it's at the 'Broken Mountain' level." The orc carefully stroked the flesh-turned earth, and then sighed in satisfaction.

Judging by the wrinkles on his face, he is already in his sixties. There are several strands of silver inlaid in his dark brown hair, which has not been cut for a long time. There are also many beards on his wide chin. It looked like a savage from the mountains. But what is more striking is his broken body—the old orc's left sleeve is empty, and he has to wear a heavy short cloak to keep his balance. His left foot is very stiff. Stepping on basalt rocks still makes a heavy sound—this is a prosthetic leg made of steel.

The visitors of the Death Canyon just walked in silence like this, dragging the clanging iron leg, inspecting the scars of the earth along the way. Finally, at the exit of the canyon, he finally stopped.

Nearly a hundred people were standing in a circle, and in the center of them, an orc warrior as tall as an iron tower was staring straight ahead in a daze, motionless. His whole body was covered with bandages, with only a few spots of green skin showing. In this cold black land, this combination is particularly dazzling.

On the opposite side of the orc warrior, a human youth with fiery red eyes was looking at him nonchalantly.

"Alright master of ceremonies, don't worry about the red tape, let's end the ceremony quickly." The human warrior urged the old man beside him.

The other party had no choice but to nod, and then began to announce loudly: "In the 42nd year of Luvis' calendar, the challenger Alsace defeated the Juggernaut Lord Rex, and even mastered the 'Broken Mountain' level of sword fighting qi. According to my Juggernaut The tradition of the family, now I declare that Alsace is qualified to be the new generation of Juggernaut Lord."

"If any of the witnesses present has any questions, please raise them immediately." There was only silence in response to this sentence, so the master of ceremonies turned his gaze to the orc.

"Rex, please hand over the lord's ring." When saying these words, the master of ceremonies saw the pain in the loser's eyes.

For those who hold the power of sword fighting spirit, the only thing that can determine everything is strength. Although character, prestige and decision-making ability are also very important, the person who holds the Lord's Ring and is the leader of the Thunder Clan must be the strongest among all the Thunder Sword Masters. Time will wear away the sharpness of power. On the day of getting the ring, the holder knows that one day he will be too old to hold it, but Rex never thought that he would lose to the ring at the peak of his life. Such an opponent~!

This human swordsman named Alsace is only twenty years old this year, but he is completely different from those inexperienced peers. He possesses unimaginable power—Alsace even mastered the legendary 'Broken Mountain'. When the duel began, the invincible orcs were frightened for the first time by the overwhelming attack, and there was no suspense about the situation after that.

I have already lost completely, and maybe I can't catch up with this opponent whose eyes are burning with fire.

"Please hand over the lord's ring." After waiting for a while, the master of ceremonies emphasized his tone and repeated his words. Only then did Rex wake up from the remorse and loss of consciousness, he slowly took off the ring on his hand, and handed it to the outstretched hand of the young man. Then the proud orc bent his knees and fell to his knees.

For the loser, this is the most painful part of the lord handover ceremony. The proud swordsman must touch the ground with his forehead to show his surrender to his opponent, and during this long prostration, the belief that strength determines everything will be forever engraved in the souls of the kneelers and everyone else.

Every sword master in the Death Canyon was silently watching the scene in front of him, but suddenly, a hoarse voice interrupted people's meditation.

"Your name is Alsace?"

Everyone turned their gazes, mixed with surprise, contempt and anger. The power of the Juggernaut family on the Canados continent is almost unmatched, and even the princes and nobles cannot easily offend them, but this old orc with no arms and legs dares to interrupt such an important thunder ring handover ceremony

But the offender didn't seem to care at all. He just glanced around, and then refocused on the young man.

"That's right, it's me." The other party was a little confused, "What... what's the matter?"

"Look at the ring in your hand, there is a lightning bolt engraved on it." The old orc narrowed his eyes, "Owning this ring is equivalent to becoming the leader of the Thunder Clan, the most powerful clan in North Canados." Juggernaut. Now you are enough to keep pace with the Tidehunter Juggernaut and Storm Juggernaut."

"You have already stood at a peak that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. What kind of goals do you have?" There was a sophisticated temptation in that voice, but Alsace sneered.

"I thought it would be interesting, but it turned out to be such an old-fashioned thing. If you are a lobbyist, you'd better get out immediately." Alsace raised his hand with a sword, and the invisible vindictiveness came from the old orc's ear Wipe it over, bringing up a bright red bloodstain.

"Precise and powerful, and it's just right for the introduction of fighting spirit. You have a high talent." The old orc didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows, but just wiped his face lightly, "If you don't like preaching, maybe this It can make you feel a little bit interesting." He said, took out something from his pocket, and threw it at Alsace.

The other party casually grabbed the shiny thing and glanced at it. In the next instant, Alsace's pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body tensed up.

What the old orc threw over was a ring, and the pattern engraved on it was neither thunder, nor storm nor sea waves. It was engraved with a burning flame.

The legendary Ring of Flame, a ring belonging to the leaders of the three branches of Juggernaut.

"This is?" Alsace couldn't believe it, and the arrogant young man had to turn his gaze to the master of ceremonies. And when the old man saw it clearly, he couldn't help but yelled in a low voice.

"This is Paximon's ring~!" The master of ceremonies' voice made the surrounding people tremble.

As the leader of the Juggernaut who ruled the entire Canados continent, that mighty orc suddenly disappeared thirty years ago, together with the ring that symbolized the strongest. But now, without any warning, the Flame Ring suddenly reappeared, and it landed directly in his palm.

Coincidence, or fate

"Where did you get it?" Obviously, no one intends to let this uninvited guest leave like this, and the atmosphere is tense in an instant. Rex, who was half kneeling on the ground, was also looking at the old orc with a vigilant expression.

The person being questioned laughed a few times, showing a painful and helpless expression: "I am Paximon."

The crowd exploded in an instant, and the clamor of "impossible" filled the ears, but Alsace just asked: "It seems that you lost."

"Hey, that's right." The legendary Juggernaut, the crippled old man in front of him suddenly laughed wildly, overshadowing all the noise, "I, the strongest Juggernaut in Canados, was beaten to the ground. , I only picked up a life by charity, but that was a full thirty years ago. Now I know that I am old, and the Ring of Fire needs an heir."

"Young Juggernaut, the leader of the Thunder Clan, do you want to inherit this ring?" Paximon asked word by word.

Alsace nodded.

But at this moment, the master of ceremonies stopped him angrily: "Don't make an agreement easily, we haven't confirmed his identity, who knows who this guy is, you can't..."

"Is it enough to have a ring?" The young man interrupted impatiently, "If he is not Paximon, it means that he has killed the legendary Juggernaut and took the ring for himself. It is not very simple logic?"

"But… "

"Come on, as long as they are strong enough, anyone is entitled to speak. Isn't this an unwritten rule?" Alsace frowned, and forced the master of ceremonies to stop with a cold tone, "He was at least once strong, so let me listen Listen to what this person has to say. If the request is only for me, then the decision will be made by me alone, and none of you are allowed to intervene~!"

"Very good." The old orc narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, "This is what I want."

"Tell me your conditions." The new leader of the Thunder Clan suppressed the noise of everyone around him with his eyes, and then stared into the other person's eyes.

"Defeat Jagasi for me, the man who is called the 'Emperor'." Passimon licked his lips, "The Grand Lourdes Tournament is about to begin every five years, and Jagasi will definitely participate. I hope you can participate in this Beat him before the world."

Will never grow old, always keep alert, eternal champion of the Grand Lourdes arena, once participated in a dawn battle hundreds of years ago, possessed unparalleled swordsmanship, beheaded 3,000 elite warriors of the elf kingdom in one go , it is said that in recent years he has even defeated the Lord of Fire, Melukidik - this is Emperor Yagasi. If sword fighting qi is a legendary existence to people, then the emperor is also a legend to sword masters. Some even believed that the emperor had stolen the power that belonged only to the gods.

"But legends don't scare people after all. Only after you have fought face to face with the emperor will you understand what is absolute." Passimeng stroked his steel leg subconsciously, looking forward with disappointed eyes, "It is said that, Among the countless fighters who fought against the emperor, I was the only one who survived. Lucky, right? But I have since realized that I will never be able to reach his level—not because of my physical disability—for those who desire power It's unbearable for humans."

"So since the duel in the arena thirty years ago, you have never appeared again. And you have used your power to block all news about that duel."

"That's right, I don't want the prestige of Jian Dou Qi to be affected by this. After that, I have been looking for a warrior who can defeat the emperor, looking for it all the time."

"Why did you find me?"

"Because the emperor's time is running out." The old orc replied in a low voice, "and I have no way to choose the strongest sword master who is once in a thousand years. So I can only choose you, the strongest sword master in thirty years. A sly wave flashed across his eyes.

The two are currently on their way to the south of the mainland. Although all the elders of the Thunder Clan were opposed, Arthas still decided to follow this old orc of unknown origin who held the Ring of Fire. The young Juggernaut didn't care if the information he heard contained lies. For him, there was only one thing that mattered—fighting.

"Tell me about the Emperor."

"Of course I will tell you, otherwise there is no chance of winning at all." Passimeng waved his hand, "But before learning these theories, what is more important is the feeling. You have to see Jagassi's fighting style with your own eyes before you can understand me. Tell you everything."

"Is someone already going to duel with him?" Alsace raised his head.

"Duel? That's just a massacre." The orc snorted, "but it's still worth watching... that kind of unimaginable massacre."

On November 12th, Luvis calendar year 42, the two finally arrived in Great Lourdes. The city's alias is "Millennium City". It used to be the most prosperous city in the entire Canados, the capital of countless rising empires, the holy place for mages to discuss, and even the goddesses loved it. According to historical records, three gods once chose this city as the land of their gods, and the relics belonging to them still exist here.

But more than that, there is one more important thing - the Grand Lourdes Arena is located here. No matter in a year of turmoil or a year of peace, the athletic conference has never been interrupted for thousands of years. Every five years, it will always open the extremely thick rose door on time, calling for the arrival of the soldiers. And the countless brave men who responded to the call and shed their blood on the battlefield of Hot Sand brought endless vitality to the ancient arena and the great Lourdes centered on the arena every time.

Now, this circular building that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people stands majestically in front of Alsace, like an impassable mountain, swallowing the young sword master's entire vision.

"Everything around is changing, but the arena will always exist here. This is an eternal truth." Passimeng sighed with emotion, and his old expression stretched out in an instant.

"It's really shocking, but I've seen more magnificent scenes than this." Alsace just shrugged his shoulders, the kind of indifference can only be possessed by people who walk between blades and death, "Any mountain is better than man-made mountains." The buildings are much grander, and in terms of age, if the arena has existed for a thousand years, then the mountains and rivers have existed for at least 10,000 years, right?"

"I didn't expect you to be so good at debating." The old orc chuckled, "But you are mistaken. For us fighters, the arena itself is not the key point."

"Only that piece of red land in the arena—the Hot Sand Battlefield—is the real destination for fighters." When he said this, Passimeng's expression was extremely serious. It seems that he is no longer the loser whose body was cut off in half, but has returned to thirty years ago and has become the strongest warrior commanding the three branches of the sword master, mastering the mystery of "Broken Mountain", burning With a flaming soul.

What is that piece of land that can make people so desperate? Arthas stared at the old man beside him speechlessly, and subconsciously stroked the hilt of his sword.

"Okay, let's go in." Paximon finally came back to his senses, took a deep breath and said, "Come with me, enter through the side door."

"Then what about this place?" The young man pointed to the thirty-meter-high Rose Gate.

"This is a passage for competitors. Today we are just spectators." The old orc didn't turn his head. "But soon, you should pass through the Rose Gate. Soon."

Obviously, although Paximon lost his left hand and left foot, his power should not be underestimated. The location where Alsace and the old orc were located was one of the best in the entire arena, with a very wide field of vision, and a panoramic view of the vast hot sand battlefield in the center of the arena. The young Juggernaut just stood at the front of the stands, silently staring at the legendary piece of red soil. The ancient granite is telling the long history, the roar of cheers is burning the nerves of the soldiers, and the sharp swords reflect the glare of the sun, waiting for the moment to sip blood.

"Today is the first day of the Grand Lourdes Competition. According to the traditional practice, the fighters in the challenge group will compete with the emperor at this moment~!" The loud voice of the preacher was amplified by magic and spread to everyone in the arena One point also interrupted the thinking of the young Juggernaut.

"Please allow me to introduce these young and brave competitors, they are—Storm Sword Saint Ryan from the City of Storms, Wandering Sword Saint Spark of fame for his bounty quests, and Royal Knight Albert from the holy city of Stanley ~!"

Accompanied by thunderous cheers, the three challengers slowly stepped into the legendary land. The bright red rose petals sprinkled from the air, and soon mixed with the red gravel. But after a few minutes, it might not be romantic flowers that will be mixed into the battlefield—but the warm blood of soldiers.

"Has the leader of the Storm Clan come here, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Alsace asked, turning his head. Although he didn't care about the exchanges between the three branches of the Juggernaut, it was indeed unexpected that Ryan, who was skilled in swordsmanship, would become the challenger.

"He didn't even master the basic level of 'Broken Mountain'." Passimeng just shrugged.

"Even so, he can definitely be regarded as a first-class fighter. And obviously, the strength of that knight and another wandering swordsman may not be inferior to Ryan." The young man fell into thought, "You should understand, the swordsman The strength of the army is increasing exponentially... This is a team with both merit and defense, is it really possible for the emperor to defeat them by himself?"

The old orc was about to explain, when a burst of louder cheers suddenly rushed towards them—much more violent than the one just now, almost like surging waves. All raised their hands and shouted the same name.

"Emperor~! Emperor~!"

"Emperor~! Emperor~!"

"Emperor~! Emperor~!"

On the other side of the hot sand battlefield, the fine gold gate carved with roses and thorns is slowly opening.

Spoiler: Lord of the Soul of the Flame Sword [Two Encounters]

What is it like to be a warrior who lives in legends? Swift as the wind? Murderous? Or is it as ethereal as a phantom? Alsace stared intently at the emperor slowly walking out from the shadow of the huge building, but his vision froze for a moment.

"What?" he yelled loudly, and rubbed his eyes vigorously—it was not Jagassi himself who made the young man lose his composure, but the weapon in his hand—it was neither a famous magic weapon nor a flash class The sword, it has not even been blessed with magic, it is just an ordinary weapon, and judging from the texture of the surface, this weapon is made of bronze that is very easy to break.

In other words, the emperor stood in front of two sword masters and a knight almost with his bare hands~!

"That guy... he intends to use a copper sword to deal with the sword that cuts iron like mud~!?" Alsace grabbed the old orc's shoulder suddenly, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, "How is this possible?"

"Hmph, that's Jagassi's favorite method." Paximon just glanced at the other party lightly, without any element of surprise in his expression, "For a sword master who hasn't even mastered 'Broken Mountain', this is probably the only way to do it." Make him a little more serious."

"Stop joking." The young Juggernaut rushed to the edge of the stands, refocusing his attention on the Steamwheedle battlefield. From this position, he could clearly see the expressions of the three challengers. Spark played with the two-handed long sword in his hand, as if he was thinking about how to take advantage of the opportunity of the emperor's arrogance to become famous in one fell swoop; the knight was a little at a loss—he probably never expected that the opponent would humiliate him so much in a one-on-three situation only Ryan of the Storm Clan remained cautious as usual, but from the flickering light in his eyes, Arthas caught the eagerness of the Juggernaut.

"Because the emperor is very strong, according to the previous practice, he will only use copper weapons that have not been magically treated~!" The preacher's words sounded again, "One-on-three, copper sword against flash sword, this will It will be the most exciting battle on the first day of the competition~!"

According to previous practice, so the emperor has really done it many times... But it is impossible, what kind of swordsmanship can make a person fight against sword fighting spirit in this state? What exactly is it

Arthas fell into deep thought, but he couldn't find the answer at all. The only thing he could do was to ignore the glaring bronze sword and carefully examine the legendary warrior again.

The emperor had a slender figure, a black coat in stark contrast to his long fluttering silver-white hair, and his face outlined by sharp lines was unusually cold and handsome. From a distance, it looked like a statue carved out of marble. Compared to the three opponents with different looks, Alsace couldn't see the change of Jagassi's mood at all. Those ruby eyes were like deep water sinking into the pupils, trying to absorb everything around them into the pupils.

"That is the jewel pupil, the innate ability of the emperor. As long as he is willing, he can see through the transmission of nerve currents in the flesh, so as to judge the opponent's next move." Paximon's voice sounded next to the young man's ear, with The clarity and fluency that did not belong to the old man, his eyes were also fixed on Jagasi.

"Is it the ability to predict in battle? It is indeed difficult to deal with."

"You're wrong," the old orc said with a bitter smile silently, "The real power of the emperor is not his superb swordsmanship and foresight talent, but the battle experience he has accumulated for more than seven hundred years, which ordinary people can't imagine~! Not even the gods can match his experience in this respect."

"Seven hundred years~!?" Alsace felt that he had encountered too many incredible things today.

"Don't you see? Just by the color of his skin and hair, Yagasi is a half-vampire and a day walker. I haven't just been looking for a replacement in the thirty years since he was defeated Just relying on you little devils, no matter how talented you are, it is still impossible to compete with the emperor. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you have a glimmer of hope for victory."

"Sapphire pupils like fairy tales, half-vampire sunwalkers, live longer than the sum of several goddesses... What else do you know about the emperor?"

"I also know that now is the best time to defeat him." The other party looked at Alsace meaningfully, "If it is earlier, even you who have mastered Broken Mountain will have absolutely no chance of winning... and if it is later, I am afraid The emperor would bow to time itself."

"Old people really like to say some profound and mysterious things." Arthas shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed, but his eyes still stayed on Jagassi.

The next moment, a crisp bell interrupted the conversation between the two—the first battle of this grand ceremony in the Grand Lourdes Arena began.

The two sword masters launched an attack immediately, and the multi-layered compound sword fighting spirit formed a large net, tightly blocking the emperor's actions. Immediately afterwards, the second wave of impact crossed over the relatively slow net, and slashed towards the target. Before the challenge, the three had obviously gone through a long period of running-in, and the tacit understanding of the attack was extremely high, and there was no gap left.

But the only thing that raised sword fighting spirit was the red dust on the battlefield, without a trace of blood—the emperor easily dodged all the attacks, and quickly closed the distance between him and the challengers.

Facing the incomparably sharp Sword Fighting Qi, no one in the entire Canados Continent would dare to resist it from the front unless they also counterattacked with Sword Fighting Qi or relied on powerful magic defenses, let alone the emperor who is now dressed in civilian clothes and holding a copper sword. Most fighters would try to get as close to their opponents as possible while avoiding sword fighting qi. In this way, the slow sword fighting qi would not be able to exert its full strength in close combat.

But this level of evasion alone is not enough. Alsace stared intently at the battlefield, and the emperor was flitting one sword after another, moving lightly like a bat.

A high-ranking sword master, a master of "Gravel", can do more than swing one arc after another.

Just when Jagasi was about to enter the confrontation distance, Ryan's eyes suddenly shone brightly, like a tiger hunting for prey. An overwhelming vortex whizzed out from his long sword, and the loud noise pierced through people's ears. The sharp blade rolled up countless sand and gravel, and opened a deep gully on the ground. At the same time, the wandering sword master also showed his unique skills. He shook his long sword quickly, and countless small and sharp arc-shaped sword fighting spirits spewed out in all directions, enveloping the whistling tornado, Pounce on the target directly ahead together.

The emperor is inevitable. That defenseless body, the legendary warrior might be torn to pieces by the fighting spirit of the sword sweeping across the battlefield in the next second, but at that moment, Alsace finally saw the flash of brilliance in the gemstone's pupils.

In fact, what I longed for was just such a close call. Those blood-red eyes said so without a doubt.

Yajiashi finally swung the weapon in his hand for the first time, and the yellow copper sword precisely penetrated into the tornado-like sword fighting spirit and stirred it up, cutting it to pieces. The moment those incomparably sharp arc-shaped sword battle qi met the copper sword, they were either transformed into a gust of wind or deflected into the ground beside the target. All of a sudden, countless sand and gravel flew in all directions, stirring up a large cloud of dust, but the emperor who was at the center of the attack was not injured at all.

He actually confronted Sword Dou Qi from the front, and destroyed them~! Arthas stared blankly at the scene in front of him, feeling that he had been deprived of the ability to think.

"He actually... used a bronze sword to disintegrate all of this..."

While the young man was muttering to himself, the emperor had already approached the challenger. Immediately, two straight slashes appeared on Ryan's and Spark's necks, and blood spurted out of them, raising a burst of red mist. The royal knight, who had recovered from his astonishment, swung his sword quickly, but it missed. At this time, Jagassi had jumped on his heavy sword, and then jumped on Albert's shoulder. Immediately afterwards, the emperor turned the copper sword upside down as if showing off his skills, and then inserted the hilt of the sword from the knight's cap, and the opponent died before he even had time to utter a word.

"It's over." These were the only words Jagasi said in this battle, or this massacre. As soon as he finished speaking, the stiff corpses of the three challengers fell on the hot sand battlefield. The hot blood quickly melted into the greedy red sand, making it impossible to distinguish them again.

Alsace hoarse voice, could not say a word.

The arena filled with hundreds of thousands of people was filled with silence, and the eardrums swayed by the wind were rumbling because they could not adapt to the sudden dead silence. Time and space seemed to have lost their function, and the brain was blank.

I don't know how long it took before the fanatical cheers returned to this place again, and everyone shouted desperately.

"Emperor~! Victory~!"

"Emperor~! Victory~!"

"Emperor~! Victory~!"

"Tell me, what exactly is that?" The young man turned around, stared at the old orc, and asked word by word. His eyes were the same as when he saw the Flame Ring, sharp as a blade and firmer than steel.

"A skill called 'Yunyao'. It is not specific to the power of swordsmanship or boxing, but the concentration skill to increase the speed of the heart. It is the key to destroying the fighting spirit of the sword." Passimeng looked at the other party with great interest .

"Can you destroy the skill of sword fighting qi? This may be a good sign..." The eyes of the young sword master returned to indifference, but there was an indelible flame in them. There is room for improvement." He said, returning his attention to the battlefield. After accepting the voices of the audience, the emperor was slowly walking towards the open rose gate.

But at this moment, Jagassi's body suddenly turned to one side, and his footsteps also stopped suddenly. It was only a matter of a moment, the emperor immediately regained his balance, and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands and walked into the gate, but Alsace saw everything in his eyes.

"What's wrong with him?" The Juggernaut didn't think the winner had suffered any trauma in the battle just now.

"You saw it too? Your eyesight is very sharp." The old orc nodded approvingly, "Maybe it's something like a curse or a disease. It is said that it is related to the Lord of Fire, Melukidik, but these are not important. The important thing is, if When a half-vampire starts to vomit blood, it means his days are numbered."

When he said this, Paximon's expression showed an uncontrollable excitement.

"Is your goal now to kill the seriously ill emperor?" Alsace shook his head.

"No matter what, he has lived for more than 700 years and has a wealth of experience, plus those gemstone pupils, it is not unfair to calculate it based on it." The old orc shrugged, "What's more, even if Even so, Jagassi is still stronger than you."

This dialogue has been repeated countless times between the two, but no one can convince the other. Alsace even canceled the special training that Paximon planned to carry out immediately, and just wandered around the courtyard aimlessly—of course, the old orc had no intention of giving up, he knew that the young sword master would be convinced by him sooner or later.

The place where the two live now is a famous scenic spot called Aqua Manor, located on the outskirts of Greater Lourdes. This territory with beautiful mountains and rivers originally belonged to Winfield College, which had power all over the continent, but after the fall of the mages, it fell into the hands of the current ruler—naturally, this nobleman once received a lot of favor from Passimon.

But the young Juggernaut has no interest in clear streams, lush trees, and blooming flowers. There was only one thing on his mind - the incomparable power of the Emperor.

This old guy is more unscrupulous than imagined. The young man glanced at the preacher beside him, thinking bitterly. But he is also very clear that everything is just as the other party said, no fighter who is eager to touch the peak of power will give up at this time, and he is no exception.

Just when he was about to bring up the topic again, the melodious sound of the piano blowing in the wind interrupted Alsace's thoughts. The moment he recognized the melody, the old orc's expression suddenly became serious, and his eyes revealed a long-lost sharp light—the eyes that only warriors have.

"It's a very beautiful piece of music, but I remember that the only guests in this manor are the two of us." Alsace stopped in his tracks, discerning the direction of the music.

"Hey, there are always people, even the king can't stop." Passimeng's voice trembled, "Come on, let's meet those uninvited visitors for a while." The old orc subconsciously touched Squeeze the prosthetic, and stride forward.

Walking around the luxuriant woodland, passing through the staggered leaf shadows, you can see a picturesque scenery in front of your eyes—clear water everywhere—the dewy flowers set off pocket waterfalls one after another, meandering The meandering stream reflects the figure of the traveler, and the performer is intoxicated in the scenery of singing birds and flowers, plucking the lyre in his hand forgetfully.

This is an elf woman. As a well-informed sword master, Alsace had seen a few elves on this continent, but compared with them, the girl in front of him was much more delicate.

The performer has long hair that is more dazzling than the sun, and the golden strands of hair flutter in the air under the breeze. Those radiant eyes were bluer than the sea, and her snow-white skin made the satin robe dim against it. With her small nose and rosy lips, even the princess in fairy tales would pale in comparison to her.

But Alsace's eyes only stayed on her for less than a second - not because the young man lacked knowledge of women, but because he simply couldn't ignore the listener beside the elf girl.

The emperor is standing there~! A place less than ten meters away from me~!

"Yagashi~!" Paximon shouted first, his expression changed subtly, resentment, joy, helplessness and sadness mixed together, flooding the eyes of the old orc.

The hoarse voice interrupted the melodious tune, and the elf girl stopped in surprise, looked at the two uninvited guests in front of her, and then turned her gaze to the emperor, as if asking "what's the matter".

"Don't you remember, Richer?" The listener laughed, "Look at that orc's prosthetic limb, it's your work. Isn't that the Firemaker Paximon? After all, since that confrontation, We haven't seen each other for thirty years, right?"

"Exactly thirty years." The former Juggernaut leader replied in a low voice, "Although I didn't expect to meet you in the Water Color Manor, it doesn't matter. Everyone knows that the emperor can enjoy any scenery he wants. But I advise you to pay attention to the recent competition, apart from the meaningless killings, the next thing is the real exciting place."


"I might as well introduce you," the old orc coughed, and then gave the young Juggernaut a meaningful look, "He is Arthas, and he will soon replace me in the arena to you, the legendary emperor, Let’s challenge again. The confrontation thirty years ago was just the beginning, and this time the winner will really be decided~!”

"A thunder swordsman, sounds interesting." The emperor glanced over the ring-wearing finger of the young man, and then stared straight into Arthas' flaming eyes.

It was calmer than expected... The moment they looked at each other, Alsace silently felt his heartbeat, which was still calm and stable. Without warning, the emperor who was stronger than the legends stood in front of him. He easily dealt with three experienced opponents in the morning without blinking an eye. How should he deal with it now

Youth has no answers. But he understands one thing - he is always longing for power, and at this moment, the incarnation of that power is standing in front of him, and he can touch it with just one step.

Extra chapter Flame Soul Sword Lord [Three Challenges]

"Your name is Arthas?" The emperor looked at the other party. "Tell me, what made you come here to challenge me? Honor? Fame? Is it the bewitching of the flame sword master? Many people have fought against me for hundreds of years. They fought desperately, but in the end they all turned into dust."

"You think too much, I'm not interested in those." The young man replied neither humble nor humble.

"Then, it's for power." A flash of light flashed across Jagassi's eyes.

"That's only half of it. Speaking of which, you who are called the emperor must also feel very distressed, right? Because this world is too hypocritical, and no one is willing to tell the truth~!

The young Juggernaut took a step forward, like a wild beast about to catch its prey: "Only fighting can reveal all the truth. Who is bluffing and who is hiding? Everything can be answered in the battle. Now, I There just happens to be a very fascinating question here…”

"Want to know who is stronger, you or me?" The emperor raised his eyebrows.

"That's right~!" Alsace's eyes shot out flames, and the sword master subconsciously put his hand on the hilt of his sword, but at this moment, the old orc suddenly stopped him.

"That's it." The old orc looked at Alsace seriously, "It's pointless to provoke a conflict here."

"Don't worry, Paximon." The emperor's words broke in suddenly, "For this sword master's problem, just a little game can solve everything, and I promise that there will be no bloodshed." Just after the words fell, the tall man The Yagasi leapt up, flitting over the exposed branches of the trees with unimaginable lightness, before even a shadow could be cast.

That guy~!

Sensing the emperor's movement, Alsace and Paximon immediately separated and entered the battle state at the same time. The atmosphere was suddenly tense, but the beautiful elf woman on one side was still quietly clinging to the lyre.

The emperor didn't launch the imaginary quick attack at all, he just shuttled back and forth among the leaves, and finally jumped down to the ground again—but it was a little different from before. At this moment, he was holding two branches in his hand, one was a solid sycamore branch , while the other is a soft willow branch.

"You should have been to the arena this morning." Jagasi threw the sycamore branch to the other party, "As a sword master, I think you must be curious, how can the invincible sword's fighting spirit be defeated by a small copper sword ?”

"That's right." Alsace said bluntly.

"Why don't you come and experience it for yourself now." Yajiashi turned the wicker in his hand and drew a circle in mid-air, "If you can use the wicker to release the sword fighting spirit, I can use the wicker to dissolve it... Of course," the other party said very He smiled tolerantly, "If we can't do it, there will be nothing to talk about between us. The emperor's time is very precious."

The last sentence was obviously a provocation to Arthas, but he was not provoked - in the face of the emperor's challenge, the young sword master had already ignored everything else. He just nodded silently, stroked the branch with tender leaves, and then slowly stepped back a few steps to increase the distance between him and the emperor.

"Be careful~!" Passimeng also stepped aside, and it was obvious that the old orc didn't want the emperor and the avengers he had chosen to fight here—even if it was with a tree branch, but he also understood that in this case, everything was already done. Can't be stopped.

Not to mention wicker, even bare hands, the emperor is equally terrifying. But there was no way out... The former flame sword master stared at Alsace with shining eyes, as if seeing himself thirty years ago. I have to trust the fighter I have picked out and put all my bets on him~! Let him go, for the sword always has to be drawn.

The young man calmly estimated the load-bearing capacity and hardness of the "weapon" in his hand, hoping to understand the limit of the force that can be invested. In fact, sword fighting qi is a physical attack transformed from anger. Whenever the sword masters swing their swords, the anger will spurt out along the front line of the weapon, condensing the airflow on both sides, and finally forming Invincible wind blades with different shapes. But the branch is obviously different from the sword, it has no front line, and it is also extremely fragile—before the wind blade is condensed, the sycamore branch is likely to be crushed by the anger itself.

But for Alsace, these are not problems. The key is that if the opponent responds with dodge, the fighting energy of the sword he finally swung will be completely useless.

Seemingly aware of the doubts of the young Juggernaut, the emperor just smiled and did not explain anything. And it wasn't until this moment that Alsace realized that the elf girl was still sitting in the original position, showing no intention of leaving.

Do you fully trust Jagassi's performance? If the emperor really gets out of the way, then you will be divided into two by the sword fighting spirit~! Or is the emperor going to use this method to prove that he will never dodge? The young man thought about it, but finally shook his head.

There is no need to consider those~!


让我看看你是怎样摧毁它的… 皇帝~!剑圣目不转睛地盯着如雕塑般一动不动的对手,下意识地屏住呼吸。










If possible, kill the emperor here~! The eyes of the Juggernaut burst out with a burning light. The next moment, he flew up and rushed towards the calm target. The branch in his hand slashed with precision—this time, there was no sword fighting energy coming out of it, but when the emperor The moment the willow branch touched the sycamore branch, it was cut into two.

Arthas attached the fighting spirit of the sword to the branch, making the branch itself a sharp long sword~! Now, this deadly weapon has arrived before the emperor's eyes, just waiting to tear the prey to pieces.

However, Arthas didn't feel that victory was in sight at all—the emperor's gemstone pupils once again jumped into the kind of light he was familiar with, making everything around him dim in an instant. Then, before the Juggernaut had time to react, Yagasi had become a blurred shadow in his eyes.

Alsace put one hand on the ground and clenched his teeth.

At the last moment of life and death, the emperor grabbed his hand holding the branch with a beautiful grappling technique, and blocked all the opponent's movements through joint skills. The half-kneeling young man could feel the powerful oppression of the emperor behind him, as well as the severe pain from the grasped right hand.

How did he go around to the back~! ? The Juggernaut thought it was incredible, but he soon lost the mind to think - he might be killed soon.

But unexpectedly, the oppression imposed on the body was released in an instant. The emperor let go of his hand, and walked back to the elf girl in a graceful manner.

"Why didn't you kill me?" The Juggernaut looked at him coldly. Arthas didn't like to be pitied, even at the cost of his life.

"It's very admirable to be able to create a unique esoteric meaning and apply it in the right situation. It would be a pity to kill you here." Jagassi explained with a smile, as if everything just now was really a game, "In any case, I also hope to have a good fight with you in the arena."

"Your name is Alsace, right? I decided to accept your challenge." The emperor stared at the half-kneeling boy with a deep gaze, and there was a trace of microwave in it, "If you guessed right, Paximon should have promoted you to Members of the top group. According to the usual practice, you go and gather five people at random and then come to a duel with me."

"Five people?"

"In the face of seven hundred years of combat experience and gem pupils, this is a fair condition. Alsace, I will wait and see. Goodbye." The emperor replied slowly, and he nodded to the elf beside him. Suddenly, water-blue ripples surged around, enveloping the two of them. In the next moment, Jagassi, the elves, and the lyre all gradually disappeared in the translucent vortex, as if they had never existed.

Aqua Manor returned to silence. The rest of the two stood there without saying a word. After a while, Arthas finally came back to his senses, and turned to look at the old orc behind him—his head was covered with sweat, and his eyes were also straight. Stared straight at Juggernaut.

"You, what happened to your arm?" Paximon asked hoarsely.

"It's okay." Alsace moved his stiff right arm.

"Really, you have shortened my lifespan by ten years." The old orc let out a sigh of relief, and punched the young man with some dissatisfaction. But the other party suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I never thought that there would be such a powerful warrior in this world~!" Alsace showed a yearning expression on his face, "Just now, I have fought against the peak of power."

"But that's not enough, you have to stand at the peak of your strength~!" Paximon added, and then patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

The water-colored light gradually faded, and the power of magic brought the emperor and his companion back to their residence in Grand Lourdes. But the next moment, the elf's face suddenly tightened—the emperor was coughing in pain, covering his mouth.

"Yakashi? Yakashi~!" The girl rushed forward and held him tightly.

"No... don't worry, it's nothing serious..." After a while, the half-vampire finally shook his head slowly, and then calmly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Have you vomited blood again?" The elf's tone was filled with tears, "Obviously you need to recuperate, but why do you still have to participate in competitions at this time? Even if you don't cherish your own life, please think about it for the people who follow you, okay?" ?”

"Ricer, I know my limit very well." The emperor gently stroked the girl's hair, showing a bitter smile, "It is impossible to resist fate, what should come will always come. And the best destination for me , where else but the red land?"

"Then what should I do?" Lycecil held on to the other's hand tightly, as if afraid of the sudden disappearance of the person in front of her, "Luvis abandoned me, the elves hate me, my home is you... If you I'm gone, what should I do?"

"You still have to live well." After a pause, the emperor replied. Perhaps because he was too pale to understand the answer, he subconsciously turned his head away to avoid the elf's sight.

"So, where is Yun Yao's home?" The girl continued to ask, hoping that the other party would be speechless for a while.

"What do you think of Alsace?" Jagassi asked back.

"That Juggernaut just now?" Richesill was a little surprised. "From a general point of view, he does have a very high talent, but you should be very clear that that person is still far from the peak."

"Talent is not the most important thing." The other party sighed, his eyes gradually blurred, "A long time ago, I chose Mobadi as Yunyao's successor because he has the highest talent—he is also a long-lived vampire, and also has the ability to see through. All eyes. But in the end, that person betrayed the entire ethnic group and the goddess who trusted him. Leaving aside his position, Yunyao is just a tool to achieve his belief. But the young man just now is different."

"He simply yearns for power. For him, power is not a means, but an end."

"But he will never be able to reach the grandmaster level Yun Yao~!" The girl retorted.

"That's right, but if he abandons his sword fighting spirit and chooses Yunyao, then everything can be passed on smoothly." Jagassi smiled slyly, "It doesn't matter what level he can reach, because technology itself does not matter. It won't be lost. The point is, it's time to unleash it to the world, don't you think that's good publicity?"

"Maybe..." the girl replied noncommittally.

"So, I must continue to fight." Jagassi gently hugged the elf in his arms, "But until the final challenge comes, I am willing to do anything for Richer."

"Anything?" Ricesil buried her head in Jagasi's broad chest.

"Anything." The emperor closed his eyes, and answered softly but firmly in the girl's ear.

The Grand Lourdes Competition is divided into five levels: preliminary group, ordinary group, elite group, master group, and top group. Every five years, thousands of fighters who yearn for honor, fame, money, power, or everything else gather here, starting from the most elementary preliminary group, going through the baptism of the blade, or dying on the battlefield of Steamwheedle. down, or get what you want in bloodthirsty combat. And as the level increases, the difficulty of the battle will also increase geometrically. There are more than 10,000 people participating in the pre-selection group, but only 20 people can advance to the top group in the end.

On January 11th, Luvis calendar 43, shortly after the New Year, and the 60th day after the start of the competitive ceremony, the battle of the top group officially started. Alsace had directly advanced to this group as a seed player—a group that was eligible to challenge the Emperor in the next grand ceremony—of course, this still relied on the ubiquitous power relations of Paximon.

"If you always rely on power, the blade will rust sooner or later." It can be seen that the young man is not satisfied with this arrangement.

"If you spend all your energy on promotion in the past two months, you will have to wait to die when facing the emperor." The old orc snorted, "Of course, the other four meat feet may make you die later A few seconds, but that makes no difference."

Alsace shrugged and stopped rebutting. Although today's main task is to select the other four companions who are suitable to challenge the emperor from the top group battle, in fact, the young Juggernaut can't wait to experience the feeling of fighting in the arena in person.

What is the level of the top group? Arthas thought of this question more than once as he made his way down the magnificent corridors of the arena. Even though most of the Thunder Sword Masters on the list had heard of them, they hadn't fought against them directly after all. For soldiers, this situation is as uncomfortable as seeing delicious food but being unable to eat it.

Fortunately, these problems can be solved today... Are you stronger or am I stronger? The young man silently asked questions to the unknown opponents in his heart, and then showed a smile that only he understood.

The next moment, the moment he stepped into the lounge of the top group, a gigantic long spear jumped into Alsace's eyes first.

Spoiler: Flame Soul Sword Lord [Four Hot Sands]

The nearly three-meter-long battle gun is entirely made of fine steel, with both rigidity and toughness, and the length and center of gravity are also perfectly matched. The red blade is like a burning flame—no doubt, this weapon is made of It was honed by the blood of countless dead. The gunman himself is equally striking, a two-meter-tall man with his hair tied in a long braid and eye-catching paint on his cheeks.

The fine king spear "Dragon Penetration Ghost Slash" and its owner, the dragon slayer Sagas, are now in front of the Juggernaut.

The tall barbarian from the north just glanced at Alsace, and his sharp eyes immediately caught the ring on the young man's finger.

"Another one wearing a ring." The dragon slayer snorted. "There should be no mistakes this time. You are the Thunder Sword Master, right? You have to choose four people to challenge the emperor."

"That's right." The Juggernaut froze for a moment, then replied cautiously.

This old guy, Paximon, really does a good job in publicity... Alsace frowned, let alone the top group, I am afraid that everyone in the city already knows his agreement with the emperor. But when the young man turned his head to question the old orc, he found that the old orc had long since disappeared.

"Hey, what a lucky guy. Not only has he been promised to fight against the emperor, but he can also directly advance to the top group as a seed player." A mocking tone suddenly broke in, "I have to admit, Thunder Sword Master The 'interpersonal relationship' is so well done that even politicians would be ashamed of themselves."

The voice came from a middle-aged man with lazy eyes sitting sideways. At first glance, his attire was more similar to that of a bard, but Alsace knew very well that those pair of uncertain eyes must be more important than others during the battle. Much sharper.

"I didn't expect the Tide Hunter Sword Master to come." The young man who was provoked replied lightly, as if he was perfunctory. "Long time no see, Melody. You should know that I always hate wasting time with low-level opponents."

"But you'd better be serious now, or I'm afraid you'll be finished before you meet the emperor." The Tide Hunter Sword Master patted the opponent's shoulder, and suddenly leaned closer and said in a low voice, "Maybe Ryan is really just a waste, You will be complacent if you have mastered 'Broken Stone', but don't think that you are the only one here who understands the meaning of 'Broken Mountain'."

"What I want to say is, don't think that you can be complacent after mastering 'Broken Mountain'." The Thunder Sword Master replied tit for tat, but he was thinking of another thing.

The competition festival is held every five years, and the interval cannot be considered long. But why, this time, all the sword master leaders were suddenly gathered? Why are all those legendary figures who advanced to the top group this time? Why didn't they participate in the previous session or the next session, but they had to squeeze in at this time

Maybe it was deliberately arranged or maybe, whether it was lobbying or hinting. Thinking of Passimon's sly gaze, the corners of Alsace's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. It wasn't a difficult feat for a man who had devoted thirty years to revenge. And I may not be the only Avenger he chooses.

But forget it, those are not important. What matters is that I can once again experience what it's like to walk on a knife's edge and take on the Emperor head-to-head.

"Could you please calm down a little bit?" A strange voice interrupted Alsace's thinking, and the two famous sword masters turned their heads to look at the same time. Standing in front of them was a man with short blond hair. A knight in silver armor. At the heart of that breastplate, there is a very prominent sword-shaped logo.

"Although I am not qualified to persuade a fight, everyone must know the rules of the top group battle. The teams in the battle are arranged according to the results of the lottery. If this is the case before the teams are divided, if the same team is drawn , it wouldn’t be very pleasant to cooperate with, would it?” the knight explained with a smile.

"Thank you, we all know the rules." Thunder Sword Master replied coldly, looked at the other party, and then added, "But then again, who are you?"

This question caused ridicule from most people in the top group, and the knight's face flushed immediately: "My name is Blaise, I am from the continent of Lorendan, and I am the leader of the Luvis Alliance Holy Sword Knights."

"It turned out to be the attendant of the new goddess." Someone commented.

"Luvis is planning to get her hands on Canados again now?" Some people frowned.

But in front of these famous warriors, Blaise's voice was as loud as ever: "No matter what happened in the past, at this moment, Luvis is the only god in this world. Can you use Luvis Knight..."

"If you intend to preach Luvis's teachings here, it's better to shut up." The barbarian interrupted the paladin's speech, "Since you have been promoted all the way, it should be very clear that the Steam Sand Battlefield It's a land where the gods are not allowed to intervene. Here, it doesn't matter to use magic or sword fighting spirit or other messy things, because those are human tricks, but you'd better not rely on divine magic to win the round. "

"I understand," the paladin nodded, "but even if I don't use magic, I'm still Luvis's knight, and I still fight for Luvis' honor."

"It doesn't matter what you are fighting for. In short, stop discussing nothingness." Melody shrugged, "Go draw lots, let's decide the final grouping, and see who is the companion and who is the enemy." As he spoke, he glanced at Alsace, and then walked towards the opened door.

The result of the lottery was very dramatic—Paladins and Tidehunter Juggernauts were in the red group, while Arthas and Sagas were in the blue group. In addition, there are two rangers with superb archery skills in the red group, while the variables in the blue group are three magic warriors. What is about to unfold in the arena is undoubtedly a high-level battle that is rarely seen in the entire continent, but it is precisely because everyone is a one-in-a-million elite that they are more aware of the subtle gap between each other.

"Which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with?" the barbarian asked the young man during the final preparations behind the Rose Gate.

"If you just look at strength, it's obviously Melody. The Broken Mountain-level sword fighting spirit is the most dangerous no matter what the situation." The sword master pondered for a while, "But I want to fight ten against ten …”

"We'd better get rid of that paladin first." Sagas nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right." The corners of Alsace's mouth raised slightly, "For us fighters who yearn for freedom, that guy is always the most annoying."

Inheriting the tradition of hundreds of years, the confrontation of ten against ten has always been carried out in the "capture the flag mode". Two flags, one red and one blue, stand at both ends of the Hot Sand battlefield. With the initial insertion point of the steel flagpole as the center of the circle, within a radius of 20 meters is your own position. If you want to capture the opponent's flag to your own position, the battle will be won.

But another key point of the rules is whether red