Death Knight

Chapter 79: birth(7)


Flyin would rather die by himself. Obviously both of them could be saved as long as they stretched out their hands, but they couldn't. The deceased is not allowed to wander in the eternal world, he can only turn into particles of phantom light, and return to darkness and nothingness.

"Why don't you tell her the truth? Do you think she will be happy by doing that?" A voice came from behind Flyin.

"Lich Richard, when did you become a love consultant part-time?"

"She's very smart, you can't fool her."

"That's okay. As long as she knows I'm still here, she won't die, and that's all I want."


"Flyin Resta, a high-ranking death knight, disappeared in January 227 of Luvis's calendar, by Liuyun Lake in the Forest of No Return, because he fulfilled his wish." Richard looked up at the starry sky and said to himself. Said in a foreign language: "Beside Yixiutli, there is one less trustworthy person."


Start sowing the wheat fields at dawn, and finish everything before the sun rises.

Sowing the wheat fields before the drizzle fell, and the mercury-colored mist slid down my throat.

The linen clothes are worn on the body to chase the sheep, and the house built by the small wooden shed is full of warmth.

Even though you're not here, that song still rings around me.

Sow the wheat fields from dawn and finish before the wind freezes the ground.

From sowing the wheat fields before the drizzle falls, before the tears freeze in the eyes.

The barren land reveals a dark hue in the wind, and the stone-built villages have no warmth.

Although you are not here, the loneliness and loneliness make me suffer.

Fan works collection Yunyao [BYBleed van der]

After the thunderous bang, time seemed to stand still for an instant. After a few seconds of deathly silence, intermittent gasps came from the darkness. After a while, the light began to spread from the surroundings to the middle, as if four doors leading to the light were opened at the same moment.

Under the effect of the heliostat, the surroundings soon became as bright as day. This is a fairly spacious amphitheater, which is located deep underground. The special geographical environment makes it extremely dark and humid here. Although there are perfect ventilation facilities, the air is still quite thin, so the creatures who live here never use candles.

A man half-knelt in the center of the arena. He closed his eyes tightly, and his cold and handsome face outlined by sharp lines looked a little tired. Beads of sweat slowly slid down the strands of long silver-white hair that hung on his forehead and dripped on the ground.

The ground under the man's feet was already covered with blood of various colors, but none of this blood was his own. Surrounding him are corpses of various shapes, all of which are high-level monsters in the Twisting Nether who are best at fighting in lightless environments. There are about forty of them. All of them were cut into two pieces, and the incision was extremely precise. When cutting the body, it also split the devil's heart in two. Although the bodies of these monsters are as hard as fine steel, the cross-sections are quite smooth.

The man slowly opened his eyes. Those ruby-like eyes were like deep water sinking into a pool. The moment they opened, the surrounding brightness seemed to increase a lot. A slender figure was walking towards him. While the other party was walking in front of him, the man removed a pair of enchanted earrings from his ears. What this does to the earrings is not to add some special property, but to completely deafen the wearer.

"Very good, Jagassi. It won't be long before your body will reach the ideal state." The speaker was dressed in a black robe covered with dark red magic words, and his slender and thin face was overwhelming. People have a feeling that they can't see through their age. Only from the crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and the slightly hunched thin body, it can be seen that he is an elderly person. And the two long teeth at the corner of his mouth prove that he is a vampire. To be precise, he is the elder among vampires.

The man named Jagasi didn't reply, but slowly stood up and put his sword back into its sheath.

"Your eyes seem to be a little confused. Tell me, child, what is it that is confusing you." The elder asked as if he could see through the other person's mind.

"Power...does it have an end?" Jagassi finally spoke, as if he had just come to his senses.

"Why do you have such a question?" The elder looked a little surprised, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Various training methods have made all aspects of my body closer and closer to perfection. But when my body reaches its limit, what methods should I use to become stronger?" Jagassi said His eyes became more confused.

"Son, do you know? Why did you come to this world?" The elder began to ask Jagasi in a teaching tone.

"It's fate."

"Yes, fate arranged for you to come into this world. But that's not all. Everything fate does has a purpose. Fate arranged for certain people to come into this world and make these people kings. Similarly, fate will also arrange for some people to come to this world as slaves and be ruled by kings. And you, my child, do you understand the purpose of fate for you to come to this world?" The elder preached There was a hint of excitement in his tone.

Jagassi was even more confused. He looked at the elder who had been teaching him for nearly a hundred years without saying a word, as if he wanted to get an answer immediately.

"The answer is actually very simple. Can you tell me first, what is the difference between you and me?" The elder seemed to want to make a fool of himself.

"I'm a half-vampire, the offspring between humans and vampires." Jagassi said as if recalling. "I'm not afraid of the sun, and I don't need blood to satisfy my hunger. I have all the advantages of humans and vampires, but I don't have their shortcomings."

The elder smiled softly, as if affirming Jagassi's answer, then he turned his back to Jagassi and took a few steps forward. "To be precise, you are the descendant of one of the few purebred vampires and a perfect and pure human woman. Your existence can be called a miracle. And you have the gem pupil that can see through the nerve current transmission in the flesh This is undoubtedly another miracle, so your existence can be described as a miracle among miracles." At this point, the elder turned around, his face full of excitement and excitement.

"Yagashi~! The purpose of fate bringing you to this world is to make you the most powerful existence in this world, the existence standing at the top of power, the only existence that can be close to God~!"

"The only existence that can...approximate to God!?" Jagassi's expression was slightly surprised, but it didn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by confusion again. "What exactly do you need to do to become the kind of existence you said?"

"Pursue power~! Keep getting stronger~! Existence beyond all gods~!" The voice of the elder trembled slightly, and his tone was full of affirmation.

"Our conversation seems to be back to the original point. You don't need to guide me to pursue power, because that has become my innate nature. You should tell me the way to break through the limit of power~!" Jagasi's expression returned. As calm as ever. But the tone was a little anxious.

"My child. Power does have a limit, even for gods. Even if you pursue desperately, there will be a day when you reach the limit." Following the elder's words, Jagassi seemed a little disappointed. "Just like today, you swung forty swords and killed forty monsters in less than a tenth of a second. Every blow was flawless. And it was completely perfect in terms of vision and hearing. When it is zero, it is done by the body's sensing of the environment. However, do you remember that decades ago, you had to rely on the insight of the gem pupil to defeat a low-level demon. This is the pursuit of power The result. You have the ability to climb to the peak of strength. And you are already worrying about what you will do in the near future to break through the limit of strength. As I just said. The answer is actually very simple, that is... learn ...Thinking~!" A gleam of light flashed in the elder's eyes. "The only way to break through the limits of strength."

" think?" Jagasi seemed to realize something but couldn't express it in words immediately.

"Yes. Learn to think." The elder paused, and pointed to the corpses of monsters on the ground. "Look at these monsters, you can defeat them in less than a tenth of a second. Maybe in another month, you only need to use a hundredth of a second, and in another year, it may become a thousandth One second. But~! Have you ever thought that no matter how fast you can go, you will eventually reach the limit. It may be one thousandth of a second, or one ten thousandth of a second. What is improved is pure speed. If you want to break through the limit, you must learn to think quickly while fighting, and use limited strength to do things beyond the limit of strength. The speed of wielding a sword to kill the enemy will reach the limit. Think If you want to go beyond this limit, you need to think about new ways of fighting. Sometimes one sword can not only defeat one enemy. You have to learn to think about how to defeat forty such enemies with only thirty strikes. Or Twenty times, or less~! Make the best judgment in any situation~! Think out the best way~! Swing the most perfect sword~! Defeat the largest number of enemies~! Maximize your strength~! Only in that way can you completely break through the limit. Enter a new field, the limit of the limit~!"

"The... limit of the limit?" Jagassi's expression froze for an instant.

"If you reach the limit, you may be able to swing forty swords and knock down forty enemies in just one ten-thousandth of a second in the near future. However, if you reach the limit of the limit. In that case, you Forty swords swung in ten-thousandth of a second may be able to defeat a hundred times more enemies~!" The elder's eyes froze for a moment, and he held his breath and stared at Ajiaxi. It seems to be waiting for something.

"The limit of the limit." Although Jagassi's expression had returned to its previous state. However, the elders can feel it. Yagasi's soul has begun to burn, burning more vigorously than ever.

The elder smiled, although his age made his expression a little stiff, but it was indeed a smile from the heart.

The duration of one breath of a high-level swordsman is called a 'minute', one tenth of it is called a 'second', the next tenth is a 'system', and the next tenth is a 'huge', The next tenth is 'milliage', and one tenth of 'milliage' is 'yunyao'. 'Yunyao' is the shortest time unit. Therefore, 'Yunyao' has become synonymous with the limit of the limit. The meaning is the highest state and perfect coordination of strength and speed, as well as thinking ability.

Doujin Portfolio about the first parody

Long ago, when my work got its first fanfic, the joy was indescribable. Because this represents a great compliment from readers, and now, the first real parody makes me think again.

There are similarities between doujin and parody, but the differences are also obvious. Doujin uses "Death Knight" as the stage, on which the author's own feelings want to be expressed, and spoof is the resonance of overlapping the details in "Death Knight" with animation culture.

The former is "favorite", while the latter is "familiar".

Although I dare not claim that "Death Knight" already has OTAKU (it doesn't matter if you don't know the meaning of this word, this is not something a good boy should know^_^), but it seems that there are at least FANS. Perhaps it is because of this that I can continue to write to this day.

The Secret of Frost's Grief [BY Magic Wolf]

Act1: Orin's Mission

Torrell Wood will finish the third day after Frost Lament...

Richard: Dear Mengliu, you mean... Orin's mission is actually to seduce the beginning and the end

Mengliu: Only after falling in love, self-awareness will become weak, so as to ensure that I fuse with them, not they eat me!

Richard: But... Siwon is okay, as for arranging Orin to seduce Momo when his actual age is nearly forty... It's kind of like an evil lolicon

Mengliu: ... forged in the name of God, you are innocent

Act2: Duel at the Hill of Swords

Richard: Dear Ishutori, are you sure that boy is Olin? I think that red-eyed swordsmanship is much better

Ishutori: Idiot! Which one is more popular with girls, the blonde with water-colored pupils or the paranoid with red eyes

Richard: But it seems that the wreck can't get up anymore

Ishutoli: Look at me!

Richard: As expected of a goddess! Whether it is the puppet technique added to the wrestling pot or the weakness, timidity, and deceleration techniques added to the red eyes

So flawless that even the subject himself didn't know he was being affected by the magic!

Ishutoli: Look! Orin wins! But... that red eye is pretty strong too! Just use him to complete the magic of Frost Lament!

Act3: Magic of Frost Lament

Battle of Ishutori Dawn...

Richard: The apostles are hard to deal with!

Roland caressed Frost's Grief's blade: On average, an apostle is stronger than a death knight, but... will the strongest apostle be stronger than the strongest apostle

Are death knights stronger

Richard: Old friend, are you going to confront the leader of the apostles? moving...

Roland: Arthas, come here!

Richard vomited blood and fell to the ground: It turns out... the magic blessed by the goddess on Frost Lament is of the summoning system!

The Reality Annihilated in Time [BY Magic Wolf]


What I want to tell you here is the history of the religious war known as the "Final Goddess War" that took place on the continent of Alazea about 2,300 years ago.

About a hundred years ago, historians still believed that the war that took place 2,300 years ago was relatively small in scale, relatively short in duration, and relatively simple in form. In the poems about this war handed down by the ancients, it seems that the scale, time span and complexity of this war far exceeded the historical facts recognized by historians-generally these poems are considered to be too exaggerated.

In the past hundred years, with the continuous development of archaeological magic, especially after the "Guardian of Time" magic was developed, archaeologists have been able to pinpoint the age of an ancient object—with an error of no more than ten years. The remnants of the war are also constantly being discovered all over the continent. We gradually discovered that this war was really as magnificent as described in ancient poems.

After nearly ten years of investigations on relics on the mainland, collection and arrangement of various historical materials related to this war, and research on cultural relics related to this war in museums in various cities, I am sure that I have been able to understand the truth of this war. A convincing description of the process—I hope this paper will be of use to anyone interested in studying this war.

1. The religion of ancient Alazea and the cause of the war

In Alazea 2,300 years ago, religion took a very peculiar form:

First of all, for a certain believer, or a certain group of believers, although they only believe in the only goddess, they do not deny the existence of other goddesses in this world. Secondly, whether it is a goddess or a believer, it is tacitly acknowledged that there is a very special competitive relationship among the goddesses: no matter which goddess has obtained the approval of a sacred tree called "World Tree", this goddess will Is the goddess with the highest status among the goddesses - usually this means having the most followers in the world, and thus gaining more power than other goddesses.

The power brought by the approval of the World Tree is so powerful that the goddess and her believers will do their best to obtain the approval of the World Tree, and after obtaining the approval of the World Tree, the goddess and her believers will do whatever it takes To maintain this status-usually the most effective way is to use the powerful power gained to prevent other goddesses from gaining the approval of the world tree.

As a result, the relationship between the goddesses became extremely simple: the goddesses and their believers who have obtained the approval of the World Tree will use force to prevent other goddesses from obtaining the approval of the World Tree; the goddesses and their followers who have not obtained the approval of the World Tree will overthrow them by force The existing Supreme Goddess ruled and obtained the approval of the World Tree, and then prevented other goddesses from obtaining the approval of the World Tree...

Obtaining the power of the World Tree has changed from the means of the goddesses to the goal of the goddesses. Over the course of more than a thousand years, five or six goddesses have been recognized by the World Tree one after another. To be precise, they overthrew the rule of the previous goddess—and then were overthrown by other goddesses not long after— The average reign time of each goddess is only a short period of two hundred years. Until the goddess named Ishutori was recognized by the World Tree.

From the 227th year of the Luvis calendar 2,300 years ago to the 235th year of the Luvis calendar, there was an eight-year battle between the goddess Luvis and the goddess Ishutori. The long war is known in history as the "Final Goddess War".

The long-term cause of this war is naturally the competition between the goddess Luvis and the goddess Ishutori for the status of the highest goddess, and the proximate cause of this war is that the goddess Ishutori has lost her power after nearly a hundred years. The preparations for war have been completed, and the world tree belonging to the goddess Ishutori is also close to maturity. The troops of the Goddess Ishtoli then landed on the coast of East Alazea in the 227th year of the Luvis calendar, and began to open up the "God's Way" (Note 1) leading to the location of the World Tree.

Note 1:

Regarding the proximate cause of this war, some people once believed that Roland Strife, head of the Frozen Crown Knights under Ishutoli, was in the General Assembly in the 227th year of the Luvis calendar because of personal grievances. The conquest of Alazea was started under the condition of a disadvantaged force: the purpose was to personally kill the king of Alazea, Wendam Olande, during his lifetime. When Roland was a paladin under Wendam, Wendam accused Roland of treason and killed Roland's lover Jiuyuan (it is said that the woman's appearance is very similar to the goddess Ishutoli).

This statement is untenable. First, Roland is only one of the three members of the Iraqi army's highest command group, and the highest commander of the three is Richard, not Roland. He has no right to decide when Invasion of Alazea; second, in such a major strategic decision, it is very dangerous to mix any personal emotional factors.

2. The forces and command systems of the two parties involved in the war

Before starting to describe the process of this war, I would like to give a brief introduction to the basic situation of the troops participating in the war and the structure of the highest command system of both sides—before starting to understand the details of a thing, it is best to have a general understanding of the war. There is a basic understanding of this thing.

The strength of the Luvis Alliance has a numerical advantage. At the beginning of the war, the total strength was nearly 510,000, and in the "Battle of the World Tree" in the final stage of the war, the number of 230,000 was also higher than that of Yixiu. Above the Tory Army (Note 2). These troops are composed of two parts: the Holy See troops belonging to the Holy See and the secular troops belonging to the kingdoms of the Luvis Alliance. Point one to one or so. The three most powerful knights in the Luvis Army: Knights of the Holy Sword, Knights of the Holy Chain and Knights of the Holy Grail are all affiliated to the Holy See; among the more than 4,000 paladins in the Luvis Alliance, 100% More than 90 are directly affiliated to the Holy See; and the alliance's air force, 5,000 Storm Griffin Knights are also affiliated to the Holy See.

With the power of the goddess Luvis, the Holy See is the biggest vested interest—not only the clergy have a very high status and enjoy a generous life salary (from the taxes of the kingdoms), but the Holy See places the kings of each kingdom in the Holy See Under the control of the King: Only followers of Luvis are eligible to become kings, and they must be crowned by the Pope. In addition, the Holy See also has the highest jurisdiction over affairs within the kingdoms, and even the king himself must obey the ruling of the Holy See's Hall of Kings.

Therefore, in this war, the Holy See's position is extremely firm: Either defeat the pagans and share the glory with the goddess Luvis; or be destroyed together with the goddess Luvis, there is absolutely no third choice. Therefore, the troops belonging to the Holy See were also the most courageous troops in the Luvis Army in this war.

As for the kings of the continent of Alazea, their position in this war is much more subtle. The goddess Luvis brought peace and prosperity to the kingdoms, but at the same time put the royal power under the control of the religious authority; the goddess Luvis is sacred, but it is the priests who are mortals who can spread the belief of the goddess. Although their souls are far more holy than ordinary people, there is no guarantee that there will be no dirt between them and the king; the kings are all loyal believers of the goddess Luvis, but they soon discovered that the existence of the goddess Ishutori did not threaten them. Benefits: The Ishutori army did not seize any property belonging to the kings in the occupied territory, and due to the invasion of the Ishutori army, the Holy See had to rely on the power of the kings more than before.

When the interests and beliefs of the kings conflicted, and the two identities of politicians and believers could not be unified, they chose a policy of preserving their strength as much as possible and avoiding prematurely expressing their positions: if the goddess Ishutoli wins in the end, then the best Avoid the gnashing of hatred with the Ishutori army in this war; if the goddess Luvis wins in the end, then avoid the Holy See monopolizing the honor of victory-that will weaken the status of the kings even more.

In this war, except for one or two kings with extremely firm beliefs, the rest of the kings had reservations about the number of troops they provided, which undoubtedly reduced the overall numerical advantage of the Luvis Army.

The troops under the command of the Goddess Ishutori are all composed of loyal believers, including the "Ice Crown Knights" composed of nearly 10,000 knights, more than 80,000 light infantry (Note 2), and nearly 40,000 heavy infantry , In addition, it also includes an air force composed of more than 4,000 bat riders and more than 70 white dragons. In addition, after the battle in the west of the West Elazea Plain, the Ishutori Army also received a reinforcement of more than 60,000 people secretly provided by a certain king. These reinforcements were all equipped with white armor, but their mobility was far away. Weaker than the main force of the Ishutori Army.

Among them, nearly 10,000 knights belonging to the "Ice Crown Knights" are the core combat power of the Ishtoli Army. In terms of individual fighting ability, they are on par with the paladins of the Luvis army, but their mobility far exceeds that of the paladins, and their number is about twice that of the paladins. The high-speed maneuvering of such a large number of elite troops in the battle is simply a nightmare for the opponent. The most classic example of the battle is that after the battle of the West Errazea Plain, 2,500 Ice Crown Knights blitzed Yisi and other three An example of cutting off the supply of the 400,000 main force of the alliance in an agricultural city and forcing the alliance's army to retreat.

Moreover, whether it is the Ice Crown Knights, light and heavy infantry, or the air force, the Ishutori army is a loyal believer of the goddess Ishutori, and the 60,000 allied troops, the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi army, Richard only regards them as consumption The fate of these allied forces has been determined when the king presented these allied forces to the goddess Ishutori. If the goddess Ishutoli wins in the end, the king would not dare to ask for victory. Those who questioned how these troops were used; if the goddess Luvis finally won, the 60,000 allied troops would either be regarded as apostates and be executed by the Holy See together with the king, or they would be secretly silenced by the king.

This is the basic situation of the troops participating in the battle. Next, let's look at the structure of the command systems of both sides.

For the goddess Luvis, the supreme command body is called the "Hall of the King of Law", consisting of six members, including Pope Julian, Julian's younger brother Loren known as the "Listener", the great sage Kadar, the Holy Sword Uther, the leader of the Knights, Joey, the leader of the Knights of the Holy Chain, and Necro, the leader of the Knights of the Holy Grail. Among them, the great sage Kadar is calm-headed and talented. Most of the strategic plans of the Luvis Alliance during the war came from his hands, and the three heads of the knights are also excellent commanders. With the command of these four senior generals, coupled with the superiority of the alliance's troops, the balance of war was originally tilted in the direction of the alliance, but the four commanders could not give full play to their talents—the Holy See and the kings interacted with each other when making decisions. So much so that many resolutions are the result of a compromise—and at some point, a compromise is worse than no result. A considerable part of the Luvis Alliance's talent and military advantages was consumed in the struggle of various intricate forces within the alliance.

The command system of the Ishutori Army can be regarded as an excellent command system that can be written into a textbook. The Goddess Ishutori selected three of the most talented faithful believers to form a three-person command team: Richard, who is calm and has an outstanding overall situation view, is the commander-in-chief to formulate strategic plans; Roland, who is superb in swordsmanship and excellent in tactical command And Alsace is responsible for the tactical deployment. Goddess Ishutori conveyed the goal of the war—to develop the "Way of God" to the three-person team, and the specific deployments were all made by the three-person team, and Goddess Ishutori did not interfere. After Richard completed the overall strategic plan, he also only conveyed the goals of each combat operation to Roland and Alsace, and the specific deployment of the combat operations was also completed by these two without Richard interfering. Roland and Alsace also followed the same principle when delivering orders to their subordinates, and when their subordinates delivered orders to subordinates at a lower level, they would also follow this principle.

In this way, in the Ishutoli Army, a command method called "mission instruction-oriented system" by later generations was formed: in this system, when superiors convey orders to subordinates, they only convey what should be done, not what should be done. How to do it—There are two prerequisites for the realization of this system: first, the absolute mutual trust of the entire army; second, when the commander issues an order, he must put himself in the shoes of the ordered and consider whether the order may be completed. In this way, not only the initiative of personnel at each level is brought into full play, but also the whole army develops the habit of independent thinking, so that the ability of the Ishutori army to deal with emergencies on the battlefield is better than that of Lu The Weiss Alliance is excellent—the officers of the Luvis Alliance rely too much on the goddess' prophecy.

In addition, Richard, the commander-in-chief of the Ishutori Army, also organized an advisory group composed of excellent mages, responsible for planning the entire war operation before the war even started. After the start of the war, this advisory group also needs to monitor the progress of the war at all times, evaluate whether the existing plan is reasonable, and be responsible for adjusting the plan—in other words, this advisory group is an efficient staff headquarters. More than 1,800 years later, when Marshal Moltke established the modern staff headquarters system, he was once rated as the most important military reform in the past 100 years—and this is just the old wisdom of the ancients nearly 2,000 years ago.

The above is the situation of the strength and command system of both sides.

Note 1:

Among them are nearly 10,000 Luvis Goddess Guards.

Note 2:

At the end of the war there were nearly 100,000.

3. The beginning of the war, the Ishutori army swallowed up East Alazea

In March 227 of the Luvis calendar, the war kicked off when the Ishutori army landed on the coast of East Alazea and captured Wendell like lightning.

According to the original plan of Richard and his advisory group, the Ishutori Army will attack the Fortress of Flame known as "the first key of Alazea" after landing in Eastern Alazea, and then rely on the Fortress of Flame Continue to develop the "God's Way" to the interior of Alazea as a base. Because the Goddess Ishutori blocked the "listener" Loren's ability to receive the prophecy of the Goddess Luvis in a short period of time, the Luvis Alliance would have no way of knowing the information that the Ishutori army was about to launch a war; at the same time, Yixiu The mobility and self-sustainability of the main force of the Tory Army are excellent, so it is expected that before the Luvis Alliance completes the mobilization of the war, they will come to the city of flames. The advisory group estimates that there will be about 90,000 defenders in the city of flames : 35,000 standing army of the Kingdom of Alazea plus 45,000 troops of the Holy Sword Knights permanently stationed in the City of Flame (Note 1) - the main generals of the Ishutori Army totaling about 150,000 Use "weight" to crush the opponent's will to resist, and then capture the Fortress of Flame at a relatively small cost.

After repeated discussions between Richard and the advisory group, this plan was considered feasible, and in fact it was indeed feasible. The marching speed of the main force of the Ishutori army is more than twice that of the Luvis Alliance army. When they suddenly appear under the city of flames, it will cause great psychological panic for the defenders; The army did not understand the continuous combat capability of the Ishutoli army—in the offensive and defensive battle of the Fortress of Fire, the light infantry of the Ishutoli army even fought continuously without sleep for one day—faced with a seemingly endless offensive , the spirit of the defending army will collapse earlier than the body; and Roland and Alsace, the front-line commanders of the Ishutori Army, have conducted long-term training based on the characteristics of the Ishutori Army's strong continuous combat capability—through With this kind of training, the Ishutori Army can not only continuously launch offensives, but also minimize their own losses during the offensive.

However, when the Ishutori Army had sailed at sea for thirty days and was still three days away from the coast of East Alazea, Richard received an accurate report: 35,000 Alazea The kingdom's standing army has left the Fortress of Flame and is conducting exercises on the East Alazea Plain; while the Knights of the Holy Sword have 80,000 people stationed in the Fortress of Fire due to irregular defense changes!

In this way, the Ishutoli Army fell into a huge crisis:

Usually in the frozen Nordson continent, the Ishtoli army is hidden in the underground barracks, so that even if the goddess Luvis uses the power of the World Tree, she cannot know the number of Ishutori troops—before the war begins However, the Luvis Alliance has always believed that the total strength of the Ishutori Army does not exceed 40,000. And Richard used nearly 80% of his power to land on the coast of East Alazea this time, because the goddess Ishutori blocked the ability of the "listener" Loren to receive the prophecy of the goddess Luvis. Under this premise—and this shield lasts up to 50 days, and now the Ishutori Army is 30 days away from Nordson Continent. In other words, even if the Ishtoli Army turned around and returned to the Nordson Continent now, the Luvis Alliance would know the true strength of the Ishtoli Army in twenty days. And after that, the Luvis Alliance will definitely strengthen its combat readiness with all its strength - once this happens, the contest between the two sides will become no suspense due to the gap in numbers.

And if the Fortress of Flame was attacked according to the original plan, the 35,000 standing army of the Alazea Kingdom in East Alazea would become a nightmare for the Ishutori Army: the Kingdom of Alazea has always The cavalry is famous all over the world. Although the mobility is still not as good as the cavalry of the Ice Crown Knights, it is more than enough for the task of harassing the rear of the Ishutori army's front line. And if the Knights of the Ice Crown were sent to pursue these light cavalry, the main force of the Ishutori army would not be able to get any advantage from the Holy Sword Knights with 2,000 holy knights—and if they could not quickly capture the Fortress of Flame In the case of the fortress, the Ishutori army may have to accept the battle on the plains—on the plain, even if the Luvis Alliance only uses the existing forces, the Ishutori army has no chance of winning.

In the face of this crisis that could destroy Ishutori's entire army, Richard fully demonstrated the spiritual flexibility that a great commander should have. He quickly analyzed the reality and came to the following conclusions:

First, the Ishutori Army must immediately launch an offensive to gain the initiative in the war, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the goal of developing the "Way of God";

Second, the current offensive is aimed at capturing the Fortress of Flame;

Third, the prerequisite for capturing the Fortress of Flame is to annihilate the 35,000 standing troops of the Kingdom of Alazea located on the Eastern Alazea Plain to ensure the supply line;

Fourth, when annihilating the 35,000 troops here, it is necessary to prevent them from retreating back to the Fortress of Flame, increasing the difficulty of conquering the Fortress of Flame;

Based on these conclusions, he formulated a new formula:

In the first step, Roland led about 2,000 Ice Crown Knights to quickly capture the port city of Wendell in the dark. Roland will achieve the following goals in action:

First of all, Roland wanted to capture Wendell before dawn and capture Wendell's lord Kam alive, and through him to issue a declaration of revenge to King Wendam of Alazea, so as to create the illusion that this action was Roland's private revenge, And let Lord Cam accidentally know that only two thousand Ice Crown Knights captured Wendell - this step will be the key to annihilating the 35,000 Alazea standing army;

Then, after capturing Wendell, it is necessary to quickly cut off Wendell’s connection with the outside world—to prevent the standing army of the Kingdom of Alazea from knowing the true number of the Ishutori army.

In the second step, when Cam, the lord of Wendell, conveyed Roland's declaration of revenge to Wendham, the spies that Richard had already arranged in the palace of Alazia would spread rumors that the Holy See had learned of the plan to capture Wendell. It was Roland, and at the insistence of Roland's mentor, the head of the Knights of the Holy Sword, Yusel, the Holy See was going to re-investigate the truth about Roland's treason. In order to induce Wendham to use the 35,000 standing troops on the East Alazea Plain to attack Wendell—in order to conceal his crimes, Wendham will of course hide this matter from the saint who is stationed in the city of flames. Knights of the Sword—so that the standing army of 35,000 would be a lone army.

In the third step, the Ishutori army concentrated about 150,000 main forces. After annihilating 35,000 Alazea standing troops through ambushes, a small number of troops were left to garrison Wendel. The remaining troops were divided into two parts:

The first part is the main force of the Ishutori army, including more than 4,000 ice crown knights, who will go straight to the city of flames along the fastest route;

The second part is 5,000 Ice Crown Knights, divided into a cavalry brigade of 500 people, taking the cities and resources of the Eastern Alazea Plain into their pockets, and then joining the main force in front of the city of flames to attack. Fortress of Flame.

Richard's plan was approved by Roland and Alsace, and the two completed the reorganization of the troops at an astonishing speed. The next situation evolved exactly as Richard expected:

Roland captured Wendell on March 20, 227 in the Luvis calendar;

Knowing Roland's return and hearing the rumors in the court, Wendam was seized by fear, and ordered Lothar to lead the 35,000 Alazea standing army on the East Alazea Plain to Wendel to kill him. Two weeks later, Lothar, who was told to act secretly, was drawn into an ambush circle by Roland, who was fighting and walking without knowing the enemy's situation, and the entire army was wiped out;

In the following two months, the entire Eastern Alazea Plain fell under the control of the Ishutori Army—even though the Holy Sword Knights stationed in the city of flames had learned about the Ishutori Army Accurate information, but they have no way to stop the opponent's actions - one is that the mobility of the Paladins is weaker than that of the Ice Crown Knights, and the other is without the support of the Paladins, and the Holy Sword Knights are not sure to resist the four thousand The main force of the Ishutori Army, known as the Ice Crown Knight, is attacking the Fortress of Flames.

In the "Final Goddess War", the most praised by later generations of strategists is Richard's revision of the original plan this time, and Richard is indeed worthy of these praises: being able to move the entire army from such a He was rescued from a huge crisis, and quickly formulated a response plan to achieve the original strategic goal, which is enough to prove that he has a great heart; , The effective psychological offensive shows that he has clearly recognized that the so-called strategy is essentially a kind of spiritual art. Of course, all of this was based on a full understanding of the enemy's generals - Roland deserved this - he brought accurate information about Wendam's psychological weakness to the Ishutori Army.

But in my opinion, a sentence that Richard himself said is the most pertinent evaluation of this combat operation: "... With his own vision, wisdom, will, hard work and waiting, a man can control half of himself." The other half is decided by heaven... "This sentence interprets the tragic role of the strategist-even if they have made perfect preparations for the war, they still cannot guarantee the victory of the war-so the name strategy Players are often expected to win every battle.

Next, the Ishutori army will face the two famous generals of the alliance in the Fortress of Flame and its vicinity: Usel, the leader of the Holy Sword Knights, and Kadar, the great sage.

Note 1:

Another 35,000 troops of the Holy Sword Knights are stationed in the holy capital.

4. Attack and defense of the city of flames

The city of flames is known as "the first key of Alazea": the Naga Mountains stretching thousands of kilometers from north to south divides the Alazea Plain into east and west parts, and the east-west flows through the entire Alazea Plain. The intersection of the Nilu River and the Naga Mountains is the Grand Canyon known as the "Land of Stars". In the middle of the "Land of Stars" canyon, the width is about 20 kilometers, of which 14 kilometers is the fast-flowing Nilu River, and the other 6 kilometers is the city of flames with double walls.

In addition to having a steep geographical location and a strong double-layered city wall, the Fortress of Flames also has a defensive magic circle called the "Star Seeing Magic Circle". This magic circle is even three times thicker than the ordinary city walls. Walls are more defensive. Not only can it form a defensive barrier outside the two city walls to prevent enemies from approaching the city walls, but it even has a set of small backup magic circles. Once the defensive barriers fail, the backup magic circles can keep enemies within the range of the Fortress of Flame at bay. Under the influence of "slow magic". Not only that, the Fortress of Flame also has a set of extremely secret self-destruct circles, which are used to prevent the fortress from being used by the enemy after it falls—this shows the value of the defensive capabilities of the Fortress of Flame!

It is said that when Roland came to the Fortress of Flame for the first time as a trainee paladin and mentor Uther, after seeing the defensive capabilities of the Fortress of Flame, he couldn't help but sigh that the Fortress of Flame could easily be worth an army of 100,000. After hearing the disciple's exclamation, Uther said: "The fortress can only fully display its value when it is included in the entire war plan; if it is just passively defended as a stronghold, it will be conquered sooner or later."

User's words are enough to prove that he is not just an excellent tactical commander, but an excellent general who can recognize the relationship between tactics and strategy. When the Ishutori army devoured Eastern Alazea, he had already recognized the significance of the city of flames to the entire strategic plan of the Ishutori army, and formulated a very targeted response plan.

The advantage of the Ishutori Army is that the mobility of the entire army is higher than that of the Luvis Alliance, and it has an efficient command structure. If such an opponent is allowed to play freely, it will bring disastrous consequences to the entire alliance. . But the Ishutori army also has a fatal flaw: it is at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, so the Ishutori army needs to rely on the defensive capabilities of the city of flames to counter the numerical superiority of the alliance army.

After the Ishutori Army occupied the entire Eastern Alazea, Usel already had a preliminary understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Ishutori Army. He believes that once the Ishutori army has the ability to break through the defense of the "Star Seeing Circle", it will be difficult for the 80,000 troops of the Holy Sword Knights alone to defend the city of flames—although breaking through the "Star Seeing Magic Circle" is not a difficult task. It's an easy thing, but judging from the previous performance of the Ishutoli Army, they have obviously been carefully prepared for this war-obviously they will not be unprepared for breaking through the "Star Seeing Circle". On the alliance side, due to the intricate relationship between the Holy See and the various kingdoms, the alliance's war mobilization will be relatively slow. Kings who have been oppressed by the Holy See for a long time will be happy to see the elite troops "Holy Sword Knights" suffer some hardships.

We have no way of knowing how Uther felt when he realized this, but while Uther had to face the bitter outcome of having the Fortress of Fire fall to him alone, he was preparing for an even bitterer outcome. It was left to Richard, the commander-in-chief of the Ishutori Army: Once the Fortress of Fire is captured, Usel will activate the self-destruct circle, and the Ishutori Army will not be able to use the defensive capabilities of the Fortress of Flame, and they will not be able to Do not accept a battle when the number is at an absolute disadvantage.

Uther's plan is extremely realistic and pungent: After the Ishutori army has won a "Pyrrhus victory", they will be submerged in the numerical superiority of the alliance army - the price is that the city of flames will not fall for a hundred years Reputation and the Fortress of Fire itself, plus the honor of the Knights of the Holy Sword, blood, and Uther's own life—those who activate the self-destruct circle will not be able to escape the collapsed Fortress of Fire.

As an excellent general, Uther knows the meaning of an excellent commander to an army, so while completing the self-destruction plan of the Fortress of Flame, Uther also planned a "beheading plan"—the target is the former disciple , now Roland Strife, head of the Ishutori Army Ice Crown Knights.

Since the backup magic circle of the City of Flame will release "slow magic" on the attackers, and the closer to the center of the magic circle, the stronger the magic effect-this has a great impact on light infantry without magic resistance-the only The solution is to send elite fighters to occupy the circle at the center of the keep. The magic circle is guarded by Uther and the guards of the Knights of the Holy Sword. If you want to occupy this place, you must be a fighter of the same level as Uther—this is Roland (Note 1). And as long as Roland came to the magic circle in the center of the city, Uther's goal would be achieved—whether Roland died under Uther's sword, or was buried in the collapsed ruins of the city of flames after defeating Uther— The Ishutoli army will lose a powerful general, and will be in a more disadvantaged position in the next war.

When Uther had to fight a battle with a small chance of winning due to internal friction in his own country, we couldn't help feeling that fate had played tricks on the famous general of the alliance; and seeing Uther in an extremely unfavorable situation, While still using our own reputation and life as a bargaining chip, we can't help but be in awe of the great spirit of this famous general of the alliance when we are trying our best to win a powerful strategic situation for the motherland.

And the course of the war that followed, although slightly different from User's expectations, remained largely unchanged: First, Richard organized mages to summon the Crimson Star and broke through the outer defenses of the "Star Seeing Magic Circle"; The Fire City Fortress had a tentative confrontation. After the two sides each paid nearly 10,000 casualties, the Holy Sword Knights retreated into the Fire City Fortress to defend the city. Roland and Alsace commanded the lightly armed Ishtoli Army The infantry attacked the city day and night.

As for the alliance's reinforcements, although the great sage Kadar completed the mobilization of the war in time-he sent the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Alazia, Rivers, to the Inquisition for "collaborating with the enemy", because Rivers was slack in the mobilization work (Note 2), so the kings realized that their own lives were more important than watching the jokes of the Holy Sword Knights, so the mobilization work went smoothly-but Kadar had to gather the main force of the army before rushing into the city of flames. This is because the small group of light troops sent to support the city of flames suffered heavy losses under the sneak attack of the Ishutori army's air force, and at this time the alliance's air force has not yet completed mobilization-this is the only time that the Ishutori army's air force is in the sky. In the next eight years, the air force of the Ishutori Army has been suppressed by the Alliance Air Force.

The Knights of the Holy Sword, which did not receive reinforcements in time, was finally taken to the top of the city by the Ishutori army, and gradually became unable to support it under the day and night attacks of the Ishutori army. In order to take down the Fortress of Flame before the main force of the alliance arrived, the Ishutori Army sent Roland to capture the central magic circle—so far, all the situations were calculated by Usel—but Usel did not expect that, then Roland came to the center magic circle together, and there was also a mage who was proficient in teleportation (Note 3)—it was this mage who, after Roland defeated Uther, lifted Roland from the flames that had begun to collapse due to the activation of the self-destructing magic circle. He was rescued from the fortress of the city.

In the final offensive and defensive battle of the Fortress of Flame, the Alliance lost 45,000 troops including more than 1,100 paladins, and lost the Fortress of Flame; while the loss of the Ishutori Army was 35,000 troops. , including nearly 600 Ice Crown Knights, at the same time, they did not get the Fortress of Flame.

Next, the Ishutoli Army was forced to accept the battle on the West Erazia Plain. The numbers of the two sides were 102,000 Ishutoli Army and 400,000 Luvis Alliance.

Note 1:

And, of course, Alsace.

Note 2:

This is only the official statement of the league, and there are still doubts about why Rivers was thrown into the Inquisition.

Note 3:

His name is no longer available, and there is a saying that the mage is Richard himself, and in this kind of saying, Alsace also participated in the action of seizing the central magic circle. But this statement is doubtful. The three supreme commanders of the troops appearing on the most dangerous front line at the same time is not like the behavior of a calm commander, but more like a troubadour's invention.

5. The Battle of West Errazea Plain

After the offensive and defensive battle of the Fortress of Flame, although the Luvis Alliance lost the "Number One Warrior of the Alliance" Yussel, and the Holy Sword Knights, the "No. At the same time, the Alliance has also obtained a valuable opportunity: the Ishutoli Army who did not capture the Fortress of Flame as originally planned will have to accept the battle on the West Erazea Plain—this is the best thing the Alliance has obtained in the entire war. a chance.

The great sage Kadar, who has worked with Usel for many years, certainly understands how precious the opportunity Usel bought in exchange for honor and life this time is—the Ishtoli army who has no choice will have to fight against the alliance army in numbers of only three. Accepting the battle under one-third of the conditions-in this case, there is basically no suspense about the outcome-the problem that the alliance army needs to face is nothing more than how much loss it will take to wipe out the enemy army.

According to general military common sense, this war should have ended with this battle, but the event of Goddess Ishutoli coming to the City of Flames changed the direction of history.

The reason why Goddess Ishutori came to the Fortress of Flames was mainly to complete a super-large demon-gathering tower with the divine power of the goddess—of course, Richard invited Goddess Ishutori to come to the Fortress of Flames, and also There is another purpose, which we will explain later—this kind of magic tower is a cutting-edge magic technology mastered by the Ishutori army, through which the effect of magic can be greatly enhanced. Richard hoped that this demon-gathering tower could replace the Fortress of Flame, so that the Ishutori army would be in a favorable position in defense. However, it took a long time to build this super-large demon-gathering tower. Even with the help of the divine power of the goddess Ishutoli, it was only completed four days after the start of the well-known "Battle of West Erazea Plain"— Four days was enough time for the alliance army to defeat the Ishutori army.

After learning that the goddess Ishutori came to the city of flames, the great sage Kadar faintly felt a little worry-Kadar was not afraid of the super-large demon-gathering tower, the construction of the demon-gathering tower was more like Yi The dying struggle of the Shutoli army, if the alliance launches a decisive battle immediately, it cannot be completed before the Ishutoli army is defeated - what Kadar is worried about is that after the goddess Ishutoli comes to the city of flames, the alliance will Tempted by the goal of "assassinating the goddess Ishutori", distracting energy, thus affecting the achievement of the goal of "destroying the military power of the Ishutoli believers"—and the goal of "assassinating the goddess Ishutoli" is not Easy to achieve - the individual combat power of the Paladin and the Ice Crown Knight is on par. Once the Ishutori army detects the alliance's attempt to assassinate Ishutori, it is easy to deploy countermeasures.

Sure enough, after Goddess Luvis learned of the news that Goddess Ishutori came to the front line, Goddess Luvis issued an oracle through the "listener" Loren: to attract the Ishutori army with a positive battle, At the same time, an elite squad was sent to assassinate Ishutoli.

The plan of the great sage Kadar and the plan of the goddess Luvis respectively point to the two pillars of religion: believers and goddesses. Although the identities of the two are different, they inevitably affect the key goals in their respective plans. But in terms of the specific situation at the time, it was still easier for the great sage Kadar's plan to achieve the goal of "defeating the Ishutori Army"-although this would cause more bloodshed, "use absolute superiority to defeat the Ishutori Army." Ishutori's main force" is much easier than "using an elite squad to assassinate a goddess in the opponent's barracks", not to mention that once the assassination fails, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to the morale of the alliance army. If this delays the time and completes the construction of the Ishutori Army's Demon Gathering Tower, it will lose the precious opportunity Usel exchanged for honor and life.

Although the great sage Kadar tried his best to persuade the Hall of the King of Law to abandon the plan to assassinate the goddess Ishtoli at the military meeting, and concentrated all his forces to wipe out the main force of the Ishtoli army. His proposal has won the support of the kings—if the victory is achieved in this way, it will be a bloody battle between the Holy See troops and the troops belonging to the kings; All of them are elites belonging to the three major knight orders of the Holy See—it’s not that the Holy See deliberately rejects the troops of the kings, but because among the secular troops belonging to the king, those whose martial arts skills meet the requirements of this task are indeed rare.

Although the Hall of the King of Law also knew that the plan of the great sage Kadar was more appropriate, but one of the oracles of the goddess must not be violated—not to mention that the authority of the goddess is the authority of the Holy See; The Holy See absolutely cannot tolerate the kings taking advantage of the fire and taking advantage of the opportunity of the infidels to bargain with the Holy See to expand their rights.

After fierce quarrels, it was finally decided to implement the plan in the oracle—like in most cases in history, the politically dominant person or group interfered with the military decision because of private vested interests—and this Interference may often cause them to lose all their vested interests in the near future—and this kind of interference is exactly what Richard, the commander-in-chief of the Ishutori Army, hopes to see.

When Richard suggested to Goddess Ishutori to inspect the front line, he clearly stated the purpose of doing so—not only hoped to use the power of Goddess Ishutori to speed up the completion of the Demon Gathering Tower, but also hoped to use the power of Goddess Ishutori As bait, to lure the Luvis Alliance to make the decision to assassinate the Goddess Ishutori, thereby distracting the energy of the alliance, and giving the Ishutori army a chance to fish in troubled waters—believers use the gods they believe in as bait, at least in Ayla In Zeya's four thousand years of history, only Richard has done this.

If it is said that Richard's revision of the original plan at the beginning of the war was the most outstanding strategic operation in the entire war, this time using the goddess Ishutori as bait to induce the alliance to change the original battle plan is The craziest gamble of the entire war—a gamble waged by Richard with all of his mind, the goddess Ishutori, and all of her followers.

After Richard succeeded in this crazy gamble, the balance of victory and defeat at the strategic level tended to be balanced, and the next step was the contest between the two sides at the tactical level.

As for the Ishutori Army, it was a tactical deployment to delay time—light infantry and heavy infantry, which are less mobile, were placed at the rear of the front line, so as to avoid unnecessary consumption before the completion of the Demon Gathering Tower. The Knights, as the main combat force, use their high mobility and strong individual combat power to minimize their own losses while delaying time-in addition, there are some highly skilled Ice Crown Knights on standby at any time, ready to snipe the alliance. Assassinate troops.

On the alliance side, the great sage Kadar formulated a tactic to encircle the enemy - deploy a small number of light infantry in the center of the battle line, arrange elite heavy infantry on both sides of the light infantry, and then deploy relatively high-mobility heavy cavalry After the two wings - after the battle, the light infantry in the center of the battle line will sag inward under the opponent's attack because of their weak combat power. The infantry retreated and the heavy infantry surrounded the Ishutori army together. If this action is completed, the surrounded Ishutori army will be quickly defeated - Kadar even arranged for Roland's enemy, King Wendam Aurand of Alazea, to lead the light infantry in the middle of the battle line - Daxian The author hoped that this would somewhat attract the attention of former friends, thus giving the elite squad that assassinated Ishutori a little hope of success.

It's a pity that the Ishutori Army used the Ice Crown Knights as the main force of the battle—nearly 100,000 main infantry units formed a defensive formation. As we all know, the mobility of the infantry is much lower than that of the cavalry. If the alliance does not rely on the natural depression of the light infantry in the middle of the battle line, it is impossible to encircle the opponent. The number of highly mobile cavalry is not enough to maintain the encirclement. The infantry unit has poor mobility and cannot complete the encirclement action by virtue of its own mobility.

In addition, due to the high mobility of the Frost Crown Knights, the alliance was unable to kill them on a large scale in mobile warfare, so they had to use heavy cavalry to deal with the opponent for a long time—it was impossible to invest infantry troops to surround the Frost Crown Knights— Large-scale infantry movement will make one's own front line fragmented and lose unified command. Although small-scale infantry movement can maintain the integrity of the formation and facilitate command, it is not enough to block the way of the Ice Crown Knight.

When it was discovered that the Ishutori Army had only the Ice Crown Knight in combat, the great sage Kadar had realized that the alliance had lost the chance to defeat the Ishutori Army. Kadar had a premonition—I am afraid that the alliance will eventually lose in this war—the enemy's methods are very clever, and more importantly, the great sage realized that the alliance's command system was not enough to guarantee the chance of victory.

After learning that the assassination team was defeated, the French King Hall decided to terminate the battle—not because the defeat of the assassination team made them lose confidence, but because the alliance spent two One day - when the news of the failed assassination came, there was only one day left before the Ishutori Army's Demon Gathering Tower was completed. Once the Demon Gathering Tower is completed, some hunters in the alliance army may become prey, and one day is not enough to defeat more than 100,000 troops.

In this way, after nearly three days of fighting, after losing more than 900 Ice Crown Knights and nearly 10,000 infantry, the Ishutori Army finally survived the battle. Looking at the entire war, the most difficult moment for the Ishutori Army has passed. In the remaining time, although there are still countless difficulties, they are only problems on the tactical level. Richard, Roland and Alsace have no more problems. Let the Ishutoli Army encounter any strategic crisis.

When defeating the alliance's assassination squad, the Ishutori army captured several high-status paladins. Richard did not order them to be executed, but returned them to the alliance. This move was not out of kindness, but out of strategic considerations—the Ishutori Army initially demanded to exchange them with Roland's enemy, King Windam Oland of Alazea, but was rejected by the Alliance— Before the battle in the west of the Alazea Plain, the Hall of the King of the Kings had found out the crimes committed by Windham against Roland and had deprived him of his status as a believer. However, the Holy See would not negotiate terms with heretics—but asked Windham's exchange of prisoners of war was just a trick of Richard's. He knew very well that the Holy See would not accept any conditions, otherwise it would damage the prestige of the Holy See. However, since the status of these captives is very high, and they include Dilicia, the lover of the great sage Kadar, the deputy head of the Knights of the Holy Chain, the Hall of the King of Law will inevitably discuss this matter cautiously.

While discussing in the King's Hall, the Ishutoli Army launched the most classic blitz in the entire war.

6. In the Crubes-Iss Blitz, the Ishutoli Army broke through the defenses of the five cities and broke into the territory of Storgard

If you look down on the West Errazea Plain from the map, you will find that the plain is surrounded by majestic mountains on all sides, with only two exceptions. The Kingdom of Storgard with a relatively gentle mountain - in the north of the Kingdom of Storgard is Mitlan, the holy capital of the Alliance, and to the east of Storgard are scattered, including Dalaran, the capital of Elazia. About 600 kilometers to the west of Dalaran, there are five big cities including Dalaran, which is the battlefield for the confrontation between the Alliance and the Ishtoli Army. Between the battlefield and Dalaran, there is a large area of agricultural operations and the three agricultural centers of Krubes, Firna, and Iss that store a large amount of supplies. The world tree belonging to the goddess Ishtar is located in the Yahevi Mountains further west of Storgard.

In this way, if the Ishutori Army wants to complete the task of developing the "Way of God", it must go through the entire Alazea and Storgard. Because the numbers are still at a huge disadvantage, the Ixiutoli army must absolutely avoid a frontal battle with the Alliance on the open plain—and after the battle on the West Erazea Plain, although with the help of the Demon Judgment Tower, Yixiu Tuoli The Toli army can have an advantage in defensive operations, but once the Ishutori army continues to advance westward and leaves the range of the magic-gathering tower, the alliance will definitely launch a frontal battle again—as long as the army of the alliance can fight in the West Eraser The Ishutoli army could no longer move westward if sufficient supplies were obtained from the sub-plain.

However, once the Alliance army retreats from the West Elazea Plain, the advantage in the number of Alliance troops will be wiped out—Storgard’s terrain is extremely complicated, and it is impossible to launch a large army battle—and once the battlefield is transferred to Storgard, the Alliance It is even impossible to send a large-scale troop through Storgard to harass the rear of the Ishutori army. How to force the alliance army to withdraw from the West Erazia Plain has now become the key to whether the Ishutori army can successfully develop the "Way of God".

Therefore, even though he had just experienced the thrilling battle on the West Errazea Plain, Richard still decided to immediately organize 2,500 Ice Crown Knights to carry out a surprise attack on Krubes, Firner, and Yis who had stored a large amount of supplies. —First of all, use the magic power of the Gathering Tower to launch a large-scale teleportation phalanx, teleport these ice crown knights directly to the city of Krubes, and burn the supplies directly before the defenders react, and then do not make any pauses until Pounce on Firna, which is located in the west of Krubes, turn south after burning Firna's supplies, and storm the last agricultural center, Yisi - this plan makes full use of the advantages of the Ishtoli Army: 1. Luvis The alliance has not mastered the technology of large-scale teleportation phalanx, so it is difficult to predict that the ice crown knight will appear directly in the rear; second, the mobility of the ice crown knight is much higher than that of the alliance's paladins. The Ice Crown Knight will not encounter obstacles from the paladins during the raid, and can safely shake off the pursuers when retreating.

Three days after the battle on the West Elazea Plain, the 2,500 Ice Crown Knights of the Ishutori Army, led by Roland, launched the most famous blitz in the entire war.

The Klubes defenders, who were suddenly attacked, were in a mess and were defeated in less than half an hour. They didn't even have time to send an alarm to the Alliance Army Command. We can appreciate the horror of the Crubes defenders at that time from the verses of a troubadour named "Crimson":

Creatures of the earth, groaning in pain;

The fate of mankind is floating in the sea of blood;

Crubes trembled in the magic light;

A fanatical letter from a monster came in the cold wind...

After burning and hoarding the supplies stored in Krubes, the Ice Crown Knight arrived at Firna six hours later, captured Firna an hour and a half later and burned all the supplies. Then Roland led the Ice Crown Knights to attack Iss—although Iss received the news of the Ishutori army's surprise attack on Firna and was ready to attack, but this was still not enough to resist Roland's attack—if it wasn't a coincidence When the Ishutori army attacked the city, the flash flood near Iss broke up the formation of the Ice Crown Knights—after the flood slowed down the attack of the Ishutori army, the Luvis Alliance had just mobilized The Knights of the Storm Griffin rushed to Iss, and Roland had to retreat under the attack of the alliance's air force.

However, Roland did not give up his plan to attack IS. After receiving the support from Alsace and the Batriders of his own air force, Roland decided to launch another surprise attack on IS after dark—some subordinates once questioned whether this would be effective. Roland gave He gave his famous answer: "In war, the proportion of spirit and matter is three to one."

Sure enough, the defenders of the alliance did not expect the Ishutori army to attack Iss again in such a short period of time, and because the Storm Griffin Knight was attacked by the Batrider just after taking off, Ishutori After two hours of fierce fighting, the Li army was finally able to burn most of IS's supplies—the cost was the loss of more than 1,100 Batriders. In contrast, the Alliance only lost more than 300 Storm Griffin Knights— The Alliance's air force is indeed superior to the Ishutori Army, and the Alliance has been firmly in control of the air throughout the war. This fact reminds people that air supremacy should not be superstitious in war.

This blitz was called the Klubes-Iss Blitz, and it was collectively called the Western Battle of the West Errazea Plain with the previous Battle of the West Errazea Plain.

The significance of the Krubes-Iss Blitz was not only that it forced the Luvis Alliance to be unable to continue to confront the Ishutori Army in the eastern part of the Western Erazia Plain, but also that it shook some people in the alliance who had no idea about the war. Confidence—After the Western Battle of the West Elazia Plain, there were disagreements within the alliance on whether it could win the war. There were even kings of the Luvis Alliance who secretly provided reinforcements to the Ishutoli Army. The total number of reinforcements is about 60,000, all equipped with white armor.

After the supplies stored in the three agricultural centers were burned, the Alliance had to withdraw to the five large cities in the west of the western Errazea Plain. On the day of receiving the ISIS battle report, the great sage Kadar gave the order to retreat. The remaining supplies are only enough for the alliance army to last for one month. , perhaps leading to a catastrophic failure. In order to organize the Ishutori Army to continue to advance westward, the Alliance formulated a plan to rely on the five cities in the west of the Erazea Plain for defense—distribute the Alliance army among the five cities.