Death Knight

Chapter 9: Mirror of Sin


"Are you all right, Ishtoli?" Roland turned his head subconsciously to avoid the other party's gaze, "I'm sorry, I should have come here earlier."

"Why do you have to apologize? Olin has been fighting desperately, so I was unscathed." The girl in a dress walked through the flowers and slowly stood in front of the death knight, "Is the injury... does it matter?"

"Such injuries won't hinder anything. There are much more important things than these~!" Roland's gentle expression was filled with embarrassment and determination, "Ishutori, I must return to the battlefield of Alazia as soon as possible Go~!"

"In order to continue to command the battle?" The girl deliberately tried.

"It's to achieve my revenge." The deceased's tone was filled with uncontrollable bitterness, "You should be very clear that I must kill Wendam~!"

"If you keep emphasizing something, reasonable wishes will turn into capricious thoughts. Olin can't go now, because there is no way to rush into the enemy's line with such a broken body." Ishutoli rarely showed a serious expression There was a faint wave in his pupil, "What's more... you don't plan to save that person?"

"..." Following the other party's gaze, Dilicia's blood-soaked breastplate was still heaving weakly.

"Dilicia?" The undead immediately ran over and knelt down, carefully picking up the dying female knight. In order to avoid touching the wound, he could only remove the broken chain mail as slowly as possible, and then, the shirt that had been completely dyed red and a wound with flesh turned out appeared in front of the two of them.

Roland, who has experienced many battles, has seen countless death scenes, and he saw it for the first time, and he immediately judged that it was a fatal injury—even the Holy Light couldn't save her. But a soft word seemed to read Roland's mind, and sounded behind him: "Although it is a serious injury, it is not hopeless... Olin, put your hand on her wound, hurry up."

"Do you really want to save her?" The death knight hesitated instead.

"Don't you wish so?" the other side asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Roland nodded.

"That's it. Even if you are hostile to us, you must maintain your own essence. Olin, please calm down and listen to the melody guidance from the sea of thoughts."

As Ishiutori said so, he bent down, looked past the half-kneeling deceased, and stared at the unconscious paladin. Her beautiful long hair slid over her shoulders and flowed down, while the pupils of the night reflected a little bit of light that twinkled like stars. White stardust suddenly condensed in Roland's hands, sprinkled on the wounded in his arms like snowflakes, and the death knight could clearly feel a warm force covering Dilicia's body quickly, and the eye-catching Under the repeated washing of the pure light, the red is gradually fading from sight.

"This is the power from the spirit world, which is enough to balance the damage to the body caused by the power of the ghost world. I believe she will be out of danger soon." As if to verify the clear words of the goddess, although Dilicia has not yet regained consciousness, her face is already rosy When you get up, your breathing gradually slows down.

"Leave the rest of the business to Barossa and the others." Ishutoli turned his gaze to the main entrance of the hall, where several liches were already standing with their heads bowed. "Anyway, Olin, please stay here for now. After all, it's rare to come back once, is that okay?"

"Well, it seems... It's true that I can't catch up now..." Roland stood up, showing a helpless expression.

After the liches packed up everything, Ishutori approached Roland: "Are you worried? I heard you tell Barossa to keep her warm." She glanced at the death knight from the corner of her eye as she spoke, maybe it was Because of being obsessed with revenge, the other party's eyes were a little dazed.

"Worried?" Roland's face showed exhaustion that did not belong to the undead, "Maybe. I thought revenge would not be difficult after having power, at least for the undead who are focused on fighting, the only thing they need to do should be I just used my sword to open a path, but now I realize that there are still too many problems to worry about."

As if wanting to let out the confusion accumulated in his chest, Roland walked out of the hall slowly, overlooking the land from the snow-swept terrace—here, you can have a sweeping view of the northern scenery, with the mountains stretching for thousands of miles and the sea of clouds stretching as far as the eye can see. After standing silently for a long time, the indifferent flame in the eyes of the undead finally went out, as if feeling the cold again, the death knight hugged himself tightly with both arms.

"Dilicia is my companion who completed the Paladin assessment task with me, and Uther is my master... As an orphan, I have been raised by him since I was a child... Even when I set foot on the coastline of Alazea I realized it at that time, but before facing my questioning, I still hoped that I would not meet them on the battlefield." Roland's voice trembled uncontrollably, "It's like a nightmare, and when I wake up My hands are covered with blood. Obviously, all I want is Wendam, why did it become like this?"

Is it really the same as what Master said? The sins I have committed are beyond repair.

"So, Olin regretted it?" Ishutoli asked softly. When the death knight turned around, the girl with her hands behind her back was staring up at him, her deep eyes were like a mirror, reflecting the gray-haired figure in front of her.

"Regrets like that shouldn't be something for the death knight to consider, right?" Roland was stunned, then avoided the other party's gaze, "The undead have no future at all... No, it should be said that the avengers have no future at all Yes. If that's the case, what qualifications do you have to regret it?"

He said with a wry smile: "To be honest, sometimes I envy Alsace and Richard. If they aim at power and knowledge, they may live longer than dragons, and they will probably never be lost. Bar?"

"When the person who cares is blocked between his own sword and the source of revenge, no matter who he is, he will be confused. It is always difficult to change the direction of people's hearts, and it is the same for gods, but if it is not for various concepts Conflicting with each other, I am afraid that this world will not change and develop. Therefore, it is not absolute to judge right or wrong by logic alone... It’s just,” Ishutoli’s eyes showed waves of wavering, “We didn’t let the other party give up Let's take a stand... That's why there is such a vortex that cannot be chosen... "

"However, this kind of thing is always a sin. Aggression, killing, and any reason can't cover up the fact. Many people died because of the war. I'm like this... is it degenerate?" The death knight was suddenly beaten in the middle of his words. broken.

Ishutori's slender fingers stuck to his lips, and then shook his head. Although he clearly knew that the girl in front of him was just a projection of his will, Roland was stunned by this touch.

"It's not like that, Olin was wrong." The girl sighed, "No matter when, the road to becoming a god is bought with blood. At this moment, Luvis appears as a guardian, but in hundreds of Years ago, her believers also launched a similar war, right? This is the reality."

"So, what about mortals?"

"One day..." Ishutoli's eyes drifted to a distant place, "I will give the dead who lost their lives because of this a fair chance as the living~! As for Olin, who feels that he has sinned deeply... I want you to be liberated before then..."

"You mean to change my fate?" Roland showed noncommittal eyes.

"I don't have the ability to change fate yet, but I can make an impact to a certain extent. Besides, you are my Orin, the mortal closest to the gods, aren't you?" Ishutori's eyes held an indelible firmness , "I had already made that decision when I was enlightened."

"Is this what you mean? Forged in the name of God, you are innocent..." Roland recited softly, and the elven words engraved on the sword surfaced in his mind again, "I thought it was to strengthen this great sword. A spell, but I didn't expect it to be related to a mysterious fate."

"That can be regarded as an agreement, but because it is not specific, its power is not enough. For this reason, I want to make a real agreement with Olin, is it possible?" Speaking of this, Yixiu Tuo The corners of Lee's mouth twitched slightly.

"Promise... such a thing, can I?" The death knight's voice lowered.

"Of course, because Olin is Ishutoli's Olin~!" Ishutoli showed a slight smile. Then, the girl stared at each other seriously, and then said word by word, "Please guard me until that day comes, until the dawn of Ishutori comes..."

"Liming~!! You mean~!!" the other party shouted.

"Well, although that is just a way to achieve the goal rather than the goal itself, it is the only way, and it is also the reason for the undead to return to the mainland. I want to stick to that belief."

"Olin. Please keep swinging your sword for me until I am destroyed." The pupils watching Roland revealed an indelible determination under the bath of the aurora. Under the surge of the wind, the long blue silk fluttered like a flag, and the surrounding sounds all settled down, leaving only silence lingering in the sea of flowers, as if the whole world was waiting for the answer to come.

"I promise you, Roland will wield the sword for Ishutori...until the moment of dawn." Roland lowered his head solemnly, his tone was as hard as ice, and his eyes were burning with flames.

"Thank you, Orin~!" The silver bell-like laughter broke the silence, and Ishutori smiled and put his palm on his chest, feeling the wonderful vibration of the melody coming from there, and the pupils of the night lighted up at that moment. Instantly brimming with happiness.

If so, there may still be a chance.

Right, long ago

"In addition, I also want to thank Orinte for rushing back from the battlefield." Ishutoli's tone was mixed with unnoticeable tenderness.

"You should thank Richard like me. My words are not worth mentioning." Roland waved his hand.

"Did he hook up your past again?" The girl turned around, and the sudden movement caused her hair to bloom in the air, "Sure enough, Olin thought of the long time ago..."

"I won't do that, even if they have the same appearance, I know very well that Ishutoli and Jiuyuan are different~!" Roland interrupted the other party in a rare way, "Whether it's Ishutoli or Jiuyuan, They are all irreplaceable to me... How is it possible..." The death knight stopped in the middle of speaking, because he had just noticed that the girl had a conspiracy-like smile on her face—he had already been tricked.

"So, Olin gave up revenge only for me?" No matter how you look at it, it is a leading question.

"Even if I sacrifice my life to charge, I don't think it is possible for me to defeat hundreds of paladins. If something happens to the Ice Crown, the power of the undead will be greatly weakened. So, from a long-term perspective, I think it is still..."

But the death knight's answer was interrupted by a shocking laugh. Ishutori was covering his abdomen with his hands, and bent down uncontrollably: "I'm really rude, but this is really interesting~!"

"Laughing at your own general, this is what a leader who lacks self-cultivation would do." Looking at the girl who kept laughing, Roland replied with a wry smile.

"Because I never thought that Orin would be as clumsy as Richard. It's really unexpected." Ishuto covered the corner of his slightly raised mouth with his hand, but couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, " However, before the magic circle is completed, Orin should rest here."

"En." Roland nodded.

In the early morning, the reddish morning glow dyes the snowflakes flying all over the sky into the color of cherry blossoms. Under the depiction of the colorful aurora, the mountain top of the ice crown is as silent as ever, like a sleeping dragon. In the undead base at the foot of the mountain, Roland and Dilicia were silently walking towards the huge transfer square drawn by the liches. Even on the vast snowy ground, the cold breath spreading under the death knight's feet still exudes a strange feeling, so there is an insurmountable boundary between the two.

While the mantra was being chanted, layers of light gradually emerged from the magic circle, gradually enveloping the figures of the two. But when the surrounding scenery gradually blurred, the silent death knight felt the gaze from afar.

"Ishutori..." Roland raised his head and looked up at the distant mountain top, muttering to himself. In the next moment, the condensed magic power carried the caster and crossed the space in an instant, connecting Alazea and the Ice Crown, who were separated by thousands of miles.

"In yesterday's battle, because you refused to obey the orders of the command post, a total of 911 death knights were laid to rest because they did not receive the correct command. Thanks to the assault troops led by Alsace, they turned around and pinched the alliance knights. Situation. The loss of the ghoul army is not small, nearly 10,000... If it weren't for the spider warriors blocking the assault of the knights on both wings, maybe our defense line would have completely collapsed." Richard told yesterday's story without emotion battle report.

"It's my responsibility." Roland lowered his head.

"For the sake of Ishutoli's safety, I don't plan to hold you accountable. On the other hand, the concentration of magic power in the surrounding area has finally returned to normal. With the help of the magic tower, the next defense should be easier. Richard glanced at the brand new shiny silver armor the other party was wearing, "That battle... was tough, right?"

"Thanks to Ishutoli's help." The death knight replied slowly, with a subtle tone instead of the usual indifference, "Also, the most important thing is to thank you, Richard."

The effect of this sentence was immediate, and the Lich's movements stopped immediately. After a long time, he shrugged his shoulders: "This... I don't think it is possible for me to defeat so many raiders. After all, only Olin Only you can exert the power of the gods, and if something happens to the ice crown, the power of the undead will be greatly weakened... So, I will do everything possible to persuade you to go back, otherwise how could I disrupt the command... "

But Richard's words were interrupted by unexpected laughter. Roland was covering his abdomen with his hands, and bent down uncontrollably: "I'm really rude, but this is really interesting~!"

And in the mind of the death knight who was shaking all over, the words Ishutori said not long ago could not be restrained: "But I never thought that Orin would be as clumsy as Richard~!"

Is that what Ishutoli was talking about? Sure enough, this is indeed a very clumsy way to cover up... But, it is also very gentle.

How long has it been since I felt this feeling from the bottom of my heart? When was the last time you laughed out loud from the bottom of your heart

"Is there anything ridiculous about what I said?" Lich asked suspiciously with a hint of sullenness, "I really didn't expect that the leader who put his indifference on his face would lose his composure~!"

And when Roland turned his head to avoid the other party's sight, Alsace happened to appear and interrupted the conversation between the two: "The time is up, it's time to send the prisoners of war there."

Indifference and silence covered Roland's face like lightning in an instant.

The flag was fluttering up and down in the position of Luvis Alliance, only the sound of metal armor rubbing and scabbard colliding occasionally sounded, and the position of the undead opposite was the same, except for the silence, it was still silence.

Yesterday's knight's charge eventually turned into a tug of war, which lasted until midnight, so the corpses on the battlefield were everywhere, and there was no time to bury them. Dirty dark red blood flowed into streams, torn human limbs piled up into mountains, and the stiff remains of the undead turned into powder, all kinds of shocking scenes filled the whole earth.

Even the heavy armor and the tower shields lined up in a row couldn't resist the penetration of that cold breath. Only when the soldiers nailed their eyes to the enemy, would they temporarily forget the feeling of death wrapped around their bodies.

Roland and Dilicia rode forward slowly in this silent hell. From Dilicia's recovery, the two of them hadn't even spoken a word, but when the female knight noticed that the other party was coordinating with her body without any trace, As the poor horse advanced, it finally couldn't help but speak.

"Why did you let me go? Or, have you reached any deal with the alliance?"

The death knight's figure paused, but he didn't turn his head back: "I originally planned to exchange you for Wendam, but... the Holy See of Luvis seems to think that this is an act of compromise, which will shake Luvis's heart." authority, so would rather throw your life away than agree."

Dilicia's eyes widened in shock at that moment, but no sound came out of her parted lips.

"You might as well ask after you go back. If I'm a pawn, so are you." Roland's indifferent words penetrated into the opponent's soul like a sharp blade.

"So now, since the negotiation failed..." Dilicia asked blankly, "Why?"

"Ishutoli told me that it was because I didn't regard you as an absolute enemy in my consciousness, so you didn't die in that attack." The death knight turned his head, "Since you can't use If you come to exchange, it means that you are a worthless captive, and keeping it is just a waste of food, so I plan to throw it directly to the alliance, that's all."

Dilicia lowered her head wordlessly.

"The evil god in your eyes, Ishutori, she also agrees with my idea." Roland's voice was involuntarily tender.

"In the future, do as you like, I don't intend to preach. But the words are up front," said this, the other party's eyes suddenly ignited a cold and ruthless flame, "Next time if you still stand in front of me, Frost Lament It won't stop anymore."

The female knight stopped answering, but avoided the other party's sight with a complicated expression, and then wrapped herself in silence until the human figure appeared in the field of vision of the two.

Kadar, who has always paid attention to appearance, is now exhausted, and his originally calm expression can't hide the worry written on his face. After the two sides were in position, he immediately came to the center of the battlefield without hesitation—that is The two sides agreed on a place to release Dilicia—and the six paladins who came with the sage immediately put their hands on the hilts of their swords, ready to deal with any accidents.

Roland, Kadar, and Dilicia, partners who used to fight together, are now standing on completely opposite positions. Although there is only a small distance in space, for small mortals, this distance is deeper than the deepest canyon. To be difficult to cross.

The death knight glanced at the paladins with contempt, and then began to urge the horse forward. When he saw that the person he cared about was not injured, Kadar reined in the horse. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know How to speak, so the silence quickly spread, only the sound of the violent wind remained.

After a long silence and complex eyes met, the death knight made a tacit gesture to the female knight beside him.

"Delicia~!" Kadar urged the paladins to break out in a cold sweat—after all, when recalling Roland's strange madness on the battlefield, even the most experienced fighters would definitely feel Incomparably shocked. But the death knight on the other side didn't seem to care about the opponent's sword-drawn attitude at all, and just watched the two people meeting quietly.

They were companions once, and still are. But he could no longer take a step forward.

"Are you all right?" When the other party asked so softly, Dilicia's tears finally fell down.

"The mission failed, we didn't do anything well. Anthony, Methis, they are all dead, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Her voice was broken by childlike sobs.

"It's good that you can come back, that's the most important thing, and you don't have to think about anything else." With tenderness and comfort in Kadar's eyes, he said and hugged her gently, "It's good to be able to come back .”

"Then, I have definitely returned her to you...Kadar." Roland hesitated for a moment, then read out the other party's name lightly, his tone extremely stiff.

The sage nodded speechlessly, and there was a subtle fluctuation in the eyes staring at the death knight. Roland couldn't see through the meaning contained in it, and he didn't plan to see through.

Anyway, for me now, revenge is the most important thing.

"I will neither let you hurt Ishutoli, nor let you prevent revenge. Returning the captives is not to prove anything, just treat it as a personal act, an act based on the will of the 'pawn'. " Roland sarcastically sarcastically, and then turned his horse's head. The black figure was like a gust of wind, and in the blink of an eye, it was away from the sight of humans, leading the trail of ice chips towards the black frozen land.

"Although Wendam failed to get Windham in the end, the alliance's belief in whether it is worth sacrificing for the so-called prestige has been divided and wavered. If it happens, maybe it will bring various disputes to the surface? Although we can't see through fate, things like chance and speculation can be grasped."

"Is that why you agreed to send her back? It's a complicated strategy. What's going on in the mage's mind?" Alsace glanced at the lich beside him. His ice-blue pupils were the same as usual. Same calm.

"Of course not," Richard showed an unpredictable smile, "I just saw the favorable side of the facts that have happened and planned to use them. However, if I deliberately calculate for this reason, I am afraid that soon Will you lose your own essence? For the deceased, that would be fatal."

"Indeed," Alsace agreed, stroking the slender and smooth sword in his hand, "such an approach cannot be approved by this sword."

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of things that need to be solved by means of strength." Richard walked towards the returning death knight.

A week after the Great Battle of the Alazea Plains, the death knights regrouped under the ruins of the Fire Citadel—for the tireless undead, the only destination is battle.

"The 2,500 high-level death knights are the same lineup as when they first landed, which is very good." Looking at the neat military appearance in front of him, Roland nodded with satisfaction. The knights in shining silver armor stood like statues, but their burning eyes proved that these icy shells housed flaming souls.

The words drawn by the light appeared on the surface of the towering magic tower again. At this moment, it seemed to be singing, producing regular rhythmic light amidst the spells chanted by the liches, and the silent frozen soil emerged in this fluctuation. Exquisite pattern.

"Now the power of the tower has been restored. Although it cannot be used to attack the mobile army, it is absolutely no problem to use it for defense. The Alliance has probably discovered that there is absolutely no chance of winning if there is a battle now, so they have all Withdrew," Richard explained.

"Then, what we need to do now is to cut off the opponent's supply line." Roland took over the Lich's words, "We must capture those three agricultural cities."

"That's right, relying on the power of this tower, it will be possible to transfer the phalanx on a large scale," the other party looked up at the tower. Surrounded by light, it looked like a beating crystal heart. There is a relatively large distance limit, but the defense line of the alliance in front of you will be completely meaningless~! This time, I will directly teleport you to the largest agricultural city."

"What about the other two?" Roland asked.

"Of course it's a hard attack."

"If we continue the blitzkrieg, we may be able to win two cities in a row." Alsace's eyes radiated red light, "Even in the enemy's territory, the speed of the death knight can still be regarded as the first in the mainland. The threat in the air is enough, and those Iron Knights are nothing to fear."

"Then, prepare to cast spells." Roland nodded towards the lich, and the next moment, the gray-haired figure jumped into the turbulent sea of magic power.

The burst of light swept a dazzling whirlwind in an instant, heralding that a new battle was about to begin.