Death Notice

Chapter 1: death row


"Dang bang!" The iron gate leading to the E area of the prison opened automatically, and seven tall prison guards stepped into the aisle of the cell area. Except for the first one, the next four were heavily armored prison guards holding riot shields and wearing protective helmets. , and the last two prison guards carried a rectangular lockbox.

Prisoners in Block E are basically serious criminals. Unlike the cells in other areas for light criminals, the doors here are all iron doors with only viewing windows.

Although mankind has entered the space age, prisoners in prisons are not eligible to enjoy the convenience brought by high technology. In the cells of Handan Severe Penalty Prison, there are no stereoscopic entertainment programs, no radio stations, and no green food grown in outer space greenhouses.

Prisoners who have been deprived of their civil rights eat tasteless synthetic food and sleep on antique double wooden beds hundreds of years ago. Apart from hard labor, the only daily activities of the prisoners are fitness and reading.

Of course, aside from the simple furniture used by prisoners, the equipment used to supervise prisoners in Handan Severe Penalty Prison is the most modern high-tech product. Each prisoner wears an anklet-style signal transmitter on his ankle. The shell of this thing is made of titanium alloy, and the ankle is fastened through a magnetic code lock. Unless there is a password or the sole of the foot is chopped off, it cannot be taken off at all.

The aisles and every corner of the prison are full of monitoring devices, even the ventilation pipes and sewage systems, there are also patrolling micro-spider robots, which can be described as a net of heaven and earth. From the establishment of Handan Prison to the present, in the prison history of nearly a hundred years, there has not been a single example of a successful prison escape.

The fluorescent lights in the corridor of the cell flickered, making the silent corridor look a little eerie. Even the prison guards who have worked here for a long time can't bear the strange and lifeless atmosphere of the E area.

The seven prison guards did not stop in the aisle of Zone E, and quickly passed through several iron gates, and came to Zone E in Zone E, the single "luxury box" for serious criminals - the death row.

After entering the death row, it was obvious that the expressions of the seven prison guards became more serious, and the team was filled with a dignified atmosphere. Passing through the aisle of the death row, the seven people came to the last restricted area of E area.

The so-called restricted area E is very small, and there are only three confinement rooms in the entire area. The terrain of the restricted area is lower than other cells, where the pipes of the sewage system converge, and the fluorescent lights in the corridor are artificially adjusted to a dim orange color.

The whole environment was cold and damp, exuding a faint stench. Under the dim light, the sewage pipes covered a large area of eerie black shadow corners, and the deadly silence around them made everyone tremble with fear, and their hearts were full of uneasiness.

These three confinement rooms are mainly used to punish prisoners who do not abide by the prison rules, from the dark aisle where serious prisoners and death row prisoners are held, to the restricted area here. Even murderers with no taboos will be full of panic, and prisoners with poor psychological quality will even be so frightened that their minds collapse, and they will never dare to violate the prison rules.

In fact, the solitary cell is not a regular prison cell, and it will be empty most of the time. However, when the murderer Qin Lun entered Handan Severe Punishment Prison for the third year, after he killed five felony roommates and two prison guards, he was the first person in Handan Severe Punishment Prison's more than 100-year history to release the confinement room. Turned into a death row in a regular cell.

When they came to the innermost confinement room, the faces of the seven prison guards showed a trace of nervousness for the first time, and they cautiously pulled out the electric ion batons at their waists.

The confinement room did not have a modern high-tech combination lock. The prison guard in charge gently opened the palm-sized inspection window above the iron door and looked into the confinement room.

The confinement room in Block E is different from ordinary cells. There are no windows, and the only ventilation hole is only the size of a fist, which is connected to the ventilation ducts of other cells. Surprisingly, this confinement room not only does not have the damp smell of the outside corridor, but it looks warm and dry, and even has a fragrant smell of air freshener.

The cell roof has built-in bulletproof fluorescent lights, and two rows of quaint bookshelves in the corners are stacked with paper books. There is no shortage of desks, beds, and flush toilets. Apart from a few books, there is even a wooden chess set on the desk.

A young man who looked thin was sitting at the desk with his back to the cell door, flipping through a thick book in hand.

The prison guard secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took off the key on the armed belt, and inserted it into the keyhole on the iron door. The heavy cell door was pulled open abruptly, and four heavily armored prison guards carefully bent down and entered the confinement room holding shields.

"Qin Lun, it's time!" The prison guard in charge held his baton tightly, stood three meters away from the young man, and shouted in a deep voice.

The young man gently closed the book. Under the bright light, the five characters of "Behavioral Psychology" appeared on the cover of the book. Looking carefully at the books on the bookshelves and desks, it seems that there is an entire system of clinical medicine and psychology books in this special confinement room.

After the young man closed the book, he stood up, put his head in his hands, and turned around. Under the light, a young man with an ordinary appearance and a thin figure appeared in front of everyone.

Unexpectedly, the murderer Qin Lun has a pair of clear and pure eyes. It may be due to not seeing the sun all year round, his skin is fair, especially his hands, the fingers are slender and white, like jade. It seemed that this murderer was just an ordinary young man with malnutrition.

Ever since Qin Lun entered the Handan Severe Penalty Prison, he broke many unspoken rules of the prison. He even killed the felons and death row inmates in the same cell as him in succession, including two prison guards who unfortunately died in the line of duty.

Qin Lun suffered from severe psychological trauma and suffered from schizophrenia. A confinement room that scares the crap out of other prisoners doesn't work against a murderer at all. After paying a lot of life, Handan Prison provided him with a relatively "friendly" environment under the advice of a psychologist.

In the confinement room where Qin Lun was imprisoned, electric heating pipes were installed underground, which were specially used for dehumidification, and air fresheners were regularly added to the ventilation holes. The prison even provided Qin Lun with books and chess to stabilize his mental state.

In fact, unless Qin Lun was strongly stimulated by the outside world, his IQ would be higher than ordinary people under normal circumstances. Since Handan Prison provided him with books, it took Qin Lun only five years to complete the general education courses from elementary school to university.

However, since he started studying clinical medicine and psychology at the age of eighteen, it also brought a negative effect to the prison. That is, there is no psychiatrist who can accurately judge his mental state.

The prison guard in charge looked into the murderer's bright eyes, sighed secretly, raised a light screen with a black frame as thin as cardboard in his hand, and began to read.

This cardboard-shaped light screen with a black frame is equipped with a simple optical computer, which stores Qin Lun's detailed information. Generally, after the federal court issued a death sentence, the prison guards would use this flat-panel optical computer to convey the sentence order to the death row inmates, which is also nicknamed the "death list" by the prisoners.

"Qin Lun, male, 20 years old, formerly known as Joey Foster. The Supreme Federal Court finally ruled: dismissed the death reprieve appeal, upheld the original sentence, convicted of multiple homicides, permanently deprived of citizenship, and executed at 7:00 this evening !"

Following Lang Lang's reading, two prison guards carrying a rectangular box opened the box, revealing a set of steel devices inside. Several prison guards successively took out these steel components that looked like mecha parts, and put them on Qin Lun's body. After a while, an "armored knight" with only his eyes exposed to the outside world appeared in front of the prison guards.

This is a confinement device with steam power inside. Prisoners can only rely on steam power to walk slowly. Even simple sitting and standing requires a three-second delay.

"Puchi!" The steel monster's knees spewed out a thin stream of white steam, and Qin Lun, who was wearing a steel mask, walked out of the cell.

The killer wearing a steam confinement device looked like a ridiculously clumsy bear, and was walking slowly in the aisle of Area E under the attack of four heavily armored prison guards.

The heavy footsteps caught the attention of the prisoners in Block E. In the aisle that the group passed by, many prisoners stood close to the cell door, staring at Qin Lun and the others coldly.

Is this the top card in Handan Severe Penalty Prison? The eyes of the prisoners shone with inexplicable complex light.

"Put a black cloth hood on him!" Looking at the last iron gate in Zone E, the head prison guard turned around and ordered.

Handan Severe Penalty Prison is a group of towers hundreds of feet above the ground. Between the towers in Block E and Block D, there is a huge steel track soaring into the sky.

The track looks a bit like the upside of a roller coaster, with steeper slopes as you go up. At the top of the track, the slope even reaches 90 degrees, which is at right angles to the bottom. This is one of the core technologies of human beings in Genesis, the sky track!

Sky Orbit is a long-distance transmission device, which is divided into provincial, district, and star levels. In addition, there is also the legendary inter-galaxy Sky Orbit. There is a sealed transmission cabin at the base of the sky rail, and the transmission cabin will eventually become a free light state through the acceleration of the sky rail, and be sent into the middle layer of the material space and the antimatter space—the subspace, so as to achieve the purpose of long-distance material transmission.

At the other end of the transmission capsule, there is also a sky rail for receiving the transmission capsule. In addition to the maglev aircraft, humans in Genesis generally use sky rails for inter-provincial travel and transportation. Electric trains and civilian airliners have long been exhibits in museums.

"Hey!" The door of the base of the sky track slid open, and a spacious and bright modern corridor appeared in front of everyone. In contrast, the aisle of the cell area in the E block of the prison is as wet and smelly as a sewer.

The prison guards led Qin Lun's steam confinement device into the transmission cabin of Tiangui, and at the same time removed the murderer's black cloth hood.

The bright eyes exposed in the steel mask turned slightly, looking at the situation around him. This is an oval hall, with a touch-sensitive workbench on the edge of the hall and a huge LCD screen on the front.

"The teleportation target has entered, activate the particle analysis engine!"

As the team entered the teleportation cabin, a soft female voice sounded in the hall, which was the synthesized voice of the Sky Orbit Light Brain.

"The particle scan is complete, the remote guidance signal is confirmed, and the 30-second countdown begins..."

"... 3, 2, 1! Teleportation begins!"

In the soft female voice, the teleportation cabin suddenly began to tremble violently. The top of the sky track of Handan Severe Penalty Prison glows with brilliant spiral light, and the teleportation capsule that flies up into the sky turns into a meteor, disappears into the air in an instant, and enters the mysterious subspace.

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