Death Notice

Chapter 118: their own fate


The scene in front of him was in a trance for a while, and when Qin Lun and Junzi saw it clearly again, they found that they appeared on the edge of a large venue. This venue is huge in size, with a hall of hundreds of square meters, but the situation inside the venue is a bit weird.

Except for the ashes in the center of the venue that might be left behind by phantoms after their death, the entire venue seemed too empty, with almost no furniture, but there were rows of fenced rooms juxtaposed around the venue.

"Vincennes Zoo... Amphibian Pavilion!" Junko walked to a sign and read the French above.

"Zoo? It seems to have been introduced in the Phantom Demon Records!" Qin Lun took out the Phantom Demon Records and carefully checked the records on it.

"Damn it, the reincarnation of the phantom camp still tricked us. He only said that this is Paris, but he deliberately didn't say that this is the zoo connected to the phantom biology research institute." Junko bit her lip and said, "This is phantom Chief scientist Girdenstein's entrenched place, the key battle area of the two camps, we'd better leave quickly!"

"Don't worry, most of the missions of the ghost clan in this world are to attack the phantom base, while the phantom faction's mission is basically defensive warfare. Since this place has been captured, the reincarnation of the two camps will not come back in a short time!" Qin Lun shook his head with a smile, and took out the time-space gate where the time-space energy collector was thrown in.

A few minutes later, the two came out of the venue. Vincennes Zoo is a free-ranging zoo located in the forest of Vincennes, where the animals are kept in a large area separated by walls and trenches.

However, some amphibians and birds cannot be kept in the wild and can only be raised in exhibition halls. This venue is one of various exhibition halls and is located in the exhibition hall district.

"Should we... want to go deeper?" Junko asked with some concern.

"Don't worry! According to the introduction of the phantom, after the phantom came, it used the time-space gate to set up the Paris Zoo as the periphery of the biological research institute. As long as we don't enter the time-space gate, there should be no danger in the zoo!" Qin Lun thought for a while Yes, he said, "Let's go, let's search the exhibition hall area!"

Qin Lun led the way to a steamed bun-shaped glass pavilion in the center of the pavilion area. Among all the pavilions, it was the largest and most beautiful, with an area of almost an acre. The pavilion is clad in thick tempered glass, shaped like a glass fortress. It is planted with dense tropical plants, and originally raised forest pythons, hummingbirds and other animals.

Now these creatures have either become food for phantoms, or they have also become phantoms, but I don’t know if reincarnation has cleaned them up.

The two walked into this huge pavilion imitating the tropical rainforest, and found that many corners of the pavilion were in a mess, and there were many traces of fighting. However, many creatures that were originally raised in the exhibition hall have now disappeared.

"This place has been cleaned up!" Junko said lightly, "It seems that there are quite a few smart people. Do you want to look elsewhere?"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Qin Lun frowned suddenly, walked towards a corner of the exhibition hall, and dragged out two human corpses from the bushes.

The two corpses are a man and a woman, male oriental faces, young. The woman was blond and had a good face. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and military trousers. There was a shotgun commonly used by the French military and police next to the body.

"This woman... is the wife of Onimusuji Jacques Brown—Michelle!" Junko inspected the corpse carefully, and suddenly her eyes widened in shock, "Although she is not as powerful as Akechi Samasuke and Jacques Brown, but She is also one of the Onimushas in the Illusory Demon World! She will die here, which may affect many major plots in the Illusory Demon World."

"Oh, Michelle?" Qin Lun's attention was basically focused on the other male corpse. Hearing what Junzi said, he immediately became interested in the female corpse, and squatted down to examine Michelle's body carefully. corpse.

"In addition, this male corpse, why do I feel familiar?" Junko looked at the swollen face of the male corpse and asked with some uncertainty.

"His name is Lu Kuang, and he is a student!" Qin Lun looked at the familiar face, his eyes flickering slightly. Since Lu Kuang has been here before, another person...

"The fatal wound on Michelle's body was on the back, and it wasn't caused by the minions of animal phantoms." Qin Lun revealed a faint smile, "I'm afraid she didn't die at the hands of phantoms!"

"Well, the ashes of the phantoms closest to her are all ten meters away, and there are many bullet marks on the trees in the rainforest. Michele is a French military policeman with excellent shooting skills. After becoming an Onimusha, ordinary phantoms may be very It's hard to get close." Junko nodded in agreement, and said worriedly, "So, she died at the hands of a reincarnated person from the phantom camp..."

"Not necessarily!" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes, and the face of Shepherd Hill flashed in his mind. With the priest's ability and Lu Kuang's cover, I'm afraid it will be easy to gain Michelle's trust, and a tragedy will follow.

It is strictly forbidden for the lambs to devour each other, but they poach from the sheepfold without any scruples. This is the so-called shepherd!

"The two of them are the lost lambs that you have eaten!" Qin Lun muttered in an inaudible voice.

"What did you say?" Junzi listened to Qin Lun muttering to himself in bewilderment.

"It's nothing!" Qin Lun looked at the corpses of Lu Kuang and Michelle, and the scene of Matthew and the three betraying each other flashed in his mind, and he suddenly felt a lack of enthusiasm, and he was not even interested in the originally planned exploration.

"Where are we going now?" Junko lowered his voice and asked, as if feeling that Qin Lun was not in high spirits.

"I want to leave!" Qin Lun pondered for a while before saying.

"Leave? You want to return to space?" Junko quickly realized.

"Well, but before I leave, I plan to give you a gift!" Qin Lun looked at Junzi and smiled, "Come with me!"

"Chi!" The sinful dagger slashed across Junko's snow-white neck, and blood beads slowly seeped out from the small wound.

"Huh!" The girl panted slightly while pressing her knees, and said weakly, "Let's stop here, it's been half an hour, you're not tired, I'm tired! Even if it's to test my strength, don't be so anxious! "

"You haven't received the reminder..." Qin Lun frowned slightly, and muttered, "Could it be that I guessed wrong!"

"It stands to reason that part of the battle data of reincarnation should be calculated by space..." Qin Lun glanced at Junzi, took out his FN-500, and smiled maliciously, "Maybe your injury is too light !"

"Bang!" With a gunshot, a cloud of blood exploded on Junko's shoulder.

"You... want to kill me?" Junko clenched her teeth, her bright eyes showed puzzlement and pain, but the next moment, her face changed, the confusion in her eyes turned into shock, her beautiful eyes widened, He looked at Qin Lun without blinking.

"Hehe, it seems to be working. After such a long battle, there has finally been a qualitative change!" Qin Lun grinned, "Are you satisfied with this gift?"

He couldn't take the initiative to explain his identity to Junko, but if he leaked it during the battle, Broken Starry Sky couldn't punish him.

"You are... an apostle!" Junzi looked at Qin Lun in disbelief.

In her soul imprint, a large number of hints swarmed out, which were also mixed with apostle hunting missions with generous rewards. Since she was the first to discover the apostle in the phantom world, this information also received an extra reward.

"Okay, since you received the gift, I should go too!" Qin Lun turned around and walked towards the distance, "Don't follow, or we won't be friends!"

"You..." Junko raised her hand, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she didn't know what to say.

"By the way, among those newcomers, there is a gangster named Xiaodao and a newcomer named Jonathan, and they still have loyal beliefs in their hearts. If they can survive, you can try to contact them!" Qin Lun didn't turn his head. waved his hand.

"Goodbye, Miss Junko!"

Looking at Qin Lun's back, Junzi's eyes gradually blurred, and she raised her head to look at the sky blankly.

"I'm the only one left again!" Junko sniffled sadly, and walked into the distance in frustration.

"Lisa, hold on!" Jonathan was bare-chested, holding the baby in one hand, and dragging the young woman with the other hand as he ran through the streets and alleys. Come.

Rounding the corner of the street, Jonathan's expression changed, and a figure of Katoshigaru also appeared in front of them.

"Enter the sewer!" Jonathan pried open the manhole cover of the sewer with a bayonet, and climbed down with the child in his arms. "Lisa, come down!"

"No, Jonathan, I can't run anymore!" Lisa pushed her hair behind her ears, looked affectionately at the baby in Jonathan's arms, and said calmly, "Amy, please, if you can return to reality World, please hand her over to my parents!"

"Lisa, don't give up!" Jonathan was shocked and wanted to climb up again.

"Bang!" Lisa on the ground took out a grenade from her arms, reached out and pushed the manhole cover, "Run, Jonathan, run!"

"Boom!" Fire waves surged through the cracks in the manhole cover, pushing Jonathan down in the sewage of the sewer.

Jonathan staggered to his feet, stared blankly at the manhole cover above, loosened his hands, and the swaddle in his arms fell to the ground, revealing a livid and stiff face of a baby girl.

The blond young man covered his face with trembling hands, and tears welled up between his fingers. Amy actually died long ago, but Jonathan never dared to tell Lisa.

"Lisa, I'm sorry!" Jonathan staggered into the dark sewer.

"Die, die for me!" Xiaodao's eyes were filled with crazy red light, and his hands were tightly clutching the neck of a phantom.

The punk's stomach was dragging from his waist, and his lower body had disappeared. He rolled into a ball in the grass with the Phantom, who was also seriously injured, and the lawn was dyed bright red with his flesh and blood.