Death Notice

Chapter 120: The Mystery of the Crystal Mirror


Qin Lun didn't let the evil dagger absorb all the souls, leaving behind 74 points of souls in the resentful soul ball.

After the quality of the dagger's soul was raised from 100 to 200, there were no further changes. He reckoned that if the dagger were to undergo a qualitative change again, it would most likely reach the four-figure quality of the lost soul, that is, beheaded by a thousand people. Even with the remnants of the Resentment Soul Orb, there is still a big gap between the Guilty Dagger and Thousand People Killing, so it is better to keep the Resentment Soul Orb for trading.

The sinful dagger of Hundred People Slashing is already equivalent to purple to dark gold equipment, and it is the murder weapon that has always been with him. It is the last life barrier left by the murderer.

Putting away the sinful dagger, Qin Lun checked the body data on the death list. The last body strengthening was not a comprehensive improvement, but a partial strengthening given by Broken Starry Sky based on his combat performance in the fantasy world.

At this time, Qin Lun's physical data changed to 80/100 lifespan, 185 HP, 225 energy, 11 explosive power, 11 agility, 12 constitution, and 15 perception.

Perhaps because he has been using the FN-500 for long-distance combat in the fantasy world, the increase in energy and perception is the most obvious, followed by physique and blood volume. As for explosive power and agility, which have almost stagnated, each has only increased a little, which is better than nothing.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed and thinking for a while, Qin Lun swept all the items into the storage space, went downstairs to give Didi an order, and went out to the auction house two blocks away.

When he arrived at the auction house, Qin Lun deposited the dark gold helmet in the auction house, set a reserve price of 150,000 broken crystals, and marked the boss-level monster from the mission world under the equipment.

The base price of dark gold equipment is usually 50,000 broken crystals. The price he set is not the base price, but the top price. When the other apostles saw the price and label introduction, they would immediately know that the equipment auctioneer wanted to negotiate a deal.

Under normal circumstances, this is also a necessary procedure for selling unique gold equipment. Unless the unique equipment like FN-500 has extremely limited applicability, otherwise, very few apostles would directly exchange the unique equipment for broken crystals.

After setting up the dark gold helmet, Qin Lun threw the petrified magic eye, "The Encyclopedia of Monsters in the Low Demon World", "Mold Research Specimen Manual", and "Phantom Demon Gossip" into the auction house. The auction price of a few thousand broken crystals is only a few thousand.

After clearing these things, Qin Lun didn't have much to sell. Apart from his necessary equipment, there were only resentment soul balls and immunity cards left.

It is not easy to estimate the value of the 74-point remnant soul of the resentful soul ball, which can be sold or kept. In fact, as long as the apostle with the relics of killing lives has no scruples, it is not difficult to collect the remains, but it is a little troublesome. It may take hundreds of ordinary people to collect 74 points of remains.

As for the exemption card, Qin Lun plans to sell it this time. The exemption card can exempt one obliteration penalty or promotion failure penalty. Of course, this is only limited to low-magic worlds and low-level transfer promotions.

Originally, Qin Lun planned to keep this thing for his own use, but now he found that his reserves of equipment and skills were too weak, so he had to sell it. However, this thing is actually not easy to sell. Middle and high-level professional apostles do not need it, and low-level professional apostles will not pay too high a price, because it is not a necessity.

Unless you can find an apostle who is about to change jobs and get promoted, this thing can be sold for about the same price as a piece of dark gold.

Qin Lun pondered for a while, then used a projector to record the introduction of the exemption card, and then entered it into the display column. The display column in the auction house is not for auction equipment, but for displaying special items. Generally, they are immunity cards, which are difficult to measure and have special uses.

Using the display booth requires a high rental fee. Qin Lun only set it up for three days. If no one wants it, he simply won't sell it. Coming out of the auction house, he immediately walked towards the training ground.

After paying 500 broken crystals, Qin Lun walked into a training ground. This is a swordsmanship dojo, and the room is relatively spacious, except for the surrounding weapon racks, there are no other utensils. However, he rented this sword dojo not to train sword skills, but to conduct an experiment.

Qin Lun took out the crystal mirror magic circle from the storage space, and slowly opened the scroll. Four small and one large circular symbols on the scroll form a simple magic circle. After the scroll is opened, the magic circle slowly glows with mysterious light.

As Qin Lun's fingers touched the magic circle, the magic circle immediately transformed into countless silver symbols, which rushed into Law's body along his fingers. A silver pattern exactly the same as the magic circle slowly formed in his consciousness.

With a thought in his heart, Qin Lun raised his right hand and spread his palm outward. The silver pattern in consciousness flashed slightly, and a similar magic circle immediately appeared in front of the palm.

This crystal mirror magic circle is about half a square meter in size, and it is also composed of four small and one large circles, like a small shield. The entire magic circle is crystal clear, like a silver-rimmed glazed mirror.

"Bang!" Under the command of Qin Lun's consciousness, the crystal mirror magic array shattered like a real mirror, and countless fragments shot forward.

This is the elemental critical strike of the crystal mirror magic array. The magic array just now was composed of wind elements, and those fragments are actually countless small wind blade lenses. The range of the elemental critical strike is only about half a meter. Beyond this distance, the wind blade will scatter into wind elements again, basically leaving only a strong thrust.

Qin Lun closed his eyes and meditated, carefully comprehending every detail of the process of casting the spell just now.

"It should work!" After a while, Qin Lun muttered, opened his eyes, squatted down slightly, and jumped up with all his strength.

Qin Lun jumped more than one meter and then began to fall. At this moment, his eyes flashed, and a magic circle of crystal mirrors appeared under his feet.

"Bang!" The crystal mirror magic circle exploded under Qin Lun's feet, and the elemental critical strike "shot" him like a rocket booster.

"Dang!" Before Qin Lun could react, his head hit the thick ceiling and fell dancing.

After a while, Qin Lun sat up from the floor, touched the huge swollen bump on his head, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"I'm not mistaken. The mage who developed this crystal mirror magic didn't want to use it as a defensive spell, but to use it on himself as acceleration and dodge magic!"

The magician developed the magic shield, even if it didn't cover the whole body, it would block a certain direction of the body. The crystal mirror magic circle was only as big as a small round shield, and the protective area was too small. It was hard to imagine that a magician would use this magic as a defensive shield.

"Of course, even if this magic avoids the damage distance of the wind blade, its explosive thrust is not something a weak magician can bear. Its real users should be magical warriors with strong physical fitness!"

He lowered his head and looked at his ragged trousers and bloody calf, which was scratched by the wind blade because he failed to control the distance of the elemental critical strike just now.

A gleam flashed in Qin Lun's eyes. Turning the scroll into a skill does not mean that he has completely controlled the crystal mirror magic circle. If you want to use it as a speed-changing magic without hurting yourself, ordinary apostles probably need thousands of trainings.

However, it is not necessary for him, as long as he properly inputs the data of the magic circle and his own jumping ability into the battle model, he can quickly master this skill.

Half a day later, Qin Lun stood on the spot with his eyes closed, holding the sinful dagger in his left hand and the FN-500 in the shape of a rapier in his right hand. When he opened his eyes again, the bright eyes lost their focus and were at a loss.

Qin Lun kicked the ground with his right foot and flew forward. A crystal mirror magic circle suddenly appeared half a meter behind him. "Bang!" The elemental blast hit him like a giant hammer, making him fly across the room like a sharp arrow, and the distance of tens of meters was fleeting.

"Step!" Facing the wall in front of him, Qin Lun stepped on the wall and rushed up to the roof with a few steps sideways. At this moment, a crystal mirror magic circle appeared on his right again. Qin Lun turned over, stepped on the crystal mirror magic circle, and jumped up parallel to the ground.

"Bang!" As soon as he jumped out of the crystal mirror magic circle, the elemental critical strike exploded again.

With the appearance of a crystal mirror, Qin Lun flew across the swordsmanship dojo like a marble, and the rapier and dagger in his hand left afterimages in the air. The trajectory of the movement is forward and backward, left and right, and the changes are weird and unpredictable.

After a few blinks, Qin Lun's eyes regained clarity, he staggered a few steps, collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, his muscles trembling involuntarily.

"With my current energy level, I can only use the crystal mirror magic circle four times in a row, and my physical fitness can't afford the sudden change of direction!" Qin Lun felt the pain all over his body, and groups of swollen purple spots appeared under his skin. This is subcutaneous congestion after a muscle tear.

Repairing the body cost Qin Lun 500 Broken Crystals, but compared to today's harvest, it is really nothing.

Originally, Qin Lun wanted to use another low-level stress training scroll in the dojo, but he was too mentally exhausted, so he had to go home first. You must know that the body can be restored with broken crystals, but the sequelae left by physical injuries cannot be eliminated immediately.

When Qin Lun woke up again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

"Master, are you awake? The projection pager at home has several messages from you!" Seeing Qin Lun going downstairs, the little goblin who seemed to have just returned from the outside greeted him immediately.

"What are you doing these days?" Qin Lun took the panel-shaped projection pager and asked casually while checking the message.

"I... I'm in business!" Didi said cautiously, shaking her pointed ears and rubbing her fingers.

"Oh, business... huh? Business?" Qin Lun turned his head curiously.

"Yes, master, I used the city points and broken crystals you left behind to earn some living expenses!" Didi flashed his big eyes and handed Qin Lun his servant's ID card for inspection.

"Not bad, not bad!" Qin Lun's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the 12 city points and nearly 2000 broken crystals on his identity card.

He gave Didi 10 city points and about 2,000 broken crystals as living expenses, but the two of them lived in Devil's Corner for nearly 20 days. If you add this part of the living expenses, the little goblin seems to have earned nearly 5 city points and 1000 broken crystals, which is almost a 50% profit.