Death Notice

Chapter 121: message


After hearing Didi's plan to make money, Qin Lun immediately understood. The little guy was using the auction house to earn the price difference. He told Didi's 2000 Broken Crystals that it was not too much, and that it was not too little. He could buy some low-level recovery food.

These recovery foods were not exchanged by the apostles from the exchange list of Broken Starry Sky. Even if the recovery items exchanged by the apostles were redundant, they would not sell them, anyway, they would always use them. The restored items in the auction house are native products produced by various intelligent races, such as: the world tree flower dew of the elves, the blood pool water of the demons, and so on.

These things are the main products that the major intelligent races exchange for apostle currency in the apostle city. However, the price of such things in the auction house always fluctuates. Didi uses the price difference between time periods to make some small difference. .

The apostle can't do this kind of "business" because it takes a lot of time to spend in the auction house, collecting information on the flow of people in the auction house, information on item prices, and information on the quantity of special products.

The most important thing is that the price fluctuations of these special products are extremely small, and the quantity is not very large. Didi can earn 1,000 with 2,000 broken crystals, but even if he is given 20,000 broken crystals, it is estimated that he can only earn 2,000, and the profit is not directly proportional to the capital.

However, for this little guy, Didi, he really has nothing to do in Devil's Corner except to take care of Qin Lun's daily life. Being able to find a way to make money and earn the living expenses of two people in just twenty days is better than many people.

"Little guy, I think your achievements in the future will be higher than that of your grandfather!" Qin Lun smiled and touched Didi's little head, "It's a pity that you are not an apostle, and doing these trivial things is really a waste of your intelligence. Otherwise, I will definitely bring you into a wonderful world of adventure."

"Master, my grandfather said that the intelligent race of Broken Starry Sky can also become apostles!" Didi blinked his big eyes slyly, and said softly, "He once saw a high-ranking apostle take his dragon servant Transformed into an apostle!"

"Oh!" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows, rubbed his chin and lost himself in thought.

He has also considered this issue before, that is, whether the native race of Broken Starry Sky can become apostles. However, judging from the information we have come across so far, even if there is such a transformation, the number should be very small. Either it requires the apostle master of the servant to pay a huge price, or it needs an extremely cherished law item.

"Little guy, I will continue to give you monthly living expenses, and the broken crystals you earn will be at your disposal. You can use them to send to the people of the Red Gobi, and you can use them to buy your favorite food. You can go to the entertainment city in Devil's Corner to spend... remember, it's anything!" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes and said kindly.

There was a hint of confusion in Didi's eyes. The master told him a lot about the consumption places in Devil's Corner, but he didn't mention the training ground. Although the master didn't give him any promises, the little guy knew that the master wanted him to go to the training ground to learn magic or martial arts.

The goblin's little paws were clenched tightly, and it suddenly understood. I have inadvertently been recognized by this master, and its fate is at a fork in the road, but is it really capable of taking risks in other worlds...

Qin Lun looked into Didi's confused eyes, smiled slightly, poured himself a glass of red wine and drank it slowly, and turned on the message on the projector. There are several messages in the projector, two of which are greetings from the cunning demon Beluces and the elf Mafa.

Qin Lun randomly replied to Beluces, he was burdened with the investment of the cunning demon, and he had to let him know that he was still alive. As for the elf Mafa, Qin Lun thought about it and sent a request for an invitation to meet.

The Moon Night Elves survived the last election crisis, and Mafa stayed in Devil's Horn as the senior manager of the elves. In fact, Mafa didn't have the qualifications to stay in the Devil's Horn, but he won the position because of his good performance in the election crisis.

There are several messages from other apostles in the projector, two of them are Lin Feng and Xiao Lian. In fact, this message is about a gathering of prisoners. At that time, more than a dozen prisoners who entered the Broken Starry Sky initiated a party and invited them to attend.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lun replied a message to the two of them, indicating that he would attend the party. No matter how dangerous these people are, everyone is from the Earth Federation, and it is not a bad thing to exchange adventure experiences with each other. Besides, he also wanted to see how far the other murderers had grown.

Except for the messages from these acquaintances, the rest are all unfamiliar numbers, most of which are inquiries about the price of the dark gold helmet in the auction house, and a small part are news about the success of the auction.

The two petrified magic eyes earned 2,000 broken crystals, "Phantom Demon Records" sold 3,000 broken crystals, "Low Magic World Monster Encyclopedia" and "Mold Research Specimen Guidebook" only earned 1,000 broken crystals. After deducting some expenses, Qin Lun now has a total of 25,000 broken crystals.

Qin Lun opened messages one by one. He basically didn't reply to messages for simple inquiries and bids lower than 70,000 broken crystals. These apostles were just looking for bargains, and they didn't have much need for the dark gold helmet. It would be a waste of time to bargain with them.

There are only two sources of dark gold equipment, one is mission rewards, and the other is boss-level killing rewards. The dark gold equipment rewarded by the mission belongs to the rule synthesis of the broken starry sky. This kind of synthetic equipment is generally a relatively high-suitability dark gold equipment, but it is naturally difficult to produce top-quality items that are stable and stable.

The kill rewards at the boss level are different, especially the kill rewards at the boss level, which will largely leave the special abilities of the boss on the main production equipment, and it is easy to create a top-grade dark gold.

The dark gold helmet that Qin Lun put up for auction has not yet been identified, but this helmet has a sharp cone on the top, obviously it can be seen that it has a collision ability. Collision skills generally have the effect of paralysis or dizziness, at least from the outside, it may be the best equipment. Moreover, the helmet is a metal armor, and under normal circumstances, it only has restrictions on the strength attribute, and its applicability is very high.

It was precisely because Qin Lun understood these two points that he marked the dark gold helmet with a high price of 150,000. After carefully checking the information, one of the messages caught Qin Lun's attention. The apostle who left this message was obviously very interested in this dark gold helmet, and the 80,000 broken crystals were also the highest bid inside, and he also left behind projections of several pieces of top-quality dark gold equipment, indicating that they could be bartered.

A short message made Qin Lun feel how rich and powerful this apostle was, and he was obviously a high-ranking apostle. Qin Lun shrugged his shoulders, and immediately clicked on the contact number. Since this person has shown the quality of being slaughtered, what else can he consider.

"You are a doctor?" Qin Lun didn't wait long, and an apostle whose face seemed to be covered with a cloud of mist appeared in the projection. The cloud and mist on the apostle's face is a wind element mask, which is the same in nature as the demon mask on Qin Lun's face. It should be given to him by the wind element clan, the management race of the horn of the devil.

"Are you Mr. Osiris who left the message?" Qin Lun asked with a smile, "You are the highest bidder among all the bids, but can you answer a question I have?"

"Okay, you can ask!" Osiris asked lightly, with the cloud on his face slightly moving.

"The projections of the few pieces of dark gold equipment you left behind are basically top-quality, worth at least a hundred thousand broken crystals or more. Even if my dark gold helmet is identified with top-quality attributes, I'm afraid it may not be as good as these few pieces of yours. "Qin Lun squinted his eyes and asked slowly, "But your bid for Broken Crystal is only 80,000, can you tell me why?"

"Hehe, I don't have much virtual currency, and 80,000 broken crystals is already the limit. This bid is only incidental. Besides, since you want to sell dark gold equipment, you probably hope to exchange for dark gold equipment that suits you. The bid is not important, is it?" Osiris returned lightly.

"That's right!" Qin Lun frowned slightly, Osiris' words were flawless, but he instinctively felt something was wrong, as if he had overlooked something.

His original intention was to exchange a large number of broken crystals or multiple pieces of suitable low-quality equipment through the auction of the dark gold helmet, but the few pieces of dark gold equipment displayed by Osiris were all top-quality, which made him very excited. One of the dark gold rings And a dark golden sword is the best of the best.

The dark gold ring has a holy light healing skill, which can turn the stored solar energy into healing holy light after a period of time. It is not only extremely valuable, but also highly applicable. After all, most mission worlds will not lack sunlight.

And that dark golden sword is even more incredible, not only sealing three sword energy skills, but also its own material is holy ice crystal, which has a freezing and slowing effect on the enemy. Sword Qi skills belong to martial skills, and their applicability is much higher than that of magic skills, and their value is at least 200,000 broken crystals.

Even if the dark-gold helmet is identified with the best attributes, compared with these two things, the value is very different. It is hard to believe that Osiris will exchange these two things for his dark-gold helmet.

"Okay, are you satisfied with the things I gave you? Can you talk about the details?" Osiris asked patiently, not minding Qin Lun's hesitation.

"Well, I want to exchange that dark gold ring!" Qin Lun hesitated for a moment, then clicked on the dark gold ring with holy light healing, and did not choose the dark gold sword very self-aware.

"No problem. Your dark gold helmet is considered a good item for MT. At least it has a collision control skill. I'll give you an estimate of 100,000 broken crystals. It shouldn't be a problem, right?" Osiris said lightly.

Qin Lun on the other side of the projection nodded. Although the dark gold helmet was priced at 150,000 yuan, he knew that 100,000 broken crystals was the limit. To have this value, the dark gold helmet needs to identify a defensive skill in addition to the collision skill. The valuation of Osiris is fair and impeccable.

"The holy light treatment of the dark gold ring, besides being unable to regenerate broken limbs, has certain effects on other injuries. It can save you a lot of recovery items. It is estimated to be worth 150,000 broken crystals. Do you have any objections?" Osiris continued, " For barter, you only need to give me 50,000 broken crystals, if the broken crystals are not enough, you can use equipment items to make up the gap!"

"Huh? Give you 50,000 Broken Crystals..." A flash of lightning flashed in Qin Lun's mind.

That's why it turns out that your purpose is here! The corner of Qin Lun's mouth grinned, he finally figured out what it was that was wrong that he felt!