Death Notice

Chapter 122: pit


The value of ordinary dark gold equipment is generally between 50,000 and 70,000 broken crystals. It is similar to the hexaprism shield that Qin Lun got before. In fact, except for the slightly poorer skill applicability (requires the mission world to have low magic rules), it is already considered the best. Only in this way can one be exchanged for two, and let others get two proficiency scrolls.

In addition to the obvious collision skills, the dark gold helmet also needs to identify a defensive attribute in order to have the value of the hexaprism shield. Although the attributes are not as good as the hexaprism shield, the skills that are expensive in the dark gold helmet are likely to belong to the martial arts category, and the applicability is relatively high.

And the dark gold ring and the dark gold sword that Osiris took out are obviously the best of the best, and their value exceeds that of the dark gold helmet. What Qin Lun feels wrong is that if this high-ranking apostle can even exchange this top-quality product, will he really lack a defensive dark gold helmet? What's more, this dark gold helmet is still unidentified!

At the beginning of the conversation, Qin Lun just felt something was wrong. After all, the transaction is conducted through an auction house, so it is difficult for the other party to cheat, and it is unlikely that such a high-level apostle who can take out a pile of dark gold will specifically trick him into a dark gold helmet.

However, when Osiris asked him to use equipment items to fill the gap in the 50,000 broken crystals trade, Qin Lun naturally counted the excess items he could use to fill the gap in his mind, and then he thought of another one of his own. One thing that was thrown at the auction houseā€”an exemption card!

The market value of the exemption card is difficult to estimate. Those who need it are equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death, and those who don't are just a tasteless one. The other party must have seen the exemption card first, and then conducted a targeted search for him in the auction house.

They not only searched for the auction of the dark gold helmet, but also probably saw information on items such as "The Encyclopedia of Monsters in the Low Demon World" and "Mold Research Specimen Manual". From the sale of the following basic illustrated books, it was not difficult for Osiris to guess that he was a junior apostle, and from the auction of the dark gold helmet, it was easy for him to conclude that Qin Lun lacked liquidity.

In this way, it became obvious that Osiris knew that Qin Lun could not fill the gap of more than 50,000 broken crystals, but deliberately left a few pieces of top-quality equipment that were worth more than the dark gold helmet in the message to him. The purpose is to bypass the bid for the exemption card, let Qin Lun subconsciously use the exemption card as a bonus, and complete the transaction of exchanging the dark gold helmet for the dark gold ring.

What a smart guy! Qin Lun smiled, and said that Osiris was going to trick him, and he wouldn't mind, the high-ranking apostle's structure should not be so small, probably because he was afraid that he would open his mouth like a lion.

Osiris' plan on the exemption card made Qin Lun feel his determination to win. The immunity card is only applicable to low-level apostles, and Osiris probably didn't use it himself, he might have bought it for his companions.

"I don't have 50,000 Broken Crystals. But this piece of equipment is almost worth it!" Qin Lun smiled gently and showed the FN-500 to the projection.

Although he guessed Osiris' intention, Qin Lun did not intend to reveal it. On the one hand, he really wanted to sell the dark gold helmet. After saying that it broke, people might not want the dark gold helmet anymore. On the other hand, if Osiris is really a high-ranking apostle, then there may be a team of high-ranking apostles behind him, and blackmailing such people with immunity cards won't do any good.

If Osiris showed the chariots and horses, he said that he would be exempted from service. Qin Lun will offer a high price, but not too outrageous. In order to sell tens of thousands more broken crystals and leave a group of powerful enemies for himself, how stupid can he do it.

However, now that Osiris put aside the exemption card and went around trying to get the main dish as a cold appetizer, Qin Lun had room to manipulate. He could try to get Osiris to be taken advantage of willingly.

Qin Lun took out the FN-500 not because he really wanted to sell it, but because he wanted to disturb Osiris' initial impression of him. Don't you think I'm a junior apostle with little property, and you're forcing me to get an exemption card as a bonus? Then I don't use the exemption card to make transactions!

Seeing Qin Lun take out the FN-500 as a hair extension, Osiris was really taken aback.

No matter how bad the FN-500 is, it is also a piece of unique equipment. In this way, the equipment that Qin Lun put out on the surface has two pieces of dark gold, and one exemption card, which is already most of his property. But Osiris didn't know, he only knew that Qin Lun casually took out another piece of dark gold as an extra.

This proves that his previous deduction was wrong. Qin Lun is probably not a junior apostle, even if his strength is not as good as his, he should still be a high-level apostle. There is a team behind every high-ranking apostle, which invalidates many of Osiris' backup plans, at least no longer being able to threaten with force.

"This thing... is useless, not worth 50,000 broken crystals!" Osiris said with a frown.

Seeing Osiris hem and haw, looking constipated, Qin Lun almost laughed out loud.

"How about I add this ring in exchange for that dark gold sword? Anyway, without the FN-500, I also need a sword weapon!"

Qin Lun took out the Shabak Ring and showed it to Osiris with distress. Although Sabac's ring is of red quality, its attribute is not inferior to dark gold, and its value is much higher than that of FN-500. The dark gold helmet, FN-500, and the Shabak ring are indeed eligible to exchange for the dark gold sword.

Three pieces for one, including weapons, armor, and accessories. Although the value is the same, the effect in battle is obviously that the three pieces of equipment are more comprehensive. Osiris believed that if Qin Lun dared to change like this, he should have other dark gold equipment on him.

In view of this, Osiris overturned his previous judgment on Qin Lun and began to believe that he was a high-ranking apostle.

"This... Actually, all I need is the dark gold helmet!" Osiris said weakly.

"Then... why don't you add another 10,000 broken crystals, and I'll sell you the helmet with 90,000 broken crystals!" Qin Lun gritted his teeth, looking like I was at a disadvantage.

The cloud on Osiris's face surged up and down, he was a little bit dumbfounded, and he resented the companion who gave him advice in his heart.

Not to mention whether this dark gold helmet can identify the best attributes, even if it is really the best, if he spends 90,000 broken crystals to buy an unusable plate armor helmet for dry balls, he might as well be slaughtered by Qin Lun on the exemption card Forget it.

"This... I'm really short on money, I don't have so many broken crystals!" Osiris said cautiously, "I see that you still have an exemption card displayed at the auction house, can you use that thing as a supplement?"

You finally spoke up! Qin Lun grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"I don't change equipment for that thing, I want some skill scrolls that I can use!"

Qin Lun's words are true. Ever since he raised his title to the last level of the first gear, the law collection of Broken Starry Sky has reminded him to enrich his skill system as soon as possible, so as to start a combat career.

In fact, the difficulty of the missions of Broken Starry Sky is largely based on the title system. The four levels of the first title are prepared for new apostles. The apostles at this level only need to perform very simple missions from other worlds. Recruits in training at the barracks.

Starting from the first level of the second level, the apostles will be recognized as a regular army by Broken Starry Sky, and they will start to carry out more difficult alien missions step by step.

Generally speaking, first-level apostles need to gradually get used to adventures in other worlds, be familiar with the use of low-quality equipment, and use equipment skills as the core to gradually form their own fighting style during adventures.

Then, starting from the second level, the apostle will realize the limitations of equipment skills from a large number of adventure tasks, and the core of combat will shift from equipment skills to magical martial arts, and embark on a career path centered on one's own ability and supported by various equipment skills .

As for the third grade of apostles, they are already at an advanced stage. The magic and martial arts of high-level apostles began to be systematized, and various abilities were combined with bloodlines. The core equipment is killing relics and various dark gold equipment, and gradually eliminate low-quality equipment. Osiris, who traded with Qin Lun, is a high-level apostle at this stage.

In fact, Qin Lun still doesn't know what the 48 points of contribution he got in the fantasy world means. All the apostles sent by Broken Starry Sky obtained a total of 17 cores of time and space in the magic world, and he alone accounted for more than one-third. The contribution of 48 points was much more than the 35 points contribution of the gold evaluation in the orphan world. .

Qin Lun used two mission worlds to complete the path of more than ten mission worlds in the first tier of apostles, and the increase in title far exceeded the increase in strength. Regardless of how many pieces of dark gold equipment he has obtained, in fact, his frontal combat power is worse than those low-level apostles who are dressed in blue and have a stable fighting style.

Not only did he not form a complete fighting style, but his own magical martial arts only had a Maize summoning technique and a crystal mirror magic circle. Even the skill ability is only mastered by one firearm and one mastered by swordsmanship. No matter how good the performance of the two mission worlds is, how can it compare to the accumulation of more than ten mission worlds, especially in terms of combat experience.

However, Qin Lun also managed to attract the attention of the collection of broken starry sky law, which is why he got the special reminder message. Of course, Qin Lun would not ignore such reminders, so he wanted to make up for his shortcomings in skills and form his own fighting style as soon as possible.

"What kind of skill scroll do you want?" Osiris asked cautiously.

The skill scrolls that appear in the auction are even rarer than the dark gold equipment. The apostles are willing to circulate equipment that is not suitable for them, but they rarely sell skill scrolls. This thing is the core of the fighting profession, and it will not be sold unless it is absolutely necessary.

"I want summoning skills and long-range offensive and defensive spells!" Qin Lun said with a smile.

He didn't change the original combat career planning, summoning plus long-range attack. The most suitable user of the crystal mirror magic circle is a Mowu warrior, but Qin Lun only intends to use it as an evasion spell. One is because his energy is only enough to use it four times, and the other is because he lacks melee martial arts.

"Summoning skills and long-range spells are hard to find, I need to ask a few familiar friends!" Osiris' face was a little ugly, and he began to have a premonition of being tricked.