Death Notice

Chapter 126: Prisoner party


"Temporary team badge?" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and he took the badge from Lily.

The badge is as thin as a piece of paper, and it is not iron or gold, and it is cold to start with. While getting the badge, the specific introduction and function of this badge also appeared in the death list.

Temporary low-level team badge: only applicable to reserve apostles and first-tier apostles of the title system. This badge can be used by no more than five junior apostles to form a temporary team. This temporary team has no team warehouse, no captain authority, and can only use one mission world. After forming a temporary team, all team members will be forced to enter the mission world at the same time within one month.

"Boss Qin Lun, we know that our strength is relatively weak, but we will never hold you back in the world of different time and space. After entering the mission world, it is up to you whether you want to act alone or with us, as long as you meet some When the situation is wrong, you can give us some advice!" Lin Feng said hurriedly before Qin Lun could speak.

Qin Lun looked at the badge and did not speak. He could see that the three of Lin Feng had grown up a lot. At least they were no longer as dazed and panic-stricken as they were when they first entered the Broken Starry Sky.

Although Lily was a prisoner, he was probably the least guilty of all the prisoners. Except for some petty theft, there was only one charge of manslaughter. The victim was two gangsters who tried to gang-rape him. As for Lin Feng and Xiao Lian, they are just a playboy and a nurse.

Compared with other prisoners, the three of them have much poorer ability to survive independently, and they will inevitably feel uneasy when facing the choice of life and death, and want to find a strong person to rely on. However, the three of them would look for him instead of another murderer, probably because they had already thought about it.

The three of them clearly stated that they would not drag Qin Lun down, and this was not a polite remark. Qin Lun didn't have any psychological burden on abandoning the three of them at a critical moment. Maybe he would treat them as bait and abandoned children. Instead, acting separately would better ensure the safety of the three of them.

Qin Lun is about 10 days away from re-entering the mission world. The flaw of this team badge is that it may delay his next alien mission by 20 days. The advantage is that it can let him feel the difference between the apostle team and the individual in advance. You must know that the task of the other world obtained by the team entering the other world will definitely be different from the personal task.

"Okay, I will enter the world of different time and space with you next time!" Qin Lun changed his mind and agreed. He has no competitors now, and he feels that the adjustment time is too short. Since he has the opportunity to rest for two days, it is also a good choice.

"By the way, I'll give you a suggestion. Since this badge can carry five people, you can sell the last remaining seat!" Qin Lun said with a light smile.

"Sell the team position?" All three of them were taken aback, Lin Feng frowned and asked, "We don't feel at ease if we sell it to someone we don't know. If we sell it to other prisoners, even if you are with us, others may take us three times." Treat it as a burden!"

"Hehe, it's not a good thing that the interval between performing missions in another world is too short. Even I feel mentally exhausted. I believe that other prisoners will only reach the limit faster than me!" Qin Lun shook his head and said, "If someone Together, this kind of mental pressure will be greatly reduced. Besides, I am here, and there should be prisoners who are willing to come over!"

"Okay then, let's find someone to ask!" Xiao Lian and the other two looked at each other and whispered.

After talking about the business, Qin Lun had a few drinks with the three of them, and then walked towards the projector that recorded the apostles' experiences. This kind of projector is a special kind of spiritual equipment, an instrument lent to the mercenary headquarters by a certain apostle team, and was rented out by disciple Hansen. Any apostle can record, modify and delete materials in the projector.

Qin Lun connected the death list to the projector, and found that many prisoners' world adventures had been recorded in it. This kind of record is mainly based on voice narration, without relevant images, it is impossible to distinguish the true and false information. However, Qin Lun believed that the information in it was true, and there was no competition of interests among the prisoners at present, so there was really no need to think carefully.

Most of the prisoners recorded the general adventure experience and mission gains and losses in the projection, and also mentioned the powerful monsters they encountered and customs and customs, and at the same time asked some questions they cared about.

Compared with ordinary prisoners, Qin Lun paid more attention to the adventures of the other four murderers, and deliberately turned to the column of Shepherd Hill.

The shepherd was somewhat vague about how he killed Michelle, the ghost warrior, in the Paris Zoo in the fantasy world, and only used words such as "critical situation" and "internal strife". However, Qin Lun noticed that he mentioned in the harvest that he got Michelle's soul-absorbing bracelet.

This discovery made Qin Lun raise his eyebrows. Others don't know what Michelle's soul-absorbing bracelet is, but he has seen the broken magic mirror before, and he knows it clearly.

Michelle is the weakest Onimusha in the phantom world, and her soul-absorbing bracelet is not as good as Akechi Samasuke and Jacques Brown's Ghost Cage Hand. But after all, this thing is a blood-sucking, semen-sucking, and durable-sucking three-sucking equipment, and it might have surpassed dark gold at the same level. This one thing alone almost offset all Qin Lun's gains in the fantasy world.

After watching everyone's knowledge and questions, Qin Lun also gave a general account of his two mission worlds. Of course, this kind of account cannot be very detailed. Only by thinking more can the bystanders slowly understand what the prisoners are thinking in every action step, and thus have a reference for themselves.

Most of the questions left by the prisoners in the projection were about equipment and skills. Qin Lun noticed that the other murderers did not leave any questions inside.

In fact, Qin Lun can understand the thoughts of other murderers, and from Hill, it can be seen that the harvest of other murderers may not be worse than him. As long as they can find the answer in the devil's horn, these murderers are not willing to expose their flaws. What's more, with the speed of their progress, even if they ask their own questions, others may not be able to answer them.

As for ordinary prisoners, there is no such concern. Anyway, everyone has only gone through the mission world once, and the defects and progress in all aspects are similar, so it doesn't matter whether they are exposed or not.

After casually answering the questions of a few ordinary prisoners, Qin Lun threw down the projector and quietly hid in a corner drinking. The gathering of the prisoners was not very lively. Except for the occasional yelling of the prisoners playing billiards and cards, most of the others were drinking while enjoying the records in the projector quietly.

The atmosphere is not lively, but it does not mean that everyone is dissatisfied. In fact, even Qin Lun felt that he had gained a lot after he came out. These prisoners are the best among hundreds of death row inmates, except for the fact that they are full of crimes, most of them can be regarded as outstanding people. Their choices and mistakes in the task world have a great warning effect on others.

Qin Lun left his contact number and left alone. Back at the villa, he found Didi dozing off on the sofa in the hall. The little guy had some bruises and wounds on his limbs, which made him smile knowingly. It seems that Didi understood his intention and has already started to enter the training ground to exercise his fighting ability.

The next few days were uneventful, but in one of the afternoons, Xiao Lian sent a message saying that all the team members had arrived. Ask him out and let him join the temporary team with a temporary team badge. To his surprise, the last member turned out to be another murderer—Grant the Clown.

After forming a temporary team, a countdown of about 11 days was added to Qin Lun's death list. In other words, his rest time is only about a week longer, not the 20 days originally guessed. He guessed that this might be because Xiaolian and the three of them had their first trip to another world, and the time was almost up.

Calculated in this way, among the Earth humans who entered the Broken Starry Sky, the longest time interval between missions was less than two months, and their quality as apostles was frighteningly high.

Qin Lun basically spent the rest of his time on the training ground, and sometimes took some time to give advice to his little brother Brin Didi. After the little guy had a goal to fight for, he worked very hard, often got his nose bruised and swollen, and suffered fractures and internal injuries from time to time.

Looking at the little goblin who was often tearing up in pain, with big eyes blinking pitifully at him, Qin Lun could only pinch his nose, took out the box of intermittent moonlight ointment and gave it to Didi. Sometimes he suspected that the little guy was injured on purpose, and then pretended to be pitiful in front of him to show sympathy.

In the last week of the countdown, Mafa finally came to visit again, and Qin Lun also received feedback on the information tasks released at the mercenary headquarters. Mafa sent him the World Tree fruit, and at the same time brought him a proposal from the Moon Night Elf Presbyterian Council. The Presbyterian Council agreed to exchange the World Tree fruit for the black bear, but an additional 50,000 Broken Crystals must be paid on credit.

To be honest, since black bears cannot extract bloodline items, they can only be used for bloodline research. If one wants to obtain phantom bloodlines from research, it will take a long time, and it is not equivalent to the fruit of the world tree. This is actually the fruit of the world tree sold by Mafa for his own use.

As for the extra payment of 50,000 broken crystals, the elves were based on the principle of equivalent exchange. Qin Lun still owed Mafa a big favor, and his bond with the Moria family was getting deeper and deeper.

After sending Mafa away, Qin Lun opened the quest contact from the mercenary headquarters, and an apostle wearing an elf mask appeared on the projection.

"Are you the apostle who wants to know how to turn the fruit of the World Tree into a bloodline item?" The apostle on the opposite side has a delicate and clear voice. It should be a female apostle. She looked at the demon mask on Qin Lun's face. , asked with some surprise.

"I'm a friend of the elves. The mask on my face is just a temporary product of a transaction. You don't have to pay too much attention to it!" Qin Lun explained hastily, pointing to the devil mask on his face with his fingers.