Death Notice

Chapter 127: Lineage transformation


"Well, I believe this! The elves are very united, and the fruit of the world tree is equivalent to the reincarnation of the elder elves, and they cannot be taken by force even by force." The female apostle wearing an elf mask tapped her head, "Can you Obtaining the fruit of the world tree must have a deep relationship with the elves."

"Then can you guide me to turn the fruit of the world tree into the bloodline item of the moon night elves?" Qin Lun asked a little flatteringly.

"Hehe, being able to have a bloodline is one of the major watersheds of an apostle's strength, and the data fee of 10,000 broken crystals is not enough!" The eyes behind the elf mask blinked slyly, and said with a chuckle, "However, looking at the On the face of the elf elder who sacrificed the fruit of the world tree, I can tell you this 'important method'."

This high-ranking apostle, who obviously had a heart for the elves, and who might also have the blood of the moon night elves, said the method in a joking tone. After hearing this, Qin Lun was speechless for a while. It turns out that this method is so simple that he never thought about it.

The world tree fruit of the moon night elves already has the function of allowing the body of the law to fuse with the blood of the moon night elves on the material level, but the apostles still have difficulties in absorbing it, and must fuse a law crystal from the broken starry sky. In Qin Lun's task settlement in the fantasy world, there are actually two law fusion crystals left, so this is not a problem at all.

Qin Lun didn't bother with the information fee of 10,000 broken crystals, and paid the bill readily. This is the tuition he has to pay to grow into a high-ranking apostle, and it cannot be saved. The high-ranking apostle on the opposite side was in a good mood, and he took the opportunity to consult some aspects that need to be paid attention to regarding the integration of bloodlines.

The apostle on the opposite side seemed to be consciously supporting him, the "elf descendant", not only patiently answered questions, but also gave him a lot of advice on the path of elf career change, which benefited him a lot.

After the projection meeting was over, Qin Lun returned to his room, took out a law fusion crystal and pressed a pineapple-sized world tree fruit. The law of the broken starry sky fuses the crystal with form and substance, and in the rhythm of consciousness, it turns into an orange-yellow light and merges into the fruit of the world tree.

The fruit of the world tree fused with law crystals has not changed in appearance, but there is a detailed introduction about it in the death list, indicating that it is a bloodline item that can be directly used by the apostles.

World Tree Fruit (Bloodline Item): This is a World Tree Fruit that incorporates the characteristics of the Moon Night Elf. After using it, the original bloodline of the apostle will be replaced by the bloodline of the Moon Night Elf, with a success rate of 85%.

Reminder: This fruit does not integrate the elven inheritance, and can only make the apostle have the blood of the elementary moon night elf. The transformation of this bloodline to the body of the law cannot be determined, and it may be enhanced or weakened. It will greatly enhance the apostle's affinity for wind and wood elements, and increase two elf bloodline abilities.

Warning: This fruit can only replace low-level bloodlines, and there is a high probability of failure to replace mid-level and high-level bloodlines.

After reading the prompt message on the death list, Qin Lun did not hesitate. Under the control of the apostle's soul seal, the fruit of the World Tree turned into dots of green starlight and merged into the body of the law.

"Apostle No. 70053, you have used the fruit of the world tree, and the body of the law is undergoing bloodline transformation. Please be sure to stay in a non-combat state, minimize physical exertion, and maintain emotional stability."

"Reminder: No. 70053 apostle, the bloodline transformation has been completed, you can check the specific information in the death list."

The joy in Qin Lun's heart disappeared in a flash, and his consciousness was immersed in the death list.

Name: Qin Lun;

Apostle number: 70053

Sex: Male

Race Soul: Human

Lineage: Elementary Moon Night Elf

Title: Level 1 Level 4

Life Soul: 80/100

Blood volume 300, energy value 425, explosive power 17 points, agility 21 points, constitution 15 points, perception 26 points

Bloodline Abilities: Elven Story, Moonlight Recruitment, Affinity to Air Elements, Affinity to Wood Elements

Skill column: gun proficiency (intermediate skill), basic swordsmanship (primary skill), magic net core (beginner level)

Skill column: Maize Summoning (C+ level, two summoning slots), crystal mirror magic circle (C- level), wind drifting technique (D+)

Equipment: Guilty Dagger, FN-500, Shabak Ring, Cowhide Army Boots

Elven Story: The unique ability of the elves can communicate with vegetation in forests, grasslands, and swamps to obtain certain pieces of information. The information obtained correlates with the scale of the vegetation and the rank of the elven lineage.

Moon Night Recruitment: The special ability of the moon night elves, bathed in moonlight, the moon night elves can greatly increase the affinity of the body, recruit and drive most animals, and increase the success rate of summoning contracts.

Tip: Moonlight recruitment cannot affect undead, demons, and chaos creatures.

Seeing the huge changes in the status of the people on the death list, Qin Lun couldn't help sighing slightly. The improvement of the body of the law after one bloodline transformation is stronger than the body strengthening after two missions to the world. No wonder bloodline items will be one of the watersheds of the apostle's strength.

Of course, this is also related to Qin Lun's relatively poor foundation, and the moon night elf bloodline is better than most low-level bloodlines. If he had undergone a dozen or so physical enhancements, the effect of the bloodline transformation might not have been so significant.

From this bloodline transformation, it can be seen that the attributes of the moon night elves are more sensitive and agile, and the increase in mana is also obvious. It is estimated that the changes brought about by the affinity of the two natural elements.

Now, Qin Lun doesn't have to worry about the number of times the crystal mirror magic circle is used anymore, and with the replenishment of recovery items at any time, it is not a problem to use the crystal mirror magic circle more than ten times in a single battle.

With the blood of the Moon Night Elf, Qin Lun went to the training ground with a much more diligent attitude. He needs to get familiar with the greatly enhanced body as soon as possible. The remaining 15,000 broken crystals and 300 exchange coupons, except for the training fee and the spare 5,000 broken crystals, were all used to purchase recovery items.

Due to the lack of virtual currency in circulation, Qin Lun had no choice but to sell the only fusion crystal and resentment soul ball left. In addition to the original recovery items, his storage space once again has the world tree toilet water (three drops), self-healing crystal, phantom tenderloin, three concentrated silver bacteria, two healing bandages, four pieces of oily onion wheat Cake and two bottles of premium royal jelly.

Concentrated Agastomycin, Onion Oatmeal, and High-grade Royal Jelly are twice as effective as the original items, and of course, the price is also twice the original. In view of the fact that low-concentration holy water played a major role in the magical world, Qin Lun prepared another bottle this time.

Although there are many types of things, if Qin Lun didn't realize that he would not participate in fierce close combat, these things are really not enough. The only useless bronze evaluation card in the storage space was exchanged by him for a pair of dark blue combat power meters.

The purple combat power instrument of the phantom world was leased, and it was taken back by Broken Starry Sky together with the core of time and space after the mission. This time when he enters the mission world, he can only exchange for the dark blue combat power meter.

However, as his perception reaches 26 points, this thing will play a greater role, and it will be of great significance to quickly establish a set of accurate combat models before the battle.

A week passed in a hurry, and soon the agreed time came. Perhaps because of the existence of the temporary team badge, Qin Lun did not feel the rejection of the power of law this time. He estimated that as soon as the countdown was over, he would be automatically transported to a different time and space world.

Coming to the teleportation hall of Devil's Horn again, the clown Grant and Xiao Lian have all arrived.

Grant the Clown was imposing, over seven feet tall, a total colossus. Grant, who had just entered the Broken Starry Sky, was a deformed child with an ugly appearance, abnormal facial features, and severe skin diseases.

However, during the prisoner's gathering, Grant seemed to have adjusted the body of the law at a huge cost, and he was no longer a shady look. At least on the outside, he was no different from an ordinary-looking big man.

At this time, Grant was wearing a somewhat funny clown mask. This thing was not an item issued by the management race to the city apostles, it seemed to be a low-level apostle equipment.

Qin Lun glanced at him, then turned his head away, and stopped staring at him, so as not to arouse the clown's disgust.

Good health, hard to cure heart disease! Even if Grant spent the Broken Crystal to erase his physical disability, the twisted soul hidden in his heart would never return to normal.

"Qin Lun, you're late!" The masked clown's voice was a little muffled.

"Sorry, let's go into the room, there is not much time left!" Qin Lun smiled gently and walked towards a single room.

Although they formed a temporary team and couldn't hurt each other, when they came back, the team contract ended. It doesn't matter to Xiaolian and the three, anyway, they are in a weak position in front of the two big murderers. It's just that the guard between Grant and Qin Lun can't be lifted, and they can only relax in a teleportation room alone.

The teleportation distances of the five people are not far away. Within this range, they can be guaranteed to be teleported into the same world of different time and space, but there may be some distance between them. For example: how many houses are separated, or how many streets or something.

"The soul seal of the apostle has entered a critical dimension, and the time-space transmission is over..."

"The seal of the apostle's soul is incorporated into the body of the deceased in the plot, and transformed into a legal body! (The cost of this transformation is 2000 broken crystals, which will be settled upon return)"

"The law body starts to synchronize with the law data of this world, and all the equipment items in the storage space conform to the law of the world..."

"Current state of the law body: 100%."

"Reminder: The task execution time in this world is 15 natural days. If there is no special situation to extend the stay time, you will be forcibly sent out of this world after the stay time is over. Pay attention to the confidentiality regulations, and pay attention to leaving the combat state and range monitoring, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the apostles themselves.”

"Reminder: Broken Starry Sky has included the remaining memories of the plot dead into the death list. You can check the plot identity and the remaining memory data in the death list."

"Reminder: This world is in the half-killing mode, the difficulty is primary, the personal world exploration degree: none; the world's original plunder: zero."

"The countdown to officially entering this world: thirty seconds. The countdown starts: 30, 29, 28..."

Volume IV The League of Gentlemen