Death Notice

Chapter 128: battle hero


"Clang!" As soon as Qin Lun opened his eyes and raised his hand, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing on his body.

"Shackles?" He looked at the handcuffs on his wrists and frowned slightly.

Qin Lun raised his head and looked around, with a slight green fluorescent light in his eyes. The night vision ability of the Moon Night Elf was enough to turn the night into day.

This is a dark and dirty cell, the bluestone bricks on the floor are cold and damp, the chill penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and the blackened walls exude an unspeakable stench. There was a single bed by the wall, the iron bed feet were covered with dark red rust, and the thin quilt on the bed showed blackened cotton wadding sticking together in the tatters. There is a cesspit in the corner, and the black and yellow dirt on the side makes people want to vomit.

"I hate this place!" Qin Lun made no secret of his irritability. His previous life as a prisoner made him have an unusual aversion to all arrangements that restricted freedom.

Standing up and taking two steps, Qin Lun staggered. Looking down, his ankle was actually connected to a thick shackle, which was fixed to the wall by an iron chain, and the range was only enough for him to move about half of the cell area.

A strange emotion welled up in Qin Lun's heart, his green fluorescent eyes gradually turned red, and a low growl like a trapped animal came from his throat. Just when he was about to erupt, a circle of ripples appeared on the dark wall opposite, and a picture like a black film film emerged.

This black and white silent film is about a war. Wearing steel helmets, lined up neatly, marching through the military phalanx of the parade square; towed howitzers with barrels towering like forests; huge battleships cleaving the wind and waves in the ocean...

Flocks of fighter jets whizzing by like dark clouds in the sky; bombers dropping bombs on the city below like an old hen laying eggs; chariots and tanks rumbling forward across the trenches; plain battlefields full of carrion and flames of war...

Until Qin Lun saw the thin but impassioned mustache on the podium in the movie; the elderly gentleman in a wheelchair; the fat man in a woolen coat; Politicians with big pipes…

He just came back to his senses, bowed his head and whispered in surprise: "The Second World War in the old century of the earth?"

Some of the images in the movie are different from what he read about the history, but it is clear that it is about World War II. The movie played very quickly, and it came to the end in just ten minutes, and then there were rows of prompt messages that only the apostles could understand.

World Scene: Earth Parallel World

When: January 25, 1945, 11 a.m.

Location: Munich, Germany, Gendarmerie Prison

Main Quest: Hercules

Difficulty: Sergeant Major - Lieutenant Colonel

Task reminder: This task is a team task. The apostles will be assisted by plot characters. The specific content is unknown. The task rewards will be distributed based on the contribution value of the apostles in the task when they return. This main quest has several hidden branches, and completing any of the hidden branches is considered to have achieved the mission goal.

Warning: The difficulty of the hidden branches of the main line ranges from Sergeant Major to Lieutenant Colonel. With the help of plot characters, the difficulty of the task can be regarded as a drop of one level. The sergeant rank is applicable to the first grade of apostles, and the scope of application of the associate school grade is to the second grade of senior apostles or the third grade of junior apostles. Please be careful when accepting tasks. Any hidden branch of the main task that has not been completed will deduct 55 lifespan points from the apostle.

"Another mission world dominated by humans!"

Qin Lun didn't pay attention to the reminder message of the death list, but muttered to himself. This world is already the third time and space world he has entered. The three worlds are dominated by humans, and they are all related to the earth. It seems to be a different time and space based on the earth's history or mythology.

The apostle itself is only a soul body, and the external legal body can be transformed into any form. In a sense, they can become any life form and can enter any time-space plane that is not dominated by humans. For example: the world of the mechanical family, the silicon-based world, the starry sky of the universe...

"Is it because I was originally a human being that Broken Starry Sky confined me to the human-centered mission world? Or is it because my strength and apostle level are not enough to contact other high-tech and high-magic worlds?"

Qin Lun's eyes flickered, and he fell into deep thought, forgetting the dirty and dirty prison environment around him for a moment.

"Bang!" Just as Qin Lun was thinking, there was the sound of unlocking the cell door.

"Clean him up and take him to the interrogation room!" A few words of German with a strong Munich accent came from the door.

Several tall and burly German soldiers rushed into the cell, untied Qin Lun's shackles, unceremoniously crossed his arms, and carried him out of the door. Suddenly coming from the dark cell to the bright corridor, Qin Lun involuntarily narrowed his eyes, and the green light in his eyes quietly disappeared.

The German soldiers carried him to a shower room, and when they uncuffed the handcuffs and asked Qin Lun to wash his body, he realized that the dirty and tattered prison uniform he was wearing was actually a gray German military uniform.

Is the deceased also a German soldier? Qin Lun stood naked under the shower head with his head up. The hot water slid down his cheeks and broad chest, brushing away the dirt all over his body.

Qin Lun immersed his consciousness into the remaining memory data of this body...

Gerthard Heinrich: Twenty-eight years old, born in Oberbenzen, Hannover, the son of a farmer in the countryside. He joined the army in 1936 and received short-term officer training at the Munich Military Academy during the war. He is now a member of the German Mountain Jergry Unit and the second lieutenant platoon leader of the Alpine Special Brigade of the First Division.

Gerthard is a well-rooted German with a calm and stoic personality, skilled marksmanship and outstanding military skills. The reason for his imprisonment this time was that he was involved in a soldier's fight in a tavern. The specifics of the incident are unclear. It may be because Gerthard drank a lot of alcohol at the time, resulting in amnesia after death.

However, the cause of Gerthard's death is very clear. This strong German officer committed suicide. His parents, wife and children seemed to have all died in the bombing of the Allied forces. The German second lieutenant who got the bad news got drunk in the tavern, and then there was a fight.

After being imprisoned, Gerthard deeply felt that he had lost his military honor and survival goals, and he chose to commit suicide under depression. It's just that the suicide method Gerthard chose did not appear in his memory, as if he wanted to die and died silently and directly.

After Qin Lun washed his body, he turned off the faucet and looked at the wet face in the bathroom mirror. The German man in the mirror has a high forehead with a nose augmentation, thin cheeks, and lips as tight as a knife. In the deep-set eye sockets, the sharp light gray eyes like owls are impressive.

This is a tough, cruel and indifferent man! The corners of Qin Lun's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a strange arc. He liked to play such a role.

"Second Lieutenant, this is your military uniform!" When Qin Lun came out of the shower room wrapped in a towel, a German military police handed over a brand new military uniform, "Please put it on immediately, the lieutenant colonel is waiting for you!"

Putting on his military uniform, the German military police led him through several aisles and into a closed interrogation room. Qin Lun noticed that there were no windows at all in the corridor here, and the air circulation was basically relying on exhaust fans. He guessed that this place should be underground or on the mountainside.

The interrogation room was empty, with only a simple desk and a wooden bench a few meters in front of the desk, with a German school officer standing behind it.

This school officer was tall and burly, over six feet four inches by visual inspection, which was more than 1.9 meters tall. There was a huge scar on the left side of his face from his chin to his temples, and he was staring at Qin Lun who entered the room with piercing eyes.

Qin Lun's pupils shrank. The Gerthard he possessed was a pure German soldier who hardly cared about anything except war and weapons, but he still had the officer's name in his mind.

Otto Skorzny!

Skorzeny's head is shrouded in countless dazzling halos: German battle hero, commander of the special forces of Oninburg, Mussolini's miracle rescuer...

He was in charge of preventing the Hungarian dictator Horthy from abandoning the Axis Powers, and dispatched commandos to disguise the U.S. Army to infiltrate the Allied forces and wreak havoc. He had a great impact and was once called "the most dangerous man in Europe" by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Qin Lun took two steps forward, straightened his back and raised his head and chest as Gerthard remembered, and looked at Skorzny indifferently.

"Second Lieutenant Gerthard Heinrich, once won the first-class Iron Cross for being particularly brave in combat!" Skorzny pointed to the wooden stool, turned around and sat back at the table, picked up the grid Terhard's information carefully.

"Do you still remember how you were imprisoned?" Skorzny stared at Qin Lun sharply.

"I don't remember!" Qin Lun replied blankly.

"You provoked a fierce fighting in the tavern where the officers gathered. Among the more than 20 people you injured, seven were seriously wounded, and five of them were dead, including two Wehrmacht lieutenants and an SS guard. Major!" Skorzny read Gerthard's materials, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

According to the memories of the gendarmerie officer who recorded this information, they sent two squads of armed gendarmerie to suppress Gerthard, but they were all defeated by the second lieutenant of the mountain division wearing edelweiss. Bound by them into the gendarmerie headquarters.

When Gerthard woke up, he seemed to realize that he might not escape court-martial, feeling that he had lost his military honor. At the same time, his relatives had all passed away, and he had nothing to love, so he chose to commit suicide in the cell.

The association in his mind disappeared in a flash, but Qin Lun still pursed his lips tightly, not defending himself.

"Second Lieutenant Heinrich, you used to be a German battle hero! I can understand your pain, but I don't appreciate your choice!" Skorzny tapped the table with his fingers, stood up and pressed the table, and leaned over Hu stared at Qin Lun, "Let's just say it directly, I have a mission that needs a strange person with a particularly strong combat power to complete it. Are you going to pay the crime and make meritorious service? Or rot in a cell!"

"Does Germany still need me as a sinner?" When he spoke again, Qin Lun found that his voice was extremely hoarse.