Death Notice

Chapter 14: Legendary Goblin


The situation inside the big tent was somewhat different from yesterday. The elder Goblin was still lying on an old couch. His son Gerd was not here, but there were two other strong goblin guards.

There were some parcels piled up in different categories beside the couch of the Great Elder, and the two goblin guards were in charge of guarding these things. It was probably part of the compensation items promised by the Great Elder to the prisoners.

"Welcome, my honored guest, please sit down!" The Elder Goblin's complexion was much better than yesterday, and he seemed to be in a very happy mood after getting rid of the biggest uneasy factor in the camp, "It's almost noon now, You are the last guest who asked me to make up for it, it seems that you are a bit hard to decide, do you want me to choose for you?"

"I came late on purpose, so I don't have to compete with others!" Qin Lun smiled lightly, looking a little shy as a teenager, "However, I really want to know that all my companions have chosen some what?"

"I'm sorry, young distinguished guest, I can't disclose this information to you. After the selection, all your companions specifically asked me not to disclose the items in their hands!" The cloudy eyes of the elder Goblin revealed a trace of Cunningly, he smiled smugly.

"However, you should also be able to guess that most of them chose weapons and locomotives, a few of them chose currency and ores, and some of the 'special products' of our Lulu tribe."

Old Goblin had observed last night that this group of travelers from different time and space did not trust each other, so he asked them to come alone to pick up the goods. They even specially sent someone to inform the two "Fireworks" Rand who did not participate in the meeting about the situation last night.

For the Lulu tribe, as long as they can stabilize the twelve potential apostles so that they can successfully complete the transaction with the floating city, a little compensation is really not worth mentioning.

This old guy is really a good means, a little compensation, turned the twelve prisoners from a whole into a mess! Qin Lun's smile became brighter and brighter, but he didn't press the Elder Goblin again.

Although those murderers may all understand the old goblin's method, but the way he uses it is upright, so they can't refuse it. Besides, how could the prisoners be willing to let others know what they got.

Whether it is a prisoner who chooses currency and ore, or a prisoner who chooses weapons and locomotives, he will be afraid of being killed by other death row prisoners. Don't think that after arriving in the floating city, everyone will be able to live safely under the protection of the elves. The prisoners themselves are criminals, and the laws of the Earth Federation are useless to them. Could it be that they will abide by their laws when they arrive in the floating city

"Okay, respected guest, let me hear what you want next?" The Great Elder leaned on the recliner, squinted his eyes and looked at the shy young man in front of him, but he couldn't see it in his expression. Any contempt, "Or you can listen to my suggestion, how about a boutique magic bullet gun produced by the dwarves?"

Following the elder's words, the two goblin guards behind him opened the package on the ground, took out a trumpeted firearm and placed it on the small table between them.

This short-handled trumpet gun looks shiny and oily, and the trigger has the luster of engine oil. It looks like it should be a new product preserved by the Lulu family.

"This kind of magic bullet gun is easy to operate, has a small recoil, and has great power at medium and short distances. It is a very good self-defense weapon, and even newcomers who have never touched firearms can use it very well!" The old man The goblin leaned forward slightly, and his tone was full of temptation, "If you choose this gun, I will give you another soul force field form as a gift!"

Soul Force Field Table? Qin Lun's eyes lit up, and he immediately remembered the small pocket watch that allowed the two parties to communicate with each other at the soul level. This is indeed a good thing. He quickly smiled and shook his head, though.

"So, some common currency in the Broken Starry Sky? A beautiful motorcycle filled with gas?" Looking at the young man who shook his head again and again, the elder goblin finally frowned slightly, "Then what do you want?"

"I want something that the Floating City didn't prepare for me!" Qin Lun seemed a little embarrassed, lowered his head and said softly, "The Floating City should have prepared for us all the things you gave, right?"

Old Goblin's expression froze, the folds on his face trembled slightly, a glimmer of light flashed through his cloudy eyes, and he looked at the young man in front of him again. It seemed that after dealing with the eleven potential apostles, the last young man with a smile on his face seemed to take up a lot of his energy.

"Young guest, you are smarter than most of your companions!" The old goblin said meaningfully, "Then I suggest you choose ore, the ore that our Lulu tribe takes out from the Red Gobi is of great value. Things that the floating city cannot provide to you!"

Faced with Qin Lun's questioning eyes, Old Goblin immediately gave a simple explanation.

In fact, the weapons and equipment given to everyone by the Lulu clan can only be used in the Broken Starry Sky, and cannot be brought into other worlds by the apostles, and weapons from other worlds cannot be brought into the Broken Starry Sky, of course. The rules of the two worlds are different. Just think of the particle light guns and modern instruments that were originally disabled in the Area 91 base. At this point, most prisoners have misunderstandings.

The weapons and equipment that the apostles really need must be spiritual equipment related to their own souls, which can travel through the broken starry sky and other worlds at the same time with their souls and legal bodies. The special ore mined by the Lulu tribe in the Red Gobi can be extracted to produce metal materials for spiritual equipment, which is also the basis for the survival of all scavenger tribes.

In fact, anything that can attract the attention of the apostles is of great value in the broken starry sky, and there will even be wars in the suspended continents over these mineral resources.

"How about it, smart young man, if you have made a decision, I can help you choose a few pieces of ore with the best quality." Seeing the interested look in Qin Lun's eyes, the old Goblin's cheeky face She shuddered and grinned.

"No!" Qin Lun's answer was concise and to the point, and his refusal was so firm that the old guy's smile froze on his face.

Perhaps these ores are indeed of great value, but how much can Qin Lun take with his physique. How much spiritual material can be extracted from tens of catties of ore, one hundred grams? Or two hundred grams? What's more, the materials are different from the finished products. If he uses these ores to exchange money in the floating city, why doesn't he just ask for more common currency here!

"Then what exactly do you want?" The elder goblin finally felt a little uneasy, and rubbed his forehead with some headaches.

Qin Lun remained silent, with the same smile on his face, and a pair of bright and clear eyes staring closely at the elder goblin.

Qin Lun read a lot of books in the prison and studied a whole set of clinical medicine and psychology by himself. In addition, the prison itself is full of filth and filth, full of all kinds of ugly phenomena, which allowed him to gradually master a special ability, which can To a large extent see through the psychology of others.

It can be said that after Qin Lun came into contact with psychology at the age of eighteen, he has slowly grown into a master of psychology.

However, Qin Lun has been out of society for many years and is not good at dealing with people with words. This is why he was able to see through Hansen's little trick last night, but almost had a fight with his disciples on the way.

Last night, apart from silently digesting the information provided by the elder Goblin, Qin Lun focused most of his attention on the old man himself. This old goblin's sophistication and sophistication, and his exquisite control of the meeting scene, opened his eyes, as if he saw the Shura way of turning the profound knowledge in his mind into a giant ax blade.

Qin Lun vaguely felt that even if all the prisoners ignored the compensations that the elder Goblin had prepared, the old man must have other trump cards to stabilize everyone.

In fact, Qin Lun was not very interested in what he could get in the end. He just wanted to see what methods the old goblin would use to send him off!

That's why he chose the last one to find Old Goblin. He knew that if he failed, there would be a big commotion. Compared with what he will get in the end, Qin Lun hopes to see what kind of performance the old goblin will perform in the face of such a stubborn stubble like him!

One old and one young, one person and one strange, wide-eyed and small-eyed, staring at each other reluctantly, the atmosphere in the big tent was slightly frozen.

The cloudy eyes of the elder goblin had been fully opened at some point, and the eyes were full of light, and the old and aging appearance had long since disappeared.

When Old Goblin was young, he was a different kind among the Lulu tribe. Not only was he physically strong, his intelligence far surpassed that of other tribesmen, but he was also full of adventurous spirit. Unlike most of the clansmen who pursue a peaceful life, he left his hometown when he was an adult and ventured out.

He has followed several powerful apostles, and has left adventurous footprints in many floating continents and floating cities. He is a legend of the Lulu tribe and even all the scavenger tribes, and has even been respected by many powerful intelligent races.

When the elder Goblin was too old to allow him to continue his adventures, he gathered many tribesmen and formed a tribe of scavengers in the Red Gobi. The individual strength of the Lulu tribe is weak, and they can have a place in the "scavenger's paradise" of the Red Gobi, because they rely on the great prestige left by the old goblin in the past.

However, the old goblin had gotten older in the past few years, and he knew that he would pass away soon. At that time, I am afraid that the current comfortable life of the Lulu tribe will come to an end, so they will seek the official settlement right of the floating city at all costs. However, relying on their own prestige alone, the elves may not accept the Lulu tribe, and they still need an opportunity.

The twelve preparatory apostles in front of him are the opportunity that Elder Goblin has been waiting for, and he will never allow anyone to destroy his lifelong pursuit.

In addition, when the old goblin saw the prisoners for the first time, he felt that this group of human transmigrators was different from the preparatory apostles he had seen before. They smell bloody, and some of them are even stronger than some official apostles. The shy young man in front of him who seems not good at speaking is one of them.

Maybe I'm really old, even dealing with such a young man feels tricky! The light in the elder goblin's eyes slowly faded away, he took out a small cloth bag from his arms, took out more than ten pieces of orange-yellow crystals the size of rice grains from the cloth bag, and put them on the table.

"Take it, this is what you want. However, you must swear on your soul that you will never reveal what you got today!"