Death Notice

Chapter 32: source of disease


"Frank!" Qin Lun softly greeted the servant, took the medicine box in his hand, searched it, and took out a small test tube from it. The test tube contained a thick milky liquid with some froth.

Qin Lun looked at the test tube with a cloudy expression on his face, but it was all good and he made a decision. It has been more than ten days since he entered this world, and he finally got close to the core secret of the alien mission. Although there are other ways to achieve this effect, it is impossible to maintain the good relationship of the Albert family.

You must know that this good relationship may become a breakthrough at some point, and no matter how bad it is, it will not hinder the continuation of the mission. However, after working hard until now, he faced the first bottleneck and test in the mission.

The little boy in front of him, Miller Albert, was his test. If he showed powerlessness to the little boy's condition, then the Albert family would probably not keep him as a guest.

Thinking of this, Qin Lun squinted his eyes, gently lifted Xiao Le, squeezed his chin, and poured a tube of milky white liquid into the little boy's mouth.

The members of the Albert family watched all this quietly, waiting for the development of the matter with a blank face, and even Bonny, the second son of the old baron, showed a little disapproval.

It's no wonder that Xiao Le has seen many doctors and taken many medicines for more than a year. Among them were several court physicians sent by the Duke of Meiser, but their condition did not improve at all. Those few court physicians were very unlucky to be infected with the epidemic and died on the way back to their hometown.

The truth about the outsider incident in the town of Odia is not that the imperial physicians brought the disease to the town of Odia, but that the disease itself came from Albert Castle.

Millet is the source of the disease in the Odia region!

At the beginning, Baron Albert was afraid that this scandal would damage the reputation of the Albert family in the Odia region, so he chose to conceal the truth. At the same time, during this period of time, the mysterious force that cooperated with the small town of Odia to cover up the epidemic situation was also Albert Castle.

However, the disapproval on the faces of members of the Albert family soon turned into surprise. Because the little boy who drank the milky white liquid had a slight blush on his face after a while. Although it didn't look much different from before, everyone could see that the tube of milky white medicine that Qin Lun fed him had taken effect. .

Qin Lun, who was sitting by the bed, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, gently put the little boy down, stood up, and waved for everyone to leave Miller's room.

"Doctor Stan, how is Little Miller?" Just as he left the room, Bonny, who was the most impatient, asked. Compared with last night, the tone of the blond young man finally showed a trace of respect.

"Your Excellency the baron, please prepare a quieter room, I have something to ask you!" Qin Lun ignored Boni, frowned, and looked at the old baron with a very displeased expression.

The strange thing is that Qin Lun's slightly rude attitude did not offend the members of the Albert family present. On the contrary, everyone was a little embarrassed, as if they had a guilty conscience and dared not look directly at the young doctor.

After a while, the old butler Jason brought everyone to a large meeting room in the castle, and waited for the servants to prepare some black tea and pastries for everyone. The servants, including the old butler Jason and Frank, all exited the room, leaving only Qin Lun and members of the Albert family.

There was a strange silence in the room, but at this moment, Qin Lun, who was the first to initiate the conversation request, stopped talking instead, drinking black tea slowly, and looked at the group of people in front of him with a calm expression.

Qin Lun is not the kind of language master who can talk endlessly and crush others with sharp words. However, as a master of psychology, he is growing rapidly, and his control over the scene is getting better and better. Through the treatment just now, he has shown the ability to restore Xiao Le's health, so he naturally has the right to get the initiative to talk.

Qin Lun could see the importance that members of the Albert family attached to Miller. The descendants of the Albert family were weak, and they were located in a remote area of the Principality of Meyser, so they could not find a suitable noble marriage. Millet Le is currently the sole heir of the third generation of the family. Whether in public or private, the Albert family cannot give up on the little guy.

If Qin Lun didn't take this opportunity to get some important information, it would be a waste of so much time to put on a show.

The two men of the Albert family, Thomas Albert and Bonny Albert, had unsteady faces and were speechless for a long time. Although Qin Lun hadn't opened his mouth yet, they knew what the doctor might ask, and among them, there were some inside information that they were unwilling and unable to disclose.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Laura glanced at her father and brother angrily, and was the first to break the deadlock. This beautiful girl loves her little nephew Miller the most. As long as the little boy has a glimmer of hope to recover, she will be desperate.

"Dear Dr. Stan, how is Little Miller?"

"He has been sick for more than a year, don't you guys still know about his condition?" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and he put down his teacup. He had to answer this question, and he also hoped to stimulate these members of the Albert family, "I I really doubt whether he is your family member, that room has been full of plague all the time, you just want to murder him!"

"No, it's not like that!" Bonnie exclaimed a little excitedly.

"Hey, let me tell the story!" The old baron finally sighed, and said in a heavy tone, "Since Dr. Stan has the ability to cure Miller, he is naturally qualified to know the ins and outs of this matter."

For Xiao Le's condition, let alone a doctor, even ordinary people can tell that the little guy has been sick and bedridden for a long time. Qin Lun guessed right, the source of the disease in the Odia region was Millet.

Little Miller contracted this disease more than a year ago, and Baron Albert only evaded his knowledge of the cause of the disease. For more than a year, the Albert family tried every means, bought various rare medicines at high prices, and even asked Duke Meize to send a court doctor to treat Miller, but nothing worked.

In the early stages of Miller's illness, the contagiousness of the disease was not so terrible. Only those who came into contact with him had a certain chance of being infected. Those royal doctors and some servants in the castle died of it. Oddly enough, other members of the Albert family were immune to the infection.

However, today, more than a year later, the disease has mutated. The outbreak that broke out in the small town of Odia more than a month ago was actually brought by a maid in Albert Castle who was in charge of cleaning Miller's room.

At that time, everyone didn't know that the disease on Xiaomi Le's body had mutated to the point of spreading across the air. Several local doctors in the small town of Odia died here because they were invited to treat illnesses.

After that, the servants were no longer in charge of the upper floors of the castle, and even the cleaning of Miller's room was handed over to Miss Laura. Except for members of the Albert family, no one else could get close to Little Miller.

As for closing the doors and windows of Xiao Le's room, it was also because he was afraid that the epidemic virus would spread. In that case, it is likely to cause an outbreak in the entire Odia region. The Albert family claimed to be the patron saint of the Odia region, so naturally they couldn't do this.

"Doctor Stan, since you have a way to cure the disease, of course we won't isolate the little one!" The old baron asked cautiously, "The medicine you just used seems to be very effective for the little one. I don't know if it can completely cure this disease. Plague!"

Qin Lun leaned back on the seat, his eyes flickering slightly. The old baron's explanation almost satisfied a doctor's need to understand the patient's medical history. However, he is not an ordinary doctor, and this half-truth and half-false explanation only confirmed part of his guess.

To be precise, it is not the truth about the epidemic that Qin Lun wants to know, nor the real secret of the Albert family.

Miller contracted the disease more than a year ago, and Stephen Albert died more than a year ago! What kind of connection is there

More than a year ago, what happened

Since the other members of the Albert family are immune to the disease, why did Little Miller get the disease

How did Stephen die

Last night, what happened to the "Please help us" on the weird letter in his room

Interesting, it's so interesting! The corners of Qin Lun's mouth turned up slightly. The family and the castle seemed to be shrouded in layers of mist. It was really worth the big bet he just placed.

In fact, the tube of liquid that Qin Lun fed Xiao Le just now was completely a gamble. It wasn't any medicine at all, nor was it "World Tree Flower Dew", it was just an experimental product he extracted in the Catherine Hotel.

Since entering this world, Qin Lun has drawn a conclusion from Frank, Stan Xiaolou, and Morrison who was cured by him.

That is, the "World Tree Flower Dew" and the epidemic virus are substances with diametrically opposite properties. In other words, if the nature of "World Tree Flower Dew" is "life", then the nature of this disease virus is "death". The two are natural enemies and cannot coexist at all.

Once an ordinary person is infected with an epidemic, the vitality of the organs and cells in the body will be swallowed by the epidemic virus. This kind of phagocytosis is a bit like the invasion of normal cells by cancer cells, causing irreparable damage to the human body and eventually leading to the death of the patient.

Although Qin Lun didn't have modern medical equipment, when he was examining Xiao Le, he had a faint discovery, and then came up with a conjecture that he felt was a bit outrageous.

He discovered that the Albert family did have immunity to the disease, and the reason why Miller could survive until now was because his immune system had reached a symbiotic relationship with the disease.

Now it can be said that Millet is the host of the epidemic virus, and the two live and die together. It's okay to leave it alone, once the disease virus is expelled, Xiao Le will not be far from death.

As for the milky white medicine Qin Lun gave Xiao Le to drink just now...