Death Notice

Chapter 33: gamble


The physiological structure of the human body in this world is more than 99% similar to that of humans on the earth, and the medical system is also very close, but some elements and drug extracts are different from the earth.

Qin Lun himself learned a whole set of clinical medicine in Handan Prison, and when he first entered the world, he was definitely a qualified doctor in terms of medical theory by comparing several basic medical books he obtained through Stan Xiaolou.

From the first time he came into contact with the disease virus on the hunchbacked servant Frank, to operating on Morrison in the town square, Qin Lun collected some disease viruses. Since the Stan House had been burned down, Qin Lun did not have a suitable test vessel, but this did not prevent him from conducting some simple experiments.

Through these experiments, Qin Lun confirmed two conjectures. The first guess is that this epidemic virus is a living microorganism with strong phagocytosis. For humans in this world, it can be said to be a cancer cell that has strengthened its power hundreds of times.

The second guess is that although it is difficult for this epidemic virus to coexist with other biological cells, it is not completely impossible to neutralize. Qin Lun experimented with the "World Tree Flower Dew" at hand and came to a conclusion. If the nature of the "World Tree Flower Dew" is "life", the attribute of the disease virus is "death".

This is also the reason why "World Tree Flower Dew" can expel the epidemic virus. Life and death are incompatible confrontation attributes. However, Qin Lun discovered by accident that these two attributes can reach a balanced state under certain circumstances.

It was a few days after Qin Lun cured Morrison. At that time, Albert Castle had not come to invite him, and the plague patients in the small town of Odia were in an endless stream. Among these plague patients, Qin Lun discovered that one of them, a young breastfeeding woman who had just given birth, had been sick for a week and hadn't died yet.

After examining the young woman, Qin Lun found that the reason why she didn't die was very simple. The young woman's milk contained a high level of life essence, which offset the "death" attribute of the epidemic virus and delayed the onset of the disease.

This unexpected discovery made Qin Lun's eyes brighten. He used breast milk as the base and blending agent, and added a small amount of diluted "World Tree Flower Dew" to the epidemic virus. Through many experiments, he obtained a "nutrient solution" with a shelf life of only about three or four days. This nutrient solution can delay the onset of the disease and prolong the life of the disease patient by about a week.

For this experiment, Qin Lun spent two drops of "World Tree Flower Dew", which seemed to be a waste of money. You must know that he only used two drops of "World Tree Flower Dew" to save Frank and Morrison.

In fact, Qin Lun hoped to obtain this weakened version of the "nutrient solution". He had already vaguely guessed that the epidemic was related to the Albert family, and the show was to get an invitation from the Albert family. His purpose of going to Albert Castle was not to save people, but to explore and complete tasks in other worlds.

The nutrient solution can only prolong the life of the patient, not completely cure him, so that he can stay in the castle for more time.

When Qin Lun saw Xiao Le, he realized that he had made a mistake and made the breast milk nutrient solution the best medicine for the little guy. The disease and immune system in Xiao Le's body have reached a balance. However, due to years of coma and bed rest, his physical condition is extremely unoptimistic.

The nutrient solution cannot cure diseases, but it is a super nutrient product added with "World Tree Flower Dew" after all, which is of great benefit to improving the health of Millet. Qin Lun's only concern is whether the balanced nutrient solution will have the opposite effect when it meets the balanced millet. You must know that the nutrient solution also contains the epidemic virus.

Fortunately, Qin Lun's gamble succeeded! Little Le's body was nourished by the nutrient solution, and the diluted world tree flower dew used breast milk as an intermediary, and there was no fierce conflict with the disease virus in the little guy's body.

Thoughts were spinning in Qin Lun's mind, and he gave an ambiguous answer to the old baron's question.

"I still need to observe for a few days. If my medicine really has an effect on Master Miller's health, then he may wake up when his body functions recover a little bit!" Qin Lun picked up his teacup again and said slowly, " However, this potion is very precious, and the preparation process is very complicated, and some materials need to be purchased in Odia Town... "

"Bonny, ask Jason to fetch all the medicines stored in the castle, and ask Dr. Stan to see if there are any suitable preparation materials!" The old baron and his family looked at each other with a smile in his eyes. The medicine Qin Lun mentioned was precious and complicated to prepare. From their point of view, they were naturally asking for a reward.

However, this is also a matter of course! Since this young doctor was able to solve the disease that even the imperial physicians were helpless to save Odia and Miller, how could the Albert family be stingy with a little money.

"I heard that Dr. Stan has not yet obtained a formal medical license. This is an insult to a doctor as skilled as you. When this incident is successfully resolved, the Albert family is willing to guarantee you!" The old baron solemnly said promised to.

Qin Lun smiled and said nothing. He didn't need a medical license. As long as he could stay in Albert Castle, he had achieved his goal.

After a while, the old butler Jason brought a basket of pharmaceutical reagents. Qin Lun flipped through these reagent bottles casually. He knew that these things were useless to him. Breast milk was not medicine, and "World Tree Flower Dew" was not something from this world. However, his anesthetics and antibiotics have been used up, and it is not bad to add some here.

Suddenly, Qin Lun's hands froze. Looking at a certain small reagent bottle, his pupils shrank. The two letters "J·R" are engraved on this reagent bottle. If you look closely, there are also some reagent bottles with "H·C", "Y·P" and so on.

Looking at these reagent bottles marked with capital letters, Qin Lun's eyes flickered. Perhaps members of the Albert family thought that these letters were the names of medicines, but he understood that these letters that looked like the names of medicines were not the names of medicines.

Because, in his medicine cabinet, there are also several unique reagent bottles marked with capital letters, such as: the breast milk nutrient solution. These medicines have no label name, and only the doctor who owns them knows what they are. These medicines are special medicines privately prepared by doctors of this era.

The reagent bottle of Qin Lun's nutrient solution was marked with "S·T", which was not the name of the medicine, and the last name of Stan was capitalized. Doctors in the Stein family identify these special medicines not by the name of the medicine, but by the color of the reagent bottle.

The medicines in this basket are not stored in the castle, but the private medicines of certain doctors, those doctors who died in Albert Castle!

Touching these cold reagent bottles, the pores on the back of Qin Lun's hands stood up, picked up a few bottles of ordinary anesthetics and antibiotics, and waved to the old housekeeper to take the medicine basket.

"I don't have what I want here, I will send my entourage Frank to go to several nearby towns to purchase!" Qin Lun stood up from his chair and walked towards the door, "I will stay and observe the rice in the next few days. Master Le's physical condition is disturbing everyone!"

"Doctor Stan, you're welcome! It's an honor for the Albert family to have Little Miller receive your treatment!" The old baron stood up with his two children and thanked Qin Lun. A silk cloth pouch.

"Shua Shua!" Qin Lun tossed the silk sac in his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and walked side by side with Frank in the courtyard of the castle. The silk sac was full of gold coins. This was the material purchase fee paid by the Albert family, and of course it was also the reward for his tube of milky white medicine.

"Frank, what happened to the matter I asked you to inquire about?" Qin Lun glanced around and asked softly.

"Master Wellington, that matter is no secret to the servants of the castle. I already know the approximate location, but I still need to see it!" Frank scratched his head and said in a low voice.

"Well! Remember, apart from the things I asked you to buy in the town, wait for me at the opposite side of the castle's stone bridge in the early morning of the fourth day, hide it well, and don't let other people see it!" Qin Lun put the whole The bag of gold coins was thrown to Frank, and he ordered softly.

"Master... Master, don't need so much!" Frank shook his hand and almost dropped the purse.

"It's all for you. From now on, you will be the steward of the Stan family!" Qin Lun grinned. What is the use of the gold coins in this world? They always want to go back to the Broken Starry Sky. It's better to give it all to Frank, just to fulfill the previous promise. Let this loyal servant have a source of income after he left, which should be Frank's salary during this period.

Frank was silent, but still solemnly put away the money bag, walked out of the castle without looking back, and disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

"Doctor Stan, it's so early for a walk again!"

"Yeah, Jason, I'm used to it!" Qin Lun jogged across the stone bridge, smiled and waved to the old housekeeper and tailor in the courtyard.

These few days, Qin Lun's life in the castle was unremarkable. Every day, he observed Miller's health and chatted with several members of the Albert family.

But every evening, the young doctor would stay in the room all night, and told the old housekeeper, Jason, not to let anyone disturb him, that was the time for him to prepare the medicine. In the early morning, the young doctors would run out of the castle and take a walk outside for half an hour before returning.

After two or three days, the whole castle knew about his habit. However, there is nothing to be curious about. It is quieter at night, which is good for doctors to concentrate on preparing medicines, and running in the morning is the most normal.

On the third night after the hunchbacked servant left, to be precise, it was about an hour before dawn, a figure opened the small gate on the city gate, ran out of the castle, and disappeared into the darkness along the stone bridge...