Death Notice

Chapter 36: Gargoyle Core


"Father, you..." the tall and handsome blond young Bonny called behind him with some hesitation.

"Doctor Stan, he can cure the disease, sooner or later he will be exposed to all of this!" Baron Albert waved at Boni, "You come too, maybe your strength is needed!"

Boni moved his lips twice, but in the end he didn't try to dissuade them any more, and silently followed behind the two of them.

Baron Albert brought Qin Lun and Boni to the main castle hall, and pushed open a secret door at the back of the hall, revealing an underground corridor.

Qin Lun's eyes flickered, and he put his right hand behind his back, and evil fell into his palm from his cuff. Before finding out the baron's intentions, necessary precautions are still needed. The three walked along the corridor for a while, and then came to a spacious basement.

The basement is square, with bright corridor lights around it, some swords, chains and hammers hanging on the walls, and a half-person-high stone platform in the center. The gargoyle that Qin Lun saw last night curled up and lay on it. What surprised him was that the gargoyle had turned into a real stone instead of a living creature like last night.

"Is this the statue of the little devil on the stone bridge?" Qin Lun asked with a frown.

"No, this is the real culprit who attacked your entourage! It's a magical creature named Gargoyle!" The old baron stared at Qin Lun with burning eyes, trying to see something from his face.

"Your Excellency the Baron, I have to say that your joke is not funny. There is no magic in this world, let alone any magical creatures!" Qin Lun said with a straight face, expressionless.

"Hehe, Doctor Stan, you are the most skilled doctor I have ever seen, but in terms of life experience, please believe me, old man, this world is not as simple as you imagined!" The old baron smiled when he saw Qin Lun's reaction He shook his head.

"I heard that on the other side of the continent, someone has invented a huge jet iron car that can move on its own without the help of horses and manpower. Perhaps with the development of so-called science and technology, some ancient historical truths will be farther and farther away from us. The farther away. But now, some noble families with a long history on the mainland still keep some historical secrets, and the Albert family is one of them."

"This... Gargoyle is really a magical creature? Not a beast, nor a stone statue?" Qin Lun touched the gargoyle's hardened bat wings in surprise.

"If you still don't believe me, I'll prove it all to you!" The old baron nodded to Bonny who was standing beside him.

Boni grinned at Qin Lun, turned around and went to the corner, and took down a hideous mace.

"Get out of the way, Dr. Stan!"

Qin Lun followed his advice and took a few steps back, only to see Boni holding up the mace and smashing it at the petrified gargoyle. Suddenly, the basement was splashed with rubble, and the gargoyle was slowly smashed into a pile of gravel.

"Doctor Stan, come and see!" After Boni finished smashing, the old baron took two steps forward, groped among the gravel, found a small red stone and handed it to Qin Lun.

Qin Lun's heart moved, and he took the stone. This stone is shaped like a baby's heart, bright red and translucent, as if a mass of flowing magma is wrapped in it, and it feels warm and comfortable in the palm of your hand.

"Apostle No. 70053, you have come into contact with the Gargoyle Core for the first time. This item is an alien magic item. It is classified into equipment materials and elemental energy. It satisfies Article 320 of the Fragmentation Law. Open the rule item exchange list!"

"Reminder: Apostles can view the list of rule items through the soul imprint. Apostle No. 70053, your soul imprint has been connected to the special equipment 'Death List', and you can directly check it in the 'Death List'!"

Qin Lun raised his eyebrows. He still can't control the death list as he likes. Now is not a good time to check the exchange list, so he put aside the content of this reminder for the time being.

"Is this the heart of the gargoyle?" Qin Lun looked at the baron and his son curiously.

"This is called the Gargoyle Core, which is a magical item made by wizards and is specially used to drive Gargoyles." The baron and Bonnie looked at each other with a smile, and Bonnie explained, "Doctor Stan, do you believe our words now? "

"It's unbelievable that such a small thing can turn a heavy stone statue into a living creature?" Qin Lun turned the gargoyle's core fondly and asked, "I can keep it ?"

"Of course, your entourage hunted down this gargoyle, so it naturally belongs to you!" The old baron nodded with a smile, "Let's go back up, the basement is not a good place to talk, I believe you should still There are so many questions!"

"Your Excellency the Baron, are you willing to tell me the historical truth of those... distant times?" Qin Lun asked cautiously with a flash of his eyes.

"Doctor Stan, I shouldn't have told you these things. The Albert family has guarded this land for hundreds of years, but we are helpless against the current epidemic in Odia. You are the only doctor who can solve this problem. We I must get your assistance!" Baron Albert said with a smile.

"Now it depends on your own wishes. Are you willing to accept the guidance of the Albert family and become a member of the exorcist camp? If you are unwilling to see another dangerous world, then we will not tell you anything , and please keep everything you know secret now. As for the epidemic, we will try our best to repay you in the form of money!"

"Please give me some time to think about it!" Qin Lun said hesitantly.

"As you wish!" Baron Albert and Bonny looked at each other and bowed slightly with a smile on their faces.

After the three returned upstairs, the old butler Jason found Qin Lun.

"Doctor Stan, your followers are awake!"

Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and he followed the old butler to Frank's room. Baron Albert and Bonny did not follow, they knew that the master and servant might have something to talk about.

"Why did you stay outside for so long? Do you know that you lost a lot of blood? The situation just now was very dangerous!" After the old housekeeper went out, Qin Lun looked at the hunchbacked servant sternly.

"Master, I just want to come later to make you less suspicious!" Frank muttered embarrassingly.

"Then you can't make fun of your own life. Don't be so reckless in the future. You are going to die. Where can I find a suitable follower!" Qin Lun said seriously with a straight face.

"Understood, master!" Frank grinned, "They didn't suspect us, did they?"

"Probably not!" Qin Lun smiled slightly, "You almost died, they wouldn't have guessed that you had been hiding outside for so long, and naturally they wouldn't have thought that we were actually acting together!"

"By the way, young master, I'll give you this back!" The hunchbacked servant took out a small cloth bag from his pocket and handed it to Qin Lun.

Qin Lun took it casually and opened the small cloth bag, only to find a somewhat old brass pocket watch inside.

"I redeemed it with the money the young master gave me. The family heirloom of the Stan family cannot be lost casually!" Frank opened his mouth wide and laughed happily.

Looking at the old pocket watch in his hand, Qin Lun's eyes flickered slightly. He remembered the first time he saw a hunchbacked ugly man in the cemetery when he first entered the world.

An ugly servant dressed in rags and seriously ill, but desperately trying to give his dead master a decent funeral, reappeared in his mind, slowly overlapping with the hunchbacked ugly man who risked his life and fought with gargoyles last night. together.

A strange feeling welled up in Qin Lun's heart, the refreshing smile on his face gradually faded, and a trace of emotionless indifference like a corpse flashed away on his face. However, the murderer's true inner emotions were only revealed for a moment, and then replaced by a smile again.

He stood up, put the pocket watch into his jacket pocket, and patted the hunchbacked servant with a smile.

"Take a good rest and recover from your injury as soon as possible!"

After walking out of Frank's room, Qin Lun immediately went back to his own room, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes in thought. He first went through all his actions and words from last night to now, and found that there were indeed no major loopholes, so he calmed down and summoned the death list.

The data on the death list originally only had three categories: law body profile, equipment column, and storage space, but now there is an additional category item "exchange list".

Qin Lun concentrated his attention on opening the exchange list, and found that most of the items in it were gray and could not see the content at all. There are only two categories of currently lit items, one is equipment materials, and the other is spar energy.

Only Gargoyle Core appeared in the category of equipment materials, followed by a purchase price of 500 shattered crystals, and a selling price of 100 shattered crystals, which was five times the difference.

There are two items in the category of spar energy, one is the core of the gargoyle, and the price is the same. Another entry is the soul power crystal, the purchase price is 10 broken crystals, and the selling price is 2 broken crystals.

Qin Lun's heart moved slightly, and his consciousness was focused on the name Broken Crystal that had just appeared. The death list immediately gave a specific introduction to the broken crystal.

The broken crystal is the semi-materialization of the basic world law of the broken starry sky. This kind of crystal is between the entity and the virtual body, and it is the basic currency specially provided by the broken starry sky to the apostles for trading. Except for the apostles with soul imprints, other beings in the Broken Starry Sky and other worlds could neither see nor touch them.

Qin Lun pondered for a moment. It is absolutely impossible that there are only such a few things in the exchange list. It may be that he has not met certain restrictions, which only shows such a small amount.

At this time, in another room of the castle, there were also a few people who were thinking and discussing softly.

"Gargoyle? Are you sure this kind of thing has appeared again?"

"Yes, although this gargoyle is roughly made, the general principle is the same, it is very likely..."

"The Millennium Contract has only passed one-third of the time..."

"what should we do?"

"It will take time to summon the descendants of the exorcists, not to mention the situation is not clear enough, let's send someone into the periphery of Maiya to investigate first!"

"Then... do you agree to let Dr. Stan join the camp?"

"That person? Take him with you!"

"But he's just an ordinary person?!"

"Hehe, take him there, you guys will understand..."