Death Notice

Chapter 47: Witch hut


"Stop!" Odo signaled with his hand up. After leaving the brigade, the five of them had been walking for almost half a day with the black cloth-covered steel cage cart.

After Otto stopped the team, he ran to the front alone, and patrolled under some particularly thick trees in the forest.

"Lord Odo, have you found anything?" Qin Lun and Boni walked behind him.

"Look at the bottom of this forest!" Odo said with a smile in his eyes, pointing forward.

It has been three days since the exorcist's team entered the Maya forest, and now they are gradually going deeper into the big forest, and the canopy above their heads is getting denser. Even when the scorching sun is in the sky, the sunlight that can shine into the forest is less than half.

Qin Lun looked intently, and saw that the trees in front were tall and strong, the fallen leaves overlapped on the ground, and the shade was mottled, but nothing special could be seen. The only difference from other areas may be that there are all kinds of mushrooms growing under the big trees in this area. It looks layer upon layer, as if covered with a layer of small umbrellas.

"It's so close that we haven't found us yet." A blush flashed across Boni's face, suppressing the excitement in his heart, "It seems that the witch puts all her thoughts on manipulating magical creatures, and Nova The lady didn't send out a firework signal either...we were right!"

"You... are saying that this place is close to the witch's lair!" Qin Lun's expression moved, and he immediately understood what Boni said.

"Well, I read in the book that most witches living in the forest will plant mushrooms near their lairs." Bligh came from behind and said happily, "There is no rice in the forest, and mushrooms are a kind of Very good food."

"Your Excellency Boni, you can release it now. It will definitely help us find the witch!" Odo said seriously, looking back at the carriage driven by Frank.

"Okay, I'll let it out now!" Bonny's eyes flashed brightly, and he strode towards the carriage, tearing off the black tarpaulin covering the carriage.

"Clang!" There was indeed a big iron cage on the carriage, and Boni unlocked the big iron lock of the cage and pulled it out.

The creature was muscular, with erect legs, knee-length hands with knife-sharp nails, and a body covered in black fur. It seemed to have just woken up from a long sleep, and its vision was still hazy, but the cruelty and violence that could not be concealed were revealed in the green pupils.

Suddenly seeing Boni in front of him, he bent slightly, his chest swelled up, his pointed ears stood upright, his long canine teeth bared, his mouth was dripping with saliva, and he let out a low growl.

"Beast, be quiet!" Boni didn't know when, he already had a long leather whip in his hand, and with a "snap", he slapped the whip in mid-air.

"Woo!" There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the fierce beast, its pointed ears drooped, and it squatted on the ground like an obedient puppy.

"Werewolf!" Bligh's eyes widened and he whispered.

Such a creature actually exists! Qin Lun looked at the werewolf in front of Boni, and a trace of inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes.

Although Qin Lun has been hearing the legends of witches and evil creatures since he entered this world, and even saw gargoyles and white figures suspected of being ghosts, he always feels that everything has an unreal hazy feeling. The appearance of the werewolf seemed to have lifted the last layer of fog in this world, making him finally believe in the dark side behind this world.

Could it be that the plague in Odia is really the work of witches? Maybe there is no truth to Stephen's death, or maybe Stephen is still imprisoned in a witch's lair? Qin Lun had no choice but to start guessing about other possibilities for Stephen's death!

No, even leaving aside Stephen, the strange illness on Miller's body must be related to the Albert family itself. And how to explain that white figure? That was definitely not the work of a witch!

Thoughts were racing through Qin Lun's mind. No matter how he said it, his other premonition was correct. This reconnaissance mission will definitely allow him to obtain new clues, truly solve the mystery of Stephen, and decipher the root of the epidemic.

"Go, find out where the witch is!" Bonny touched the werewolf's head and whispered in its ear.

A fierce light flashed in the werewolf's eyes, he ran a few steps on all fours, jumped onto a big tree, firmly grasped the trunk with his sharp nails, and disappeared into the woods after a few jumps.

"Follow it!" Bonny seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the werewolf, and he could know where the werewolf was at any time. He waved to the people behind him and led the way ahead.

"Your Excellency Bonny, I don't see that you are a beast tamer, even a werewolf can be tamed!" Qin Lun leaned close to Bonny and said softly.

"Hehe, I'm not a real animal trainer. This werewolf has been serving the Albert family since I started to understand. It's just that it's always been locked in the vice castle, and few people know about it! "Boni looked very interested and took the initiative to explain to Qin Lun.

Seeing Boni's cheerful expression, Qin Lun's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "Your Excellency Boni, you seem to be looking forward to the fight with a witch. Is this the first time you have seen a real witch?"

"Of course not, but this is the first time since Stephen's accident!" Boni's face darkened.

"Your elder brother Stephen Albert?" Qin Lun asked in feigned surprise, "I'm sorry, I heard that he had an accident during a solo trial. It's a pity, but at his age, how can Have you never been tested before?"

Judging from the tombstone, Stephen Albert was already in his thirties when he died, and he was Bonny's elder brother. Compared with Boni, a seasoned exorcist, Stephen was rumored to be more like a reckless new exorcist, and this was one of Qin Lun's doubts.

"Stephen is different from me. He didn't like to participate in battles since he was a child, especially after he got married!" Bonny's face was a little cloudy, "Actually, I was not in Albert Castle during his accident, but in Traveling abroad. Afterwards, I was recalled to the castle by my father!"

"Oh, that's really strange. Are you sure that Stephen died at the hands of a witch?" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully avoiding offending Boni, "Oh, sorry, I shouldn't question your brother!"

"It's okay, I know what you are suspecting! Even when I first heard the news, I couldn't believe that Stephen, who has always disliked fighting, would suddenly decide to single-handedly find trouble with the witch!" Bonny sighed and smiled wryly. Said.

"However, there is a reason for this. Stephen's wife was attacked by a magical creature during an outing... In order to protect a pair of children who were with her, she was seriously injured and died the next day, so..."

Qin Lun showed a trace of understanding on his face, as if he understood the twists and turns of this secret. The sudden and tragic death of his wife, and his son being infected with a plague by magical creatures. No wonder Stephen, who didn't like fighting, was heartbroken and rushed madly into the Maya forest where witches gathered, and ended up killing himself in it, leaving only a pair of orphans.

The Albert family's explanation to the outside world is reasonable. No wonder the exorcists firmly believe that the plague in Odia is the work of witches. Regardless of paying a huge price, they must bypass the Millennium Pact and implement a battle plan to capture witches.

"Is Stephen's wife called Mary?" Qin Lun asked confidently.

"Mary? Who is that? Stephen's wife is Nina!" Boni was slightly taken aback and replied casually.

"You don't know Mary?" Qin Lun narrowed his pupils and was about to speak again when he heard a scream from beside the two of them.

"Ah!" The exclamation belonged to Bligh, the young exorcist. The others were slightly startled and turned their heads to look.

Bligh, who was originally on the left, is now gone, and several huge plants appeared in the direction he was heading. The appearance of these plants is extremely strange, more than a dozen green leaves as big as plantains are spread on the ground, with brightly colored stamens in the middle, exuding a strong fragrance, like a huge lotus flower flattened on the ground.

On one of the plants, the broad leaves in a certain direction have curled up like a burrito, wrapping Bligh from head to toe into a big rice dumpling.

"It's a giant piranha!" Bonnie said solemnly, "We must cut off its roots quickly, or Bligh will suffocate!"

"We really shouldn't let this kid come with us!" Odo shook his head, took a machete from his back, and walked straight to the giant piranha.

There are five giant piranhas in total, and they are surrounded in a group. If you want to cut off the one that binds Bligh, you must first kill the two next to it. I am afraid that it will not be able to save people in a short time.

"I promised his mother that he wouldn't let him die here!" Odo's expression changed, he hesitated for a while, then turned to look at Boni.

"Go ahead! We haven't seen the witch yet, so we can't just give up our companions so casually." Boni hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

What the two said made Qin Lun a little puzzled, but Odo and Bonnie's next move finally made him understand what kind of charade they were playing, and couldn't help but wry smiles. The two actually each took out a flintlock shotgun.

This kind of large-caliber shotgun is very powerful, and it is filled with steel balls. Two shots are enough to destroy the two piranhas blocking the way. He must be able to save Bligh before he suffocates, but this kind of gun is also very loud...

"Bang, bang!" Accompanied by two loud noises, the two piranhas next to it were immediately sprayed into a mess by steel balls, and all the leaves shrank back, letting out the piranha that trapped Bligh.

Looking at Odo and Bonnie who were slashing with their knives, Qin Lun sighed. Even a deaf witch could have heard such a loud gunshot. Maybe she was busy commanding magical creatures to monitor Nova and the others before, but now she will definitely notice these exorcists who have come under her nose.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Bligh wiped the piranha mucus on his face, blushing, "I was a little distracted just now!"

"The werewolf found the witch's cabin!" Boni suddenly raised his head, his eyes bursting with light, "It's about 500 meters ahead of us on the right!"