Death Notice

Chapter 49: deathmatch


This is the real combat skill of the exorcist! Qin Lun clenched his fists tightly, his pupils narrowed into pinholes, and a huge sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

When Qin Lun first arrived at Albert Castle, Boni gave him the impression that he was just an outspoken, bohemian nobleman. With his treatment of Miller and later joining the exorcist camp, the blond young man slowly showed his mature side.

Even so, Qin Lun still did not regard him as a powerful warrior. Even if Boni recovered the giant bear Ben and taught him dodge skills, Qin Lun did not change his opinion.

In his opinion, as long as Joey gets close, Bonny is no different from other undead who died under the hands of the murderer. They are also just ants, maybe... a stronger ant.

Although Qin Lun has been hearing about exorcists, witches, and evil creatures, he has never regarded them as powerful creatures beyond human limits.

And the gargoyle that died in his hands, and Bligh who fell into the piranha trap clumsily, also seemed to prove that the so-called witches and exorcists are just ordinary creatures, and their fighting power is not terrible, and they are still controllable. within range.

However, Boni's current sword shattered the barrier in Qin Lun's heart, making him realize for the first time that the exorcist might be a threat of death that even Joey couldn't fight head-on.

Judging from what he has seen and heard in the exorcist team in the past few days, Boni is only one of the strongest in the exorcist camp, not the strongest. stronger.

But Qin Lun asked himself that in a head-on contest, he couldn't beat Boni, at least he couldn't stop the sword just now. Thinking of this, Qin Lun's heart sank. Fortunately, Joey didn't lose control in Albert's Castle that night and forcibly obtained the secrets of the Albert family by force. Otherwise, he would probably be a dead man by now.

No wonder the three exorcists not only let him stay behind, but even Frank, who was quite brute, didn't have to participate in the battle. At first, Qin Lun thought he was deliberately staying to protect himself, but now it seems that they are afraid that Frank will hold him back!

After realizing this, Qin Lun fell into deep thought while watching the battle in front of him. He was thinking about how he could win in the face of the strong exorcist and the Maia witch who is good at black magic.

The murderer has an intuition that even if he does not have the force beyond the limit of human beings, he still has the ability to kill the strong exorcist and even the Maia witch, but he has not discovered it yet.

The Maya witch was subjected to Boni's death strangulation, and screamed angrily. Her body was blown into the air, but Qin Lun didn't see the blood splattered from her body. Instead, he heard a crisp sound of "bang", which was very similar to the sound of metal and wood striking each other.

The long black hair on the back of the witch's head exploded suddenly, like a peacock spreading its tail, and part of the long hair was wrapped around the staggered wound on her chest like a bandage. After she landed, she rolled several times on the ground, and a vicious gaze shot out from her soft and charming eyes.

"Ah!" The Maiya witch opened her mouth wide, the original small mouth of the cherry cracked all the way to the base of the ear, her charming and beautiful face decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surface layer of skin leaked down like lime, revealing a sheet full of white moss and cracks. ugly face.

Witches are all very old. Even after the Millennium Contract, the newly born witches who use potions are more than three hundred years old. Although they have obtained the attribute of "immortality", they cannot keep their original beautiful and charming faces. At most, they usually use black magic to cover up their real faces.

However, now that she was slashed by Boni, the Maiya witch had to mobilize all her witch power for fighting, and could no longer maintain her ugly appearance.

The scroll Odo used just now is a very common earth magic "gravity spell". Most witches can use magic to fly. If you want to defeat witches, you must first get rid of their flying advantage.

The witch stood up again. From her shoulders to her ribs on both sides, there was a big "X" shaped wound. "Death Stranding" is a very powerful sword skill, as if the witch's body was not as strong as iron wood, this blow was enough to cut her into four pieces.

The witch's black hair wrapped around the wound slowly melted into her body, the granulation sprouts on the wound wriggled like maggots, and the broken flesh healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

To kill a witch, this degree of knife wound is not enough. Witches are "undead," and there are only a few ways to actually kill them. Purification with flames is the best way, flames can destroy the witch's body and soul together.

In addition to flames, of course there are other ways, such as cutting off their heads, piercing the cores of their bodies with props containing "longevity" magic power, and so on.

"Ahahaha!" The Maya witch glanced at the battlefield, and let out a hoarse and strange laugh, like the cry of a night owl. Unable to maintain the magic of beauty, her vocal cords also returned to their damaged state. This time, she was finally exactly like the witch in Qin Lun's imagination.

After giving the witch a heavy blow, Odo and Bonnie didn't pause for a moment, and continued to charge forward. Bonnie held two swords in front of him, while Odo held a gleaming silver awl that was more than a foot long.

The interior of this pointed cone is hollow, sealing the "Holy Spring Water" blessed by the followers of the Immortals. As long as the sharp cone is inserted into the core of the witch's heart, even if the witch cannot be killed, it is enough to make her lose all her magic power and turn into an ordinary old woman dying of old age.

Boni rushed in front of the witch in an instant, raised his two swords, and half turned around to slash with a thunderbolt sword. A silver lightning bolt swept towards the witch from top to bottom like a whip.

Exorcist Fighting Sword Skill - Half Moon Slash!

"Hey!" The witch waved her wand with a strange smile, and jumped into the sky. The "gravity technique" made her unable to fly in a short time. However, it can't completely restrict her actions, at least it can turn flying into a powerful jump.

"Die!" The witch jumped into the air when a black shadow appeared in front of her. Odo, who was hiding behind Bonnie, seemed to have been waiting in the air for a long time, waiting for the witch to come to her door automatically.

In the witch's eyes, the tip of the awl gleaming with cold light became bigger and bigger. The silver awl pierced through the witch's left chest like a bamboo, and the body as hard as wood and stone was cut open like a cream cake until the tip of the silver awl pierced a hole. Nut-shaped core scattered with red awns.

"Ah!" Accompanied by the scream of the witch, the long hair at the back of her head suddenly surged, piercing into Odo's face and chest like a sharp wire.

"Puff puff puff!" The exorcist's face and upper body exploded with blood all over the sky, like a piece of dead wood falling silently from the air, with a "bang", a ball of dead leaves and dust.

"Your Excellency Otto!" Bonnie roared with his eyes red, his two swords merged into one, he twisted his body and swung his arms, using the sword as a stick to slash at the witch's back like a whirlwind, knocking her flying from the air.

Exorcist Fighting Sword Skill - Whirlwind!

Qin Lun, who was hiding in the grass in the open space, was dazzled. He was deeply moved by the tacit cooperation of the two exorcists and their bravery regardless of sacrifice. Bonnie's sword skills are very strong and brilliant, but Odo's god-level prediction is even more remarkable.

He was behind Bonny, and the seemingly simple coordination made the whole battle look like a well-arranged drama. The Maya witch, who possesses many black magics, failed to distance herself, and she displayed a few proud magic skills, and was killed on the spot!

No wonder the squad would be headed by Odo, rather than the sword-wielding Bonny Albert. Odo did have this qualification. If the situation was not unfavorable to the exorcist, I am afraid that Odo would be able to hunt and kill this Maya witch without self-sacrifice.

The witch fell from the air and fell to the ground, motionless. After Bonny knocked the witch away, he ran two steps forward and picked up Odo.

"Is the witch dead?" Odo opened his mouth, and blood gushed out of his mouth like a fountain. His upper body has been soaked in blood, his face is covered with blood holes, his eyes have been stabbed blind, and the blood holes on his chest are densely packed, like a honeycomb.

"She's already..." Bonny suppressed his grief, glanced at the direction where the witch fell, and was about to speak to confirm the news of the witch's death, but suddenly his eyes froze, he slowly put down Otto, stood up, his face was already ashen .

The witch whose core was pierced was slowly getting up from the ground, turned around, and looked at Boni with a hideous face.

"Squeak..." The witch grabbed the silver awl in front of her chest with one hand, pulled out the awl with a harsh sound, and a jet of dark green liquid rushed out.

"Clang!" The witch threw the silver awl on the ground, pressed her right hand full of sharp nails into the wound on her left chest, and dug out a broken core with a dull color.

"Hey, exorcist, you can't think of it!" The Maya witch smirked and flicked the broken core, and hooked her finger at Bonnie.

"It's impossible!" Bonnie roared angrily, holding his two swords and pounced on the witch again.

"The exorcist kid, you are too far away from me, you have been hacking for so long, it's time for me to replace you this time!" A trace of sarcasm flashed in the witch's eyes, she leaped high into the air, avoiding Boni's slash, With just a wave of the magic wand in his hand, an invisible air bomb instantly hit Bonny, blasting him far away.

"She has another core!" Otto vomited blood and tried to sit up. Although he couldn't see, the old-fashioned exorcist had already understood the current situation.

This Maiya witch is not simple. From the date of birth, the witch has only one core, which is also the source of her "immortality". A witch with two cores means she must have killed another witch. While the witch was still alive, she dug out the core of the other party, so that she could have two cores at the same time.

It should be on the right chest! Qin Lun, who was hiding behind, stared at the witch's right chest with a gloomy expression. Almost at the same time, he and Odo understood why the witch hadn't died yet.

If you don't intervene, the chance of failure of this operation is more than 90%! Qin Lun turned his head to look at the other battles in the open space, his eyes flickering slightly...