Death Notice

Chapter 53: Demons come out


"Aww!" Frank's ugly face twisted into a ball, his triangular eyes protruded, and he opened his arms, holding the witch tightly in his arms. If this posture is seen by outsiders who don't know the truth, they will definitely think that this is a couple with an ugly appearance but a sincere relationship.

"Good opportunity!" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows.

When the hunchbacked servant was mortally wounded, his first reaction was not anger and grief, but joy. The witch's physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people, but compared with Frank, the advantage is not so obvious, after all, she does not rely on strength to eat.

Now that the extremely sharp long sword in her hand was restrained by the hunchbacked servant, it was a good opportunity to kill her. Just like the fight with the gargoyle that night, the hunchbacked servant's sacrifice of his life gave Qin Lun another chance to make a comeback.

Qin Lun's eyes grew cold, and he turned his right hand, and "Sin" jumped in the palm of his hand, changing from a reverse grip to a pronated grip. With a short body, the doctor quietly appeared on the right side of the witch under the cover of Frank's huge body.

"Pfft!" The evil dagger pierced from the bottom to the top of the witch's right armpit, piercing through her right chest. What surprised Qin Lun was that the witch's body, which was as hard as wood and stone, was easier than cutting cheese in front of the evil dagger, and it didn't require much effort on his part.

"Reminder: The Killing Relic—Sin Dagger, the faction it belongs to: Chaos and Evil. Pierce the core of the witch, touch the attribute power of the same camp, activate the killing relic's ability to devour itself, and begin to plunder the physical and soul power of the current creature."

"Warning: The level of this creature exceeds the level of killing relics of ten people, and the devouring ability is resisted, and it is beginning to rob the control of the relics of killing. Please apostle weaken the physical strength of this creature as soon as possible, so as to ensure the success of swallowing the relics of killing."

"Ah!" Feeling the strength of her body and soul, rushing towards the foreign object that pierced her core like a tide, the witch was heartbroken, let out a high-pitched scream, and with a struggle of her arms, she finally broke free from the hug of the hunchbacked servant.

It's just that the long sword in her hand couldn't be pulled out from Frank's hunchback, as if it was firmly attached to the bones of the hunchback. The witch was frightened and angry, and a blood-red light suddenly flashed across her body, directly knocking the hunchbacked servant away.

"Bang!" The knight's long sword was broken from the middle, and most of it remained on Frank's body. There was still a broken blade less than ten centimeters connected to the hilt, changing from a long sword to a somewhat weird dagger.

The witch twisted her body and swung her sword. At the same time, her long hair swelled, and she attacked Qin Lun like countless spikes, just like how she hit Odo badly at the beginning.

Qin Lun narrowed his eyes, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, he just shrunk his abdomen and chest slightly, avoiding the stabbing of the long sword and dagger, but turned a blind eye to the countless spike-like long hair. At the same time, with force in his hand, he twisted the sinful dagger.

"Hey!" A jet of dark green blood gushed out from the wound on the witch's right rib, spraying Qin Lun all over his head and face.

Facts proved that Qin Lun's judgment was correct, and most of the means used by the witch in panic had no effect on him.

That blood-red ray of light could send Frank flying, but it was ineffective against Qin Lun. The spike-like long hair hung down limply as soon as it touched the white glow on his body surface.

"Crack!" When the long sword that was broken into a dagger slashed across his chest with a slight difference, a slight metal impact caught Qin Lun's attention. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a yellow flat object that was broken from his own body. He fell out of his coat pocket and fell to pieces on the ground.

"Hey, this is..." Qin Lun just glanced out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but look down. All his attention seemed to be attracted by this torn apart flat object, as if he saw the most incredible and most inconceivable object in the world. Wonderful stuff, even forgetting the Maia witch beside her.

"...Frank really has no money, so prepare a coffin for you!"

In the dead forest cemetery, a ragged, seriously ill hunchbacked man was hunched over, shivering in the cold night wind, digging the grave for his young master one spade at a time.

"Master's pocket watch... I pawned it off!"

The guilty ugly servant secretly glanced at the master's tombstone, answering the master's questions with shame.

"I redeemed it with the money the young master gave me..."

The hunchbacked servant handed an old brass pocket watch to the master.

"Master, run!"

Even if you have already begun to doubt, are you still betting your life on the last possibility

Qin Lun lowered his head, his bangs drooped in front of his forehead, and it seemed that there was a hotness rising slowly in his body.

The witch was overjoyed by the enemy's inexplicable pause. She turned over with all her strength and stabbed the dagger hard into the exorcist's right chest. The young man was on her right side, the broken long sword could not directly attack the left chest heart, the right lung was her best attack site.

Qin Lun's body trembled slightly, as if recovering from the pain, a cold, brutal and terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.

"Die!" An inexplicable fear covered the witch's heart, she raised her arm and grabbed the exorcist's facial features.

Qin Lun let go of the evil dagger, allowing it to stab the witch's right chest, and raised his right palm to block in front of the witch's claws.

"Pfft!" The witch's sharp nails pierced Qin Lun's palm, going in from the front and exiting from the back, like a sharp knife piercing into a steak, and blood dripped from the front of the nail.

"You gave me a whole new experience!"

Qin Lun clenched his pierced palm tightly, firmly grasped the witch's claws, slowly raised his head, and pulled her to him. The two chests were pressed together, face to face, the murderer's blood-red pupils exuded a cold and cruel light, staring fixedly at the witch's emerald green eyes.

"But I don't like this feeling!" The murderer opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of white teeth gleaming with cold light, "Crack!", biting the witch's hooked nose, and began to gnaw frantically.

"Ah..." the witch screamed miserably, and the blood-colored pupils close at hand exuded endless madness and nightmares. With the sound of chewing coming from her ears, these blood-colored pupils seemed to be still jokingly observing her expression.

The witch shivered involuntarily, and the fear deep in her heart swarmed out uncontrollably. As if feeling the cowardice of the witch, the sinful dagger that pierced into her right chest suddenly increased its devouring force. For a moment, she felt paralyzed all over her body, unable to move.

"Hey!" Qin Lun pulled out the witch's claw from his right palm, squeezed his fist and slammed on the witch's armpit, dislocating her arm with a few punches. Only when the witch's arms were hanging down limply did she stop.

"Bah, your meat stinks!" Qin Lun spat out the dregs in his mouth, and elegantly took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Qin Lun pressed the hilt of the broken sword with a silk handkerchief, and pulled out the broken sword one inch at a time with no expression on his face. Looking at Sipa, who was quickly stained red with blood, he flipped his right hand, held the broken sword upside down, and plunged into the base of the witch's thigh...

"Those medical knowledge made me feel useful for the first time, not just to pass the time!" Seeing the twitching witch who was paralyzed and unable to move, Qin Lun had an evil smile on his face, blood in his eyes The light slowly faded away.

"Reminder: The creature's willpower and physical strength have declined, and it has already fallen below the upper limit of devouring. The sinful dagger has the initiative to devour, and it will take 12 minutes and 36 seconds to completely devour the target's vitality and accompanying souls!"

"Enjoy it, I will come back to continue this game later!" Qin Lun showed a gentle smile, gently stroking the ugly and withered face of the witch, as if staring at a deeply loved lover.

Turning around, Qin Lun put away the smile on his face, picked up the fragments of the brass pocket watch with flickering eyes, and walked towards the dying servant in the distance.

"Frank, Frank!" Qin Lun sat on the ground, and gently helped the hunchbacked servant to lean on him.

"Master Wellington..." The hunchbacked servant turned pale, slowly opened his triangular eyes, and looked at Qin Lun with a trace of relief in his eyes.

"You should already know, I'm not Wei..." Qin Lun was silent for a moment, and then said softly.

"No, you are, you are! It's just that the young master has become braver, and old Frank can't recognize it anymore! Ahem!" The hunchbacked servant interrupted Qin Lun abruptly, and retorted tenaciously, but his eyes dimmed even more.

"Frank is right, from now on I will be your young master Wellington Stan!" Qin Lun said with a smile, "We will revive the Stan family together! I remember Frank, you don't have a surname yet, right? I will use the Stan family from now on." last name, Frank Stein!"

"Frank Stein? Frank likes this name, vomit!" The hunchbacked servant had blood pouring out of his mouth, "But Frank is tired, and he can't be with the young master anymore!"

"Hehe, I won't let you die. Without the young master's permission, you have to support me no matter how tired you are!" Qin Lun's eyes flashed coldly, he took out a small thumb bottle from his bosom, and poured the last drop of "World Tree Flower Dew" " into the mouth of the hunchbacked servant.

"Master, you are too wasteful, you can't save Frank this time!" The hunchbacked servant looked at the Broken Blade on his chest, with a wry smile on his ugly face.

He was pierced by the knight's long sword, and he felt that his heart seemed to be damaged. It is a miracle that he can survive until now. This body is completely hopeless.

"I will definitely save you, as long as you give the young master some time!" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, he took out the fragment of the brass pocket watch from his pocket, and stuffed it into Frank's big hand, "The young master's heirloom will be handed over to you for safekeeping first, You have to last until I come back, and then give it back to me!"

"Master! This..." The world tree flower dew gradually took effect, and the spirit of the hunchbacked servant improved a lot. However, Qin Lun knew that this was just a stopgap measure, at most delaying Frank's death, without changing anything.

Qin Lun flattened Frank's body, stood up, and walked towards the witch again.

"I'm back, dear baby! Uncle Joey would like to thank you, if it weren't for you, how could he be so generous to let me out twice a day! In return, Uncle Joey will let you know why people call me ' Dissecter'!"

After being liberated again, Joey's eyes lit up strangely, he stuck out his tongue excitedly, licked his lips, bent down and grabbed the witch's ankle, and dragged her towards the woods.

"No..." The witch wriggled her body in horror and struggled, but she was already weak and dying under the evil dagger, and her limbs were paralyzed, so she was powerless to resist Joey.

"Hush..." Joey's happy whistle sounded from the forest.