Death Notice

Chapter 56: meet


"Cuckoo, Xun, ouch..." In a dark forest, there were all kinds of weird insects and beasts howling from time to time, making Qin Lun full of worry.

If he had a choice, Qin Lun really didn't want to rush on such a dark night. The time when Odo's team found the witch's hut and fought with it happened to be in the evening. By the time Qin Lun killed the witch and embarked on the return journey, the sky was completely dark.

Qin Lun put torches on the four corners of the carriage, but there were many obstacles in the forest, and the torches could only illuminate a short distance of more than ten meters ahead. The doctor sends a flare into the night sky at regular intervals, both for illumination and to deter predators in the dark.

He learned from the Maya witch that the witch had passed the information that a large number of exorcists had entered the Maya forest to the Maya witch base camp a day ago. Counting it, the Maya Witch's backup is likely to reach the outskirts of the forest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This time, the exorcist team really must evacuate from the Maya Forest immediately.

Through the simple contact of the signal flare, Qin Lun learned that the exorcist brigade that Ms. Nova was in had defeated those evil creatures, and now they were rushing to the original camp overnight to wait for the rendezvous.

It took Qin Lun and the others about half a day from leaving the camp to finding the witch's hut. Although the return trip was faster, it was late at night and the surroundings were dark, so he dared not go full speed. It would take at least 5 hours to get back to the camp.

Perhaps it was the battle between the Maya witch and the exorcist in this area in the past two days that frightened the predators in the forest. Until Qin Lun saw the bonfire at the campsite, the carriage was not attacked by forest predators.

In the middle of the night, this group of exorcists, who had paid a huge sacrifice, finally climbed up the treetops at the first ray of dawn, and were very lucky to meet up with other companions.

"Doctor Stan, you are finally back!"

The sound of the carriage's bones and bones awakened the exorcists in the camp. The exorcists, headed by Ms. Nova and the bearded man named Maier, walked out of the camp and greeted the carriage.

"Where are the others?" Seeing that there was only one Qin Lun on the carriage who was still upright, the exorcists who surrounded him fell silent.

"Bonny is at the back. He was seriously injured and is still in a coma. As for the others... they are also behind!" Qin Lun jumped out of the carriage with a pale face, suddenly feeling dizzy, he couldn't help shaking his body, and helped Stay on the shaft.

Although Qin Lun has survived until now, compared with Boni who was in a coma after being poisoned, his injuries were more serious. The right chest was pierced by a sharp sword, blood accumulated in the lungs, the shoulder bone was shattered by a troll, and one palm was pierced by a witch's nail.

If it wasn't for Law's body's slow self-healing ability, Qin Lun used self-hypnosis to forcibly avoid the effects of pain. If you change to someone else, you won't be able to come back at all.

"Help him into the tent and find the lay healer!"

After seeing Qin Lun's appearance at a close distance, even Ms. Nova was taken aback, and hurriedly called the Holy Light Healer in the exorcist team.

"No, I can hold on! Treat Boni first, he has been poisoned by the undead poison, if you delay, he will probably turn into a zombie!" Qin Lun shook his head, as if he wanted to give up the dizziness in his head. throw out.

The doctor raised his head and said with a serious expression: "Ms. Nova, Your Excellency Maier, the situation is very serious! Please call everyone immediately. Before I lie down and rest, I must first inform everyone of the information I have received!"

Nova and Maier looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

"Alright, let's listen to the information while dealing with your injury!"

"Doctor Stan, please drink this first!" An exorcist smiled and supported Qin Lun, and handed him a tube of golden potion.

"Reminder: No. 70053 apostle, the body of the law is nourished by unknown potions, the self-healing recovery speed is increased by 500%, and the physical fitness is permanently improved. The body data converted into the death list is that the blood volume increases by 15 points, and the energy value increases by 15 points. Physical attributes that have not been digitized cannot be displayed!"

There are only three attributes of the law body that are digitized by the death list, life soul, blood volume and mana. The initial attributes of the three are all 100 points. After Qin Lun got the first summoning skill, the mana became the energy value.

Blood volume and energy increased by 15 points at the same time, which is already a considerable improvement. Coupled with other physical qualities that have not been digitized by the death list, this potion can be called a treasure.

Qin Lun only felt a hot current rising from his lower abdomen, his whole body was warm, and his spirit couldn't help being lifted, and he looked at the golden potion in his hand in surprise. Since he entered this world, it's not that he hasn't tried to use Wellington's medicines to improve his physical fitness, but there has never been any response in the death list.

He had already given up, thinking that apart from the exchange items given by Broken Starry Sky, precious medicines from other worlds would not have any effect on the body of the law. It now looks like it's just that he hasn't been exposed to more cherished drugs.

"This is..." Qin Lun turned to look at the lay healer in the exorcist team.

"This is the potion of longevity that the exorcist organization imitated the believers of the ancient immortals. It is also called the holy spirit potion." The exorcist lay healer replied with a smile, "Anyone who takes this potion for the first time will have a great improvement in physical fitness. Improvement, you will have a certain resistance if you take it in the future. It is also a healing product, but the ingredients are too precious to be prepared, and it takes a lot of mission points to get it!"

"You are so generous!" Qin Lun said respectfully with a flash of his eyes.

"Hehe, don't thank me! Our lay healers are very poor in combat effectiveness, and it is our duty to save our exorcist companions. Depending on the importance of the task, the exorcist organization will take the initiative to distribute medicine to us." Exorcist lay on the healer The teacher shook his head and smiled, "Actually, there are not many places where holy light and exorcist potions can be used in missions. On the contrary, Dr. Stan's medical skills can save the lives of more companions."

"But medical skills also have limitations, and they can't do anything for certain injuries!" Qin Lun shrugged helplessly, narrowing his eyes slightly, "After this incident is resolved, I must go to the headquarters of the exorcist to exchange some holy spirit potions. Let's see if we can use modern medical knowledge to analyze the ingredients of the medicine and prepare a substitute with ordinary materials."

"Oh? If we can develop a substitute for the Lay Healer Potion, as long as the curative effect reaches one-third of the original, it should be able to save the lives of a large number of exorcists!" The Lay Healer's eyes lit up, hesitating for a moment, and then from He took out a tube of golden potion from his arms again, gritted his teeth and handed it to Qin Lun.

"Doctor Stan, I believe in your medical skills. It's just that the exchange of the holy spirit potion requires not only points, but also the level of the exorcist. With your current level of exorcist, I'm afraid you won't be able to get the holy spirit potion for research for a long time. The potion is my personal funding for your research, if you have any results, please sell me some substitutes for the Holy Spirit potion at a low price."

"This... well, I really can't refuse you!" Qin Lun sighed, took the potion lightly, and put it in his arms, "You are so generous!"

"Hehe, I said before, don't thank me, this is also for all the fellow exorcists who are fighting against evil creatures!" The lay healer said with a smile, "Let's go, enter the tent, and I'll treat your wounds again!"

Bending down to enter the big tent in the center of the camp, Qin Lun stripped off his tattered coat, and received treatment from the lay healer with his upper body naked.

Ms. Nova and the other exorcists quickly disposed of the corpses of their companions on the carriage, and entered the tent one after another.

"Ms. Nova, are all the companions here?" With the help of the bright lights in the tent, Qin Lun scanned around and immediately knew what to expect. He found that all the exorcists were seriously injured, but compared with when they parted, there were not a few fewer people. It seemed that the battle here was safe and sound, and it was much easier than Odo's team.

"Well, our judgment is correct. There is only one witch commanding the evil creatures. Not long after we parted from you, the evil creatures following the large army seem to have lost their unified command and were quickly defeated by us." The bearded Maier smiled. Said.

Although in the previous meeting, he had disagreements with everyone, but now there is no grievance, after all, everyone's ultimate goal is the same.

"Doctor Stan, what did you encounter in the witch's hut? Could it be that there are many evil creatures over there? Have you successfully killed the Maya witch?" Ms. Nova asked with a heavy face.

"Well, the process of fighting the witch is very difficult. But compared with the simple battle, the information I saw..." Qin Lun slowly exhaled, took out the witch's note from his arms, and put it on the square table of the tent.

Qin Lun narrated the battle with the witch in an orderly manner. Compared with the fierce battle, when the exorcist circulated the witch's notes and saw the two pieces of information marked by Qin Lun, there was a dead silence in the tent. .

"This notebook...could it be false information specially fabricated by Witch Maya?" After a long time, an exorcist asked with difficulty.

"This is impossible. One of these two pieces of information is more than ten years ago, and the other is more than a year ago!" Ms. Nova closed her eyes gently, and said bitterly, "And from the notes, the Maya witch doesn't pay much attention to it." These two pieces of information. In fact, apart from the humans in the small town of Odia, the witches who have never stepped out of the forest in person cannot get the connection in the information, and the magic creatures with simple intelligence cannot pass this kind of information!"

"We have to report to the exorcist headquarters. The Albert family is the leader of the exorcists in the Odia region. We can't make a decision on our own with a witch's notebook!" Another young exorcist said in a deep voice.

"It's too late. According to Dr. Stan's judgment, the epidemic will break out in the next few days, and tens of thousands of humans in the Odia area are facing life-threatening danger!" Maier stood up with a livid face, "We must return immediately Albert Castle, confirm the information in the notes. If Baron Albert cannot give a reasonable explanation, even if we are removed from the organization in the future, we must save Odia."