Death Notice

Chapter 63: riot


"Thomas!" Nova exclaimed loudly, throwing herself at the shattered French window.

The exorcists came to the window in a few steps, and saw that Baron Albert fell extremely fast, and fell to the middle of the main castle in just a few seconds. At this time, a pure black chain shot out from the baron's sleeve, almost hooking the window of a certain room in the main castle.

The baron echoed in the air, and the crisp sound of glass breaking came from below, and his figure quickly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Why did you run away, father, don't you know that you will never be able to explain after running away?" Boni murmured to himself somewhat distraught.

"Hey, let's go down too!" Maier glanced at Boni with a complicated expression.

With Boni here, the Albert family still has a chance to revive, but its reputation will still be greatly affected, at least it is impossible to become the leader of the Odia Exorcist.

All the exorcists looked at each other with embarrassing expressions. So many of them didn't leave Thomas Albert in the judgment hall. Now Thomas fled to the lower level. Based on his knowledge of the castle, he would probably leave the castle in a few minutes and flee into the forest on the hillside opposite the castle.

It was dark now, and most of the exorcists had injuries, so they could no longer conduct a large-scale search. By dawn, Baron Albert might have disappeared long ago.

"Your Excellency the Baron will not succeed!" Qin Lun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking into the distance, and said calmly, "Look at the mountain road opposite the castle!"

Albert Castle is located on a cliff, and the slope of the opposite hillside is much gentler. There is a winding dirt road, and the two cliffs are only connected by the Albert Castle Stone Bridge.

At this time, there is a fire dragon going up the mountain on the mountain road connecting the stone bridge. This fire dragon is extremely eye-catching. If the exorcist's attention was not on Baron Albert, he might have noticed it long ago. As soon as Qin Lun reminded him, he immediately discovered this abnormal situation.

"Where did this team come from? It looks like there are hundreds of people!" Maier opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Although the cliff where the castle is located is as high as one or two hundred meters, in fact, apart from the relatively steep terrain, it can only be regarded as a hillside. The fire dragon encircling the mountain road below spread almost from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It seemed to be all over the mountain, and there might be more than a few hundred people.

More than 300 years ago, the first Baron Albert built Albert Castle here because of the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain. At the beginning of its construction, Albert Castle existed as a military fortress against Maya witches.

If the Maia witches want to invade the human settlements of Odia, they cannot bypass Castle Albert. If you want to attack the castle, you can only go through the mountain road and stone bridge. If you don't attack the castle, you may be cut off from the back, which can be described as a dilemma.

It's just that with the passage of time, the Mayan witches lost the ability to attack humans on a large scale. Albert Castle has just changed from a military fortress in the Odia region to a private castle of the Albert family.

"The principality's army probably won't come here, and it's not so fast. I'm afraid they are all townspeople from several nearby towns!" Nova's face was serious, she frowned slightly, and turned her head to look at Qin Lun suspiciously, "Doctor Stan , Did you make any arrangements?"

Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and Ms. Nova's keen intuition surprised him a little. However, he did not intend to hide these exorcists, anyway, they will soon learn the inside story.

"Yes, when Lay Healer Totti returned to town, I gave him a suggestion to spread the news that Albert Castle may be the source of the epidemic!" Qin Lun nodded slowly and readily admitted "However, Totti's lay healer rejected this suggestion at the time. It seems that it should be the unexpected situation in Hansen Town that made him change his mind!"

"How could you do this? Don't you know that the situation in the Odia region is already the same as a powder keg? These townspeople will turn Albert Castle into ashes!" Ms. Nova opened her eyes angrily, and looked at Qin Lun roared.

"If it wasn't for my proposal, I'm afraid that Thomas Albert would have fled into the woods now!" Qin Lun said coldly, "If it wasn't for luck, you wouldn't want to turn against Baron Albert. How could the nine exorcists let him escape from under their noses?"

"You are sophistry. We only suspected Thomas at that time, and there was no conclusive evidence to prove that he was related to the epidemic!" Ms. Nova finally lost her composure and shouted angrily, "And you made such a move from the beginning. Irreversible arrangement, what if you are wrong?"

The expression on Qin Lun's face suddenly became weird, and the tone of his mouth became more and more calm. He turned his back and said lightly: "If I am wrong, I will lose at most one Wellington Stan. No more than a dozen lives. If you are wrong, Ms. Nova, do you know how many lives will be lost in the Odia region?"

"I..." Nova froze in place, her face lost all blood in an instant.

"Ms. Nova, did you become an exorcist to protect the Albert family, or to protect the tens of thousands of civilians in the Odia region? If you can't even tell the difference, why are you an exorcist?"

Qin Lun's icy words were as plain as before, but Nova felt as if she had been hit hard, and there was an unbearable colic in her heart, and she stood frozen in place like a stone statue.

"Let's go, let's go find Baron Albert!" After Qin Lun finished speaking, he turned around and walked through the crowd towards the lower level of the main castle.

Behind him, three younger exorcists followed immediately, and two older exorcists looked at Nova, sighed and then left. Only Nova, Maier and Bonnie were left in place.

"Nova, that kid Wellington said too much, don't take it to heart!" Maier frowned and asked with concern.

"Pfft!" Nova, who was standing still, spewed out a bloody arrow, and her burly body bent down at a speed visible to the naked eye. Originally full of flesh, but the youthful face seemed to have aged suddenly, he just shook his head and smiled wryly.

"In this matter, he is right. My feelings for Thomas have indeed affected my reason." Ms. Nova closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "But... Maier, don't you think Dr. Stan is too Have you been ruthless?"

"Well, I feel it. Although this kid has great righteousness, he may not be selfless. He should have his own purpose. After this incident, the exorcists in the Odia area may reshuffle the cards. In any case, he cannot be a Regional leaders." Meyer said cautiously, "Bonny, you have been with him the longest, what do you think?"

"Until the suspicion of the Albert family is cleared, I don't want to express any opinions!" Boni said expressionlessly, but a trace of confusion flashed deep in his eyes.

The blond young man is not an idiot. In fact, he also had doubts about Qin Lun during the Witch War. Although he couldn't see the final result of the witch's battle, the doctor had already performed well in the battle with the two evil creatures before that.

Now that Qin Lun has the ability to fight against evil creatures and witches, it doesn't seem so reasonable to hide and watch Odo die before then. Of course, Boni can't blame Qin Lun for this, after all, his profession is a doctor, not a combatant.

"Let's go down and meet Thomas. I have a feeling that there will be many 'surprises' tonight." Maier said with a wry smile.

Qin Lun walked quickly between the corridors of the castle, followed by three exorcists, and the other two kept a certain distance, following behind at a leisurely pace. The doctor didn't know his previous performance, which aroused the fear of Nova and other three senior exorcists.

However, even if he knew, Qin Lun didn't care. He didn't really want to seize the leadership position of Odia's Exorcist.

Qin Lun could have been perfunctory when Nova questioned him, apologized to a senior exorcist and wouldn't lose any hair, and could continue to hide behind Nova, Maier and the others without having to come out on his own. At this critical juncture, he suddenly showed a strong side, confronting Nova tit for tat, and he had a certain intention.

The arrival of more than a thousand townspeople has blocked Baron Albert's escape route. Unless he can fly, and fly into the Maia Forest, there is no way out. It is estimated that all the secrets of the Albert family will be revealed tonight, and Qin Lun's mission will also usher in the final settlement.

However, the closer to the end, Qin Lun became more careful. These thousands of townspeople should be organized, and there may be many roles like Totti's holy healer, the mayor of the town, the sheriff, and so on. If the nine exorcists headed by Nova and Maier unite and use their influence on these organizers, it is still possible to quell the turmoil.

If Albert Castle hadn't been cleaned up, and if Baron Albert refused to speak, the secrets of the Albert family might not be revealed. If Nova, Maier and the others cared about their friendship and waited for orders from the exorcist headquarters under excuses, Qin Lun might have waited for the day lily to cool and failed to complete the task.

Therefore, Qin Lun decided to split the nine exorcists and prevent them from continuing to unite.

He's been doing pretty well so far, from reconnaissance missions to discovering the purpose of the evil creatures, to pointing everyone out that the witch's hut is just around the corner. Help all the exorcists heal their wounds and kill the witch with your own hands. Until now, the suspicion of Baron Albert was confirmed, and arrangements were made in advance to block the baron's escape route.

Although this kind of ruthlessness made Nova and Maier feel a lot of doubts, it inevitably left the impression of being decisive and witty to other exorcists. Some people are not pleasing to the eye, but there are also people who appreciate it.

When he attacks and belittles a senior exorcist like Ms. Nova, he will naturally increase his prestige and attract several exorcists who appreciate him. The three young exorcists following him now are the result of his strong performance just now. Unlike Nova and Maier, these three exorcists are still young, and they don't have such a deep friendship with Baron Albert.

With the help of these three exorcists, plus two other neutral exorcists, the nine exorcists were finally completely divided, and they no longer had the power to stop the ensuing town riots.